Apple isn't doomed because it didn't release new Macs and iPads at WWDC



  • Reply 21 of 127
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    Folio said:
    And McDonald gross margin? 48 percent. Yet seldom hear complaints about Big Mac prices. Yes, the flagship iPhone may pinch the purse but there’s loads of cheaper models. What’s the five year cost for the 5s? Almost like a Happy Meal, so to speak.
    A $5 Big Mac is in no way comparable to a $1000 iPhone. One is a consumable, the other is a durable electronic good. One is priced at the cheapest possible price point, the other is very, very clearly not.
    avon b7pscooter63Alex1N
  • Reply 22 of 127
    Hopefully we won't have to wait long for the new Hardware.  I wonder if Apple will hold a hardware event in July, in time for the back-to-school shopping season?  Or will they wait until October hoping they can unload all the 2017 models?  My 13" 2015 MacBook Pro is still going strong... and the 2016 & 2017 models were still just dual-core machines...  I won't upgrade until there is a quad-core 13" MacBook Pro.  Intel is making the CPU ... Apple must be close now...
  • Reply 23 of 127
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member
    cropr said:
    • Nothing was announced about the evolution of Swift.  Given that WWDC is targeted at developers, this is worrying.
    Swift evolution was covered on Tuesday morning in a session mysteriously called "What's New in Swift". You can watch it here:
    I was just about to post the same link since I watched that session earlier in the week.  Swift is getting very close to being bundled with the OS, rather than in every app.  If that's not some of the biggest news about the evolution of Swift, I don't know what is.
  • Reply 24 of 127
    IreneWIreneW Posts: 306member
    AI, that was the best wrap-up I've read so far.  Congrats.
    Agreed. That was a good summary. Next year I need to try to get there myself!
  • Reply 25 of 127
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,669member
    I kind of think that the software-only focus of this year's WWDC and the number of "Finally!" responses to the software that was demonstrated shows an increased level of commitment to a critical component of their integrated product strategy that's suffered too many black eyes over the past couple of release cycles. Analysts and geeks get all amped up whenever something "new" is announced but too often some of the key pieces or promises of the "new" don't show up for weeks, months, or worse. But hey, it's only software and software is infinitely morphable and will be ready "any day now." Right.

    I have little doubt that Apple can finish the hardware projects they start. Otherwise it never gets shown. My confidence in their software, ... it's just not at the same level as their hardware and demoware can mask reality. Whether it's hardware or software, what matters more is the number of projects that they finish and not the number of projects they start. What we saw at this year's WWDC is that Apple can finish software projects. It's not perfect and it's not one hundred percent, but they showed genuine progress towards finishing and delivering on promises, hopes, and wishes from actual users, which is exactly what Apple critically needed to show at this point in time.

    The hardware surprises are sure to come later in the year, which is good. But we really don't need the kind of software surprises that have plagued the industry in general and Apple to some degree over the last few years. This may be boring to some, and it ain't good, it's great. 
  • Reply 26 of 127
    nunzynunzy Posts: 662member
    sfolax said:
    Since Apple makes most of its money from the iPhone and iPad it doesn't matter what they do to the Mac lineups.
    Apple makes a lot more money from Macintosh then they do from iPad.
  • Reply 27 of 127
    Even the title of this piece made me laugh at the ridiculousness of AI. I haven't seen any press stories that Apple is doomed. That's just one of those fake news approaches which does nothing to create a productive dialog.

    What I have seen is lots of press stories and user comments with concerns and intense frustration (from customers) that Apple's approach to hardware is plain wrong. We're in June and there has been no Mac hardware introductions this year and now it looks like we will wait until September / October until the next event for this to happen. At the same time the Mac Mini hasn't had an update for 4 years and the Mac Pro refresh is still a long way off. How can this be a good thing? There is no regular update cycle going on here to keep Apple's customers competitive with other platforms but a schedule driven around another set of priorities. 

    Has Intel been slow to introduce new chips... yes. Have Apple been even slower at introducing new computers..... yes! Gen 8 Intel chips are out and have been since October of last year and we haven't seen any iMac or laptop updates. My teenage son finds it hysterical that I would even think that Macs are competitive in the market for computers nowadays, given the 6 core mobile chip in his laptop. This is in essence Apple's problem. They believe their own marketing but less and less people, including the next generation of customers do.
  • Reply 28 of 127
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    Even the title of this piece made me laugh at the ridiculousness of AI. I haven't seen any press stories that Apple is doomed. That's just one of those fake news approaches which does nothing to create a productive dialog.

    What I have seen is lots of press stories and user comments with concerns and intense frustration (from customers) that Apple's approach to hardware is plain wrong. We're in June and there has been no Mac hardware introductions this year and now it looks like we will wait until September / October until the next event for this to happen. At the same time the Mac Mini hasn't had an update for 4 years and the Mac Pro refresh is still a long way off. How can this be a good thing? There is no regular update cycle going on here to keep Apple's customers competitive with other platforms but a schedule driven around another set of priorities. 

    Has Intel been slow to introduce new chips... yes. Have Apple been even slower at introducing new computers..... yes! Gen 8 Intel chips are out and have been since October of last year and we haven't seen any iMac or laptop updates. My teenage son finds it hysterical that I would even think that Macs are competitive in the market for computers nowadays, given the 6 core mobile chip in his laptop. This is in essence Apple's problem. They believe their own marketing but less and less people, including the next generation of customers do.
    You are by all means welcome to disagree, but your argument is weakened by the opening attack. Accusations of "fake news" because you don't like an opinion doesn't serve presenting your own.

    We spoke about the Mac mini, and the Mac Pro, in this very piece. We've also spoken about them well before the WWDC.

    Hit Twitter, hit Reddit, hit this forum and others. It won't take you long to find the prediction of doom. You also don't get the emails, and social media commentary we do. 
    edited June 2018 wooliemacxpressfastasleepAlex1N
  • Reply 29 of 127
    wooliewoolie Posts: 34member
    Totally agree with Bubblefree...   Apple's total lack of real hardware updates the last few years is flat terrible...  I own 8 Apple products & all of them barely work because Apple's buggy software updates has rushed their demise...  I get the spinning ball on the calendar almost daily, how insane is that...  Photo crashes many times daily & if you play a game on Apple you are totally screwed...   One recent update for the iMac, totally killed it, a simple Excel spreadsheet wouldn't work, so I had to nearly double my RAM to bring it back to life...  Things like AirPrint have quit working long ago, even on my iPhone X...  Apple's software can't barely keep a bluetooth connected for more than 24 hours before you have to shut it down & start over... Which brings me to Apple's hardware which is totally obsolete & it is criminal that they sell to the unsuspecting newbies as new...  Why Apple is into producing tv programs, making cars & Apple watches that don't work (I had 2 of them)... They need to get back to basics...   The trolls on this site as far I am concerned are those who keep saying how awesome Apple is when daily spinning balls keep crashing everything...   AI needs objective administrators...

  • Reply 30 of 127
    You are by all means welcome to disagree, but your argument is weakened by the opening attack. Accusations of "fake news" because you don't like an opinion doesn't serve presenting your own.

    We spoke about the Mac mini, and the Mac Pro, in this very piece. We've also spoken about them well before the WWDC.

    Hit Twitter, hit Reddit, hit this forum and others. It won't take you long to find the prediction of doom. You also don't get the emails, and social media commentary we do. 
    Hi Mike, Thanks but i don't follow those feeds of information. I was referring to general news stories and what I had seen on different boards. From those I haven't got the impression that people are concerned about Apple imploding through a lack of hardware introductions, simply that they are doing their customers a disservice by slowing down the release cycles where they are uncompetitive with PC brands and others. You certainly get a much broader access to that kind of information.

    However irrelevant which view is right the reality that Apple have had no introduction of Mac hardware this year or that they have failed to provide a proper update cycle for certain products (Mac Mini and MacPro) cannot be in dispute. This is the main issue. For a company that has the resources Apple has, how difficult would it have been to put a 6th, 7th or 8th Gen Intel chip in a Mac Mini and introduce it into the market? The answer is they could have done it in a heart beat if they wanted to. Why they haven't is another matter.

    A better strategy for them with the Mac would have been to keep the whole line current with regular but interspersed updates to refresh things while continuing to focus on delivering excellent iPhones. This is an ecosystem and keeping the Mac line current would be the obvious defensive strategy to a sector that was under general market pressure from mobile disruption. Without doing that they are beginning to harm their brand of being the "premium" choice.
  • Reply 31 of 127
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I really cant agree with this article, the lack of hardware at WWDC was a major blunder as far as im concerned.  Will it doom Apple?   Probably not but it will cause more customers to look else where for hardware.  

    The problem is this, there is no rational justification for not having a new Mini to offer up.   Suitable hardware has existed for years now.    Considering that the last update 4 years ago was marginal one can only feel that Apple is giving the desktop customer base the finger.   Frankly i dont care if they have some super ARM based Mac Mini just waiting to debut.  While i would love such an ARM based Mac the fact is an up to date Intel based Mac would last a long time.     However the Mini is just one nide in a long suffering. Mac lineup where they seem to be hell bent on building machines nobody wants.   Any Mac announcement at WWDC would have put the company in a better light.  

    We then have another issue which is the fact that this years coming OS releases are focused on performance and stability.   That focus is a good thing dont get me wrong there, the problem is the lack of any really new tech made for a boring WWDC keynote.  Whole keynote could have been condensed down to 30-40 minutes.  A hardware reveal, even new iPads, would have done much to remove the tedious cruft from the keynote.    Instead we got far to much time devoted to features for kids.  

    Speaking of iPads and even laptops Apple should realize that there is a huge interest in WWDC from college kids.   Considering that the back to school buying season is about to start, WWDC is a perfect time to debut such hardware.  

    Maybe most of the people in this forum dont care but i got so frustrated with Apples treatement of Mac owners and a bigger screws up with a repair that i went out and bought an HP with the intent to give Linux a roll to see if it can effectively replace a Mac for my usage.   Frankly i spent far less money than i would have with an Apple baseed device and gained a significantly better processor and i know this is shocking but i also got USB ports that i use.   Contraste this with Mac Book Airs or even the 13" MBP which could have filled the slot.  MBA's are so outdated that they are a ripoff at the price they are marketted at.  MBP's got the Apple treatment and thus dropped out of consideration.  

    Dooomed maybe not but with their current attitude the Mac lineup is certainly suffering.  The lack of updates at WWDC just rubs salt into wounds that a customer base shouldnt have to suffer through.  
  • Reply 32 of 127
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,913member
    wizard69 said:
    I really cant agree with this article, the lack of hardware at WWDC was a major blunder as far as im concerned.  Will it doom Apple?   Probably not but it will cause more customers to look else where for hardware.  

    The problem is this, there is no rational justification for not having a new Mini to offer up.   Suitable hardware has existed for years now.    Considering that the last update 4 years ago was marginal one can only feel that Apple is giving the desktop customer base the finger.   Frankly i dont care if they have some super ARM based Mac Mini just waiting to debut.  While i would love such an ARM based Mac the fact is an up to date Intel based Mac would last a long time.     However the Mini is just one nide in a long suffering. Mac lineup where they seem to be hell bent on building machines nobody wants.   Any Mac announcement at WWDC would have put the company in a better light.  

    We then have another issue which is the fact that this years coming OS releases are focused on performance and stability.   That focus is a good thing dont get me wrong there, the problem is the lack of any really new tech made for a boring WWDC keynote.  Whole keynote could have been condensed down to 30-40 minutes.  A hardware reveal, even new iPads, would have done much to remove the tedious cruft from the keynote.    Instead we got far to much time devoted to features for kids.  

    Speaking of iPads and even laptops Apple should realize that there is a huge interest in WWDC from college kids.   Considering that the back to school buying season is about to start, WWDC is a perfect time to debut such hardware.  

    Maybe most of the people in this forum dont care but i got so frustrated with Apples treatement of Mac owners and a bigger screws up with a repair that i went out and bought an HP with the intent to give Linux a roll to see if it can effectively replace a Mac for my usage.   Frankly i spent far less money than i would have with an Apple baseed device and gained a significantly better processor and i know this is shocking but i also got USB ports that i use.   Contraste this with Mac Book Airs or even the 13" MBP which could have filled the slot.  MBA's are so outdated that they are a ripoff at the price they are marketted at.  MBP's got the Apple treatment and thus dropped out of consideration.  

    Dooomed maybe not but with their current attitude the Mac lineup is certainly suffering.  The lack of updates at WWDC just rubs salt into wounds that a customer base shouldnt have to suffer through.  
    I know you really want a Mac mini, but honestly I seriously doubt its really that big of a deal. We've said this a thousand times already, but since you can't stop I'll say it again. its never really been a huge seller for Apple and most likely never will be. They will release it when its ready. Its not like its ready and they're just purposely shelving it until they feel like releasing it. If sales of Macs were seriously hurting then I would start to agree with you, but they're not. I think you're just making something out of nothing because you seem to want a Mac mini badly and don't want to buy what's currently offered. 

    If Apple is waiting on something for it to be released then you're just gonna have to wait or buy all means, go get something else. Maybe Apple is waiting on CPU technology to be released if they want to go in a different direction with it, or maybe they're waiting on some kind of chip, or maybe its software, or possibly its a combination of both. 
    edited June 2018 StrangeDaysfastasleepAlex1N
  • Reply 33 of 127
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Even the title of this piece made me laugh at the ridiculousness of AI. I haven't seen any press stories that Apple is doomed. That's just one of those fake news approaches which does nothing to create a productive dialog.

    What I have seen is lots of press stories and user comments with concerns and intense frustration (from customers) that Apple's approach to hardware is plain wrong. We're in June and there has been no Mac hardware introductions this year and now it looks like we will wait until September / October until the next event for this to happen. At the same time the Mac Mini hasn't had an update for 4 years and the Mac Pro refresh is still a long way off. How can this be a good thing? There is no regular update cycle going on here to keep Apple's customers competitive with other platforms but a schedule driven around another set of priorities. 

    Has Intel been slow to introduce new chips... yes. Have Apple been even slower at introducing new computers..... yes! Gen 8 Intel chips are out and have been since October of last year and we haven't seen any iMac or laptop updates. My teenage son finds it hysterical that I would even think that Macs are competitive in the market for computers nowadays, given the 6 core mobile chip in his laptop. This is in essence Apple's problem. They believe their own marketing but less and less people, including the next generation of customers do.
    You are by all means welcome to disagree, but your argument is weakened by the opening attack. Accusations of "fake news" because you don't like an opinion doesn't serve presenting your own.

    We spoke about the Mac mini, and the Mac Pro, in this very piece. We've also spoken about them well before the WWDC.

    Hit Twitter, hit Reddit, hit this forum and others. It won't take you long to find the prediction of doom. You also don't get the emails, and social media commentary we do. 
    Honestly i have to agree with bubblefree.    First off this article pretty much is the definition of fake news.   The title and content seem to be crafted to protect Apple with skewed evidence that there is no problem.     To put it bluntly there is a massive problem with Apples inability to deliver updated hardware.  More importantly hardware rationally priced for the potential market.  

    Speaking about the Mini isnt really cutting it.  There is simply no excuse for Apples behavior with respect to this machine.  You really need to be more combative and at the very least call out Apple about their practices.  

    As for doom many of us have been around for a long time.   My first Mac was a Mac Plus.  After that machine became unusable i left the Mac fold because Apple couldnt produce anything competitive even though suitable hardware had been onnthe market for years.   Sadly we seem to be suffering again from an inability on Apples part to keep their machines competive when we all know the hardware exist to do so.  

    As i stated else where the rumors of the ARM based Macs shouldnt even be a factir here.   That has nothing to do with Apple having a decent value equation for currently sold Macs.  In some ways it is heartbreaking to see Apple screw up like this as it brings back memories of past failures at the company that almost lead to its collapse.  It isnt that some hardware out there is somewhat better than Apples offerings it is the fact that the delta is so huge that one cant justify buying Apple AGAIN.    Im currently running an HP laptop that can run circles around most of Apples laptops that is also significantly cheaper.    All of that on an AMD chip too.    

    I dont pretend to know what is wrong at Apple right now.  Back in 2008 i got back on the platform due to competitive laptops and the iPhone.    Since then a lot of Apple hardware has been purchased but it has suddenly become one very greedy company with unacceptable price increases to iPads and iPhones and a total lack of updates to the Mac linup.  It is like watching a recording of a sports game 15-20 years later where the fumble leads to an upset loss.  
  • Reply 34 of 127
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    wizard69 said:
    Even the title of this piece made me laugh at the ridiculousness of AI. I haven't seen any press stories that Apple is doomed. That's just one of those fake news approaches which does nothing to create a productive dialog.

    What I have seen is lots of press stories and user comments with concerns and intense frustration (from customers) that Apple's approach to hardware is plain wrong. We're in June and there has been no Mac hardware introductions this year and now it looks like we will wait until September / October until the next event for this to happen. At the same time the Mac Mini hasn't had an update for 4 years and the Mac Pro refresh is still a long way off. How can this be a good thing? There is no regular update cycle going on here to keep Apple's customers competitive with other platforms but a schedule driven around another set of priorities. 

    Has Intel been slow to introduce new chips... yes. Have Apple been even slower at introducing new computers..... yes! Gen 8 Intel chips are out and have been since October of last year and we haven't seen any iMac or laptop updates. My teenage son finds it hysterical that I would even think that Macs are competitive in the market for computers nowadays, given the 6 core mobile chip in his laptop. This is in essence Apple's problem. They believe their own marketing but less and less people, including the next generation of customers do.
    You are by all means welcome to disagree, but your argument is weakened by the opening attack. Accusations of "fake news" because you don't like an opinion doesn't serve presenting your own.

    We spoke about the Mac mini, and the Mac Pro, in this very piece. We've also spoken about them well before the WWDC.

    Hit Twitter, hit Reddit, hit this forum and others. It won't take you long to find the prediction of doom. You also don't get the emails, and social media commentary we do. 
    Honestly i have to agree with bubblefree.    First off this article pretty much is the definition of fake news.   The title and content seem to be crafted to protect Apple with skewed evidence that there is no problem.     To put it bluntly there is a massive problem with Apples inability to deliver updated hardware.  More importantly hardware rationally priced for the potential market.  

    Speaking about the Mini isnt really cutting it.  There is simply no excuse for Apples behavior with respect to this machine.  You really need to be more combative and at the very least call out Apple about their practices.  

    As for doom many of us have been around for a long time.   My first Mac was a Mac Plus.  After that machine became unusable i left the Mac fold because Apple couldnt produce anything competitive even though suitable hardware had been onnthe market for years.   Sadly we seem to be suffering again from an inability on Apples part to keep their machines competive when we all know the hardware exist to do so.  

    As i stated else where the rumors of the ARM based Macs shouldnt even be a factir here.   That has nothing to do with Apple having a decent value equation for currently sold Macs.  In some ways it is heartbreaking to see Apple screw up like this as it brings back memories of past failures at the company that almost lead to its collapse.  It isnt that some hardware out there is somewhat better than Apples offerings it is the fact that the delta is so huge that one cant justify buying Apple AGAIN.    Im currently running an HP laptop that can run circles around most of Apples laptops that is also significantly cheaper.    All of that on an AMD chip too.    

    I dont pretend to know what is wrong at Apple right now.  Back in 2008 i got back on the platform due to competitive laptops and the iPhone.    Since then a lot of Apple hardware has been purchased but it has suddenly become one very greedy company with unacceptable price increases to iPads and iPhones and a total lack of updates to the Mac linup.  It is like watching a recording of a sports game 15-20 years later where the fumble leads to an upset loss.  
    It's an editorial. It's only "fake news," apparently, if you don't agree with the sentiment. And, review the forum guidelines, last revised two months ago. This is utterly the last time that "fake news" will be uttered on the forums. The term is intellectually dishonest and lazy, and as meaningless as "this wouldn't have happened if Steve was still alive." Make your points in other ways.

    You get no appeal to authority credit from me saying you've been around since the Mac Plus. You get even less for bailing because you claim that there wasn't "anything competitive."

    Regarding the rest of your claims: Mac sales are either up or static depending on the quarter in a universally contracting PC market. Seems pretty clear to me what that means.

    The only thing wrong with Apple is... what exactly? It's fine that you don't like what you see, but to call it a "recording of a sports game 15-20 years later where the fumble leads to an upset loss" is really ridiculous.

    Anyway. Have a good weekend. 
    edited June 2018 StrangeDaysfastasleepdewmemacxpresswilliamlondonmmatzAlex1N
  • Reply 35 of 127
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    It still shows how hardware/specification-centric many peoples thinking is; they look at the assumed benefits of numbers rather work output.  The adoption of Intel has turned the Mac user into just another PC user locked into not only the architecture but the mentality which surrounds it.

    The sad thing is; when Apple does release its own new hardware, those lowest common denominator benchmarks which appraise defunct technology won’t reveal the benefits that real apps & workflows will encounter.  The ‘Pro’ team may be taking an holistic approach to technical enhancements but how they’re going to articulate those may prove a greater challenge.

    Looking forward to some new toys though.
  • Reply 36 of 127
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    woolie said:
    Totally agree with Bubblefree...   Apple's total lack of real hardware updates the last few years is flat terrible...  I own 8 Apple products & all of them barely work because Apple's buggy software updates has rushed their demise...  I get the spinning ball on the calendar almost daily, how insane is that...  Photo crashes many times daily & if you play a game on Apple you are totally screwed...   One recent update for the iMac, totally killed it, a simple Excel spreadsheet wouldn't work, so I had to nearly double my RAM to bring it back to life...  Things like AirPrint have quit working long ago, even on my iPhone X...  Apple's software can't barely keep a bluetooth connected for more than 24 hours before you have to shut it down & start over... Which brings me to Apple's hardware which is totally obsolete & it is criminal that they sell to the unsuspecting newbies as new...  Why Apple is into producing tv programs, making cars & Apple watches that don't work (I had 2 of them)... They need to get back to basics...   The trolls on this site as far I am concerned are those who keep saying how awesome Apple is when daily spinning balls keep crashing everything...   AI needs objective administrators...
    Sorry but this is nonsense. If all of your products are failing such basic tasks as you they are, you’re the unluckiest guy in tech. Talk about trolls...
  • Reply 37 of 127
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member

    wizard69 said:
    Even the title of this piece made me laugh at the ridiculousness of AI. I haven't seen any press stories that Apple is doomed. That's just one of those fake news approaches which does nothing to create a productive dialog.

    What I have seen is lots of press stories and user comments with concerns and intense frustration (from customers) that Apple's approach to hardware is plain wrong. We're in June and there has been no Mac hardware introductions this year and now it looks like we will wait until September / October until the next event for this to happen. At the same time the Mac Mini hasn't had an update for 4 years and the Mac Pro refresh is still a long way off. How can this be a good thing? There is no regular update cycle going on here to keep Apple's customers competitive with other platforms but a schedule driven around another set of priorities. 

    Has Intel been slow to introduce new chips... yes. Have Apple been even slower at introducing new computers..... yes! Gen 8 Intel chips are out and have been since October of last year and we haven't seen any iMac or laptop updates. My teenage son finds it hysterical that I would even think that Macs are competitive in the market for computers nowadays, given the 6 core mobile chip in his laptop. This is in essence Apple's problem. They believe their own marketing but less and less people, including the next generation of customers do.
    You are by all means welcome to disagree, but your argument is weakened by the opening attack. Accusations of "fake news" because you don't like an opinion doesn't serve presenting your own.

    We spoke about the Mac mini, and the Mac Pro, in this very piece. We've also spoken about them well before the WWDC.

    Hit Twitter, hit Reddit, hit this forum and others. It won't take you long to find the prediction of doom. You also don't get the emails, and social media commentary we do. 
    Honestly i have to agree with bubblefree.    First off this article pretty much is the definition of fake news.   The title and content seem to be crafted to protect Apple with skewed evidence that there is no problem.     To put it bluntly there is a massive problem with Apples inability to deliver updated hardware.  More importantly hardware rationally priced for the potential market.  
    You people really have a disorder. 

    “Fake news”

    “Where’s my Mini!”

    “Apple is greedy!”

    ...dude. Go. Get a Dell. Stop whining, and stop being a victim. What’s stopping you from pursuing happiness??
  • Reply 38 of 127
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member

    eightzero said:
    I might get excited about an iPhone upgrade if I could have wireless CarPlay, but that seems to all be in the hands of the CarPlay compatible onboard systems (in my case, Ford Sync, and it aint happening.) 
    For CarPlay & AppleTV Apple should look at leveraging their SiP skills to produce systems other can integrate into their own designs.
  • Reply 39 of 127
    grifmxgrifmx Posts: 92member
    I'm sure Apple will update their computer line a month after I am forced to replace my main Mac. They're probably waiting for me!
  • Reply 40 of 127
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,262member
    Two things:
    Clearly, people bitching about lack of Apple hardware aren’t Apple Haters, they are Apple Lovers, hard core Apple junkies even. You know, macheads.
    Secondly, is it possible that the plan is that hardware releases from now on are to be held In the specifically designed for that purpose Steve Jobs Theater?

    mcdave said:

    eightzero said:
    I might get excited about an iPhone upgrade if I could have wireless CarPlay, but that seems to all be in the hands of the CarPlay compatible onboard systems (in my case, Ford Sync, and it aint happening.) 
    For CarPlay & AppleTV Apple should look at leveraging their SiP skills to produce systems other can integrate into their own designs.
    I think Apple would greatly accelerate wireless CarPlay by having no licence fee And a rapid approval process, if one is needed at all.  Also for existing CarPlay units produce an encrypted wireless dongle (CarPlay only of course) that fits the head unit’s USB port and lets the head unit think it is a wired connection to the phone.
    edited June 2018 Alex1N
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