When to expect Apple's October event and what we're expecting to see



  • Reply 21 of 37
    I want to see a 17" Retina Macbook Pro for those of us out here who are photographers and like to edit on the couch rather than at a desk for hours and hours. I have yet to find a laptop with a 17" screen comparable to the retina screen. I'm certain creatives, graphic designers, etc. would purchase if it were available from Apple.
  • Reply 22 of 37
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,825member

    ...and on the other we want to save that money in case there's a new iMac.

    Or spend your winnings...
  • Reply 23 of 37
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    Rayz2016 said:
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    Couldn’t be bothered to read it. 
    If you’re going to whine, whine in paragraphs. 

    If you disagree that's fine, debating isn't something you could do in a million years by the sounds of things, so don't use "whine" when you're not intelligent enough to provide any other info or counter argument. And you wonder why PC users call Mac Users dumb. Paragraphs are not used in forums, they take up too much space, a bit like you, you Vincent Price lookalike. 
    My goodness, really, DO USE paragraphs! There’s never a reason NOT to use them with that much text!
  • Reply 24 of 37
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Rayz2016 said:
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    Couldn’t be bothered to read it. 
    If you’re going to whine, whine in paragraphs. 

    If you disagree that's fine, debating isn't something you could do in a million years by the sounds of things, so don't use "whine" when you're not intelligent enough to provide any other info or counter argument. And you wonder why PC users call Mac Users dumb. Paragraphs are not used in forums, they take up too much space, a bit like you, you Vincent Price lookalike. 
    Well, that’s just it. There was nothing to debate. If you can’t manage paragraphs then there’s a good chance you can’t manage basic comprehension. So why would I waste my time?


    But thanks for playing. 

    edited October 2018 fastasleepronnwatto_cobra
  • Reply 25 of 37
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    So much bullshit packed into one run-on paragraph.
    • Macs — everything aside from the mini and Pro are within their normal update windows. The mini is widely rumored to be updated this fall as this article mentions, alongside updates for the iMac and MacBook lines. We already know the Pro and displays are coming next year. The MacBook Pros just got a serious update just recently!
    • iWork just got another update, and continues to advance. Have fun with your old software but expect anyone else to be sympathetic at this point
    • Pro apps continue to get updates — Logic Pro just a few days ago, and FCPX continues to get updated periodically (???)
    • Tim Cook doesn't set his own salary
    • Lower prices AND raise profits? What kind of magical thinking is that?
    • "What to we get from Apple's R&D." — maybe you should watch the events if you clearly don't know what they've been developing, as they explain it all pretty well. You're one of the few people on this forum that doesn't know.
    I grew up with Apple and Macs, and I am seriously trying to recall what was truly innovative in that world in the 90's. I mean I loved my Centris 650 and PowerMac G3 tower but would I call either innovative compared to the current swath of Macs? Hellllll no.
    When was the terrible Mac Pro last updated? 2013 for christ sake, 5 years ago. You call that normal update windows! iMac hasn't changed. 2 years in IT is forever. When did iWork get page links back? You think minor updates, bug fixes count as adding new features. iWork is a dumbed version for 5 years olds. Forcing people to buy Microsoft stuff. Why do Apple retail staff just get legal minimum pay? Why not profit share? Lower prices generates volume, hence profits rise. Basic business, not as though Trump or Trump supporters knows this. Apple marketshare, where is it? Apple abandoned the pro market years ago, yet those guys saved Apple from going bust. Apple events are now boring. I read its so-called new things a day after, it takes less than 5 minutes reading. You remind me of Trump, someone who talks crap both ends. Bullet points as well. 
    You have some good points, especially about the Mac Pro... but comparing that person to Trump isn’t even remotely sensible. 
  • Reply 26 of 37
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    gracebee said:
    I want to see a 17" Retina Macbook Pro for those of us out here who are photographers and like to edit on the couch rather than at a desk for hours and hours. I have yet to find a laptop with a 17" screen comparable to the retina screen. I'm certain creatives, graphic designers, etc. would purchase if it were available from Apple.
    Yes, but thing that Apple knows that you don’t, is how many hos many would purchase it, and if those numbers make it worthwhile building it. 
  • Reply 27 of 37
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    dysamoria said:
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    So much bullshit packed into one run-on paragraph.
    • Macs — everything aside from the mini and Pro are within their normal update windows. The mini is widely rumored to be updated this fall as this article mentions, alongside updates for the iMac and MacBook lines. We already know the Pro and displays are coming next year. The MacBook Pros just got a serious update just recently!
    • iWork just got another update, and continues to advance. Have fun with your old software but expect anyone else to be sympathetic at this point
    • Pro apps continue to get updates — Logic Pro just a few days ago, and FCPX continues to get updated periodically (???)
    • Tim Cook doesn't set his own salary
    • Lower prices AND raise profits? What kind of magical thinking is that?
    • "What to we get from Apple's R&D." — maybe you should watch the events if you clearly don't know what they've been developing, as they explain it all pretty well. You're one of the few people on this forum that doesn't know.
    I grew up with Apple and Macs, and I am seriously trying to recall what was truly innovative in that world in the 90's. I mean I loved my Centris 650 and PowerMac G3 tower but would I call either innovative compared to the current swath of Macs? Hellllll no.
    When was the terrible Mac Pro last updated? 2013 for christ sake, 5 years ago. You call that normal update windows! iMac hasn't changed. 2 years in IT is forever. When did iWork get page links back? You think minor updates, bug fixes count as adding new features. iWork is a dumbed version for 5 years olds. Forcing people to buy Microsoft stuff. Why do Apple retail staff just get legal minimum pay? Why not profit share? Lower prices generates volume, hence profits rise. Basic business, not as though Trump or Trump supporters knows this. Apple marketshare, where is it? Apple abandoned the pro market years ago, yet those guys saved Apple from going bust. Apple events are now boring. I read its so-called new things a day after, it takes less than 5 minutes reading. You remind me of Trump, someone who talks crap both ends. Bullet points as well. 
    You have some good points, especially about the Mac Pro... but comparing that person to Trump isn’t even remotely sensible. 
    The facts speak otherwise (re Mac Pro, not me = Trump :) since we know they're developing a completely new Mac Pro from the ground up and working with pros to do that. When every single other Mac due for an update is likely updated in the next month or two, this post is going to look even dumber.
    edited October 2018 ronnwatto_cobra
  • Reply 28 of 37
    aknabiaknabi Posts: 211member
    Rayz2016 said:
    gracebee said:
    I want to see a 17" Retina Macbook Pro for those of us out here who are photographers and like to edit on the couch rather than at a desk for hours and hours. I have yet to find a laptop with a 17" screen comparable to the retina screen. I'm certain creatives, graphic designers, etc. would purchase if it were available from Apple.
    Yes, but thing that Apple knows that you don’t, is how many hos many would purchase it, and if those numbers make it worthwhile building it. 
    Do you mean how many pros or "hos" (as written) would buy it? If you mean pros I'd be willing to bet cash money the numbers would show enough that justifies the NRE/setup costs based on increased profits (and possibly margins)... if you meant "hos" (aka the new definition of Apple power users aka Kardashian wannabes and Instagram fashionistas) then yeah, they want light and small... heck in that category the 15" is probably not justified.
  • Reply 29 of 37
    davgregdavgreg Posts: 1,039member
    As someone who prefers a desktop to any mobile device and one who does not want an all in one (iMac), we need either/and/or new Mac Pros and minis.

    It is simply inexcusable for things to have come to this point. And no, a laptop is not a desktop replacement unless you want to hear the fans run like a Dyson Air Blade. The MacBook Pro is for away from the house.

    The tribe of desktop Mac users is enough to justify the investment.
  • Reply 30 of 37
    Tim is giving a speech in Europe on the 24th. The 25th isn’t happening for an Apple event.
  • Reply 31 of 37
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,893administrator
    rogerr32 said:
    Tim is giving a speech in Europe on the 24th. The 25th isn’t happening for an Apple event.
    Cook has twice given keynotes after international travel. That said, we did discuss the difficulties of predicting an October event. It's just as likely we'll get press release-only debuts of whatever Apple sees fit to unveil.
    edited October 2018 fastasleepronnwatto_cobra
  • Reply 32 of 37
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    MacMan1993 said:

    Lower prices generates volume, hence profits rise. Basic business
    LOL. Good timing for this one: https://appleinsider.com/articles/18/10/03/why-samsungs-smartphones-are-winning-in-shipments-but-losing-in-businessd
  • Reply 33 of 37
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    aknabi said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    gracebee said:
    I want to see a 17" Retina Macbook Pro for those of us out here who are photographers and like to edit on the couch rather than at a desk for hours and hours. I have yet to find a laptop with a 17" screen comparable to the retina screen. I'm certain creatives, graphic designers, etc. would purchase if it were available from Apple.
    Yes, but thing that Apple knows that you don’t, is how many hos many would purchase it, and if those numbers make it worthwhile building it. 
    Do you mean how many pros or "hos" (as written) would buy it? If you mean pros I'd be willing to bet cash money the numbers would show enough that justifies the NRE/setup costs based on increased profits (and possibly margins)... if you meant "hos" (aka the new definition of Apple power users aka Kardashian wannabes and Instagram fashionistas) then yeah, they want light and small... heck in that category the 15" is probably not justified.

    I meant how many in general would purchase it: hos, pros, or otherwise. 

    Being “willing to bet cash money” is not a sound basis for making strategic business decisions. Apple probably prefers to use existing sales data for their own product line as well as the wider market in general. 

    The market for large, power hungry machines has been shrinking for years now.  That’s just the way it is. 
  • Reply 34 of 37
    elfig2012 said:
    Let’s not forget the 10th birthday of the IMac in October! Apple will launch an update to their Mac line!
    wouldn't that have been in 2008?... and in August?
  • Reply 35 of 37
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I hope the improved screen on the iMac is a curved ultrawide. Wide curved screens are popular with video editors who are a big part of Apple's customer base.

    But since the iMac has the computer behind the screen, having a curved screen might be too hard to do (curved motherboard?!)
  • Reply 36 of 37
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    ascii said:
    I hope the improved screen on the iMac is a curved ultrawide. Wide curved screens are popular with video editors who are a big part of Apple's customer base.

    But since the iMac has the computer behind the screen, having a curved screen might be too hard to do (curved motherboard?!)
    Some of us have to design with straight lines. :)
  • Reply 37 of 37
    sdbryansdbryan Posts: 351member
    ... If you disagree that's fine, debating isn't something you could do in a million years by the sounds of things, so don't use "whine" when you're not intelligent enough to provide any other info or counter argument. And you wonder why PC users call Mac Users dumb. Paragraphs are not used in forums, they take up too much space, a bit like you, you Vincent Price lookalike. 
    Do you only read forums on an iPhone? I often (usually?) read on a Mac with plenty of screen real estate. It really does help to format a lengthy post into paragraphs.

    About that odd claim that an iPhone is actually a phone (i.e. Apple is a phone company) rather than a computer; that is complete nonsense. Yes, you can make and receive phone calls on an iPhone, but I could, and did, do that on my Mac decades ago (Macs since 1984). The reason iPhones have been so compelling is that they fit a Unix computer in the palm of your hand (well, really large hands for the plus models).

    I still prefer my Mac when it is a convenient option but I plan to get the new iPad Pro for its portability and power from that computer company, Apple.
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