Rare peek into Apple News reveals large curation team fighting against algorithms

in General Discussion edited March 2020
Apple News aims to minimize the spread of misinformation by prioritizing accuracy over speed, a report about the app's editorial team reveals, with Apple's decision to rely on human curators instead of algorithms to dictate its most prominent stories going the opposite direction of machine-based offerings by its competitors.

The top stories of Apple News are selected by a team of approximately 30 people, the rare glimpse behind the curtain showed, made up of former journalists based in Sydney, London, New York and Silicon Valley. Fielding between 100 and 200 pitches from publishers a day, the team selects the leading five stories for the app, as well as a section of feature stories, with the list changing five or more times a day, depending on the news.

Headed up by former New York Magazine executive editor Lauren Kern, the New York Times reports the team attempts to mix the lineup with top stories accompanied by lighter features and longer investigations. The list of candidates is pared down by smaller groups of editors, spread around the world, before the final order is decided upon by senior members of the team.

"We put so much care and thought into our curation," advises Kern. "It's seen by a lot of people and we take that responsibility really seriously."

As an example of the curation process, a rundown of decisions for one morning in late August notes the decision of the team to go with an affirmative-action lawsuit against Harvard University as its top story, just as other publications decided, with the selection of the Washington Post's report due to it providing the most content and explanation on why the story mattered.

In order to cover racial tensions in Florida's governor race, Kern and her deputy opted for a Miami Herald piece due to its nuance and explanation of the comments, context, and surrounding debate. Other selections for the day included a CBS News video of John McCain's memorial service, a US Open match between Serena and Venus Williams from SB Nation, and one from Bloomberg about 20-hour flights.

"There is this deep understanding that a thriving free press is critical for an informed public, and an informed public is critical for a functioning democracy," claimed Kern, continuing "and that Apple News can play a part in that."

The choice to use human curators instead of algorithms was made to try and better police the constant flow of news than a computer. While algorithmic news selection by FaceBook, Google, and others allow for stories to be quickly and cheaply analyzed for user consumption, it is possible for these mechanisms to be gamed, such as the stories allegedly promoted by Russian trolls during the 2016 presidential election.

"We are responsible for what's in there," said Apple app chief Ross Rosner. "We're not just going to let it be a total crazy land."

The careful approach has helped Apple News avoid major reporting blunders. One example given was the shooting of two people at a gaming competition in Jacksonville, Fla., where headlines claimed the shooter had a hatred for President Donald Trump. Kern warned her staff to be wary of declarations, such as those where assailants are associated with terror groups but later turn out to be incorrect, which led to reports that did not include the false claim to be selected.

While Apple News has considerable reach, with the app read regularly by roughly 90 million people, Apple is also being treated warily by publishers who have made little from advertising on the service, as well as losing out 30 percent of the cost of subscriptions to the company.

"What Apple giveth, Apple can taketh away," advises Columbia University journalism professor Bill Grueskin. When readers are trained to get their news from Apple, Grueskin suggests publishers will then realize "You're at the mercy of Apple."

Earlier in October, publishing executives were complimentary to Apple News for its approach to content creation, calling it attentive and having "the sense they're human beings that are trying to nurture a relationship of some kind."

At the same time the monetization options were considered to be lagging behind competing services, with one publisher advising their outlet earns "hundreds" in revenue despite catering to an audience in the "millions." While one publication stands to make "a few hundred thousand" dollars from Apple News this year, the New York Post estimates it only brought in $600 in six months.

This may however change, as Apple is rumored to be preparing a greater push towards selling subscriptions, following its acquisition of Texture in April.


  • Reply 1 of 33
    mknelsonmknelson Posts: 1,139member
    Sounds like the job of a traditional editorial staff and that's what Apple has built.

    Laura Kern was a magazine editor; the rest are former journalists. Nice!
  • Reply 2 of 33
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I wonder if Apple will eventually have their own team of journalists of if they will just curate stories from other outlets?
  • Reply 3 of 33
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,130member
    There is no substitute for human curation of information. That Apple, a computer company, understands this is encouraging. 
  • Reply 4 of 33
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,129member
    Did anybody else here notice the article about apples (the fruit) mixed in with the AAPL articles on the Stocks app a few days ago? I had assumed that those were also hand-picked (so to speak), but it would seem not. 
  • Reply 5 of 33
    "I fight algorithms; algorithms always win."
  • Reply 6 of 33
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Apple started opening retail stores while everyone else scratched their heads and said the idea was doomed because everyone would want to buy stuff off the internet.

    While machines are serving up crap instead of news, Apple goes in the opposite direction again.

  • Reply 7 of 33
    Based on the stream of false reporting coming from Bloomberg, The New York Times and CNN, should one assume all three have been “curated” right out of the News app?
    edited October 2018
  • Reply 8 of 33
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    Rayz2016 said:
    Apple started opening retail stores while everyone else scratched their heads and said the idea was doomed because everyone would want to buy stuff off the internet.

    While machines are serving up crap instead of news, Apple goes in the opposite direction again.

    When I need a news source, I simply tune in to  “Democracy Now!” (democracynow.org). They have some amazing reporting, but the republicans & most of the establishment democrats are terrified of them and have pushed them to the fringe left. One still can’t deny the facts, tho. 
  • Reply 9 of 33
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    Other shops use algorithms solely because it's cheaper than paying humans.  Unless (or until) AI advances to the level of adult intelligence, human-involvement will always be a necessity.

    It just cracks me up when folks like Zuckerberg of Facebook talk about using AI for it's news feeds.  It's pure BS.
  • Reply 10 of 33
    davgregdavgreg Posts: 1,046member
    I do not want Tim Cook or anyone else for that matter curating my news. There is simply no way to avoid bias or the appearance of bias.

    This is not about news, it is about advertising and subscriptions. Tim seems hell-bent on pushing ads for profit and selling subscriptions to Apple's customers. Do not buy your music- rent it. Do not buy your newspapers- rent it and let us choose what you see. And while we are at it, Eddie Cue wants to show you his latest TV shows nobody wants to watch.

    I have no interest in seeing ads placed by Apple on my Mac, iPad or iPhone. I have no desire to pay a subscription to see the world according to Apple's editorial department. I doubt that I am alone in my opinion.
  • Reply 11 of 33
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    davgreg said:
    I do not want Tim Cook or anyone else for that matter curating my news. There is simply no way to avoid bias or the appearance of bias.

    This is not about news, it is about advertising and subscriptions. Tim seems hell-bent on pushing ads for profit and selling subscriptions to Apple's customers. Do not buy your music- rent it. Do not buy your newspapers- rent it and let us choose what you see. And while we are at it, Eddie Cue wants to show you his latest TV shows nobody wants to watch.

    I have no interest in seeing ads placed by Apple on my Mac, iPad or iPhone. I have no desire to pay a subscription to see the world according to Apple's editorial department. I doubt that I am alone in my opinion.
    As opposed to receiving fake news, inaccuracies, inappropriate tabloid junkies headlines? No thanks. Human curation is and will be always necessary until AI improved. 
  • Reply 12 of 33
    kevin kee said:
    davgreg said:
    I do not want Tim Cook or anyone else for that matter curating my news. There is simply no way to avoid bias or the appearance of bias.

    This is not about news, it is about advertising and subscriptions. Tim seems hell-bent on pushing ads for profit and selling subscriptions to Apple's customers. Do not buy your music- rent it. Do not buy your newspapers- rent it and let us choose what you see. And while we are at it, Eddie Cue wants to show you his latest TV shows nobody wants to watch.

    I have no interest in seeing ads placed by Apple on my Mac, iPad or iPhone. I have no desire to pay a subscription to see the world according to Apple's editorial department. I doubt that I am alone in my opinion.
    As opposed to receiving fake news, inaccuracies, inappropriate tabloid junkies headlines? No thanks. Human curation is and will be always necessary until AI improved. 
    Yep.  Not sure what davgreg’s gripe is about.  ALL NEWS is curated at some level.  Apple is offering one form of it.  I can say for certain that Tim Cook is NOT curating his news. :-)

    There will always be bias in the news.  Let’s wait and see how Apple curates and provides hopefully relevant, accurate, balanced and contextual news.  I do agree with davgreg that most want unbiased news... but the process to deliver that is a tough one.  

    I do do think that the emotionally driven mainstream news nowadays DOES contribute to the divisiveness of our country and contributes to encouraging crazies (like the recently mailed bombs).  I’m anxious to see If Apple can provide a better option. 
  • Reply 13 of 33
    thttht Posts: 5,607member
    I hope they further keep the advertisers in a box, and at best limit ads to inline static images only. I would much rather do donation-ware micropayments or an optional subscription for zero ads, than give advertisers more freedom to run roughshod over articles.

    I stopped going to the Verge because I had enough of the scroll jacking, audio jacking, auto play videos, and who knows what else they were probing me with. Anandtech, who has seriously good content, has a barely bearable ad situation now. It now has an auto playing ad that would be on top of a bottom banner ad, in addition to inline ads including video, plus affiliate links. Ars Technica mercifully has a subscription service that eliminates the ads. Appleinsider has a good balance of ads and content and hopefully they won’t let it go further.

    Really, I wonder how much the situation eats into the consciences of the EICs who talk about good design all day in product reviews, but let advertisers take a figurative shit on their webpages for their readers to enjoy.
  • Reply 14 of 33
    drewys808 said:
    kevin kee said:
    davgreg said:
    I do not want Tim Cook or anyone else for that matter curating my news. There is simply no way to avoid bias or the appearance of bias.

    This is not about news, it is about advertising and subscriptions. Tim seems hell-bent on pushing ads for profit and selling subscriptions to Apple's customers. Do not buy your music- rent it. Do not buy your newspapers- rent it and let us choose what you see. And while we are at it, Eddie Cue wants to show you his latest TV shows nobody wants to watch.

    I have no interest in seeing ads placed by Apple on my Mac, iPad or iPhone. I have no desire to pay a subscription to see the world according to Apple's editorial department. I doubt that I am alone in my opinion.
    As opposed to receiving fake news, inaccuracies, inappropriate tabloid junkies headlines? No thanks. Human curation is and will be always necessary until AI improved. 
    Yep.  Not sure what davgreg’s gripe is about.  ALL NEWS is curated at some level.  Apple is offering one form of it.  I can say for certain that Tim Cook is NOT curating his news. :-)

    There will always be bias in the news.  Let’s wait and see how Apple curates and provides hopefully relevant, accurate, balanced and contextual news.  I do agree with davgreg that most want unbiased news... but the process to deliver that is a tough one.  

    I do do think that the emotionally driven mainstream news nowadays DOES contribute to the divisiveness of our country and contributes to encouraging crazies (like the recently mailed bombs).  I’m anxious to see If Apple can provide a better option. 
    You're right. All mainstream news IS curated, which is just one of the reasons why "news organizations" have been in such precipitous decline. People want to focus on what THEY want, not what a car company or vitamin company says is appropriate for them.
  • Reply 15 of 33
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,257member
    Hmm yes. How noble and altruistic.

    The important question of course, is just who curates the curators?

    first thing I do when updating iOS is delete the Apple News app. Trust no one. Especially journalists and their editors.
  • Reply 16 of 33
    Really annoying that the „Apple News“ app only is visible and usable when the Region of my iPhone is set to the US. Why am I not allowed to read the Apple news when I live in Norway for example?!
  • Reply 17 of 33
    AI_liasAI_lias Posts: 436member
    Based on the stream of false reporting coming from Bloomberg, The New York Times and CNN, should one assume all three have been “curated” right out of the News app?
    There's a difference between news you don't like, and false reporting.
    If these humans do some fact checking, also, to a certain extent, that's only helpful. And if Apple has the money to pay human curators, that's good, much better than computers. Think a human DJ vs. a computer mixed playlist, I guess.
    My only problem with this would be if somehow all news sources out there would be equated with each other, and given room, just because they are on the other side of the spectrum in relation to others. Because that would be false equivalency, and that is why it is important to let readers filter out any news source they do not like, or trust. And I mean, completely filter out certain sources, from anywhere in the News app.
  • Reply 18 of 33
    AI_lias said:
    Based on the stream of false reporting coming from Bloomberg, The New York Times and CNN, should one assume all three have been “curated” right out of the News app?
    There's a difference between news you don't like, and false reporting.
    If these humans do some fact checking, also, to a certain extent, that's only helpful. And if Apple has the money to pay human curators, that's good, much better than computers. Think a human DJ vs. a computer mixed playlist, I guess.
    My only problem with this would be if somehow all news sources out there would be equated with each other, and given room, just because they are on the other side of the spectrum in relation to others. Because that would be false equivalency, and that is why it is important to let readers filter out any news source they do not like, or trust. And I mean, completely filter out certain sources, from anywhere in the News app.
    I really don't understand how one could make such assertions given the vast and verifiable falsity of recent stories to come from all three organizations. And I won't even consider organizations like Business Insider, BuzzFeed or HuffingtonPost. Those are complete dreck.
    edited October 2018 cgWerks
  • Reply 19 of 33
    sfpropssfprops Posts: 4unconfirmed, member
    The humans are doing a terrible job. Just the other day, they have 4 "trending" stories and there were 3 negative President Trump stories and one about a dog. Nothing wrong with negative President Trump stories, but there is probably a small segment of Apple's market that wants or that needs to read 3 of them. Not very diverse or informative unless you are just looking for extreme political venting.
  • Reply 20 of 33
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    As a reminder, AI is not the place for your political manifesto. Read the comments if you have any questions.
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