Samsung, Huawei getting close to iPhone, spending on camera hardware to get there



  • Reply 41 of 79
    clarker99clarker99 Posts: 230member
    gatorguy said:
    clarker99 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Completely unnecessary. Adds nothing but distraction to the thread. Feel free to disagree but really, name-calling is what it comes down to?  
    I have never seen a person so obviously paid to be here. I have a Huawei rep that touts the same things. It is hilarious. Just admit you are paid to be here. 
  • Reply 42 of 79
    clarker99clarker99 Posts: 230member
    clarker99 said:
    avon b7 said:
    flydog said:
    avon b7 said:

    Everybody uses off the shelf components (Apple too) but Huawei is one of the world's most vertically integrated companies too.

    To take a recent development. Rumours state Apple is moving up to 2,000 engineers to get working on a new modem. Currently it uses an off the shelf part.

    Huawei has built its own for years and already has a 5G modem - shipping.

    Apple uses off the shelf wi-fi. Huawei has developed its own. I believe it is currently the world's fastest wi-fi chipset on a mobile device.

    I could go on.
    Most of your posts are hyperbole and speculation, but in any case, none of this matters to 99.9% of the people who buy smartphones.  Moreover, usable 5G service is years away. 

    What does matter, then?

    Apple hasn't been able to shift the needle on sales for four years now and recently took a dip.

    What is Apple doing wrong or what are competitors doing better?
    Keep touting your surveillance machines, man. Huawei vs Apple is not a thing. It just isnt. This is literally the same selling on specs thing that Samsung played back during the S3-S4 generation complete with a Govt back corp stealing ideas and IP. iOS user base is growing not shrinking but yes Apple needs to play the spec game. 

    Your schtick is old. 
    "Huawei vs Apple is not a thing. It just isnt."

    It is in China, where Huawei is decimating both Apple & Samsung, and also in many countries in Europe. You're underestimating Huawei's success

    "iOS user base is growing not shrinking"

    That is true but where is it coming from? For the last 3 years, sales of new iPhones have been at best stagnant and at worst shrinking, which means the upgrade cycle is lengthening.  That would mean user base growth is coming from the grey market. 
    I am not underestimating anything. Huawei, specifically the Honor line, are selling very very well.  They will overtake Samsung in total sales. . In Canada, they are coming in very aggressive on price. $0 P20 and P20 Pro have been available almost since launch. P30 will prob be similarly discounted to drive adoption over Android peers.  Samsung played similar games over the last decade.

    Spending more to build and then discounting your devices is not a sustainable model. (Unless you are backed by the Chinese gov’t).  Eventually, another Android vendor will do the same again. Mostly eating other Android vendors sales. 

    The China trade situation is not helping Apple in China, no doubt.

    As for iOS user growth... it is growing. I am not sure it matters how. If the grey market is the reason then people are happy with older iPhones and dont care about Fast charging or 15 lense cameras or reverse wireless charging. Most people dont care about a spec war.
  • Reply 43 of 79
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    clarker99 said:
    gatorguy said:
    clarker99 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Completely unnecessary. Adds nothing but distraction to the thread. Feel free to disagree but really, name-calling is what it comes down to?  
    I have never seen a person so obviously paid to be here. I have a Huawei rep that touts the same things. It is hilarious. Just admit you are paid to be here. 
    I'm not paid by anyone to be here. Your 'obviously' hit the rocks there.

    What I do have is a +700€ hole in my pocket after purchasing an iPhone XR for my wife less than four months ago.

    What I do have is experience with both Apple and Huawei (although not Samsung) devices and software.

    Now, perhaps you do not like reading my particular opinion because that's what it is but backed up by some harsh realities. You have an ignore button in your AI settings. Please feel free to use it.

    If, on the other hand you have something factual to provide another angle to the debate. I, and everyone reading, is all ears.

    If you present nothing people will probably think you have nothing.

    I, as the person plunking the money down (I also  hope to get an iPad Mini 5 as soon as it sees its first discount) will present things as I see them because Apple should be competing - hard. At the moment it is simply coasting and for what I paid for the XR, IMO, should have had - at the very least - dual cameras.

    That is what competition brings and believe me, if it weren't for competition, Apple would be coasting even more than it already is.
    edited April 2019 muthuk_vanalingamelijahgGeorgeBMac
  • Reply 44 of 79
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The competition is more than fierce right now.
    Largely a myth pushed by the tech press. Companies like Huawei are overly dependent on off-the-shelf technology. They're pretty far behind the curve when it comes to developing exclusive in-house tech. People like to talk about how Huawei has their own SoC designs now, but they're barely competitive with twice the cores. And nobody expects them to develop a mass market OS. 
    I doubt you have anything to back that claim up, but Huawei is one of the phone industry's leading innovators. R&D is regularly above Apple's and just last year I believe they filed more patents than anyone else.

    Everybody uses off the shelf components (Apple too) but Huawei is one of the world's most vertically integrated companies too.

    To take a recent development. Rumours state Apple is moving up to 2,000 engineers to get working on a new modem. Currently it uses an off the shelf part.

    Huawei has built its own for years and already has a 5G modem - shipping.

    Apple uses off the shelf wi-fi. Huawei has developed its own. I believe it is currently the world's fastest wi-fi chipset on a mobile device.

    I could go on.
    Go on and maybe you'll find out that 5G is not the "modem" but the "network", as all the Gs are.
    It is a compound noun.

    A 5G Modem is a modem capable of moving data over a 5G Network.

    Take a look at the first image in this article:

    If Huawei is using the term in all its Balong 5000 presentations, it should be suitable for the rest of us.
    edited April 2019 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 45 of 79
    croprcropr Posts: 1,140member
    avon b7 said:
    The competition is more than fierce right now.
    Largely a myth pushed by the tech press. Companies like Huawei are overly dependent on off-the-shelf technology. They're pretty far behind the curve when it comes to developing exclusive in-house tech. People like to talk about how Huawei has their own SoC designs now, but they're barely competitive with twice the cores. And nobody expects them to develop a mass market OS. 
    BS. Huawei develops much more high quality hardware then you are aware of.  It is true that like all Chinese companies Huawei is worse in SW development than western companies.  The camera system of the P30 is built in house and is far superior than the camera of Apple
    edited April 2019 avon b7elijahgGeorgeBMacmuthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 46 of 79
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    avon b7 said:
    "it is worth remembering that both the Samsung Galaxy S10+ and the Huawei P30 Pro are relatively new devices, whereas the iPhone XS was launched in September last year"

    It is also worth remembering that Apple has been losing ground to Huawei since 2017 and not just on  the latest flagships.

    Huawei has pulled ahead in major areas:

    Shell design
    Battery tech
    Modem tech
    Camera tech

    OS is a question of preference 
    Apple is losing ground to your chinese knockoff shell design? You are high.

    Their great KFC fast food phone. Such shell design. for the rest, “Apple needs to” translates to “I wish Apple did”.

    And the OS is only a question of preference if you may prefer a crummier, less secure option. 
  • Reply 47 of 79
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,825member
    elijahg said:
    avon b7 said:
    They're still not even close to Face ID and they've given up on 3D facial recognition. That night shot saga began last year, cheating people by artificially removing dithering and bragging about how "noiseless" is that shot actually totally lacking tonal balance. Dithering is not noise, it is a must to represent subtle tonal variations when the tonal range is too limited as in the night.
    Who has given up on 3D facial recognition?

    As for the 'night shot saga' I think you are completely missing the point.

    When it boils down to having a shot or not having a shot, you take the first option as long as the results are good enough for you.

    That question has been answered many times over.

    How it is done in that context is wholly irrelevant.

    Take a peek at the P30 Pro presentation. They almost stopped comparing to XS Max because it was one 'blank' photo after another.
    If you get a "blank" photo from the Xs Max when shooting at night just boost the exposure. The fact that Huawei does this automatically is cheating, it gives the user the false impression that they are great photographers with great gadgets. Although that may be tolerated to a degree from UI point of view, Apple never pushes "user friendliness" to such a point that the border between "friendliness" and "cheating" disappears. "If you want to cheat yourself do it manually, I won't cheat you": that is Apple's stance on such fringe cases.
    So SLR cameras that boost the ISO to 6400+ to get a decent picture at night are "cheating" too? Alright. You keep telling yourself that.
    If you feel as having a SLR camera with that Huawei, alright. Keep feeling that way.
    Did I say that? But since the Huawei and a SLR pull the same technique to improve the image and as Huawei is apparently "cheating", that must mean SLR manufacturers are too. Hold on, Apple does that as well. Damnit they're all "cheating"! 🙄
  • Reply 48 of 79
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,825member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The competition is more than fierce right now.
    Largely a myth pushed by the tech press. Companies like Huawei are overly dependent on off-the-shelf technology. They're pretty far behind the curve when it comes to developing exclusive in-house tech. People like to talk about how Huawei has their own SoC designs now, but they're barely competitive with twice the cores. And nobody expects them to develop a mass market OS. 
    I doubt you have anything to back that claim up, but Huawei is one of the phone industry's leading innovators. R&D is regularly above Apple's and just last year I believe they filed more patents than anyone else.

    Everybody uses off the shelf components (Apple too) but Huawei is one of the world's most vertically integrated companies too.

    To take a recent development. Rumours state Apple is moving up to 2,000 engineers to get working on a new modem. Currently it uses an off the shelf part.

    Huawei has built its own for years and already has a 5G modem - shipping.

    Apple uses off the shelf wi-fi. Huawei has developed its own. I believe it is currently the world's fastest wi-fi chipset on a mobile device.

    I could go on.
    Go on and maybe you'll find out that 5G is not the "modem" but the "network", as all the Gs are.
    Hahah what? That's like saying USB-C isn't the connector, but the cable.
  • Reply 49 of 79
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    avon b7 said:
    clarker99 said:
    gatorguy said:
    clarker99 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Completely unnecessary. Adds nothing but distraction to the thread. Feel free to disagree but really, name-calling is what it comes down to?  
    I have never seen a person so obviously paid to be here. I have a Huawei rep that touts the same things. It is hilarious. Just admit you are paid to be here. 
    That is what competition brings and believe me, if it weren't for competition, Apple would be coasting even more than it already is.
    Making absurd claims such as this yank away any pretend objectivity you have. Apple isn’t coasting, they set out to make the best products possible. They just believe that’s a different product than what the knockoffs people want. 

    Listen to Schiller’s interview on ATP if you need a refresher on how they operate and manage. There’s a reason they’re the most successful public company in the history of the planet. Coasting ain’t it. 
    edited April 2019 watto_cobra
  • Reply 50 of 79
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    avon b7 said:
    "it is worth remembering that both the Samsung Galaxy S10+ and the Huawei P30 Pro are relatively new devices, whereas the iPhone XS was launched in September last year"

    It is also worth remembering that Apple has been losing ground to Huawei since 2017 and not just on  the latest flagships.

    Huawei has pulled ahead in major areas:

    Shell design
    Battery tech
    Modem tech
    Camera tech

    OS is a question of preference 
    Apple is losing ground to your chinese knockoff shell design? You are high.

    Their great KFC fast food phone. Such shell design. for the rest, “Apple needs to” translates to “I wish Apple did”.

    And the OS is only a question of preference if you may prefer a crummier, less secure option. 
    How high?

    "Incredible cameras and stunning new looks"

    Need I remind you that that KFC phone is now a collector's item, limited edition and was an instant sellout and was a celebratory phone for,  erm, wait for it ... KFC!

    You really are flaying about hopelessly.

    So, pray tell, what do you think about the 'Breathing Crystal' look? 

    edited April 2019
  • Reply 51 of 79
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    avon b7 said:
    "it is worth remembering that both the Samsung Galaxy S10+ and the Huawei P30 Pro are relatively new devices, whereas the iPhone XS was launched in September last year"

    It is also worth remembering that Apple has been losing ground to Huawei since 2017 and not just on  the latest flagships.

    Huawei has pulled ahead in major areas:

    Shell design
    Battery tech
    Modem tech
    Camera tech

    OS is a question of preference 
    Apple is losing ground to your chinese knockoff shell design? You are high.

    Their great KFC fast food phone. Such shell design. 
    LOL. That just never gets old.
  • Reply 52 of 79
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    avon b7 said:
    clarker99 said:
    gatorguy said:
    clarker99 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Completely unnecessary. Adds nothing but distraction to the thread. Feel free to disagree but really, name-calling is what it comes down to?  
    I have never seen a person so obviously paid to be here. I have a Huawei rep that touts the same things. It is hilarious. Just admit you are paid to be here. 
    That is what competition brings and believe me, if it weren't for competition, Apple would be coasting even more than it already is.
    Making absurd claims such as this yank away any pretend objectivity you have. Apple isn’t coasting, they set out to make the best products possible. They just believe that’s a different product than what the knockoffs people want. 

    Listen to Schiller’s interview on ATP if you need a refresher on how they operate and manage. There’s a reason they’re the most successful public company in the history of the planet. Coasting ain’t it. 
    I have no need for a refresher. Apple's predicament is entirely of its own doing.

    Yearly upgrade cycle. Two (now three) new phones. 'S' cycle. Price

    That's fine if you can squeeze the growth out of it.

    The problems appear when competitors begin placing major advances on phones every six months and your own growth stalls or contracts.

    Schiller is a marketer when speaking to the press. It is important not to forget that.
  • Reply 53 of 79
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    gatorguy said:
    clarker99 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Completely unnecessary. Adds nothing but distraction to the thread. Feel free to disagree but really, name-calling is what it comes down to?  
    You are so polite and yet constantly anti-Apple.  What is your profession?  Are you employed to post on the likes of AI?
  • Reply 54 of 79
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    gatorguy said:
    avon b7 said:
    "it is worth remembering that both the Samsung Galaxy S10+ and the Huawei P30 Pro are relatively new devices, whereas the iPhone XS was launched in September last year"

    It is also worth remembering that Apple has been losing ground to Huawei since 2017 and not just on  the latest flagships.

    Huawei has pulled ahead in major areas:

    Shell design
    Battery tech
    Modem tech
    Camera tech

    OS is a question of preference 
    Apple is losing ground to your chinese knockoff shell design? You are high.

    Their great KFC fast food phone. Such shell design. 
    LOL. That just never gets old.
    Wow, that was sooo funny ... oh wait a minute it wasn't.
  • Reply 55 of 79
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,304member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    How has Huawei pulled ahead in chassis design?
    More than chassis, shell design.

    Fashion counts (especially in China) even though phones end up in cases.

    It doesn't make a lot of sense to some but one aspect of phones is design and your first contact with one is its design. Like food at a restaurant. It enters through your eyes first. The shell is important.

    Last year Huawei took a gamble on gradient finishes and it paid off. The 'Twilight' gradient set a trend that many followed. We can say that 2018 was the year of the gradient in terms of phone shell finish.

    However, Huawei has a long history of experimenting with phone finishes.

    It releases so many phones a year (Huawei and Honor) that it is easy to test the waters with new ideas and see how they work.

    They have been working on layering techniques, nano coatings, ribbing etc. for many years.

    This year they have taken the P20 gradients and refined them. I have seen both the Amber Sunrise and Breathing Crystal finishes in person. They are both - stunning. Absolutely beautiful.

    This doesn't mean Apple's are ugly. They suffer from being a little 'boring' with regards to what is on offer. The XR took a step in the right direction, though. There is no denying that, but your options of course are limited.

    Six colors are limited? Oh please 🙄 give me a break!
    Six 'safe' colours and not a gradient in sight. Fashion means trends. If the trend is in gradients, no amount of colours will resolve the problem.

    Also, it is six colours on this refresh. Six months. Before that what did you have? The options weren't particularly varied and you had to go back to the plastic matte colours of the 5C before that.

    Huawei has brought countless colours and finishes to market over the last few years.

    Fashion is hard to nail. Sometimes you get lucky, often you don't. Apple has a tough call as it has to make do with its choices for the entire life of the refresh.

    Obviously Huawei has far more room to manoeuvre here.
    Honestly, who cares what the shell looks like. The phone is a tool. If you’re the type of person who buys something based on how it looks, that’s fine, but personally I buy something based on how it functions. If the iPhone shell was covered with brown paper, I would still use it. The software makes the iPhone great, not the color of the shell. 
  • Reply 56 of 79
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    hexclock said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    How has Huawei pulled ahead in chassis design?
    More than chassis, shell design.

    Fashion counts (especially in China) even though phones end up in cases.

    It doesn't make a lot of sense to some but one aspect of phones is design and your first contact with one is its design. Like food at a restaurant. It enters through your eyes first. The shell is important.

    Last year Huawei took a gamble on gradient finishes and it paid off. The 'Twilight' gradient set a trend that many followed. We can say that 2018 was the year of the gradient in terms of phone shell finish.

    However, Huawei has a long history of experimenting with phone finishes.

    It releases so many phones a year (Huawei and Honor) that it is easy to test the waters with new ideas and see how they work.

    They have been working on layering techniques, nano coatings, ribbing etc. for many years.

    This year they have taken the P20 gradients and refined them. I have seen both the Amber Sunrise and Breathing Crystal finishes in person. They are both - stunning. Absolutely beautiful.

    This doesn't mean Apple's are ugly. They suffer from being a little 'boring' with regards to what is on offer. The XR took a step in the right direction, though. There is no denying that, but your options of course are limited.

    Six colors are limited? Oh please 🙄 give me a break!
    Six 'safe' colours and not a gradient in sight. Fashion means trends. If the trend is in gradients, no amount of colours will resolve the problem.

    Also, it is six colours on this refresh. Six months. Before that what did you have? The options weren't particularly varied and you had to go back to the plastic matte colours of the 5C before that.

    Huawei has brought countless colours and finishes to market over the last few years.

    Fashion is hard to nail. Sometimes you get lucky, often you don't. Apple has a tough call as it has to make do with its choices for the entire life of the refresh.

    Obviously Huawei has far more room to manoeuvre here.
    Honestly, who cares what the shell looks like. The phone is a tool. If you’re the type of person who buys something based on how it looks, that’s fine, but personally I buy something based on how it functions. If the iPhone shell was covered with brown paper, I would still use it. The software makes the iPhone great, not the color of the shell. 
    True. However, as I pointed out above, in spite of often ending up in cases, exterior design remains a key driver in the sale. Especially in China.
  • Reply 57 of 79
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,304member
    avon b7 said:
    hexclock said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    How has Huawei pulled ahead in chassis design?
    More than chassis, shell design.

    Fashion counts (especially in China) even though phones end up in cases.

    It doesn't make a lot of sense to some but one aspect of phones is design and your first contact with one is its design. Like food at a restaurant. It enters through your eyes first. The shell is important.

    Last year Huawei took a gamble on gradient finishes and it paid off. The 'Twilight' gradient set a trend that many followed. We can say that 2018 was the year of the gradient in terms of phone shell finish.

    However, Huawei has a long history of experimenting with phone finishes.

    It releases so many phones a year (Huawei and Honor) that it is easy to test the waters with new ideas and see how they work.

    They have been working on layering techniques, nano coatings, ribbing etc. for many years.

    This year they have taken the P20 gradients and refined them. I have seen both the Amber Sunrise and Breathing Crystal finishes in person. They are both - stunning. Absolutely beautiful.

    This doesn't mean Apple's are ugly. They suffer from being a little 'boring' with regards to what is on offer. The XR took a step in the right direction, though. There is no denying that, but your options of course are limited.

    Six colors are limited? Oh please 🙄 give me a break!
    Six 'safe' colours and not a gradient in sight. Fashion means trends. If the trend is in gradients, no amount of colours will resolve the problem.

    Also, it is six colours on this refresh. Six months. Before that what did you have? The options weren't particularly varied and you had to go back to the plastic matte colours of the 5C before that.

    Huawei has brought countless colours and finishes to market over the last few years.

    Fashion is hard to nail. Sometimes you get lucky, often you don't. Apple has a tough call as it has to make do with its choices for the entire life of the refresh.

    Obviously Huawei has far more room to manoeuvre here.
    Honestly, who cares what the shell looks like. The phone is a tool. If you’re the type of person who buys something based on how it looks, that’s fine, but personally I buy something based on how it functions. If the iPhone shell was covered with brown paper, I would still use it. The software makes the iPhone great, not the color of the shell. 
    True. However, as I pointed out above, in spite of often ending up in cases, exterior design remains a key driver in the sale. Especially in China.
    Different strokes for different folks I guess. Have a good one. 
  • Reply 58 of 79
    dt17dt17 Posts: 18member
    avon b7 said:
    Huawei has pulled ahead in major areas:

    Shell design
    Battery tech
    Modem tech
    Camera tech

    This is interesting. Please share more details on how Huawei has pulled ahead in these areas
  • Reply 59 of 79
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    gatorguy said:
    clarker99 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Completely unnecessary. Adds nothing but distraction to the thread. Feel free to disagree but really, name-calling is what it comes down to?  
    Says the other shill.
  • Reply 60 of 79
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    dt17 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Huawei has pulled ahead in major areas:

    Shell design
    Battery tech
    Modem tech
    Camera tech

    This is interesting. Please share more details on how Huawei has pulled ahead in these areas
    Simply take a look at a couple of videos (below).


    As this article already states, it is reasonable to believe Huawei is simply investing more in the hardware but the software on the phone has also seen a huge monetary investment. Moving to RYYB meant changing everything on the imaging front. They had to produce new DSPs etc. Expensive stuff. As it is, in photography, Apple is far behind the P20 Pro  (which shipped over a year ago) in areas such as low light, zoom and assisting AI technologies (AIIS).


    Huawei has its own battery R&D centre (Watt Lab) and has made numerous advances in battery technology. Much of it can be used in its phones. Since 2017, the batteries have also been TüV certified. 

    IMO. There is no way Apple should be shipping 5W chargers on ultra premium phones in 2019. It is absurd and frankly a disgrace.


    With decades of experience in telecommunications, Huawei obviously has accumulated knowhow in every area of wireless communication, from modems through to antenna design. Very few companies can match them on this front.

    Apple getting itself into a potential squeeze on 5G modem tech can be put down to poor management but they do not have the knowhow, patents or engineers to produce a competitive modem any time soon (that's how it looks anyway).

    Shell Design:

    I mentioned shell design in an earlier post but here is a review quote:

    "Breathtakingly gorgeous design

    While the bright Amber Red finish is my favourite, the Breathing Crystal stands out and looks expensive. Stack it up next to the more expensive iPhone XS Max and the Max just looks downright boring in comparison.

    The fit, finish and machining of the glass and metal construction is flawless, but the finish on the back is unforgettable and eye-catching as the gradient paint job shifts colours depending on how you hold it."

    Try finding a review that doesn't praise the beauty of these phones.

    If you add things up you can see that Apple has its work cut out. Anyone that says otherwise isn't in touch with reality. I haven't even touched on things like macro photography, the ToF camera etc.

    As I said earlier, taking a great photo isn't enough now. Camera versatility is what counts today.

    The P30 Pro is far from perfect but it is the phone to top.

    People will look at the first video and say that specs don't tell the whole story. They are right but specs do tell a story and the results back it up. The iPhone simply cannot do many of the things that people want today.

    Some of the usual suspects (fortunately they are few) have waded into the comments to throw insults around. What is telling is that they have no counterpoint to offer. They are people who claim they would never touch a non-Apple phone anyway. Something I can understand but if that is the case, why even read this thread much less comment without adding anything to the discussion?

    The biggest mistake anyone can make is thinking people don't switch. They do. I hope Apple hasn't fallen into that trap.

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