The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 1221 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
    > Just pointing out that you often seem to make yourself the issue and/or insert yourself into a conversation.

    That's funny, because before posting my prior message, I had included the point that the next step would be to blame me for what the critics started! But I decided to delete that part. My mistake. So I'll just remind you that it was smurf who made me an issue over a word that didn't matter, and had to fib about it at that - claiming I "kept using" it. Perhaps you have noticed he has not produced any other examples of it, let alone enough to remotely justify making his statement. Or you might notice that it was others who made an issue about my programming.

    > People would then say you make false assertions

    People can say many things - but you might note again that only I can point out little details such as the fact that smurf can't provide examples for what he said about me "keep using" a specific word. If he checked, and found a bunch of examples, he would have provided them. He knows he made it up so he either doesn't even check or knowns the odds of finding many examples is so unlikely, it isn't worth the time to even check.
    weirdosmurf said:

    You my friend, have just struck upon psychological bingo...  ;) 
    More like psycho bingo since it was you who made my use of a specific word an issue - falsely at that (feel free to provide a bunch of examples if you insist you are correct. I don't think you can do it). Likewise ericpeets making my programming an issue - but, oops, he got caught with his own link showing he was was wrong about certain assembly instructions. So after you and others make me the issue, you then eventually switch to saying I was making myself the issue. That is not an ethical argument for you to make.

    You are all free to make stuff up. You are free to make me the issue. But here's the thing: I get to respond. Meanwhile, tell us how many times I needed to use the word in this forum to "justify" you making it an issue out of 342 posts.
    Umm... everyone gets to respond... that’s what a public Internet forum is... this isn’t a court of law, and if it were, you might find a judge shutting down some of your nonsense just as I might find mine curtailed - I cant imagine any sane judge allowing my requirement for the death penalty to apply to boy-bands to stand...

    To engage and “bicker” as you have suggested? Not on your life. 

    To poke a bit of fun using pop culture references or trash boy bands ad nauseum? You betcha...! I am a sucker for the little things in life...

    Am I willing to chase down a red herring for the purpose of winning the internet? I am not. If that qualifies in your mind for an ethical violation of some sort, then you definitely won the internet... 

    Is being the centre of the issue important to you? If so, by all means continue arguing about why you are/aren’t the centre of the issue... if however, you don’t wish to be the centre of the issue and you wish to discuss the TextBlade, Waytools and or all things therein, then again, by all means do so. If you don’t enjoy “absolute crap” then by all means, you are entirely free to elevate yourself above what you consider “crap”. You are equally free to roll around in the playground mud scrapping, punching and wrestling for meaningless points (with which you eventually get to “buy the internet...) The choice is entirely yours and your choice demonstrates everything about you (just as my choices reveal anything and everything about me - everyone’s do...)

    Am I concerned that you might say “see... I knew you couldn’t do some entirely meaningless task I set you”...? I’ll just have to somehow manage to find a way go on living with myself (I do not answer to you and I don’t work for you. I am not a student of yours, nor am I a band member who you can bark instructions at to be blindly followed - I’d ask you to refrain from barking please...)

    What I am in this particular context is a customer of Waytools who is frustrated and feels poorly served by the company. The company does not appear keen to engage and is extremely poor at customer relations and is extremely (overly) sensitive to criticism. The company have been extremely vague in their use of timeframes - so much so that they insist (with you as a staunch defender) they have never actually missed a deadline since they never actually gave a deadline; merely an estimate... and yet a significant number of customers feel they were deceived. The company dangles a carrot (early adopter gift of “significant value”) out without stating what it is whilst at the same time urging dissatisfied people to use the refund button; that denies people the ability to make an informed decision by keeping them uninformed about a key piece of information. And on the point of refunds, the company states (on this forum) the decision to keep an order or seek a refund sits entirely with the customer and yet that same company has unilaterally enforced refunds to customers who have vented their displeasure. Last and by no means least, the company maintains a forum (complete with a “rants” section) and yet a number of customers who have “ranted” have been shadow banned from the forum, silencing their dissent - any serious dissent. There are more, but I can’t sit here typing on an Internet forum all day (not typed on a TextBlade btw)... I have work to crack on with...

    All of this is quite uncool and certainly justifies the voices here complaining. Attacking the messengers and changing the frame of reference in order to validate attacking the messengers doesn’t change the validity of those complaints.

    Why do do people end up always piling on to you dbk on every forum you enter...? That’s one of those existential questions you’ll need to engage a good therapist to get to the bottom of, I highly recommend it (mine tells me One Direction is better than Take That... I mean seriously... is she insane? I mean c’mon... Robbie Williams vs Harry Styles... what is she even thinking...!?) There’s no way that you’d take your lead from a suggestion on an Internet forum (and to be fair, why would you...?) so perhaps you can explore the question we all have deep down “why doesn’t everyone in the world see the world the way I see it, like sensible people should...?” with a professional who might get you some decent, unbiased perspective. If pursuing that’s important to you (and it appears from your posts it is an important issue for you, hence the endless debate and shifting sands of framework) then I’d suggest you’ll remain unfulfilled if you keep trying to find those answers on Internet forums...

    An excellent summary. We awaits DBK's DeBunKing and reality distortion fielding in response. :-)
  • Reply 1222 of 1615
    > Is being the centre of the issue important to you?

    Nope, but since you and others tend to try to make it that way, I respond accordingly. Find more examples of me using that word you claimed I kept using yet?

    Because unless you do, or admit you made an issue over something that never should have been an issue plus you were wrong about it, I guess it won't be you that I'll discuss other things with.
    As you wish... (see what I did there Wesley fans...?) I will freely acknowledge you did not reference Inigo Montoya in any way, nor Vincini or any other dialogue from William Goldman’s masterpiece.

    was it wrong of me to have done so myself...? I think not, but who am I but stardust in an infinite universe...?

    Does that mean you won’t discuss things with me? Well, gee, once again I’ll just have to find a way to sleep soundly at night.

    Anything to add about the Waytools/TextBlade/customer portion of my email, or would you rather continue keeping the focus on you (although I seem to remember somewhere you suggested you didn’t want that...)

    Any response is a choice on what’s important to you. You might, for example, choose to respond and focus on Waytools/TextBlade related issues. You could, on the other hand choose to focus on your self, and any perceived slights where you are the primary focus; they’re just a couple of examples...

    ...I could provide more if you’d like; bubblegum, glitter, scissors, elephants, bicycles, rainbows, unicorns and let’s not forget; male close harmony singing groups (not the magnificent Welsh male voice choir, but rather the teen heartthrob variety...)

    All subjects are naturally matters of free choice; feel entirely free to engage in whichever of all the myriad of possibilities in the universe is most important to you. Given this is a thread about Waytools and the (much talked about but rarely seen in the wild...) TextBlade, you might choose that as a starting point, but far be it for me to pressure you in to choosing something you really don’t want...

    (...and no kids, that isn’t reverse psychology... it’s just reality at work; ain’t the universe grand? I mean bubblegum and rainbows in the same thread; how can anyone get angry at that... provided, that is, if you steer clear of topics that are clearly and obviously offensive... like NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, One Direction, Take That etc...  ;))
  • Reply 1223 of 1615
    An excellent summary. We awaits DBK's DeBunKing and reality distortion fielding in response. :-)
    Well, I see none of you can provide examples of me repeatedly using that word, so you resort to posts that, no matter how long, are dedicated to avoiding acknowledging that fact. 
  • Reply 1224 of 1615
    I will freely acknowledge you did not reference Inigo Montoya in any way, nor Vincini or any other dialogue from William Goldman’s masterpiece.
    Like I just said, you will say a lot of stuff to avoid admitting you were wrong when you claimed I kept using a certain word - including “acknowledging” something that I wasn’t even addressing. Not very ethical of you. It’s the way a person would act if their original false claim was made knowing it was false. 
  • Reply 1225 of 1615
    An excellent summary. We awaits DBK's DeBunKing and reality distortion fielding in response. :-)
    Well, I see none of you can provide examples of me repeatedly using that word, so you resort to posts that, no matter how long, are dedicated to avoiding acknowledging that fact. 
    Au contraire mon ami... I most certainly acknowledged the issue quite directly so I hope we can move past the ugliness and... dare I say “bickering” and on to far more relevant issues, namely the TextBlade and Waytools and their 4+ year fraught relationship with their customers as well as their somewhat tenuous relationship with the realities of that situation...

    ...if, of course you truly prefer to continue making yourself the main course... err... focus, then perhaps we’d be better placed shifting our therapy session to a more private setting (I’m not charging for any of this btw...), after all we have been admonished by the Moderator to avoid the bickering and to stay on topic... unless of course your goal is to get the thread closed... hmmm... no, that’s too Machiavellian surely...

    Edited to add the following after reading previous post; seems we posted simultaneously...

    Sigh... I’d hoped you really didn’t want to focus on you, but all evidence just keeps pointing to a different conclusion from my wishes...

    (that’s actually not true. I’ve encountered dbk on many “fora” and he is decidedly predictable in behavioural response and subject matter - it is all but guaranteed he will twist and turn any discussion until he is a... let’s call it a “main character”... it’s as certain as Jupiter and Earth moving closer to each other every year - that’s actually true! As is the fact that the moon is moving away from us...)
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 1226 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    Au contraire mon ami... I most certainly acknowledged the issue quite directly

    Sigh... I’d hoped you really didn’t want to focus on you
    1. You directly made an issue about me using a specific word over and over. You were, of course, wrong. You do everything you can to directly avoid withdrawing your claim. 

    2. And you always, after making something about me and getting caught being wrong, sudden profess how you don’t want it to be about me - which simply requires an admission that you made up a false claim. Which brings us back to item 1. 
  • Reply 1227 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    Let's try a different approach, which ought to be useful one way or another.
    Well, I see none of you can provide examples of me repeatedly using that word, so you resort to posts that, no matter how long, are dedicated to avoiding acknowledging that fact. 
    weirdosmurf said:
    Au contraire mon ami... I most certainly acknowledged the issue quite directly
    I appreciate your admission that I did not use "keep using" the word you previously, and erroneously, said I did. While that still doesn't explain why you made it an issue in the first place, I could let that part go.
  • Reply 1228 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    @alexonline (GreatTools_Support)
    As part of our accelerated feature development team, we decided to spend 20% of our time on other projects. 
    One of the devs thought it would be great if the Sext Blade could have other features. Our competitor blathers on about making a mouse, but we aim higher than that - much higher. 
    Using the parallel interpolative forces of geometrical suborbital magnetic fields, used when the blades stick together, we realised this could be used to open a wormhole in the space time continuum, and that a surprising by product was the ability to teleport. 
    We were doing some experiments and crazily - it worked! But a fly got into the vortex, and when our Sext Blade used on of the 12 Jumps features, where the Blade can physically jump between and in front of different devices on your desk table, it suddenly had wings, beady eyes, fine hairs on each key and stuff. 
    You keep outdoing yourself...
    hmmm, can we use the Sext Blade to teleport back in time and rewrite the whole 8th season of Game of Thrones ? It seems you would have 1.5M supporters Treggers right there. Or adding the time shifting variable would be feature creep ?

    While we wait for the 
    promised update with only 2 more days to go, I hereby state that by the appointed Internet Lords I declare DBK winner of the word usage argument, please let it rest in peace, please, please, please.

    Now to work. I will get back to ask questions on the TB once GRRM loans his DOS word processor to WT so they can finally type the update on the keyboard of their choice.
  • Reply 1229 of 1615
    Let's try a different approach, which ought to be useful one way or another.
    Well, I see none of you can provide examples of me repeatedly using that word, so you resort to posts that, no matter how long, are dedicated to avoiding acknowledging that fact. 
    weirdosmurf said:
    Au contraire mon ami... I most certainly acknowledged the issue quite directly
    I appreciate your admission that I did not use "keep using" the word you previously, and erroneously, said I did. While that still doesn't explain why you made it an issue in the first place, I could let that part go.
    I borrowed a line from a movie for a cheap laugh and to point out I thought your understanding of a concept seemed to be quite different from what the rest of the world understood [shrug]... I’m not at all troubled by it, in fact I think the only person who is, is you. That’s the explanation: the actual entirety of my thought process when borrowing the line from Inigo Montoya - it’s a very common internet meme for calling out when someone misuses a word or phrase. I’d explain to you what these “meme” things are, but... that wouldn’t be fair, you can go look it up yourself on “the google machine”; there’s a world of grumpy cat gifs for you to discover, I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you... Lots of younger and older folks on the internet talk past each other on these types of things and I freely forgive you if that’s the case.

    If you’re going to let something go, then let it go. If you’re not, then don’t; and keep making yourself and how wronged you feel the issue... if you couldn’t care less and “it’s all water off a duck’s back [to you]”, then demonstrate it. If you really want to talk about the TextBlae and Waytools, then do so; I even wrote quite a comprehensive paragraph on severe problems with Waytools and their conduct. If you’re motivation is fairness and to defend the innocent at all costs, then there’s your chance... one way or the other [either Waytools or its poorly served customers].

    There are lots of things you “could” do... the only truly meaningful thing is which of those things you actually do... 
  • Reply 1230 of 1615
    I borrowed a line from a movie for a cheap laugh and to point out I thought your understanding of a concept seemed to be quite different from what the rest of the world understood
    Didn't care about "the line". If I did, I would have focused on how you didn't show any misunderstanding on my part of the word at all. I only focused on the fact that you falsely said I kept using a word that I actually rarely use. You sure haven't provided a bunch of other examples. You might consider actually searching for stuff like that before you make more false claims.

    But cheer up. Maybe WT will miss the May update and you can talk about that instead of making stuff up.
  • Reply 1231 of 1615
    I borrowed a line from a movie for a cheap laugh and to point out I thought your understanding of a concept seemed to be quite different from what the rest of the world understood
    Didn't care about "the line". If I did, I would have focused on how you didn't show any misunderstanding on my part of the word at all. I only focused on the fact that you falsely said I kept using a word that I actually rarely use. You sure haven't provided a bunch of other examples. You might consider actually searching for stuff like that before you make more false claims.

    But cheer up. Maybe WT will miss the May update and you can talk about that instead of making stuff up.
    Taking a word out of its contextual line... tsk, tsk... surely you know better than that. If you’re not bothered by “the line” then you’re not actually bothered, rather you’re trying to find a validation for bickering...

    I gave quite a lengthy and clear couple of paragraphs about Waytools and the ever-elusive TextBlade which you’ve neatly sidestepped in an effort to divert and deflect the subject matter away on to what you are aggrieved by and what you feel hurts your feelings. That’s the same as me diverting a conversation to talk about methods of eliminating Maroon 5 from the time stream...

    just St in case you missed it because you simply honed in on anything to do with you specifically, here it is again;

    >What I am in this particular context is a customer of Waytools who is frustrated and feels poorly served by the company. The company does not appear keen to engage and is extremely poor at customer relations and is extremely (overly) sensitive to criticism. The company have been extremely vague in their use of timeframes - so much so that they insist (with you as a staunch defender) they have never actually missed a deadline since they never actually gave a deadline; merely an estimate... and yet a significant number of customers feel they were deceived. The company dangles a carrot (early adopter gift of “significant value”) out without stating what it is whilst at the same time urging dissatisfied people to use the refund button; that denies people the ability to make an informed decision by keeping them uninformed about a key piece of information. And on the point of refunds, the company states (on this forum) the decision to keep an order or seek a refund sits entirely with the customer and yet that same company has unilaterally enforced refunds to customers who have vented their displeasure. Last and by no means least, the company maintains a forum (complete with a “rants” section) and yet a number of customers who have “ranted” have been shadow banned from the forum, silencing their dissent - anyserious dissent. There are more, but I can’t sit here typing on an Internet forum all day (not typed on a TextBlade btw)... I have work to crack on with...

    >All of this is quite uncool and certainly justifies the voices here complaining. Attacking the messengers and changing the frame of reference in order to validate attacking the messengers doesn’t change the validity of those complaints.

    Make your decision on what’s important to you - bickering about yourself or Waytools and the TextBlade - and have at it champ...  ;)
  • Reply 1232 of 1615
    Taking a word out of its contextual line... tsk, tsk... surely you know better than that.
    Yet there is no context that changes the fact that you said I kept using a word that, in fact, I rarely use. Yet you made a choice to make the claim anyway.

    You don't even know how many times I've used it here, do you? Or is it that you do know that you keep trying to distract from your statement?
  • Reply 1233 of 1615
    For those who have lost track, the false claim that weirdosmurf made that I've challenged him about came from post 1197:
    “Contribute”... you keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means...
    But I rarely use that word so his starting point was wrong.

    But in post early today (post 1232), he complains that I took his statement out of context. I addressed one problem with that in my prior post, but here's a bigger problem. The "context" he provides didn't come from post 1197. It came from post 1220! You can't leave out context that doesn't even exist yet!

    This documentation, by the way, is what a poster can do when they aren't making things up. Which is why smurf has never shown other times I've used the word in this whole thread prior to that one time.
  • Reply 1234 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
    Taking a word out of its contextual line... tsk, tsk... surely you know better than that.
    Yet there is no context that changes the fact that you said I kept using a word that, in fact, I rarely use. Yet you made a choice to make the claim anyway.

    You don't even know how many times I've used it here, do you? Or is it that you do know that you keep trying to distract from your statement?
    Sticks and stones will break my bones but words (typed on a S/TextBlade or not) will never hurt me. 

    Grow up, DBK. 

    WSmurf - you mentioned two days to go for my promised update - you did mean the promised GreatTools update, didn’t you?

    We’ve been spending the money that has been flooding in on fast cars, women and keeping Sext Blade Treggers happy and paying the insurance claim on one unfortunate re-attachment surgery - there were bugs, we admit it!

    Thankfully the re-attachment surgery was a success and the owner decided to get a 5G hotspot installed, so he is now the proud owner of the world’s first 5G-enabled dongle. 

    We spent so much money that we nearly went broke! A White Knighton got in contact with promises of oodles of cash but we managed to get a good review of one of our prototypes in an Apple fan website and we got so many new orders we’re back in the black and have just picked up an Aventador... such a nice car, with CarPlay, too!

    Check back with us in the Fall sometime for our next update... it will probably be concerning the Maybach we’re looking at to see whether it is possible to type and drive at the same time legally.

    Also re: GoT S08 - it’s an interesting side project we want to spend part of our 20% of spare time on. We’re working on it! Just need to avoid a spider or dragon getting into the vortex stream or we really will have some problems...

    Love, unicorns, rainbows and Obamacare re-attachment insurance plans...


    edited May 2019 arkorott
  • Reply 1235 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    Grow up, DBK. 
    Sure. So when are you going to provide the serious examples of WT making "digs" on their availability/shipping status page? Clearly you've had plenty of time and the page isn't all that long.
  • Reply 1236 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
    Grow up, DBK. 
    Sure. So when are you going to provide the serious examples of WT making "digs" on their availability/shipping status page? Clearly you've had plenty of time and the page isn't all that long.
    So you’re just going to be a pig-headed whatevski and not grow up? Reaching back for some old bone to chew?

    Grow up, DBK, you’re retired but you act like a petulant child, your post above proves that. 

    You cant wait a few days for claims I told you were obvious to non-Treggers but you’ve no problem in waiting 4+ years for GR?

    Turn off your TextBlade and computer and go outside for a bit, DBK, it’ll do you (and us) a world of good. 

    When i finally show you the “digs” you can rev up your reality distortion field once more and rationalise to the n-th degree why each of my examples aren’t valid and why you, and only you, are the Damn Bruce Kwillis type that will save the world from MK and from your misunderstanding of the fact that you are one heck of a “contributor”.

    grow up DBK, it’s not all about you, and if you stopped posting for a few days and didn’t jump in every millisecond to Stockholm-Syndrome defend your and WT’s position, you’d see that the world would still spin and discussions here would be vastly less interrupted by fluff. 

    Sticks and stones might hurt my bones but words typed on a TextBlade or any keyboard don’t, and that’s a very simple lesson you’ve forgotten. All the fake hurt in the world is just that - fake - and any offence you take is a decision you make to be offended. 

    Stop choosing to be offended, and get back to enjoying your retirement for a few days before posting here again, and please spare us your retort that it’s your right to post here and you can do it any time you like. 

    Yes, you can, but it’s also your right to shut up for a bit and I urge you to exercise that right for a few days in peaceful and contemplative reflection. 

    I’ll get you that new bone to chew on soon enough, in the meantime, take a chill pill, or a viagra pill, and take a time out. You need it. 
  • Reply 1237 of 1615
    weirdosmurfweirdosmurf Posts: 101member
    Grow up, DBK. 
    Sure. So when are you going to provide the serious examples of WT making "digs" on their availability/shipping status page? Clearly you've had plenty of time and the page isn't all that long.
    Methinks you’re more interested in drawing up reasons to be upset and offended about tangential points which aren’t anything to do with Waytools or TextBlade, they appear to be more about attacking people and finding excuses to “bicker”...

    If it makes you feel better, replace the word “contribute” from my line and replace it with the word “inconceivable”. It wouldn’t make quite as much sense, but the essence would be the same... Better now?

    If injustices and offensive behaviour are what you’re after then I’d ask you to join up to my petition to have Boys II Men officially censured by Congress. I think all would agree that’s the true crime going unpunished under everyone’s noses (that as much as anything else you’ve taken personal aggrievement to... if you’re going to hijack the thread with your irrelevant pet peeves then it’s therefore equally appropriate for equal time and attention to be given to mine...) If you’re not reasonably aggrieved - as you have suggested - and you have broad shoulders and a thick skin, then there’s no need to continue bringing it up. If what you want is for someone to say something in the words you wish them to say it... I think I can confidently say that isn’t going to occur and that neither proves nor disproves anything; it’s simply an inevitable reality of this big old universe we live in with all of its inevitabilities - at some point we all end up coming to terms with the nihilistic reality that “life is meaningless and we’re all going to die...” and we’ll ultimately all become something else’s stardust... unless of course the Flying Spaghetti Monster embraces us in the afterlife with his holy, noodley appendages...  ;)

    I could go on with existential theory forever and ever (technically not since mortality kinda puts a kink in it...) but that doesn’t get us back to Waytools and the TextBlade as opposed to making dbk and his perceived slights the centre of attention - dbk, you’ve stated you don’t want to be the centre of attention so here’s (again) your chance to back up that statement... it’s time to put on the big-boy pants and swim in the deep water (that’s a mixed metaphor for growing up btw...). The choices we make and actions we take reveal everything about us... (my boy band obsession is out of the bag now as an example...)

    Anything to add about TextBlades or Waytools or are you happy to leave any points made unanswered? It’s perfectly fine if you have nothing to say due to being in tacit agreement; there’s nothing at all wrong with that...
  • Reply 1238 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    alexonline said:

    Reaching back for some old bone to chew? You cant wait a few days for claims I told you were obvious to non-Treggers but you’ve no problem in waiting 4+ years for GR?

    if you stopped posting for a few days and didn’t jump in every millisecond to Stockholm-Syndrome defend your and WT’s position, you’d see that the world would still spin and discussions here would be vastly less interrupted by fluff. 
    I've been waiting. And it's been days already. You made the claim on May 22nd. I simply asked you for an example of the claim after I scanned the source material twice and read it more carefully once. You said you would provide the examples but you were too busy at the time. So I waited - until I kept seeing a bunch of your posts that were quite long and would take significant time to be creative. Sure looked like you must have had time! Since most people here are non-treggers, you should have no problem with showing your examples. 

    I have plenty of problems with the wait for GR, but I can see good reasons for that. I'm actually treating you the same way I treat WT. With WT, not doing GR is one thing - lots of things out of their control when dealing with new tech. But I don't give them the same slack when it comes to posting updates because new tech doesn't prevent providing something there (and I'm already prepared for my comments should they miss the latest timeframe).

    Same for you, except you have even less of an excuse. Because you are referring to something that, if you are correct, already exists and is not subject to any change at all. Just copy and paste. So I waited for days (7 so far), waited for you to post in ways that show you have free time, and only then said I was still waiting.

    There was a time when I deliberately went days without posting, just to prove a point - that the crap was posted anyway, whether I responded or not. So I don't need to prove it yet again.
    weirdosmurf said:

    Methinks you’re more interested in drawing up reasons to be upset and offended about tangential points which aren’t anything to do with Waytools or TextBlade, they appear to be more about attacking people and finding excuses to “bicker”

    If it makes you feel better, replace the word “contribute” from my line and replace it with the word “inconceivable”. It wouldn’t make quite as much sense, but the essence would be the same... Better now?
    When someone brings in tangential points which are making someone the issue with false claims, I'll respond. Cause and effect. The solution is not for me to let you do it and me to ignore the false statements. The solution is for you or others not to make the false claims. Simple.

    Why would changing the word one I rarely use to one I probably use even less be better? The essence is the same, but that's because both would be false.

  • Reply 1239 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
    alexonline said:

    Reaching back for some old bone to chew? You cant wait a few days for claims I told you were obvious to non-Treggers but you’ve no problem in waiting 4+ years for GR?

    if you stopped posting for a few days and didn’t jump in every millisecond to Stockholm-Syndrome defend your and WT’s position, you’d see that the world would still spin and discussions here would be vastly less interrupted by fluff. 
    I've been waiting. And it's been days already. You made the claim on May 22nd. I simply asked you for an example of the claim after I scanned the source material twice and read it more carefully once. You said you would provide the examples but you were too busy at the time. So I waited - until I kept seeing a bunch of your posts that were quite long and would take significant time to be creative. Sure looked like you must have had time! Since most people here are non-treggers, you should have no problem with showing your examples. 

    I have plenty of problems with the wait for GR, but I can see good reasons for that. I'm actually treating you the same way I treat WT. With WT, not doing GR is one thing - lots of things out of their control when dealing with new tech. But I don't give them the same slack when it comes to posting updates because new tech doesn't prevent providing something there (and I'm already prepared for my comments should they miss the latest timeframe).

    Same for you, except you have even less of an excuse. Because you are referring to something that, if you are correct, already exists and is not subject to any change at all. Just copy and paste. So I waited for days (7 so far), waited for you to post in ways that show you have free time, and only then said I was still waiting.

    There was a time when I deliberately went days without posting, just to prove a point - that the crap was posted anyway, whether I responded or not. So I don't need to prove it yet again.
    weirdosmurf said:

    Methinks you’re more interested in drawing up reasons to be upset and offended about tangential points which aren’t anything to do with Waytools or TextBlade, they appear to be more about attacking people and finding excuses to “bicker”

    If it makes you feel better, replace the word “contribute” from my line and replace it with the word “inconceivable”. It wouldn’t make quite as much sense, but the essence would be the same... Better now?
    When someone brings in tangential points which are making someone the issue with false claims, I'll respond. Cause and effect. The solution is not for me to let you do it and me to ignore the false statements. The solution is for you or others not to make the false claims. Simple.

    Why would changing the word one I rarely use to one I probably use even less be better? The essence is the same, but that's because both would be false.

    Hint: go a few more days without posting - you’ll give your brain and the rest of us a rest. Mental assault by continual DBK-ing is tiring, but you’re like the Typeminator that keeps going and going and going - endless paragraphs of justification, word redefinition, offence taking, it’s an endless cycle with you, and you proudly boast you’re both justified and the victim. Talk about having it both ways. 

    Yaaawwwwwwwwn. Heard it all before, ad Infinitum, ad nauseum. Like a WT excuse, I can go back in time and copy and paste from various of your posts and little will have changed except for the fact it’s now 2019 and not 2015 any more - thank you for your contribution - both of you. 

    You’ll get your new bone to chew soon enough - I don’t work at your timeframe, indeed, I reserve the right to follow the example of the Great Leader and Rocket Blade Man Kim-Jongton and his 4+ year plan to do whatever it is he is doing over there while marvelling at Tesla, Aircharger, etc rinse lather repeat.  

    In the meantime you can send MK another pointed reminder that May ends shortly. Like in a couple of days. My update might take longer - but I don’t have 4+ years of delays as prior history to sweep under the space bar. 
  • Reply 1240 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    Hint: go a few more days without posting

    Nope. I did that multiple times before. That's my limit.

    You’ll get your new bone to chew soon enough - I don’t work at your timeframe

    I went with your timeframe too - waited for days until I saw you obviously had lots of times to compose your somewhat clever posts. Which showed that a simple copy and paste would take little time in comparison. Like I said, I treat you just like I treat WT.

    > I
    n the meantime you can send MK another pointed reminder that May ends shortly.

    I already did today. It's there for anyone to see.
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