New PowerMac pictures leaked



  • Reply 281 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by Telomar:

    <strong>Umm...the DoD's plans to invade Iraq were and are in no way sensitive. You would find they were leaked quite deliberately in fact.

    Ever actually seen the US DoD go after anybody for stealing secrets? They don't pertain to the belief "it's their job to keep it secret". It is very much a case of "you just stole from us and we're going to hang you for it".

    I would strongly suggest you get some knowledge of just how the DoD really works before you try and bring them up.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Of course, the Supreme Court disagrees with them.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Pentagon Papers</a>
  • Reply 282 of 688
    ndanda Posts: 14member
    [quote]Originally posted by Telomar:

    <strong>Ever actually seen the US DoD go after anybody for stealing secrets? They don't pertain to the belief "it's their job to keep it secret". It is very much a case of "you just stole from us and we're going to hang you for it"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A lot of the stuff that leaks out of Washington is deliberately leaked. But when someone gives away actual secrets, and someone else publishes them, the government goes after the person who leaked, not the person who published.

    DoD tried to go after the publisher over the Pentagon Papers. It didn't work. There's little recourse against the publisher unless the information is libelous.
  • Reply 283 of 688
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    To me it seems implausable that all of the rumor sites would coordinate a mass removal of the pictures. Not impossible, but silly. If one site refused to pull the pictures, they'd get virtually all of the traffic and revenue.
  • Reply 284 of 688
    Poor macrumors had to shut down their bulletin board cause they're getting overloaded. Apple, I think folks are ready for new PowerMacs! If this is a market research expiriment I think you have the results!
  • Reply 285 of 688
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    COncerning the air vents at the front...

    Why on the front? Why not put them on the bottom unseen?, Why are they shaped so inefficiently?

    By looking at these things carfeully I'd swear they are two usb ports, and two firewire ports.

    It makes sense, but having decorative air vents does not. Either that or Apple has been kind enough to leave usb/airport sized holes in place for case modders to turn into useful ports.

    i can see it now...

    [b]Jonathan Ives[/b:] "Steve, I put USB & firewire ports on the front, and by angling them up into the front of the machine, I've minimized their presence and enhanced the aesthetics at the same time."

    Steve: "Yank those ports out of there, reshape them slightly so that they create a Bernouli Effect inside the box. We need cold air. Oh yeah, and we also have a heat sync that looks like a scale model to rebuild the World Trade center. Oh yes, and we will no longer refer to this as El Capitan, it is now, Dante's Inferno. One more thing... i like to brush my teeth while checking the morning email, can you build a mirrored surface into the fron t of the thing? That'd be great."

    Jonathan Ives " Anything else?"

    Steve: "yeah, take the *&^% protective plastic off the case the next time I tell you to leak some images."


    [ 07-22-2002: Message edited by: Masker ]

    [ 07-22-2002: Message edited by: Masker ]</p>
  • Reply 286 of 688
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    DOD and Apple?

    Come on....

    Much of the Fed is covered by FOI act and is a public entity.

    Apple is a private company and is subject to no such thing. If they elect to keep their intellectual property out of public eye and classify it as such tey are wholly with their legal right to demand its removal.

    Can we drop all the Armchair-Lawyer posts now?

    This is my hypocritical post of the day.
  • Reply 287 of 688
    williwwilliw Posts: 1member
    Lemon Bob Bon posted at 07-22-2002 09:21 AM Â*Â*Â* Â*Â* Â*Â* Â*Â* Â* Â* Â*Â*


    From Macminute...

    "Industrial Light and Magic moves to Dell

    July 22 - 09:00 ET Industrial Light and Magic, the company responsible for the special effects in Star Wars, has switched from using RISC-Unix workstations from SGI to using Intel-based Dell systems running Linux for the bulk of its animation and special effects work, according to c|net. The switch included the purchase of 600 Pentium 4 workstations. "The Intel workstations that were deployed were probably 20 percent of the price of SGI workstations we bought a few years ago. Performance-wise, they are about three times as fast," said Cliff Plumer, ILM's CTO. "

    Now. What this has to do with new 'power'Macs...I don't know...


    Inside of ILM is a group known as the "Rebel Unit" and they will give you their Macs when you pry them from their cold, dead fingers.

    Pickup the EpII edition of Cinefex and see for yourself.
  • Reply 288 of 688
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Are they mailed to C|Net yet? <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    I'm with Matsu, I think it's possible Apple doesn't know how their PowerMacs SUCK. Dartmouth just abandoned ship. I did all I could (I know some people) but to no avail, a BIG loss. ILM could have been a BIG gain. But, the PowerMacs suck. XServe was too halfass (at least it's out.)

    I hope prices also go DOWN.

    I'm actually starting to expect something big. And why isn't this reasonable? After all, as time goes on, they have more time to make the machine better
  • Reply 289 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by williw:

    <strong>Lemon Bob Bon posted at 07-22-2002 09:21 AM


    From Macminute...

    "Industrial Light and Magic moves to Dell

    July 22 - 09:00 ET Industrial Light and Magic, the company responsible for the special effects in Star Wars, has switched from using RISC-Unix workstations from SGI to using Intel-based Dell systems running Linux for the bulk of its animation and special effects work, according to c|net. The switch included the purchase of 600 Pentium 4 workstations. "The Intel workstations that were deployed were probably 20 percent of the price of SGI workstations we bought a few years ago. Performance-wise, they are about three times as fast," said Cliff Plumer, ILM's CTO. "

    Now. What this has to do with new 'power'Macs...I don't know...


    Inside of ILM is a group known as the "Rebel Unit" and they will give you their Macs when you pry them from their cold, dead fingers.

    Pickup the EpII edition of Cinefex and see for yourself.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey Steve, it WAS a market for you (OSX and XServe), no ? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    As I said, OSX on x86 will help Apple gain markeshare... as better performance and lower price...

  • Reply 290 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by zaz:


    Much of the Fed is covered by FOI act and is a public entity.

    </strong><hr></blockquote>Off-topic but...


    Please challenge yourself. Make an effort to find out what's really going on.
  • Reply 291 of 688
    I agree with MASKER, I think the design is for Firewire & USB ports. If they where for air intake, apple would design them so they would not be obvious.
  • Reply 292 of 688
    I seriously hope that they are USB/FireWire ports on the front. But if everyone looks at the top left of the pic of the inside of the PM, where there should be the interfaces for the USB/FW ports, there is only a grille for (sigh) airflow.

    Unless it's really easy to do and they want to wait before shipping them out to install the connector...?
  • Reply 293 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by Addison:


    I believe we have a free press.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ... as free as the size of your legal team.
  • Reply 294 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by Appleworm:


    Hey Steve, it WAS a market for you (OSX and XServe), no ? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    As I said, OSX on x86 will help Apple gain markeshare... as better performance and lower price...


    I for one will disagree with this. Apple would dissapear if this happened.
  • Reply 295 of 688
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    [quote]Originally posted by MozillaMan:

    <strong>I...But if everyone looks at the top left of the pic of the inside of the PM, where there should be the interfaces for the USB/FW ports, there is only a grille for (sigh) airflow.

    Unless it's really easy to do and they want to wait before shipping them out to install the connector...?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The motherboard has no screws in it, there is no power supply shown... the ports would be on the list of stuff to disconnect first before yanking out the mobo.

    Also, i was thinking maybe a small circuitboard with all the ports on it that connects to he inside of the faceplate. On this there could be a ribbon cable to carry both USB and firewire cable to the mobo. Are there any inidentified connectors on this thing?

    Can firewire/usb be implemented that way? i would think so...


  • Reply 296 of 688
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    Those holes shall be great for casemodding.

    I'm thinking of a small jet engine blowing out of every wait, wrong forum.

  • Reply 297 of 688
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bruiser:

    <strong>Off-topic but...


    Please challenge yourself. Make an effort to find out what's really going on.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> Um, what the hell does that mean?

    My point is simply that public entities are more reasonably bound to make info public while private entities, as long as not breaking a law may suppress any info the do not want revealed.

    My comment was not meant to be a lengthy political commentary of the actual workings of the federal government and how it manages itself within or out of the FOI.

    It was simple comparative between public and private bodies.


    We can do the government debate elsewhere.

    Use just a scad of brain power and maybe you will be able to derive the intended meaning of the post.

    Hell, I live in Montana... you think I trust the Fed <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    [ 07-22-2002: Message edited by: zaz ]</p>
  • Reply 298 of 688
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:

    <strong>oh, and by the way...

    why in god's name do they insist on a simple single speaker? why can't they toss in a free set of external orb speakers, and just save the space in the tower for something else? am i the only one who feels like this?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    There are circumstances where sound quality isn't important, and where setting up external speakers would be inconvenient or impractical, yet where the ability for a computer to still beep or squawk a little would be useful.
  • Reply 299 of 688
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    One thing that I am also scratching my head on... this "modem card"... why is it asafar away from the back of the case as it can get?

    Why is it not bumped right up to it's modem port which needs to be accesible externally?

    My belief is that this is the fire wire and USB IC for the front ports. But I know nothing about IC/mobo design so my opinion is worth about as much as last week's stock investments.

    Modem on an extra card up front... BAH!

  • Reply 300 of 688
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    A great deal of 'stolen' information is published as news and the owner of the information is often powerless against the publisher. The thief or whistle-blower is often SOL, but not the media.

    The F1 boys are in a different scenario. Secret and Patent are different. Where they have a secret they need to protect it to keep others from learning what they know. Where they have a patent they can let anyone see what they've done because the other's are not free to infringe that patent. No doubt Apple owns patents to it's work. To do that, even if the product is secret, they have to divulge at least some indication of th general shape/workings of things. We are not entitled to infringe their patents, and they are entitled to the secrecy that they can manage to keep, but they actually have little right to control information once it has been leaked, regardless of who leaked it, and how that info was leaked. They can only claim damages against a person who violates a contract, in the media, I have no contract with them.

    As with many things, it's a bit of a case of how much freedom your legal dept can secure for you.
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