Over 1.2B profiles found in unsecured server shows severity of data collection by tech fir...

in General Discussion edited November 2019
The discovery of an unprotected data store containing 1.2 billion records of personal information gleaned from data brokerage services offers a glimpse into not only the kind of resources scammers and hackers can acquire about a large number of potential targets, but also the amount of data online services share or sell with other entities.

A still from an Apple marketing campaign about the privacy security offered by iPhone and iOS
A still from an Apple marketing campaign about the privacy security offered by iPhone and iOS

It isn't a secret that online services like Google, Facebook, and many apps take advantage of the data of its users to serve advertising to them, which usually includes creating a profile for each person and potentially tracking them as they use other services and browse the Internet. It is also well known that the same data can circulate around and be collected together by some firms to create vast marketing databases, making them potentially quite valuable to acquire from a data breach.

In October, Wired reports dark web researcher Viny Troia discovered a data store on an unsecured server hosted on Google's cloud infrastructure. The data consisted of approximately 4 terabytes of personal data, amounting to about 1.2 billion records, compiled into databases.

The data on show didn't include any sensitive details, like payment details or passwords, but did contain lots of basic data that could have been scraped from social media, such as names, home and cellular phone numbers, and links to individual social media profiles. Approximately 50 million unique phone numbers were found on the store, as well as 622 million email addresses.

Troia reported the existence of the store to the FBI, with the server and the data pulled offline within a few hours. As the server was found by Troia as part of a search with researcher Bob Diachenko using scanning services BinaryEdge and Shodan, only the IP address for the server was discovered, with no way of knowing who compiled the data collection at all, except that it was easy to find and to acquire data from it.

Due to the inability to determine its creator, it is also not possible to know exactly what the store was used for, be it by criminals or by a larger company with exceptionally poor security. Despite existing on a server hosted on Google's cloud services, it is unlikely Google itself created the cache, as it is far more likely someone paying for Google's cloud services formed the server instead.

Sourcing Questions

What is known is that the data is made up of four datasets, with three seemingly from one data broker called People Data Labs, while the other may have come from Oxydata.

It is suggested by People Data Labs the server creator used one of its "enrichment products" along with other service to compile the collection. "Once a customer receives data from us, or any other data providers, the data is on their servers and the security is their responsibility," advised co-founder Sean Thorne.

It is unlikely the data was sourced from PDL as part of a breach, Troia believes, as it would be easy enough to simply pay for the data in the first place. An alternate option would have been to sign up for a free trial service from PDL that provides 1,000 consumer profiles per month, with the use of a thousand burner accounts potentially resulting in a million profiles in a short space of time, if there are no duplicates.

Though it is doubtful either firm endured a breach of the data, and also insist on their clients securing the data and signing agreements to not resell the data onward, neither PDL nor Oxydata are able to enforce the security of their customers, leaving the possibility of it being staggeringly poor security by a client.

An Even Bigger Issue

"What stands out about this incident is the sheer volume of data that's been collected and how it's been aggregated, stored, and commercialized without the knowledge of the data owners," said security researcher and operator of HaveIBeenPwned Troy Hunt, noting his own personal data was found in the store. "We're definitely seeing more data than ever circulating," which Hunt believes is not just from breaches, but also from data being "taken by other services, duplicated, then breached again."

The sheer amount of data being compiled and seemingly acquired with ease highlights not only the amount of data at risk from the regularly-reported breaches but also how much tech companies have compiled about their users. The creation of marketing profiles has helped refine the advertising campaigns and revenue of companies like Google, but at the expense of user privacy.

In some cases, this has resulted in major scandals, with the biggest being the privacy breach of Cambridge Analytica, which misused data sourced from Facebook for political purposes.

Apple is seemingly one of the few companies attempting to take a stand against the practice, with CEO Tim Cook often referring to privacy as a fundamental human right along with the creation of advertising campaigns hammering home the message to customers.

The company has taken steps to anonymize data in a variety of different ways, minimizing what it collects to the bare essentials to perform an operation, while also attempting to perform protection on behalf of the user against other firms' best efforts. This includes Safari's Intelligent Tracking Protection blocking the vast number of online tracking systems, while Sign In with Apple attempts to limit the usage of the usual Facebook and Google-based sign-in systems that have dominated online services so far by creating a privacy-focused version.

Cook has also suggested to the U.S. Congress there should be some form of privacy legislation to protect against data brokers, including how data is collected and stored.


  • Reply 1 of 22
  • Reply 2 of 22
    No news about Apple. Oh! Let's just add A still from an Apple marketing campaign. Smart News. :D
  • Reply 3 of 22
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,123member
    The reality is that a company gets what they pay for.  If they hire low-quality, uneducated, or simply lazy workers/managers/executives they're going to get issues like these.

    Any halfway-capable person can create a system/app/etc... but it takes quality personnel (and the salary for their skills) to keep everything secure.

    This is no surprise.  It's why I do my best to minimize any data to 3rd-party outside of Apple.  There's another Equifax debacle just ready to come out.
  • Reply 4 of 22
    torsti said:
    No news about Apple. Oh! Let's just add A still from an Apple marketing campaign. Smart News. :D
    At the end of the article it mentions Cook has suggested restrictions on corporate data harvesting and data sharing to prevent exactly this sort of problem. 
  • Reply 5 of 22
    torsti said:
    No news about Apple. Oh! Let's just add A still from an Apple marketing campaign. Smart News. :D
    At the end of the article it mentions Cook has suggested restrictions on corporate data harvesting and data sharing to prevent exactly this sort of problem. 
    Yes, but Apple is not in the 1.2 billion.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    torsti said:
    torsti said:
    No news about Apple. Oh! Let's just add A still from an Apple marketing campaign. Smart News. :D
    At the end of the article it mentions Cook has suggested restrictions on corporate data harvesting and data sharing to prevent exactly this sort of problem. 
    Yes, but Apple is not in the 1.2 billion.
    Who said it was?

    Lots of stories on AI cover Google, Facebook, and other big tech stories. That this data harvesting and unsecured storage on a publicly discoverable sever involves firms like Google, a competitor of Apple, and is a topic Apple and Cook have spoken about for reasons like this news item, makes it newsworthy. 
    edited November 2019 applesnorangeswatto_cobraRayz2016
  • Reply 7 of 22
    Unfortunately I’ve received this from Have I Been Pwned?

    You're one of 622,161,052 people pwned in the Data Enrichment Exposure From PDL Customer data breach

  • Reply 8 of 22
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,306member
    sflocal said:
    The reality is that a company gets what they pay for.  If they hire low-quality, uneducated, or simply lazy workers/managers/executives they're going to get issues like these.

    Any halfway-capable person can create a system/app/etc... but it takes quality personnel (and the salary for their skills) to keep everything secure.

    This is no surprise.  It's why I do my best to minimize any data to 3rd-party outside of Apple.  There's another Equifax debacle just ready to come out.
    Kudos to you for taking such care with customer data. Honestly, it’s this sort of thing that keeps me from sampling at will the great variety of Apps on the store, especially in light of the fact that many apps need you to make a profile to use them. For example, I downloaded a metronome app awhile back, and they wanted me to make a profile to use it. Thanks, but no thanks.  I’ll just tap my foot instead. 
    edited November 2019 watto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 22
    ...and yet all roads seem to lead to centralized iCloud storage, and if it gets hacked, or policy changes...? For consideration: abcnews.go.com/Technology/spy-device-pocket/story?id=45997099 ...and how does the reference to Americans being 'legally protected' help the rest of those entrusting US cloud services with their data...?
    edited November 2019
  • Reply 10 of 22
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,612member
    sflocal said:
    The reality is that a company gets what they pay for.  If they hire low-quality, uneducated, or simply lazy workers/managers/executives they're going to get issues like these.

    Any halfway-capable person can create a system/app/etc... but it takes quality personnel (and the salary for their skills) to keep everything secure.

    This is no surprise.  It's why I do my best to minimize any data to 3rd-party outside of Apple.  There's another Equifax debacle just ready to come out.
    Sadly it is almost entirely out of your control. If you went to college, worked at a large company, have investment and/or retirement accounts, use or applied for credit cards, own real property, possess a driver's license, have or applied for insurance policies or any kind, or maintain bank accounts and/or loans your personal information is already for sale and sharing, and very likely has been. Many many times over. 
    JaiOh81avon b7kiltedgreenmuthuk_vanalingamCarnage
  • Reply 11 of 22
    gatorguy said:
    sflocal said:
    The reality is that a company gets what they pay for.  If they hire low-quality, uneducated, or simply lazy workers/managers/executives they're going to get issues like these.

    Any halfway-capable person can create a system/app/etc... but it takes quality personnel (and the salary for their skills) to keep everything secure.

    This is no surprise.  It's why I do my best to minimize any data to 3rd-party outside of Apple.  There's another Equifax debacle just ready to come out.
    Sadly it is almost entirely out of your control. If you went to college, worked at a large company, have investment and/or retirement accounts, use or applied for credit cards, own real property, possess a driver's license, have or applied for insurance policies or any kind, or maintain bank accounts and/or loans your personal information is already for sale and sharing, and very likely has been. Many many times over. 

    I signed up my dog for a credit card, and now he’s receiving solicitations for pedicures...
    I wonder if the data for Bark Dognus is on the unsecured server...

    (just kidding) 

    edited November 2019 GeorgeBMackevin kee
  • Reply 12 of 22
    torsti said:
    torsti said:
    No news about Apple. Oh! Let's just add A still from an Apple marketing campaign. Smart News. :D
    At the end of the article it mentions Cook has suggested restrictions on corporate data harvesting and data sharing to prevent exactly this sort of problem. 
    Yes, but Apple is not in the 1.2 billion.
    Thankfully so. Can you imagine the deluge of class actions heading Apple's way if it was their data that got leaked?
    Perhaps it is only a matter of time BUT we are all responsible for the data we put out there. Once it is out there, we have lost control of it.
    I've never used Facebook and the like. I never felt the need to tell the world about everything I do, where I go etc etc. Strangely, my family are now starting to come around to my way of thinking.
    We don't need them and most certainly we don't need to keep feeding the dragon (their need for more and more data on each and everyone of us).
    We have already seen careers ruined by a tweets made 5 or 6 years ago. Could what you are posting come back to bite you hard and affect you in terms of jobs, finances etc etc?
    I think that is it good of Apple to put the privacy of user data first but there is only so much they (or anyone) can do. The rest is down to you.
    The old WW2 Slogan... "Careless Talk Costs Lives" could easily be tweaked to read "Careless Posts and Tweets can Wreck your Life".

  • Reply 13 of 22
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    sflocal said:
    The reality is that a company gets what they pay for.  If they hire low-quality, uneducated, or simply lazy workers/managers/executives they're going to get issues like these.

    Any halfway-capable person can create a system/app/etc... but it takes quality personnel (and the salary for their skills) to keep everything secure.

    This is no surprise.  It's why I do my best to minimize any data to 3rd-party outside of Apple.  There's another Equifax debacle just ready to come out.
    But why would a company spend time, energy and money to hire top rate people, hardware and software in order to protect customer's / user's data?
    What does the company get out of it?   Why would they care if the data is stolen?   It doesn't cost them a dime.  (Well, OK, maybe a dime)
  • Reply 14 of 22
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,306member
    sflocal said:
    The reality is that a company gets what they pay for.  If they hire low-quality, uneducated, or simply lazy workers/managers/executives they're going to get issues like these.

    Any halfway-capable person can create a system/app/etc... but it takes quality personnel (and the salary for their skills) to keep everything secure.

    This is no surprise.  It's why I do my best to minimize any data to 3rd-party outside of Apple.  There's another Equifax debacle just ready to come out.
    But why would a company spend time, energy and money to hire top rate people, hardware and software in order to protect customer's / user's data?
    What does the company get out of it?   Why would they care if the data is stolen?   It doesn't cost them a dime.  (Well, OK, maybe a dime)
    It would certainly avoid bad press. Tik Tok coming under fire recently is an example I can think of off the top of my head. Although, a huge data breach certainly didn’t stop people from shopping at Target.
    edited November 2019
  • Reply 15 of 22
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    hexclock said:
    sflocal said:
    The reality is that a company gets what they pay for.  If they hire low-quality, uneducated, or simply lazy workers/managers/executives they're going to get issues like these.

    Any halfway-capable person can create a system/app/etc... but it takes quality personnel (and the salary for their skills) to keep everything secure.

    This is no surprise.  It's why I do my best to minimize any data to 3rd-party outside of Apple.  There's another Equifax debacle just ready to come out.
    But why would a company spend time, energy and money to hire top rate people, hardware and software in order to protect customer's / user's data?
    What does the company get out of it?   Why would they care if the data is stolen?   It doesn't cost them a dime.  (Well, OK, maybe a dime)
    It would certainly avoid bad press. Tik Tok coming under fire recently is an example I can think of off the top of my head. Although, a huge data breach certainly didn’t stop people from shopping at Target.
    It didn't seem to bother Target, Home Depot, Etc., etc., etc.,   much....
    TicToc is a Chinese company, that's the only reason it got trash talked.   China is the enemy Du Jour.
  • Reply 16 of 22
    I got that  email warning that Id been e  but I have ”Disconnect” VPN “light”  or full VPN if you want thar full encryption mode of lVPN l)  that stops some apps from  working well (Charter TV app says  it can’t work w VPN) Disconnect is the SW sets that  Firefox uses it in its browser security—  not sure extent but should help keep data out of sites eager  to grab as much as they can. Disconnect has a “less strict“
    “blocking mode” that  seems to be enough to balance performance w privacy so far -but can’t  tell much as it’s been only few weeks sue if it’s  saved me yet.. likely saved a few hacks at a minimum .. 
    Cost was around $49 for 3 licenses w app.  2 for iOS one for MacOS which i installed recently n i’ll see if it’helpfuk as never worried .. ok my 2 cents.. cheers BPietsch 
  • Reply 17 of 22
    torsti said:
    torsti said:
    No news about Apple. Oh! Let's just add A still from an Apple marketing campaign. Smart News. :D
    At the end of the article it mentions Cook has suggested restrictions on corporate data harvesting and data sharing to prevent exactly this sort of problem. 
    Yes, but Apple is not in the 1.2 billion.
    Who said it was?

    Lots of stories on AI cover Google, Facebook, and other big tech stories. That this data harvesting and unsecured storage on a publicly discoverable sever involves firms like Google, a competitor of Apple, and is a topic Apple and Cook have spoken about for reasons like this news item, makes it newsworthy. 
    Did you read the headline? Most people only see headline and iPhone. All social media only shows headline and picture of an iPhone. That is not an accident. They could have used image of the newest Samsung phone.
    edited November 2019
  • Reply 18 of 22
    torsti said:
    torsti said:
    torsti said:
    No news about Apple. Oh! Let's just add A still from an Apple marketing campaign. Smart News. :D
    At the end of the article it mentions Cook has suggested restrictions on corporate data harvesting and data sharing to prevent exactly this sort of problem. 
    Yes, but Apple is not in the 1.2 billion.
    Who said it was?

    Lots of stories on AI cover Google, Facebook, and other big tech stories. That this data harvesting and unsecured storage on a publicly discoverable sever involves firms like Google, a competitor of Apple, and is a topic Apple and Cook have spoken about for reasons like this news item, makes it newsworthy. 
    Did you read the headline? Most people only see headline and iPhone. All social media only shows headline and picture of an iPhone. That is not an accident. They could have used image of the newest Samsung phone.
    What’s your point?  Apple is pushing privacy and data security.  The article is about someone who failed horribly at it, but we don’t know who.  It’s most likely data stripped from some site and sold.  Apple’s goal is to make that more difficult within their ecosystem, and they’ve also pushed that (privacy) as a political agenda.
  • Reply 19 of 22
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,328member
    So how is “People Data Labs” not culpable?  They supply a thousand customer data profiles a month to anyone who says they will not misuse OUR data.

    Seriously???  And we think this is OK?   I am sorry....maybe these multiple small data firms are the problem and maybe big tech shouldn’t be broken up.
  • Reply 20 of 22

    The data on show didn't include any sensitive details, like payment details or passwords, but did contain lots of basic data that could have been scraped from social media, such as names, home and cellular phone numbers, and links to individual social media profiles. Approximately 50 million unique phone numbers were found on the store, as well as 622 million email addresses.
    In my opinion, home and cellular phone numbers should also be classified as sensitive data.
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