Why Apple's guidance correction is causing less panic versus 2019



  • Reply 101 of 124
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    :sigh: Is it impossible for you two to use a credible news source? You two need to take your crap to 4chan or 8chan or whatever pro-conspiracy, QAnon-loving, circle jerk that will feed your pathetic wishes for a pandemic that kills billions.
  • Reply 102 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    Soli said:
    :sigh: Is it impossible for you two to use a credible news source? You two need to take your crap to 4chan or 8chan or whatever pro-conspiracy, QAnon-loving, circle jerk that will feed your pathetic wishes for a pandemic that kills billions.
    Here's the original link. 


    "For more than a month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts to China to observe its coronavirus outbreak and help if it can.

    Normally, teams from the agency’s Epidemic Intelligence Service can be in the air within 24 hours.

    But no invitation has come — and no one can publicly explain why.

    The World Health Organization, which made a similar offer about two weeks ago, appears to be facing the same cold shoulder, though a spokeswoman said it is just “sorting out arrangements.”

    Current and former public health officials and diplomats, speaking anonymously for fear of upsetting diplomatic relations, said they believe the reluctance comes from China’s top leaders, who do not want the world to think they need outside help."

    and here is the post and link that you disputed;


    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”

    I bolded the original source.

    Read better, and then, fuck off with your assumptions.

    I'm liberal, yet interested in National Defense, which make me a Scoop Jackson Democrat (look it up), which you obviously are not, and I ponder why China is building the world's second large blue water navy, if they can't provide their citizens proper public health care, and if there agricultural practices are so bad that they lost have of their 400 million pig population to African Swine Fever. 


    "China Responds Slowly, and a Pig Disease Becomes a Lethal Epidemic

    "The bungled effort to contain African swine fever could result in higher Chinese food costs for years and shows the limits of Beijing’s top-down approach to problems."

    See a pattern in how Authoritarian China handles "problems"?

    So yeah, China is a threat to the West, especially in the Pacific, which is why it was Australia that rang the bell about Huawei, and in which China is running obvious influence campaigns in both Australia, New Zealand, and the the South Pacific to create more compliant governments, just as they are doing in the U.S.


    "The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that roughly 80 percent of global trade by volume and 70 percent by value is transported by sea. Of that volume, 60 percent of maritime trade passes through Asia, with the South China Sea carrying an estimated one-third of global shipping.1 Its waters are particularly critical for China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, all of which rely on the Strait of Malacca, which connects the South China Sea and, by extension, the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean. As the second-largest economy in the world with over 60 percent of its trade in value traveling by sea, China’s economic security is closely tied to the South China Sea."

    Feel free to read the whole article.
    edited February 2020
  • Reply 103 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world? 

    edited February 2020
  • Reply 104 of 124
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    edited February 2020
  • Reply 105 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    edited February 2020
  • Reply 106 of 124
    tmay said:
    tmay said:

    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if you believe that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then you're not going believe that article.

    All these assholes trying to create panic on this thread and others sicken me.  If those motherfuckers want toast like scared little pussies they can do it, but to cause worldwide panic over their hate for China and claim that cases, death rate, and that the WHO are lying to the world to purposely create an even larger issue is reprehensible.
    Well, considering that you have at least provided a link, I am happy to accept that I was wrong. 

    Still, it was George that stated that the U.S. never made an offer of help, which also was in fact bullshit.

    Oh, and here's some data that supports my "concern" about the delays in announcing the virus by the Chinese Government;


    So, maybe you should consider the rest of my posts before you make those assumptions that you made about me.

    As I and others have said. we don't know what the U.S. offered.   Whatever it was, it certainly was not help with any of the shortages China faced, particularly in the beginning.   Simply sending someone to evaluate would not be considered an offer of help -- particularly from a country who has tried to provoke a cold war with them.
    ... it is obvious that the Chinese Government was covering up the extent of the epidemic, and, this is my opinion, still is. ....

    Only the right wing conspiracy theorists and China haters believe that.
    Of which [right wing conspiracy theorists and China haters] I am neither, but keep on keeping on.


  • Reply 107 of 124
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    :sigh: Is it impossible for you two to use a credible news source? You two need to take your crap to 4chan or 8chan or whatever pro-conspiracy, QAnon-loving, circle jerk that will feed your pathetic wishes for a pandemic that kills billions.
    Here's the original link. 


    "For more than a month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts to China to observe its coronavirus outbreak and help if it can.

    Normally, teams from the agency’s Epidemic Intelligence Service can be in the air within 24 hours.

    But no invitation has come — and no one can publicly explain why.

    The World Health Organization, which made a similar offer about two weeks ago, appears to be facing the same cold shoulder, though a spokeswoman said it is just “sorting out arrangements.”

    Current and former public health officials and diplomats, speaking anonymously for fear of upsetting diplomatic relations, said they believe the reluctance comes from China’s top leaders, who do not want the world to think they need outside help."

    and here is the post and link that you disputed;


    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”

    I bolded the original source.

    Read better, and then, fuck off with your assumptions.

    I'm liberal, yet interested in National Defense, which make me a Scoop Jackson Democrat (look it up), which you obviously are not, and I ponder why China is building the world's second large blue water navy, if they can't provide their citizens proper public health care, and if there agricultural practices are so bad that they lost have of their 400 million pig population to African Swine Fever. 


    "China Responds Slowly, and a Pig Disease Becomes a Lethal Epidemic

    "The bungled effort to contain African swine fever could result in higher Chinese food costs for years and shows the limits of Beijing’s top-down approach to problems."

    See a pattern in how Authoritarian China handles "problems"?

    So yeah, China is a threat to the West, especially in the Pacific, which is why it was Australia that rang the bell about Huawei, and in which China is running obvious influence campaigns in both Australia, New Zealand, and the the South Pacific to create more compliant governments, just as they are doing in the U.S.


    "The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that roughly 80 percent of global trade by volume and 70 percent by value is transported by sea. Of that volume, 60 percent of maritime trade passes through Asia, with the South China Sea carrying an estimated one-third of global shipping.1 Its waters are particularly critical for China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, all of which rely on the Strait of Malacca, which connects the South China Sea and, by extension, the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean. As the second-largest economy in the world with over 60 percent of its trade in value traveling by sea, China’s economic security is closely tied to the South China Sea."

    Feel free to read the whole article.

    Congratualtions on learning how to use Google searches to "prove" the right wing spin and propaganda you absorbed!
    These days its easy to tell a right wing troll:   the only theme of their long disconnected post is fear mongering and hate directed at the right wing target du jour. 

  • Reply 108 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    :sigh: Is it impossible for you two to use a credible news source? You two need to take your crap to 4chan or 8chan or whatever pro-conspiracy, QAnon-loving, circle jerk that will feed your pathetic wishes for a pandemic that kills billions.
    Here's the original link. 


    "For more than a month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts to China to observe its coronavirus outbreak and help if it can.

    Normally, teams from the agency’s Epidemic Intelligence Service can be in the air within 24 hours.

    But no invitation has come — and no one can publicly explain why.

    The World Health Organization, which made a similar offer about two weeks ago, appears to be facing the same cold shoulder, though a spokeswoman said it is just “sorting out arrangements.”

    Current and former public health officials and diplomats, speaking anonymously for fear of upsetting diplomatic relations, said they believe the reluctance comes from China’s top leaders, who do not want the world to think they need outside help."

    and here is the post and link that you disputed;


    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”

    I bolded the original source.

    Read better, and then, fuck off with your assumptions.

    I'm liberal, yet interested in National Defense, which make me a Scoop Jackson Democrat (look it up), which you obviously are not, and I ponder why China is building the world's second large blue water navy, if they can't provide their citizens proper public health care, and if there agricultural practices are so bad that they lost have of their 400 million pig population to African Swine Fever. 


    "China Responds Slowly, and a Pig Disease Becomes a Lethal Epidemic

    "The bungled effort to contain African swine fever could result in higher Chinese food costs for years and shows the limits of Beijing’s top-down approach to problems."

    See a pattern in how Authoritarian China handles "problems"?

    So yeah, China is a threat to the West, especially in the Pacific, which is why it was Australia that rang the bell about Huawei, and in which China is running obvious influence campaigns in both Australia, New Zealand, and the the South Pacific to create more compliant governments, just as they are doing in the U.S.


    "The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that roughly 80 percent of global trade by volume and 70 percent by value is transported by sea. Of that volume, 60 percent of maritime trade passes through Asia, with the South China Sea carrying an estimated one-third of global shipping.1 Its waters are particularly critical for China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, all of which rely on the Strait of Malacca, which connects the South China Sea and, by extension, the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean. As the second-largest economy in the world with over 60 percent of its trade in value traveling by sea, China’s economic security is closely tied to the South China Sea."

    Feel free to read the whole article.

    Congratualtions on learning how to use Google searches to "prove" the right wing spin and propaganda you absorbed!
    These days its easy to tell a right wing troll:   the only theme of their long disconnected post is fear mongering and hate directed at the right wing target du jour. 

    Funny, your answer is generally "just right wing spIn", or "right wing troll", but you seem so illiberal in your speech that I wonder if you even realize that your post's have more in common with Trump's tweet outbursts.

    But whatever. Since I'm posting accurate information, I don't feel the need to worry about what you think. The irony of it is, if COVID-19 kicks off a recession for the world, it probably is bad news for Trump's reelection. You probably don't have the thought processes to absorb that , but do a "google search" and find out what is happening with the economies of the world.

    I'll bet you didn't even look up Henry "Scoop" Jackson, noted Senator from the State of Washington.


    Yet another of my "right wing spin" posts,

    What an absolute, stick your head in the sand, illiberal you are.

    edited February 2020
  • Reply 109 of 124
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    :sigh: Is it impossible for you two to use a credible news source? You two need to take your crap to 4chan or 8chan or whatever pro-conspiracy, QAnon-loving, circle jerk that will feed your pathetic wishes for a pandemic that kills billions.
    Here's the original link. 


    "For more than a month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts to China to observe its coronavirus outbreak and help if it can.

    Normally, teams from the agency’s Epidemic Intelligence Service can be in the air within 24 hours.

    But no invitation has come — and no one can publicly explain why.

    The World Health Organization, which made a similar offer about two weeks ago, appears to be facing the same cold shoulder, though a spokeswoman said it is just “sorting out arrangements.”

    Current and former public health officials and diplomats, speaking anonymously for fear of upsetting diplomatic relations, said they believe the reluctance comes from China’s top leaders, who do not want the world to think they need outside help."

    and here is the post and link that you disputed;


    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”

    I bolded the original source.

    Read better, and then, fuck off with your assumptions.

    I'm liberal, yet interested in National Defense, which make me a Scoop Jackson Democrat (look it up), which you obviously are not, and I ponder why China is building the world's second large blue water navy, if they can't provide their citizens proper public health care, and if there agricultural practices are so bad that they lost have of their 400 million pig population to African Swine Fever. 


    "China Responds Slowly, and a Pig Disease Becomes a Lethal Epidemic

    "The bungled effort to contain African swine fever could result in higher Chinese food costs for years and shows the limits of Beijing’s top-down approach to problems."

    See a pattern in how Authoritarian China handles "problems"?

    So yeah, China is a threat to the West, especially in the Pacific, which is why it was Australia that rang the bell about Huawei, and in which China is running obvious influence campaigns in both Australia, New Zealand, and the the South Pacific to create more compliant governments, just as they are doing in the U.S.


    "The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that roughly 80 percent of global trade by volume and 70 percent by value is transported by sea. Of that volume, 60 percent of maritime trade passes through Asia, with the South China Sea carrying an estimated one-third of global shipping.1 Its waters are particularly critical for China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, all of which rely on the Strait of Malacca, which connects the South China Sea and, by extension, the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean. As the second-largest economy in the world with over 60 percent of its trade in value traveling by sea, China’s economic security is closely tied to the South China Sea."

    Feel free to read the whole article.

    Congratualtions on learning how to use Google searches to "prove" the right wing spin and propaganda you absorbed!
    These days its easy to tell a right wing troll:   the only theme of their long disconnected post is fear mongering and hate directed at the right wing target du jour. 

    Funny, your answer is generally "just right wing spIn", or "right wing troll", but you seem so illiberal in your speech that I wonder if you even realize that your post's have more in common with Trump's tweet outbursts.

    But whatever. Since I'm posting accurate information, I don't feel the need to worry about what you think. The irony of it is, if COVID-19 kicks off a recession for the world, it probably is bad news for Trump's reelection. You probably don't have the thought processes to absorb that , but do a "google search" and find out what is happening with the economies of the world.

    I'll bet you didn't even look up Henry "Scoop" Jackson, noted Senator from the State of Washington.


    Yet another of my "right wing spin" posts,

    What an absolute, stick your head in the sand, illiberal you are.

    How can your information be accurate it it is based on right wing lies?
    We saw that with Bush when he started with the lie that Iraq had WMDs then produced fact after fact to prove it.  But, it ended where it started:  a lie.
  • Reply 110 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    :sigh: Is it impossible for you two to use a credible news source? You two need to take your crap to 4chan or 8chan or whatever pro-conspiracy, QAnon-loving, circle jerk that will feed your pathetic wishes for a pandemic that kills billions.
    Here's the original link. 


    "For more than a month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts to China to observe its coronavirus outbreak and help if it can.

    Normally, teams from the agency’s Epidemic Intelligence Service can be in the air within 24 hours.

    But no invitation has come — and no one can publicly explain why.

    The World Health Organization, which made a similar offer about two weeks ago, appears to be facing the same cold shoulder, though a spokeswoman said it is just “sorting out arrangements.”

    Current and former public health officials and diplomats, speaking anonymously for fear of upsetting diplomatic relations, said they believe the reluctance comes from China’s top leaders, who do not want the world to think they need outside help."

    and here is the post and link that you disputed;


    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”

    I bolded the original source.

    Read better, and then, fuck off with your assumptions.

    I'm liberal, yet interested in National Defense, which make me a Scoop Jackson Democrat (look it up), which you obviously are not, and I ponder why China is building the world's second large blue water navy, if they can't provide their citizens proper public health care, and if there agricultural practices are so bad that they lost have of their 400 million pig population to African Swine Fever. 


    "China Responds Slowly, and a Pig Disease Becomes a Lethal Epidemic

    "The bungled effort to contain African swine fever could result in higher Chinese food costs for years and shows the limits of Beijing’s top-down approach to problems."

    See a pattern in how Authoritarian China handles "problems"?

    So yeah, China is a threat to the West, especially in the Pacific, which is why it was Australia that rang the bell about Huawei, and in which China is running obvious influence campaigns in both Australia, New Zealand, and the the South Pacific to create more compliant governments, just as they are doing in the U.S.


    "The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that roughly 80 percent of global trade by volume and 70 percent by value is transported by sea. Of that volume, 60 percent of maritime trade passes through Asia, with the South China Sea carrying an estimated one-third of global shipping.1 Its waters are particularly critical for China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, all of which rely on the Strait of Malacca, which connects the South China Sea and, by extension, the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean. As the second-largest economy in the world with over 60 percent of its trade in value traveling by sea, China’s economic security is closely tied to the South China Sea."

    Feel free to read the whole article.

    Congratualtions on learning how to use Google searches to "prove" the right wing spin and propaganda you absorbed!
    These days its easy to tell a right wing troll:   the only theme of their long disconnected post is fear mongering and hate directed at the right wing target du jour. 

    Funny, your answer is generally "just right wing spIn", or "right wing troll", but you seem so illiberal in your speech that I wonder if you even realize that your post's have more in common with Trump's tweet outbursts.

    But whatever. Since I'm posting accurate information, I don't feel the need to worry about what you think. The irony of it is, if COVID-19 kicks off a recession for the world, it probably is bad news for Trump's reelection. You probably don't have the thought processes to absorb that , but do a "google search" and find out what is happening with the economies of the world.

    I'll bet you didn't even look up Henry "Scoop" Jackson, noted Senator from the State of Washington.


    Yet another of my "right wing spin" posts,

    What an absolute, stick your head in the sand, illiberal you are.

    How can your information be accurate it it is based on right wing lies?
    We saw that with Bush when he started with the lie that Iraq had WMDs then produced fact after fact to prove it.  But, it ended where it started:  a lie.
    So, you don't believe the CDC...

    Is Pittsburg now part of Dumbfuckistan?
  • Reply 111 of 124
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.
  • Reply 112 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    edited February 2020
  • Reply 113 of 124
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    Admit it.   You bought into the right wing fear mongering and hatred of China -- and you use Google search looking for anything to back that nonsense up with so called "facts".   What plays into your favor is that the world is not black and white but grey -- so you can always find a little piece of black in there if you look for it and ignore any white you see.

    The truth is that China has done FAR better containing it than the U.S. ever could have.  And, you better hope that it does not start over here, because we simply could not do what China has been doing and it will run wild in this country if it gets here.
  • Reply 114 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    Admit it.   You bought into the right wing fear mongering and hatred of China -- and you use Google search looking for anything to back that nonsense up with so called "facts".   What plays into your favor is that the world is not black and white but grey -- so you can always find a little piece of black in there if you look for it and ignore any white you see.

    The truth is that China has done FAR better containing it than the U.S. ever could have.  And, you better hope that it does not start over here, because we simply could not do what China has been doing and it will run wild in this country if it gets here.
    Admit it. You are an apologist for China because "Trump". You are too illiterate to be able to consume news, so you attempt to mock people that do. 

    You must be a member of the "No Nothing" party, as you are certainly not a member of the Democratic Party. 

    More to the point, you presume to understand Public Health Policy because you assume that Authoritarianism make it easy to get people to do what they want. I actually posted a link to the exact meme that shows it to be false, any you ignore that.

    I'm embarrassed for you, acting like a child. 

    I'll repost so that you can rub your poo in it;


    Data rules, not your mindless posts.


    These are adults taking about public health, not you talking out of your ass.


    Dailykos is a Liberal/Progressive blog supporting Democrats, so certainly not likely to offer "right wing rants"
    edited February 2020
  • Reply 115 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    Admit it.   You bought into the right wing fear mongering and hatred of China -- and you use Google search looking for anything to back that nonsense up with so called "facts".   What plays into your favor is that the world is not black and white but grey -- so you can always find a little piece of black in there if you look for it and ignore any white you see.

    The truth is that China has done FAR better containing it than the U.S. ever could have.  And, you better hope that it does not start over here, because we simply could not do what China has been doing and it will run wild in this country if it gets here.
    Admit it. You are an apologist for China because "Trump". You are too illiterate to be able to consume news, so you attempt to mock people that do. 

    You must be a member of the "No Nothing" party, as you are certainly not a member of the Democratic Party. 

    More to the point, you presume to understand Public Health Policy because you assume that Authoritarianism make it easy to get people to do what they want. I actually posted a link to the exact meme that shows it to be false, any you ignore that.

    I'm embarrassed for you, acting like a child. 

    I'll repost so that you can rub your poo in it;


    Data rules, not your mindless posts.


    These are adults taking about public health, not you talking out of your ass.


    Dailykos is a Liberal/Progressive blog supporting Democrats, so certainly not likely to offer "right wing rants"

    LOL...  So you are comparing known diseases being treated by well developed countries with fully developed health care systems to poor countries with poor healthcare systems -- and equating that to trying to contain a brand new highly infectious ilness.

    Yes, data rules -- as long as it's the right data pertinent to the point and all of the data.  But, that's what the right wing does:  They are masters of cherry picking data, using false equivalencies and only showing one side of the coin - and then shouting FACTS! 
    avon b7
  • Reply 116 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    Admit it.   You bought into the right wing fear mongering and hatred of China -- and you use Google search looking for anything to back that nonsense up with so called "facts".   What plays into your favor is that the world is not black and white but grey -- so you can always find a little piece of black in there if you look for it and ignore any white you see.

    The truth is that China has done FAR better containing it than the U.S. ever could have.  And, you better hope that it does not start over here, because we simply could not do what China has been doing and it will run wild in this country if it gets here.
    Admit it. You are an apologist for China because "Trump". You are too illiterate to be able to consume news, so you attempt to mock people that do. 

    You must be a member of the "No Nothing" party, as you are certainly not a member of the Democratic Party. 

    More to the point, you presume to understand Public Health Policy because you assume that Authoritarianism make it easy to get people to do what they want. I actually posted a link to the exact meme that shows it to be false, any you ignore that.

    I'm embarrassed for you, acting like a child. 

    I'll repost so that you can rub your poo in it;


    Data rules, not your mindless posts.


    These are adults taking about public health, not you talking out of your ass.


    Dailykos is a Liberal/Progressive blog supporting Democrats, so certainly not likely to offer "right wing rants"

    LOL...  So you are comparing known diseases being treated by well developed countries with fully developed health care systems to poor countries with poor healthcare systems -- and equating that to trying to contain a brand new highly infectious ilness.

    Yes, data rules -- as long as it's the right data pertinent to the point and all of the data.  But, that's what the right wing does:  They are masters of cherry picking data, using false equivalencies and only showing one side of the coin - and then shouting FACTS! 
    See lower legend.

    GDP per person at purchasing power parity means that the chart is corrected for income.

    It's evident that you cannot comprehend the chart. Illiteracy at work.
  • Reply 117 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    Admit it.   You bought into the right wing fear mongering and hatred of China -- and you use Google search looking for anything to back that nonsense up with so called "facts".   What plays into your favor is that the world is not black and white but grey -- so you can always find a little piece of black in there if you look for it and ignore any white you see.

    The truth is that China has done FAR better containing it than the U.S. ever could have.  And, you better hope that it does not start over here, because we simply could not do what China has been doing and it will run wild in this country if it gets here.
    Admit it. You are an apologist for China because "Trump". You are too illiterate to be able to consume news, so you attempt to mock people that do. 

    You must be a member of the "No Nothing" party, as you are certainly not a member of the Democratic Party. 

    More to the point, you presume to understand Public Health Policy because you assume that Authoritarianism make it easy to get people to do what they want. I actually posted a link to the exact meme that shows it to be false, any you ignore that.

    I'm embarrassed for you, acting like a child. 

    I'll repost so that you can rub your poo in it;


    Data rules, not your mindless posts.


    These are adults taking about public health, not you talking out of your ass.


    Dailykos is a Liberal/Progressive blog supporting Democrats, so certainly not likely to offer "right wing rants"

    LOL...  So you are comparing known diseases being treated by well developed countries with fully developed health care systems to poor countries with poor healthcare systems -- and equating that to trying to contain a brand new highly infectious ilness.

    Yes, data rules -- as long as it's the right data pertinent to the point and all of the data.  But, that's what the right wing does:  They are masters of cherry picking data, using false equivalencies and only showing one side of the coin - and then shouting FACTS! 
    See lower legend.

    GDP per person at purchasing power parity means that the chart is corrected for income.

    It's evident that you cannot comprehend the chart. Illiteracy at work.

    LOL.... The trouble is that I DID -- and called you on it!
  • Reply 118 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    Admit it.   You bought into the right wing fear mongering and hatred of China -- and you use Google search looking for anything to back that nonsense up with so called "facts".   What plays into your favor is that the world is not black and white but grey -- so you can always find a little piece of black in there if you look for it and ignore any white you see.

    The truth is that China has done FAR better containing it than the U.S. ever could have.  And, you better hope that it does not start over here, because we simply could not do what China has been doing and it will run wild in this country if it gets here.
    Admit it. You are an apologist for China because "Trump". You are too illiterate to be able to consume news, so you attempt to mock people that do. 

    You must be a member of the "No Nothing" party, as you are certainly not a member of the Democratic Party. 

    More to the point, you presume to understand Public Health Policy because you assume that Authoritarianism make it easy to get people to do what they want. I actually posted a link to the exact meme that shows it to be false, any you ignore that.

    I'm embarrassed for you, acting like a child. 

    I'll repost so that you can rub your poo in it;


    Data rules, not your mindless posts.


    These are adults taking about public health, not you talking out of your ass.


    Dailykos is a Liberal/Progressive blog supporting Democrats, so certainly not likely to offer "right wing rants"

    LOL...  So you are comparing known diseases being treated by well developed countries with fully developed health care systems to poor countries with poor healthcare systems -- and equating that to trying to contain a brand new highly infectious ilness.

    Yes, data rules -- as long as it's the right data pertinent to the point and all of the data.  But, that's what the right wing does:  They are masters of cherry picking data, using false equivalencies and only showing one side of the coin - and then shouting FACTS! 
    See lower legend.

    GDP per person at purchasing power parity means that the chart is corrected for income.

    It's evident that you cannot comprehend the chart. Illiteracy at work.

    LOL.... The trouble is that I DID -- and called you on it!
    So you can't actually see that each data point is "Deaths from epidemics by GDP, by type of government" as the chart is titled?

    Did you not understand that "Coronavirus in China 2020" in the chart is a data point?

    You are illiterate.
    edited February 2020
  • Reply 119 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    Admit it.   You bought into the right wing fear mongering and hatred of China -- and you use Google search looking for anything to back that nonsense up with so called "facts".   What plays into your favor is that the world is not black and white but grey -- so you can always find a little piece of black in there if you look for it and ignore any white you see.

    The truth is that China has done FAR better containing it than the U.S. ever could have.  And, you better hope that it does not start over here, because we simply could not do what China has been doing and it will run wild in this country if it gets here.
    Admit it. You are an apologist for China because "Trump". You are too illiterate to be able to consume news, so you attempt to mock people that do. 

    You must be a member of the "No Nothing" party, as you are certainly not a member of the Democratic Party. 

    More to the point, you presume to understand Public Health Policy because you assume that Authoritarianism make it easy to get people to do what they want. I actually posted a link to the exact meme that shows it to be false, any you ignore that.

    I'm embarrassed for you, acting like a child. 

    I'll repost so that you can rub your poo in it;


    Data rules, not your mindless posts.


    These are adults taking about public health, not you talking out of your ass.


    Dailykos is a Liberal/Progressive blog supporting Democrats, so certainly not likely to offer "right wing rants"

    LOL...  So you are comparing known diseases being treated by well developed countries with fully developed health care systems to poor countries with poor healthcare systems -- and equating that to trying to contain a brand new highly infectious ilness.

    Yes, data rules -- as long as it's the right data pertinent to the point and all of the data.  But, that's what the right wing does:  They are masters of cherry picking data, using false equivalencies and only showing one side of the coin - and then shouting FACTS! 
    See lower legend.

    GDP per person at purchasing power parity means that the chart is corrected for income.

    It's evident that you cannot comprehend the chart. Illiteracy at work.

    LOL.... The trouble is that I DID -- and called you on it!
    So you can't actually see that each data point is "Deaths from epidemics by GDP, by type of government" as the chart is titled?

    Did you not understand that "Coronavirus in China 2020" in the chart is a data point?

    You are illiterate.

    I already pointed out the fallacy of your argument.  Spinning it further won't change that.
  • Reply 120 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    I realize that no one is following this thread, but I call bullshit on those purporting that the WHO was allowed into China to help with COVID-19;

    Here follows that details;


    "In late January, the World Health Organization began offering to send an international team of experts to China to observe and help with the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. On Monday, that team of experts was finally allowed to start its investigations. The Chinese government, however, will not let them to visit epidemic-stricken Hubei province or the city of Wuhan, the likely source of the virus now called Covid-19 and the site of the largest quarantine in history. According to one prominent Communist Party-controlled news outlet, Hubei is simply too busy and “cannot spare the time and people to receive the experts.”

    For weeks, the World Health Organization and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been under fire for a tepid and slow-moving response to the deadly new virus — an approach that appears overly deferential to China’s political demands. Some of the criticism is unfair. The WHO cannot organize a response to a global health emergency if the country at its center won’t cooperate. But recent history shows that too much political deference in a health emergency is a global risk in its own right. The WHO is uniquely positioned to demand more from China. It needs to do so now."

    Yes, absolutely, China is attempting to hide what is happening in the Hubei province from the WHO, so why the fuck should we trust the data that they have been posting to the world?

    You don’t trust the World Health Organization. Got it.

    Go be afraid of corona, SARS, Ebola being pandemics that will wipe you out in whatever American city you live in and go be mad at China for its resources and South Korea for winning Best Picture because Trump said so, but please don’t pass your unfounded fears on others.
    It isn't about "unfounded fear". It is about trust, and the Chinese keep hiding the truth. Why should we trust them on anything?

    Well of course, we shouldn't.

    I'll keep posting, and you can content yourself with sticking your head up your ass.


    "Federal officials announced Friday that their tally of 2019 novel coronavirus cases in the United States had increased to 34, with more infections expected sooner than later, even as questions lingered about how efforts at containing the deadly illness had fallen short so far.

    The jump came after the State Department repatriated 18 infected U.S. citizens from aboard a cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Three other people confirmed to have the disease have been repatriated, in addition to 13 other American travelers who fell ill upon returning from abroad, as The New York Times reported. "

    “This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a call with reporters."


    That's the CDC talking, so go fuck yourself for calling me out, you piece of shit.

    1) Some sure is sensitive for being called out for fear mongering and spreading propaganda.

    2) What does Messonnier's comment have to do with anything? It does "represent a tremendous public health risk", which is why it's being dealt with by professionals. They're trying to keep it from being a "tremendous public health risk" to you. She's not saying you're already as good as dead. Can you really not understand the difference or the harm that you and Sirozha are causing. I just hope it's simply your irrationality at work and not conscious effort to cause harm by inciting panic and fear.

    Almost all of my comments have been links to the effect that China hasn't been trustworthy with its data to date, which is absolutely true, or didn't respond quickly enough, also which is factually true. It is also factually true that the public health threat still remains, including in other parts of the world, and COVID-19 transmissibility is still not fully understood. That certainly doesn't imply that I am "fear mongering" because low information people such as George and yourself, it appears, are too lazy to read the nuance and details of the links.

    I have not stated anything at all of what Sirozha has stated. Perhaps you just decided to lump us together, again because you are too fucking lazy to read the details.


    "By raising the threat level, the president has given the government the ability to take drastic measures: officials can now restrict public transportation, flights to and from South Korea, bar tourists, lock down cities, and close schools. None of these measures have been implemented as of yet, but Moon said he will not shy away from doing whatever it takes to contain the Covid-19. 

    “We are faced with a watershed moment in the case of the coronavirus,” the president said, according to The New York Times. “The coming few days will be a critical time for us. This will be a momentous time when the central government, local governments, and the whole people must wage an all-out, concerted response to the problem.”


    "To be clear, a pandemic refers to how widely a disease spreads, not how many people die from the virus. It is still unclear how deadly the Covid-19 virus is, although a report from the China’s CDC found it to be less lethal than SARS. Nonetheless, the sheer number of people that need treatment could overwhelm any country’s health care system, leading to a shortage of hospital beds or medical equipment for those suffering from other maladies. Although the US only has 35 confirmed Covid-19 cases so far, South Korea, Italy, and Iran are case examples of why it is necessary to stay prepared."

    Does that sound like "fear mongering", or is it just a government providing the proper response to an impending threat?

    Admit it.   You bought into the right wing fear mongering and hatred of China -- and you use Google search looking for anything to back that nonsense up with so called "facts".   What plays into your favor is that the world is not black and white but grey -- so you can always find a little piece of black in there if you look for it and ignore any white you see.

    The truth is that China has done FAR better containing it than the U.S. ever could have.  And, you better hope that it does not start over here, because we simply could not do what China has been doing and it will run wild in this country if it gets here.
    Admit it. You are an apologist for China because "Trump". You are too illiterate to be able to consume news, so you attempt to mock people that do. 

    You must be a member of the "No Nothing" party, as you are certainly not a member of the Democratic Party. 

    More to the point, you presume to understand Public Health Policy because you assume that Authoritarianism make it easy to get people to do what they want. I actually posted a link to the exact meme that shows it to be false, any you ignore that.

    I'm embarrassed for you, acting like a child. 

    I'll repost so that you can rub your poo in it;


    Data rules, not your mindless posts.


    These are adults taking about public health, not you talking out of your ass.


    Dailykos is a Liberal/Progressive blog supporting Democrats, so certainly not likely to offer "right wing rants"

    LOL...  So you are comparing known diseases being treated by well developed countries with fully developed health care systems to poor countries with poor healthcare systems -- and equating that to trying to contain a brand new highly infectious ilness.

    Yes, data rules -- as long as it's the right data pertinent to the point and all of the data.  But, that's what the right wing does:  They are masters of cherry picking data, using false equivalencies and only showing one side of the coin - and then shouting FACTS! 
    See lower legend.

    GDP per person at purchasing power parity means that the chart is corrected for income.

    It's evident that you cannot comprehend the chart. Illiteracy at work.

    LOL.... The trouble is that I DID -- and called you on it!
    So you can't actually see that each data point is "Deaths from epidemics by GDP, by type of government" as the chart is titled?

    Did you not understand that "Coronavirus in China 2020" in the chart is a data point?

    You are illiterate.

    I already pointed out the fallacy of your argument.  Spinning it further won't change that.

    Spinning it?


    Come back when you can comprehend a chart, or anything, for that matter.
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