Apple macOS 11.0 Big Sur announced with redesigned Finder, Dock



  • Reply 21 of 40
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    entropys said:
    Looks to me like we are finally transitioning away from the Mac as we know it, and the glacial pace of updates to Mac lines explained. This was Apple’s focus. IPadOS is the future, with Mac OS 11 just a modified version. 
    The Mac will just become a big iPad.

    if so, do we get a high performance DeskPad with touch (imagine the price of a magic keypad on that mother). And do things also go the other way so that Mac features end up on iPad pros, an example being, and I can’t emphasis how important this is, Finder for iPad.
    You need to get over your disdain for the Mac. They've been firing on all cylinders with regard to hardware, and this ARM transition shows there's been much, much more going on that we haven't been seeing. It's 100% clear they're FULLY INTO THE MAC if you spent any time watching the keynote or the Platforms State of the Union. 

    entropys said:
    Until it catches up with iOS and gets the same version number.  I suspect you will basically have specOS, watchOS,TVOS, iPhoneOS, iPadOS and MacOS, same underneath, but with GUI features and other aspects specific to the capabilities of the particular hardware. 
    They're not merging the OSes. They will continue to share the foundation and frameworks that help bridge gaps between their platforms, clearly. They've said this time and time again, why don't you listen?
    Who knows why this is so difficult for some to grasp. I guess they just don’t understand software and to them things have to “merge” to share libraries. 

    Could they have made the point any clearer a couple years back when they blew it up this big:

    Apple have never gone back on their word, ever.  /s
  • Reply 22 of 40
    When they introduced the Big Sur name, there was some joke about other companies trying to steal their process?  He must have been referring to something specific, but it went right over my head.  What's the example of another company naming something after a California landmark (or whatever)?
  • Reply 23 of 40
    Interesting that the move from "10" to 11 after 20 years was even mentioned.  They went to the trouble of deciding to restart the numbering but then didn't even announce it.

    I feel like if this were a Steve Jobs presentation with an in-person audience, there would have been a big "let's talk about OS X" moment and then X would have been replaced with an 11 to lots of whoops and hollers from the audience.  Perhaps even a Spinal Tap joke?

    No big deal, just interesting that "Mac OS 11" isn't a phrase that was spoken during the keynote.

    Oh, perhaps the thinking is that "Mac OS 11" along side "iOS 14" would send the wrong message (that iOS is more mature).
    edited June 2020 mr. hwatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 24 of 40
    MacOS, now even more round and lickable! But it is not as huge a redesign as they portrait it to be, just squint a little and it looks the same. What is funny is that a few days ago Adobe updated their icon set and it’s the same aesthetics (more round and with more saturated colors, slightly more cartoonish). So it will definitely be a new design trend.
  • Reply 25 of 40
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    Important function missing from any MAP App is to create your route with stops,roads of choice on MAC/IPAD and send it to iPhone so you navigate using the same route.
    edited June 2020 watto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 26 of 40
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    When they introduced the Big Sur name, there was some joke about other companies trying to steal their process?  He must have been referring to something specific, but it went right over my head.  What's the example of another company naming something after a California landmark (or whatever)?
  • Reply 27 of 40
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Interesting that the move from "10" to 11 after 20 years was[n't] even mentioned.  They went to the trouble of deciding to restart the numbering but then didn't even announce it.
    Agreed - a bit anti-climactic - I didn't even notice!
    I feel like if this were a Steve Jobs presentation with an in-person audience, there would have been a big "let's talk about OS X" moment and then X would have been replaced with an 11 to lots of whoops and hollers from the audience.  Perhaps even a Spinal Tap joke?
    edited June 2020 watto_cobracornchip
  • Reply 28 of 40
    xixoxixo Posts: 451member
    entropys said:
    Looks to me like we are finally transitioning away from the Mac as we know it, and the glacial pace of updates to Mac lines explained. This was Apple’s focus. IPadOS is the future, with Mac OS 11 just a modified version. 
    The Mac will just become a big iPad.

    if so, do we get a high performance DeskPad with touch (imagine the price of a magic keypad on that mother). And do things also go the other way so that Mac features end up on iPad pros, an example being, and I can’t emphasis how important this is, Finder for iPad.
    all the UI limitations of a touch interface with the locked-down walled garden you've come to expect from Apple. wiping my iMac Pro's SSD today to install Linux, then MacOS 10.14 in VirtualBox.

    I know nobody here thinks this way, but it's the death of MacOS and Macintosh. In a year, MacOS 11 will become iOS 2.0
  • Reply 29 of 40
    cincyteecincytee Posts: 419member
    "We're taking messages to the next level with a tonne of great new features," said Federighi.

    Did he say it with a British accent? :D
  • Reply 30 of 40
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    xixo said:
    entropys said:
    Looks to me like we are finally transitioning away from the Mac as we know it, and the glacial pace of updates to Mac lines explained. This was Apple’s focus. IPadOS is the future, with Mac OS 11 just a modified version. 
    The Mac will just become a big iPad.

    if so, do we get a high performance DeskPad with touch (imagine the price of a magic keypad on that mother). And do things also go the other way so that Mac features end up on iPad pros, an example being, and I can’t emphasis how important this is, Finder for iPad.
    all the UI limitations of a touch interface with the locked-down walled garden you've come to expect from Apple. wiping my iMac Pro's SSD today to install Linux, then MacOS 10.14 in VirtualBox.

    I know nobody here thinks this way, but it's the death of MacOS and Macintosh. In a year, MacOS 11 will become iOS 2.0
     Byeeeeeee!  👋🏾
  • Reply 31 of 40
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,807member
    OK, looking at the desktop in 10.16 now and I have to ask why is the icon for the internal storage still a 1990's HDD?  I will have to get my trusty icon editor out and fix that!

    edited June 2020 fastasleepDAalsethwatto_cobrajony0cornchip
  • Reply 32 of 40
    laytechlaytech Posts: 340member
    What I have never understood is why Apple Mail still sends a ton of 1kb files when you email from Apple Mail to a Windows Recipient. So say you email from you Apple Mail (whether on the Mac or your iPhone) and the email is received in Outlook (on a Mac or PC), there are a ton of stupid useless files sent with it. In some cases, I have received emails with 20 totally useless files and 1 attachment I actually need.

    Why haven't they sorted this out? It prevents me from using Apple Mail for my work for that reason.
    edited June 2020
  • Reply 33 of 40
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    laytech said:
    What I have never understood is why Apple Mail still sends a ton of 1kb files when you email from Apple Mail to a Windows Recipient.
    ?? More info please. My Apple Mail doesn't do that (I'm on Mojave).
  • Reply 34 of 40
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    I actually love the streamline icon look across the all OSes. There are a few points from the announcement that I love to try right now such Finder, iWorks, Email, Safari and Map. Also the widgets on sidebar, are they based on Apple new format for all Apps development to include widget? That would be interesting if that was the case. I sense the direction where MacOS will go fully 'smart' - simple in appearance but the full control bars appear when needed. The translucent effect (they are not actually 'aero' transparency), the rounded designs, are all point towards futuristic style where speedy system and task oriented are prioritized rather than gimmicky design.
  • Reply 35 of 40
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    Interesting that the move from "10" to 11 after 20 years was even mentioned.  They went to the trouble of deciding to restart the numbering but then didn't even announce it.

    I feel like if this were a Steve Jobs presentation with an in-person audience, there would have been a big "let's talk about OS X" moment and then X would have been replaced with an 11 to lots of whoops and hollers from the audience.  Perhaps even a Spinal Tap joke?

    No big deal, just interesting that "Mac OS 11" isn't a phrase that was spoken during the keynote.

    Oh, perhaps the thinking is that "Mac OS 11" along side "iOS 14" would send the wrong message (that iOS is more mature).
    They softly dropped the "X" and any emphasis on 10 a few years ago, so it was already deprecated in favor of "macOS" and the location name. At that point 10.x was already small print, so it's less of a meaningful thing to focus on as a takeaway.
  • Reply 36 of 40
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member

    xixo said:
    entropys said:
    Looks to me like we are finally transitioning away from the Mac as we know it, and the glacial pace of updates to Mac lines explained. This was Apple’s focus. IPadOS is the future, with Mac OS 11 just a modified version. 
    The Mac will just become a big iPad.

    if so, do we get a high performance DeskPad with touch (imagine the price of a magic keypad on that mother). And do things also go the other way so that Mac features end up on iPad pros, an example being, and I can’t emphasis how important this is, Finder for iPad.
    all the UI limitations of a touch interface with the locked-down walled garden you've come to expect from Apple. wiping my iMac Pro's SSD today to install Linux, then MacOS 10.14 in VirtualBox.

    I know nobody here thinks this way, but it's the death of MacOS and Macintosh. In a year, MacOS 11 will become iOS 2.0
    Nobody thinks that way because it's ridiculous. macOS 11 isn't limited by any sort of touch interface in any sense at this point. It's not locked down any more than Catalina is. Why you'd relegate Mojave to a VM and run Linux as your base OS, I have no idea, but have fun storming the castle!
  • Reply 37 of 40
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member

    laytech said:
    What I have never understood is why Apple Mail still sends a ton of 1kb files when you email from Apple Mail to a Windows Recipient. So say you email from you Apple Mail (whether on the Mac or your iPhone) and the email is received in Outlook (on a Mac or PC), there are a ton of stupid useless files sent with it. In some cases, I have received emails with 20 totally useless files and 1 attachment I actually need.

    Why haven't they sorted this out? It prevents me from using Apple Mail for my work for that reason.
    I've never heard of this and interact with people on Windows all the time only using Apple Mail.
  • Reply 38 of 40
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,949member
    xixo said:
    entropys said:
    Looks to me like we are finally transitioning away from the Mac as we know it, and the glacial pace of updates to Mac lines explained. This was Apple’s focus. IPadOS is the future, with Mac OS 11 just a modified version. 
    The Mac will just become a big iPad.

    if so, do we get a high performance DeskPad with touch (imagine the price of a magic keypad on that mother). And do things also go the other way so that Mac features end up on iPad pros, an example being, and I can’t emphasis how important this is, Finder for iPad.
    all the UI limitations of a touch interface with the locked-down walled garden you've come to expect from Apple. wiping my iMac Pro's SSD today to install Linux, then MacOS 10.14 in VirtualBox.

    I know nobody here thinks this way, but it's the death of MacOS and Macintosh. In a year, MacOS 11 will become iOS 2.0
    And just what will moving your macOS to a virtual machine accomplish? It's the same thing you have now, albeit running with an extra superfluous layer on top of it.
    No it's not "the death of macOS and the Macintosh. People said the same thing when the Mac went to System 7, when the Mac went PPC, when OS-X replaced Classic Mac, when the Mac went Intel, when macOS dropped Skeuomorphism for the flat look. It wasn't true then and it isn't true now. The Mac platform evolves over time to meet the demands we now put on it, and those demands are always changing. 

    I mean if you really wanted the "pure" mac experience, you could load VirtualBox with System 6.0.7. That's the closest thing to a "real" Mac you can get, unless you mean "the Mac I'm used to and comfortable with because I don't want to bother learning anything new"..
  • Reply 39 of 40
    laytechlaytech Posts: 340member
    mr. h said:
    laytech said:
    What I have never understood is why Apple Mail still sends a ton of 1kb files when you email from Apple Mail to a Windows Recipient.
    ?? More info please. My Apple Mail doesn't do that (I'm on Mojave).
    Actually, I have noticed it has stopped happening but I will keep an eye on it because I vaguely remember recently, I received an email with so many 1kb attachments I almost missed the actual attachment I was supposed to receive. Thanks for advising your experience though, good to know.
  • Reply 40 of 40
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    laytech said:
    mr. h said:
    laytech said:
    What I have never understood is why Apple Mail still sends a ton of 1kb files when you email from Apple Mail to a Windows Recipient.
    ?? More info please. My Apple Mail doesn't do that (I'm on Mojave).
    Actually, I have noticed it has stopped happening but I will keep an eye on it because I vaguely remember recently, I received an email with so many 1kb attachments I almost missed the actual attachment I was supposed to receive. Thanks for advising your experience though, good to know.
    Yeah, this is bullshit.
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