Chip shortages affecting Qualcomm's ability to produce Android processors



  • Reply 41 of 56
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    tmay said:
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    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    Qualcomm is reportedly struggling to meet demand for processor silicon used in Android devices as a global chip shortage spreads across the electronics industry.

    Credit Qualcomm
    Credit: Qualcomm

    Demand for Qualcomm chips have soared in 2021 as Android makers close in on market share left by Huawei in the wake of U.S. sanctions. However, Qualcomm is finding it hard to meet the demand, partly because of a shortage of subcomponents used in its application processors.

    Because of that, Samsung is currently experiencing a shortage of Snapdragon chips, according to Reuters. That could impact production of mid- and low-end Samsung models, though another source said there was also supply concerns surrounding Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 888 processor.

    A senior executive at a top contract manufacturer for several major smartphone brands told Reuters it is also facing shortages of critical components from Qualcomm, and could cut handset shipments in 2021.

    The global processor shortage has been ongoing for several months. It first hit the automotive industry and has now spread to the consumer electronics market. In February, Xiaomi vice president Lu Weibing said that the situation is "not a shortage, it's an extreme shortage."

    Back in February, President Joe Biden took steps to boost the U.S. manufacturing of silicon to strengthen the international supply chain and mitigate the global shortages.

    For the most part, the supply situation is only affected Qualcomm's older processor technologies because it's currently directing resources toward newer silicon options. The shortage is also driving up the price of specific chip components.

    At this point, Qualcomm's supply troubles will likely have little effect on Apple. Although the Cupertino tech giant uses Qualcomm modems in its iPhone lineup, it designs and develops its own A-series chips that are produced by third-party contract manufacturer TSMC.

    Stay on top of the latest Apple news right from your HomePod. Say, "Hey, Siri, play AppleInsider," and you'll get latest AppleInsider Podcast. Or ask your HomePod mini for "AppleInsider Daily" instead and you'll hear a quick update direct from our news team. And, if you're interested in Apple-centric home automation, say "Hey, Siri, play HomeKit Insider," and you'll be listening to our newest specialized podcast in moments.

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    China has yet another problem;

    I can see a Winter Olympics boycott on the horizon...yet you still ignore what is happening to the Uighurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Fortunately, the rest of the world is not.

    Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnicnationalracial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,[1][2] the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") and the Latinsuffix -caedo ("act of killing").[3]

    Ethnic groups in Xinjiang
    根据2015年底人口抽查统计 [189]

    Yeh, it's pretty much a dead giveaway that somebody is running a (mostly) baseless smear campaign when they have to introduce hyperbole into to the argument.  Especially if they have to redefine words to suck off of their normal meaning.  People who have legitimate arguments don't have to resort to such childish tactics.

    But, as I said, those that do use such tactics expose their argument as baseless.

    As for an Olympic Boycott:  that would be more justified against the U.S. where we have militarized police executing (or is it committing "genocide" against?) innocent black people?
    What I think doesn't matter in the big picture, and I don't determine policy;

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has not seen any developments that would change its determination that China committed genocide and crimes against humanity in its treatment of Uighur Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday.

    “We have seen nothing that would change our assessment,” Price said. The Biden administration has endorsed a last-minute determination by the Trump administration that China has committed genocide in Xinjiang. Beijing denies the charges."

    Neither you not tzeshan have been able to produce any information denying that it happened, which is par for the course, but given that the PRC will not allow any independent investigation, this is all on the PRC, not the U.S.

    US-China relation is the most difficult part of US foreign policy. It originated from the conflict between western culture which emphasizes total freedom and love and Chinese culture which emphasizes facts and regulation. History doesn't lie. US Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1880 when there was no communism or CCP. Some Americans have tried to change this. But the election of Trump proved that this culture is firmly planted in other Americans. China has tried hard to rebuild the country without invading other nations instead by hard working to produce goods for other nations. Apple succeeded by working with China to become the most valuable company in the world. But some China haters and Apple haters try to break this relationship. 

    Don't give these idiots so much credit.
    The root of the current batch of "I hate China" stems from the fact that they will soon over take us as the world's leading economy.
    That is not only humiliating to these so called patriots but, aside from the financial and economic manifestations, it puts the lie to their contention that Democracy and Free Market capitalism is inherently superior to autocracy and socialism.
    (Here's a hint:  wise, caring leadership counts for a lot more than any ideology.)

    You might enjoy this piece from Bill Maher on "Clown and Country"

    We have wise, caring, leadership today in the U.S., and every adult that wants it will have vaccine access by May 1, and the U.S. hasn't had to rely on cutting corners as the SinoVac from China has. China will be far behind the U.S., and is attempting to use its vaccine to leverage diplomacy. But, hey, Maher has his own show, and can do what he wants.

    Bill Maher barely acknowledges human rights violations in Xinjiang, but John Oliver certainly does;

    So, your attempt to "bury the lede" on human rights violations in China, by posting a screed by Bill Maher on comparative economies fails. You probably aren't even cognizant to the fact that the U.S., at a quarter the size of China, is still the leading economy, and will be through the end of the decade. China, for all of its massive construction will also find out that "what you strive to attain, you must also maintain", a huge cost that every country bears for its existing infrastructure.

    I gave up watching Bill Maher when I gave up cable and HBO, near twenty years ago. He isn't anything but provocative.

    "“This (divergence in growth) is consistent with our view that the pandemic has been a much larger blow to the US economy than China’s economy,” Rob Subbaraman of Nomura said in an email Friday. “We believe that on reasonable growth projections the size of China’s economy in USD terms will overtake the US in 2028.”

    On the other hand, the U.S. and the West's plan for sourcing outside of China will likely delay that date, but I can state as a fact that the U.S. economy is going to grow at a very fast rate in Q3 and Q4 of this year, due to vaccinations.

    This is what your China hatred buys:  A former trading partner aligning themselves with a known enemy who has attacked out country multiple times (after we tried to entice one of their former allies over to our side).
    That's dumb.   Really, really dumb.

    So now:   Russia isn't going to take our shit anymore -- and neither is China.
    But go ahead and keep backing Trump's cold war.
    ... But maybe if we build more ICBMs and aircraft carriers -- or up the trash talk -- they will come over to our side.   /s
    ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA - JUNE 6 2019 Chinas Persident Xi Jinping L and Russias President Vladimir Putin shake hands at a ceremony at St Petersburg University in which Xi Jinping was awarded St Petersburg University honorary doctoral degree

    • Russia and China’s space agencies signed an agreement this week to create an International Scientific Lunar Station.
    • Russia also apparently rebuked NASA’s invitation to join the Artemis project that aims to put people back on the moon by 2024.
    • That follows a quarter of century of U.S.-Russian space cooperation, launched by those who dreamed of post-Cold War reconciliation.
    • Russia’s growing strategic bond with China is the latest evidence the Western approach to Moscow has failed to produce the desired results.

    Okay...from your mouth to God's ear.


    Before you attack an enemy you should probably make sure that they are an enemy.  If not, they will be.
    I'm certain that China decided to challenge the rules of order established after WWII when Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. With that, and China's erasure of democracy in Hong Kong, prematurely based on the agreement with the UK, and constant threats against its neighbors, it is pretty obvious that China's authoritarianism is a threat to democracies around the world. That makes them a potential enemy, and for National Security reasons, we have to treat them as that. Of course, China would see us as a threat, given our history during and after WWII as the world's greatest superpower and democracy.

    Interestingly enough, the Quad (U.S., Japan, Australia, and India) just met to discuss many concerns centered on China, especially China's military buildup in the Indo-Pacific. I'm thinking, India becomes the go to for sourcing as China's manufacturing for the world deflates. That's a problem that China created, not the U.S.

    You don't follow anything about National Security, so of course you will side with China, a flawed assessment.

    Personally, I would rather see India benefit from sourcing to the West vs China, so we'll see how that works out.

    Still waiting for some evidence that China is an enemy of the U.S.
    I get it that you hate them.   But that doesn't count.
    Keep waiting. It's not my job to educate you, and for the record, I don't hate the Chinese. I "hate" China's authoritarian government and what they are doing in the world.

    "China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide.

    At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

    Beijing was long focused on building a “Great Firewall” to prevent the people of China from being exposed to any criticism of the government from abroad. Now the government is increasingly attacking the critics themselves, whether they represent a foreign government, are part of an overseas company or university, or join real or virtual avenues of public protest."

    Oh, I did find a good link to China being a threat to the U.S.:

    If that were actually true, then you wouldn't be spending every waking moment looking for ways to justify your hate.  And, you would be concerned about the poverty, drug addiction, racism, fascism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia that has become so rampant in this country instead of directing all your energy at hating others.
    Because he is trying the old tactic of lying a thousand times in hopes it becomes truth. 
    You seem unable to comprehend that I am in fact concerned about "poverty, drug addiction, racism, facism, misogyny and xenophobia", but I'm also concerned about threats to my freedom from authoritarians, and that is absolutely what the PRC and CCP (or CPC) is. That's why I was ecstatic about a Biden Presidency. You are not supportive of Biden, nor were you for Trump. Seems odd.

    Maybe you are ethnic Han, or maybe related to ethnic Han, for all I know, but I will continue resisting the authoritarianism that the PRC represents, and that isn't xenophobia.

    Trigger warning. The CCP’s coordinated information effort to discredit the BBC

    Can't figure out why you defend the PRC and CCP.
    You said Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. Do you know English writing? Do you know logic? You have not provided a link to prove your lie. 
    You haven't provided a link that he didn't make that happen, and Xi is in effect, not term limited, so from the standpoint of any outside observer, he is defacto, President for Life, or at least until he decides to retire.
    Why do i need to provide a link for words Xi never declared by himself? You use distortion tactic to derive a lie. Then use the lie to derive numerous points. 
    Ah, parsing words is your strategy, again.

    So does Xi, or does Xi not, have term limits? If he doesn't have term limits, then he is President for as long as he feels like it, and hence could decide to be President for life, ie, until his death.

    You cannot say Xi declared himself President for Life. It is a false logic. 
    Is President Xi term limited? No.

    Hence logic states that Xi could in fact become President for Life. We will only know that it the future. 
    No, not necessary. I think according to previous rules Xi is supposed to name his successor in 2018. His term will complete by 2023. Xi told a committee he will not name it at that time. The committee agreed. He still can do this anytime before 2023. So what he did is not name a successor in 2018. I think he dit it due to Trump declared a trade war with China. The is a grave external threat to China. This threat has been removed by American people. So I think things can change if US-China relation can become better under Biden.
    With the exception of changes in tariffs, I don't expect the Biden Administration to alter all that much of existing policy in future trade talks, and Biden as well comes down solidly in support of National Security objectives to counter China's military expansionism. Human Rights is going to be front and center, and that is a problem for China.  
    One sided words. Why does US spend so much money on military is permissible? The explanation is for national security. China is as big as US and surrounded by far more nations. Why would China not fearing threats on national security? And history already shows China and the Han people has suffered by invasions. And it is because China cannot defend itself. So why China tries to spend more on military is being interpreted as expansionism? What region that were not part of China are being threatened by China? I know because you don't use logic. You won't be able to explain this with facts. 
  • Reply 42 of 56
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
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    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    Qualcomm is reportedly struggling to meet demand for processor silicon used in Android devices as a global chip shortage spreads across the electronics industry.

    Credit Qualcomm
    Credit: Qualcomm

    Demand for Qualcomm chips have soared in 2021 as Android makers close in on market share left by Huawei in the wake of U.S. sanctions. However, Qualcomm is finding it hard to meet the demand, partly because of a shortage of subcomponents used in its application processors.

    Because of that, Samsung is currently experiencing a shortage of Snapdragon chips, according to Reuters. That could impact production of mid- and low-end Samsung models, though another source said there was also supply concerns surrounding Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 888 processor.

    A senior executive at a top contract manufacturer for several major smartphone brands told Reuters it is also facing shortages of critical components from Qualcomm, and could cut handset shipments in 2021.

    The global processor shortage has been ongoing for several months. It first hit the automotive industry and has now spread to the consumer electronics market. In February, Xiaomi vice president Lu Weibing said that the situation is "not a shortage, it's an extreme shortage."

    Back in February, President Joe Biden took steps to boost the U.S. manufacturing of silicon to strengthen the international supply chain and mitigate the global shortages.

    For the most part, the supply situation is only affected Qualcomm's older processor technologies because it's currently directing resources toward newer silicon options. The shortage is also driving up the price of specific chip components.

    At this point, Qualcomm's supply troubles will likely have little effect on Apple. Although the Cupertino tech giant uses Qualcomm modems in its iPhone lineup, it designs and develops its own A-series chips that are produced by third-party contract manufacturer TSMC.

    Stay on top of the latest Apple news right from your HomePod. Say, "Hey, Siri, play AppleInsider," and you'll get latest AppleInsider Podcast. Or ask your HomePod mini for "AppleInsider Daily" instead and you'll hear a quick update direct from our news team. And, if you're interested in Apple-centric home automation, say "Hey, Siri, play HomeKit Insider," and you'll be listening to our newest specialized podcast in moments.

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    China has yet another problem;

    I can see a Winter Olympics boycott on the horizon...yet you still ignore what is happening to the Uighurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Fortunately, the rest of the world is not.

    Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnicnationalracial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,[1][2] the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") and the Latinsuffix -caedo ("act of killing").[3]

    Ethnic groups in Xinjiang
    根据2015年底人口抽查统计 [189]

    Yeh, it's pretty much a dead giveaway that somebody is running a (mostly) baseless smear campaign when they have to introduce hyperbole into to the argument.  Especially if they have to redefine words to suck off of their normal meaning.  People who have legitimate arguments don't have to resort to such childish tactics.

    But, as I said, those that do use such tactics expose their argument as baseless.

    As for an Olympic Boycott:  that would be more justified against the U.S. where we have militarized police executing (or is it committing "genocide" against?) innocent black people?
    What I think doesn't matter in the big picture, and I don't determine policy;

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has not seen any developments that would change its determination that China committed genocide and crimes against humanity in its treatment of Uighur Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday.

    “We have seen nothing that would change our assessment,” Price said. The Biden administration has endorsed a last-minute determination by the Trump administration that China has committed genocide in Xinjiang. Beijing denies the charges."

    Neither you not tzeshan have been able to produce any information denying that it happened, which is par for the course, but given that the PRC will not allow any independent investigation, this is all on the PRC, not the U.S.

    US-China relation is the most difficult part of US foreign policy. It originated from the conflict between western culture which emphasizes total freedom and love and Chinese culture which emphasizes facts and regulation. History doesn't lie. US Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1880 when there was no communism or CCP. Some Americans have tried to change this. But the election of Trump proved that this culture is firmly planted in other Americans. China has tried hard to rebuild the country without invading other nations instead by hard working to produce goods for other nations. Apple succeeded by working with China to become the most valuable company in the world. But some China haters and Apple haters try to break this relationship. 

    Don't give these idiots so much credit.
    The root of the current batch of "I hate China" stems from the fact that they will soon over take us as the world's leading economy.
    That is not only humiliating to these so called patriots but, aside from the financial and economic manifestations, it puts the lie to their contention that Democracy and Free Market capitalism is inherently superior to autocracy and socialism.
    (Here's a hint:  wise, caring leadership counts for a lot more than any ideology.)

    You might enjoy this piece from Bill Maher on "Clown and Country"

    We have wise, caring, leadership today in the U.S., and every adult that wants it will have vaccine access by May 1, and the U.S. hasn't had to rely on cutting corners as the SinoVac from China has. China will be far behind the U.S., and is attempting to use its vaccine to leverage diplomacy. But, hey, Maher has his own show, and can do what he wants.

    Bill Maher barely acknowledges human rights violations in Xinjiang, but John Oliver certainly does;

    So, your attempt to "bury the lede" on human rights violations in China, by posting a screed by Bill Maher on comparative economies fails. You probably aren't even cognizant to the fact that the U.S., at a quarter the size of China, is still the leading economy, and will be through the end of the decade. China, for all of its massive construction will also find out that "what you strive to attain, you must also maintain", a huge cost that every country bears for its existing infrastructure.

    I gave up watching Bill Maher when I gave up cable and HBO, near twenty years ago. He isn't anything but provocative.

    "“This (divergence in growth) is consistent with our view that the pandemic has been a much larger blow to the US economy than China’s economy,” Rob Subbaraman of Nomura said in an email Friday. “We believe that on reasonable growth projections the size of China’s economy in USD terms will overtake the US in 2028.”

    On the other hand, the U.S. and the West's plan for sourcing outside of China will likely delay that date, but I can state as a fact that the U.S. economy is going to grow at a very fast rate in Q3 and Q4 of this year, due to vaccinations.

    This is what your China hatred buys:  A former trading partner aligning themselves with a known enemy who has attacked out country multiple times (after we tried to entice one of their former allies over to our side).
    That's dumb.   Really, really dumb.

    So now:   Russia isn't going to take our shit anymore -- and neither is China.
    But go ahead and keep backing Trump's cold war.
    ... But maybe if we build more ICBMs and aircraft carriers -- or up the trash talk -- they will come over to our side.   /s
    ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA - JUNE 6 2019 Chinas Persident Xi Jinping L and Russias President Vladimir Putin shake hands at a ceremony at St Petersburg University in which Xi Jinping was awarded St Petersburg University honorary doctoral degree

    • Russia and China’s space agencies signed an agreement this week to create an International Scientific Lunar Station.
    • Russia also apparently rebuked NASA’s invitation to join the Artemis project that aims to put people back on the moon by 2024.
    • That follows a quarter of century of U.S.-Russian space cooperation, launched by those who dreamed of post-Cold War reconciliation.
    • Russia’s growing strategic bond with China is the latest evidence the Western approach to Moscow has failed to produce the desired results.

    Okay...from your mouth to God's ear.


    Before you attack an enemy you should probably make sure that they are an enemy.  If not, they will be.
    I'm certain that China decided to challenge the rules of order established after WWII when Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. With that, and China's erasure of democracy in Hong Kong, prematurely based on the agreement with the UK, and constant threats against its neighbors, it is pretty obvious that China's authoritarianism is a threat to democracies around the world. That makes them a potential enemy, and for National Security reasons, we have to treat them as that. Of course, China would see us as a threat, given our history during and after WWII as the world's greatest superpower and democracy.

    Interestingly enough, the Quad (U.S., Japan, Australia, and India) just met to discuss many concerns centered on China, especially China's military buildup in the Indo-Pacific. I'm thinking, India becomes the go to for sourcing as China's manufacturing for the world deflates. That's a problem that China created, not the U.S.

    You don't follow anything about National Security, so of course you will side with China, a flawed assessment.

    Personally, I would rather see India benefit from sourcing to the West vs China, so we'll see how that works out.

    Still waiting for some evidence that China is an enemy of the U.S.
    I get it that you hate them.   But that doesn't count.
    Keep waiting. It's not my job to educate you, and for the record, I don't hate the Chinese. I "hate" China's authoritarian government and what they are doing in the world.

    "China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide.

    At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

    Beijing was long focused on building a “Great Firewall” to prevent the people of China from being exposed to any criticism of the government from abroad. Now the government is increasingly attacking the critics themselves, whether they represent a foreign government, are part of an overseas company or university, or join real or virtual avenues of public protest."

    Oh, I did find a good link to China being a threat to the U.S.:

    If that were actually true, then you wouldn't be spending every waking moment looking for ways to justify your hate.  And, you would be concerned about the poverty, drug addiction, racism, fascism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia that has become so rampant in this country instead of directing all your energy at hating others.
    Because he is trying the old tactic of lying a thousand times in hopes it becomes truth. 
    You seem unable to comprehend that I am in fact concerned about "poverty, drug addiction, racism, facism, misogyny and xenophobia", but I'm also concerned about threats to my freedom from authoritarians, and that is absolutely what the PRC and CCP (or CPC) is. That's why I was ecstatic about a Biden Presidency. You are not supportive of Biden, nor were you for Trump. Seems odd.

    Maybe you are ethnic Han, or maybe related to ethnic Han, for all I know, but I will continue resisting the authoritarianism that the PRC represents, and that isn't xenophobia.

    Trigger warning. The CCP’s coordinated information effort to discredit the BBC

    Can't figure out why you defend the PRC and CCP.
    You said Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. Do you know English writing? Do you know logic? You have not provided a link to prove your lie. 
    You haven't provided a link that he didn't make that happen, and Xi is in effect, not term limited, so from the standpoint of any outside observer, he is defacto, President for Life, or at least until he decides to retire.
    Why do i need to provide a link for words Xi never declared by himself? You use distortion tactic to derive a lie. Then use the lie to derive numerous points. 
    Ah, parsing words is your strategy, again.

    So does Xi, or does Xi not, have term limits? If he doesn't have term limits, then he is President for as long as he feels like it, and hence could decide to be President for life, ie, until his death.

    You cannot say Xi declared himself President for Life. It is a false logic. 
    Is President Xi term limited? No.

    Hence logic states that Xi could in fact become President for Life. We will only know that it the future. 
    No, not necessary. I think according to previous rules Xi is supposed to name his successor in 2018. His term will complete by 2023. Xi told a committee he will not name it at that time. The committee agreed. He still can do this anytime before 2023. So what he did is not name a successor in 2018. I think he dit it due to Trump declared a trade war with China. The is a grave external threat to China. This threat has been removed by American people. So I think things can change if US-China relation can become better under Biden.
    With the exception of changes in tariffs, I don't expect the Biden Administration to alter all that much of existing policy in future trade talks, and Biden as well comes down solidly in support of National Security objectives to counter China's military expansionism. Human Rights is going to be front and center, and that is a problem for China.  
    I admire your patience and fortitude. The more these 2 guys defend the PRC, the more their blind bias becomes evident. 
  • Reply 43 of 56
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
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    tzeshan said:
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    tmay said:
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    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    Qualcomm is reportedly struggling to meet demand for processor silicon used in Android devices as a global chip shortage spreads across the electronics industry.

    Credit Qualcomm
    Credit: Qualcomm

    Demand for Qualcomm chips have soared in 2021 as Android makers close in on market share left by Huawei in the wake of U.S. sanctions. However, Qualcomm is finding it hard to meet the demand, partly because of a shortage of subcomponents used in its application processors.

    Because of that, Samsung is currently experiencing a shortage of Snapdragon chips, according to Reuters. That could impact production of mid- and low-end Samsung models, though another source said there was also supply concerns surrounding Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 888 processor.

    A senior executive at a top contract manufacturer for several major smartphone brands told Reuters it is also facing shortages of critical components from Qualcomm, and could cut handset shipments in 2021.

    The global processor shortage has been ongoing for several months. It first hit the automotive industry and has now spread to the consumer electronics market. In February, Xiaomi vice president Lu Weibing said that the situation is "not a shortage, it's an extreme shortage."

    Back in February, President Joe Biden took steps to boost the U.S. manufacturing of silicon to strengthen the international supply chain and mitigate the global shortages.

    For the most part, the supply situation is only affected Qualcomm's older processor technologies because it's currently directing resources toward newer silicon options. The shortage is also driving up the price of specific chip components.

    At this point, Qualcomm's supply troubles will likely have little effect on Apple. Although the Cupertino tech giant uses Qualcomm modems in its iPhone lineup, it designs and develops its own A-series chips that are produced by third-party contract manufacturer TSMC.

    Stay on top of the latest Apple news right from your HomePod. Say, "Hey, Siri, play AppleInsider," and you'll get latest AppleInsider Podcast. Or ask your HomePod mini for "AppleInsider Daily" instead and you'll hear a quick update direct from our news team. And, if you're interested in Apple-centric home automation, say "Hey, Siri, play HomeKit Insider," and you'll be listening to our newest specialized podcast in moments.

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    China has yet another problem;

    I can see a Winter Olympics boycott on the horizon...yet you still ignore what is happening to the Uighurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Fortunately, the rest of the world is not.

    Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnicnationalracial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,[1][2] the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") and the Latinsuffix -caedo ("act of killing").[3]

    Ethnic groups in Xinjiang
    根据2015年底人口抽查统计 [189]

    Yeh, it's pretty much a dead giveaway that somebody is running a (mostly) baseless smear campaign when they have to introduce hyperbole into to the argument.  Especially if they have to redefine words to suck off of their normal meaning.  People who have legitimate arguments don't have to resort to such childish tactics.

    But, as I said, those that do use such tactics expose their argument as baseless.

    As for an Olympic Boycott:  that would be more justified against the U.S. where we have militarized police executing (or is it committing "genocide" against?) innocent black people?
    What I think doesn't matter in the big picture, and I don't determine policy;

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has not seen any developments that would change its determination that China committed genocide and crimes against humanity in its treatment of Uighur Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday.

    “We have seen nothing that would change our assessment,” Price said. The Biden administration has endorsed a last-minute determination by the Trump administration that China has committed genocide in Xinjiang. Beijing denies the charges."

    Neither you not tzeshan have been able to produce any information denying that it happened, which is par for the course, but given that the PRC will not allow any independent investigation, this is all on the PRC, not the U.S.

    US-China relation is the most difficult part of US foreign policy. It originated from the conflict between western culture which emphasizes total freedom and love and Chinese culture which emphasizes facts and regulation. History doesn't lie. US Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1880 when there was no communism or CCP. Some Americans have tried to change this. But the election of Trump proved that this culture is firmly planted in other Americans. China has tried hard to rebuild the country without invading other nations instead by hard working to produce goods for other nations. Apple succeeded by working with China to become the most valuable company in the world. But some China haters and Apple haters try to break this relationship. 

    Don't give these idiots so much credit.
    The root of the current batch of "I hate China" stems from the fact that they will soon over take us as the world's leading economy.
    That is not only humiliating to these so called patriots but, aside from the financial and economic manifestations, it puts the lie to their contention that Democracy and Free Market capitalism is inherently superior to autocracy and socialism.
    (Here's a hint:  wise, caring leadership counts for a lot more than any ideology.)

    You might enjoy this piece from Bill Maher on "Clown and Country"

    We have wise, caring, leadership today in the U.S., and every adult that wants it will have vaccine access by May 1, and the U.S. hasn't had to rely on cutting corners as the SinoVac from China has. China will be far behind the U.S., and is attempting to use its vaccine to leverage diplomacy. But, hey, Maher has his own show, and can do what he wants.

    Bill Maher barely acknowledges human rights violations in Xinjiang, but John Oliver certainly does;

    So, your attempt to "bury the lede" on human rights violations in China, by posting a screed by Bill Maher on comparative economies fails. You probably aren't even cognizant to the fact that the U.S., at a quarter the size of China, is still the leading economy, and will be through the end of the decade. China, for all of its massive construction will also find out that "what you strive to attain, you must also maintain", a huge cost that every country bears for its existing infrastructure.

    I gave up watching Bill Maher when I gave up cable and HBO, near twenty years ago. He isn't anything but provocative.

    "“This (divergence in growth) is consistent with our view that the pandemic has been a much larger blow to the US economy than China’s economy,” Rob Subbaraman of Nomura said in an email Friday. “We believe that on reasonable growth projections the size of China’s economy in USD terms will overtake the US in 2028.”

    On the other hand, the U.S. and the West's plan for sourcing outside of China will likely delay that date, but I can state as a fact that the U.S. economy is going to grow at a very fast rate in Q3 and Q4 of this year, due to vaccinations.

    This is what your China hatred buys:  A former trading partner aligning themselves with a known enemy who has attacked out country multiple times (after we tried to entice one of their former allies over to our side).
    That's dumb.   Really, really dumb.

    So now:   Russia isn't going to take our shit anymore -- and neither is China.
    But go ahead and keep backing Trump's cold war.
    ... But maybe if we build more ICBMs and aircraft carriers -- or up the trash talk -- they will come over to our side.   /s
    ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA - JUNE 6 2019 Chinas Persident Xi Jinping L and Russias President Vladimir Putin shake hands at a ceremony at St Petersburg University in which Xi Jinping was awarded St Petersburg University honorary doctoral degree

    • Russia and China’s space agencies signed an agreement this week to create an International Scientific Lunar Station.
    • Russia also apparently rebuked NASA’s invitation to join the Artemis project that aims to put people back on the moon by 2024.
    • That follows a quarter of century of U.S.-Russian space cooperation, launched by those who dreamed of post-Cold War reconciliation.
    • Russia’s growing strategic bond with China is the latest evidence the Western approach to Moscow has failed to produce the desired results.

    Okay...from your mouth to God's ear.


    Before you attack an enemy you should probably make sure that they are an enemy.  If not, they will be.
    I'm certain that China decided to challenge the rules of order established after WWII when Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. With that, and China's erasure of democracy in Hong Kong, prematurely based on the agreement with the UK, and constant threats against its neighbors, it is pretty obvious that China's authoritarianism is a threat to democracies around the world. That makes them a potential enemy, and for National Security reasons, we have to treat them as that. Of course, China would see us as a threat, given our history during and after WWII as the world's greatest superpower and democracy.

    Interestingly enough, the Quad (U.S., Japan, Australia, and India) just met to discuss many concerns centered on China, especially China's military buildup in the Indo-Pacific. I'm thinking, India becomes the go to for sourcing as China's manufacturing for the world deflates. That's a problem that China created, not the U.S.

    You don't follow anything about National Security, so of course you will side with China, a flawed assessment.

    Personally, I would rather see India benefit from sourcing to the West vs China, so we'll see how that works out.

    Still waiting for some evidence that China is an enemy of the U.S.
    I get it that you hate them.   But that doesn't count.
    Keep waiting. It's not my job to educate you, and for the record, I don't hate the Chinese. I "hate" China's authoritarian government and what they are doing in the world.

    "China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide.

    At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

    Beijing was long focused on building a “Great Firewall” to prevent the people of China from being exposed to any criticism of the government from abroad. Now the government is increasingly attacking the critics themselves, whether they represent a foreign government, are part of an overseas company or university, or join real or virtual avenues of public protest."

    Oh, I did find a good link to China being a threat to the U.S.:

    If that were actually true, then you wouldn't be spending every waking moment looking for ways to justify your hate.  And, you would be concerned about the poverty, drug addiction, racism, fascism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia that has become so rampant in this country instead of directing all your energy at hating others.
    Because he is trying the old tactic of lying a thousand times in hopes it becomes truth. 
    You seem unable to comprehend that I am in fact concerned about "poverty, drug addiction, racism, facism, misogyny and xenophobia", but I'm also concerned about threats to my freedom from authoritarians, and that is absolutely what the PRC and CCP (or CPC) is. That's why I was ecstatic about a Biden Presidency. You are not supportive of Biden, nor were you for Trump. Seems odd.

    Maybe you are ethnic Han, or maybe related to ethnic Han, for all I know, but I will continue resisting the authoritarianism that the PRC represents, and that isn't xenophobia.

    Trigger warning. The CCP’s coordinated information effort to discredit the BBC

    Can't figure out why you defend the PRC and CCP.
    You said Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. Do you know English writing? Do you know logic? You have not provided a link to prove your lie. 
    You haven't provided a link that he didn't make that happen, and Xi is in effect, not term limited, so from the standpoint of any outside observer, he is defacto, President for Life, or at least until he decides to retire.
    Why do i need to provide a link for words Xi never declared by himself? You use distortion tactic to derive a lie. Then use the lie to derive numerous points. 
    Ah, parsing words is your strategy, again.

    So does Xi, or does Xi not, have term limits? If he doesn't have term limits, then he is President for as long as he feels like it, and hence could decide to be President for life, ie, until his death.

    You cannot say Xi declared himself President for Life. It is a false logic. 
    Is President Xi term limited? No.

    Hence logic states that Xi could in fact become President for Life. We will only know that it the future. 
    No, not necessary. I think according to previous rules Xi is supposed to name his successor in 2018. His term will complete by 2023. Xi told a committee he will not name it at that time. The committee agreed. He still can do this anytime before 2023. So what he did is not name a successor in 2018. I think he dit it due to Trump declared a trade war with China. The is a grave external threat to China. This threat has been removed by American people. So I think things can change if US-China relation can become better under Biden.
    With the exception of changes in tariffs, I don't expect the Biden Administration to alter all that much of existing policy in future trade talks, and Biden as well comes down solidly in support of National Security objectives to counter China's military expansionism. Human Rights is going to be front and center, and that is a problem for China.  
    I admire your patience and fortitude. The more these 2 guys defend the PRC, the more their blind bias becomes evident. 
    I grew up reading the stories of the War in the Pacific, and ANZUS forces fighting the battles in the South Pacific.  

    What China appears to be doing today mirrors the Japanese military strategy for the Pacific that almost cut the U.S. off from Australia, and New Zealand. But China is also known for violating fisheries throughout the world, and is intent on becoming involved in the Arctic and Antarctic even though it has no territories that bound either of those regions. China is quite unhappy about the Quad, (U.S., Australia, India, and Japan) working together to maintain the freedom of navigation for the Indo-Pacific region, and specifically, about the U.S. Military in the South China Seas, which China has decided that it wants to control.


    "Chinese dredging ships are swarming Taiwan’s Matsu Islands, forcing the local coast guard to run round-the-clock patrols. The tactic is part of Beijing’s escalating campaign of irregular ‘gray-zone’ warfare on Taipei. Reuters joined the coast guard on patrol."

    "Desperate North Korean fishermen are washing ashore as skeletons because of the world's largest illegal fleet."

    "Evidence of sanctions violations

    China is a member of the U.N. Security Council, which unanimously signed the recent North Korean sanctions. But the flotilla violating this ban makes up nearly a third of the entire Chinese distant-water fishing fleet, according to Global Fishing Watch.

    When asked to comment on the investigation, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “China has consistently and conscientiously enforced the resolutions of the Security Council relating to North Korea.” The ministry added that China has “consistently punished” illegal fishing, but it neither admitted nor denied sending its boats into North Korean waters."

    "On 4 November, in a landmark example of increasing joint efforts in the region to combat potential illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing by the Chinese fleet, the governments of Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia issued a joint statement condemning IUU fishing and specifically calling out the “large fleet of foreign-flagged vessels.” The statement committed the group to greater information-sharing efforts and to take joint action to condemn acts of IUU fishing that occur in their EEZs through the Permanent Commission to the South Pacific (CPPS), a maritime regulatory body in which the four countries hold equal membership."

    China's a threat to much more than the U.S.

    edited March 2021
  • Reply 44 of 56
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:

    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    Qualcomm is reportedly struggling to meet demand for processor silicon used in Android devices as a global chip shortage spreads across the electronics industry.

    Credit Qualcomm
    Credit: Qualcomm

    Demand for Qualcomm chips have soared in 2021 as Android makers close in on market share left by Huawei in the wake of U.S. sanctions. However, Qualcomm is finding it hard to meet the demand, partly because of a shortage of subcomponents used in its application processors.

    Because of that, Samsung is currently experiencing a shortage of Snapdragon chips, according to Reuters. That could impact production of mid- and low-end Samsung models, though another source said there was also supply concerns surrounding Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 888 processor.

    A senior executive at a top contract manufacturer for several major smartphone brands told Reuters it is also facing shortages of critical components from Qualcomm, and could cut handset shipments in 2021.

    The global processor shortage has been ongoing for several months. It first hit the automotive industry and has now spread to the consumer electronics market. In February, Xiaomi vice president Lu Weibing said that the situation is "not a shortage, it's an extreme shortage."

    Back in February, President Joe Biden took steps to boost the U.S. manufacturing of silicon to strengthen the international supply chain and mitigate the global shortages.

    For the most part, the supply situation is only affected Qualcomm's older processor technologies because it's currently directing resources toward newer silicon options. The shortage is also driving up the price of specific chip components.

    At this point, Qualcomm's supply troubles will likely have little effect on Apple. Although the Cupertino tech giant uses Qualcomm modems in its iPhone lineup, it designs and develops its own A-series chips that are produced by third-party contract manufacturer TSMC.

    Stay on top of the latest Apple news right from your HomePod. Say, "Hey, Siri, play AppleInsider," and you'll get latest AppleInsider Podcast. Or ask your HomePod mini for "AppleInsider Daily" instead and you'll hear a quick update direct from our news team. And, if you're interested in Apple-centric home automation, say "Hey, Siri, play HomeKit Insider," and you'll be listening to our newest specialized podcast in moments.

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    China has yet another problem;

    I can see a Winter Olympics boycott on the horizon...yet you still ignore what is happening to the Uighurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Fortunately, the rest of the world is not.

    Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnicnationalracial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,[1][2] the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") and the Latinsuffix -caedo ("act of killing").[3]

    Ethnic groups in Xinjiang
    根据2015年底人口抽查统计 [189]

    Yeh, it's pretty much a dead giveaway that somebody is running a (mostly) baseless smear campaign when they have to introduce hyperbole into to the argument.  Especially if they have to redefine words to suck off of their normal meaning.  People who have legitimate arguments don't have to resort to such childish tactics.

    But, as I said, those that do use such tactics expose their argument as baseless.

    As for an Olympic Boycott:  that would be more justified against the U.S. where we have militarized police executing (or is it committing "genocide" against?) innocent black people?
    What I think doesn't matter in the big picture, and I don't determine policy;

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has not seen any developments that would change its determination that China committed genocide and crimes against humanity in its treatment of Uighur Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday.

    “We have seen nothing that would change our assessment,” Price said. The Biden administration has endorsed a last-minute determination by the Trump administration that China has committed genocide in Xinjiang. Beijing denies the charges."

    Neither you not tzeshan have been able to produce any information denying that it happened, which is par for the course, but given that the PRC will not allow any independent investigation, this is all on the PRC, not the U.S.

    US-China relation is the most difficult part of US foreign policy. It originated from the conflict between western culture which emphasizes total freedom and love and Chinese culture which emphasizes facts and regulation. History doesn't lie. US Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1880 when there was no communism or CCP. Some Americans have tried to change this. But the election of Trump proved that this culture is firmly planted in other Americans. China has tried hard to rebuild the country without invading other nations instead by hard working to produce goods for other nations. Apple succeeded by working with China to become the most valuable company in the world. But some China haters and Apple haters try to break this relationship. 

    Don't give these idiots so much credit.
    The root of the current batch of "I hate China" stems from the fact that they will soon over take us as the world's leading economy.
    That is not only humiliating to these so called patriots but, aside from the financial and economic manifestations, it puts the lie to their contention that Democracy and Free Market capitalism is inherently superior to autocracy and socialism.
    (Here's a hint:  wise, caring leadership counts for a lot more than any ideology.)

    You might enjoy this piece from Bill Maher on "Clown and Country"

    We have wise, caring, leadership today in the U.S., and every adult that wants it will have vaccine access by May 1, and the U.S. hasn't had to rely on cutting corners as the SinoVac from China has. China will be far behind the U.S., and is attempting to use its vaccine to leverage diplomacy. But, hey, Maher has his own show, and can do what he wants.

    Bill Maher barely acknowledges human rights violations in Xinjiang, but John Oliver certainly does;

    So, your attempt to "bury the lede" on human rights violations in China, by posting a screed by Bill Maher on comparative economies fails. You probably aren't even cognizant to the fact that the U.S., at a quarter the size of China, is still the leading economy, and will be through the end of the decade. China, for all of its massive construction will also find out that "what you strive to attain, you must also maintain", a huge cost that every country bears for its existing infrastructure.

    I gave up watching Bill Maher when I gave up cable and HBO, near twenty years ago. He isn't anything but provocative.

    "“This (divergence in growth) is consistent with our view that the pandemic has been a much larger blow to the US economy than China’s economy,” Rob Subbaraman of Nomura said in an email Friday. “We believe that on reasonable growth projections the size of China’s economy in USD terms will overtake the US in 2028.”

    On the other hand, the U.S. and the West's plan for sourcing outside of China will likely delay that date, but I can state as a fact that the U.S. economy is going to grow at a very fast rate in Q3 and Q4 of this year, due to vaccinations.

    This is what your China hatred buys:  A former trading partner aligning themselves with a known enemy who has attacked out country multiple times (after we tried to entice one of their former allies over to our side).
    That's dumb.   Really, really dumb.

    So now:   Russia isn't going to take our shit anymore -- and neither is China.
    But go ahead and keep backing Trump's cold war.
    ... But maybe if we build more ICBMs and aircraft carriers -- or up the trash talk -- they will come over to our side.   /s
    ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA - JUNE 6 2019 Chinas Persident Xi Jinping L and Russias President Vladimir Putin shake hands at a ceremony at St Petersburg University in which Xi Jinping was awarded St Petersburg University honorary doctoral degree

    • Russia and China’s space agencies signed an agreement this week to create an International Scientific Lunar Station.
    • Russia also apparently rebuked NASA’s invitation to join the Artemis project that aims to put people back on the moon by 2024.
    • That follows a quarter of century of U.S.-Russian space cooperation, launched by those who dreamed of post-Cold War reconciliation.
    • Russia’s growing strategic bond with China is the latest evidence the Western approach to Moscow has failed to produce the desired results.

    Okay...from your mouth to God's ear.


    Before you attack an enemy you should probably make sure that they are an enemy.  If not, they will be.
    I'm certain that China decided to challenge the rules of order established after WWII when Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. With that, and China's erasure of democracy in Hong Kong, prematurely based on the agreement with the UK, and constant threats against its neighbors, it is pretty obvious that China's authoritarianism is a threat to democracies around the world. That makes them a potential enemy, and for National Security reasons, we have to treat them as that. Of course, China would see us as a threat, given our history during and after WWII as the world's greatest superpower and democracy.

    Interestingly enough, the Quad (U.S., Japan, Australia, and India) just met to discuss many concerns centered on China, especially China's military buildup in the Indo-Pacific. I'm thinking, India becomes the go to for sourcing as China's manufacturing for the world deflates. That's a problem that China created, not the U.S.

    You don't follow anything about National Security, so of course you will side with China, a flawed assessment.

    Personally, I would rather see India benefit from sourcing to the West vs China, so we'll see how that works out.

    Still waiting for some evidence that China is an enemy of the U.S.
    I get it that you hate them.   But that doesn't count.
    Keep waiting. It's not my job to educate you, and for the record, I don't hate the Chinese. I "hate" China's authoritarian government and what they are doing in the world.

    "China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide.

    At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

    Beijing was long focused on building a “Great Firewall” to prevent the people of China from being exposed to any criticism of the government from abroad. Now the government is increasingly attacking the critics themselves, whether they represent a foreign government, are part of an overseas company or university, or join real or virtual avenues of public protest."

    Oh, I did find a good link to China being a threat to the U.S.:

    If that were actually true, then you wouldn't be spending every waking moment looking for ways to justify your hate.  And, you would be concerned about the poverty, drug addiction, racism, fascism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia that has become so rampant in this country instead of directing all your energy at hating others.
    Because he is trying the old tactic of lying a thousand times in hopes it becomes truth. 
    You seem unable to comprehend that I am in fact concerned about "poverty, drug addiction, racism, facism, misogyny and xenophobia", but I'm also concerned about threats to my freedom from authoritarians, and that is absolutely what the PRC and CCP (or CPC) is. That's why I was ecstatic about a Biden Presidency. You are not supportive of Biden, nor were you for Trump. Seems odd.

    Maybe you are ethnic Han, or maybe related to ethnic Han, for all I know, but I will continue resisting the authoritarianism that the PRC represents, and that isn't xenophobia.

    Trigger warning. The CCP’s coordinated information effort to discredit the BBC

    Can't figure out why you defend the PRC and CCP.
    You said Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. Do you know English writing? Do you know logic? You have not provided a link to prove your lie. 
    You haven't provided a link that he didn't make that happen, and Xi is in effect, not term limited, so from the standpoint of any outside observer, he is defacto, President for Life, or at least until he decides to retire.
    Why do i need to provide a link for words Xi never declared by himself? You use distortion tactic to derive a lie. Then use the lie to derive numerous points. 
    Ah, parsing words is your strategy, again.

    So does Xi, or does Xi not, have term limits? If he doesn't have term limits, then he is President for as long as he feels like it, and hence could decide to be President for life, ie, until his death.

    You cannot say Xi declared himself President for Life. It is a false logic. 
    Is President Xi term limited? No.

    Hence logic states that Xi could in fact become President for Life. We will only know that it the future. 
    No, not necessary. I think according to previous rules Xi is supposed to name his successor in 2018. His term will complete by 2023. Xi told a committee he will not name it at that time. The committee agreed. He still can do this anytime before 2023. So what he did is not name a successor in 2018. I think he dit it due to Trump declared a trade war with China. The is a grave external threat to China. This threat has been removed by American people. So I think things can change if US-China relation can become better under Biden.
    With the exception of changes in tariffs, I don't expect the Biden Administration to alter all that much of existing policy in future trade talks, and Biden as well comes down solidly in support of National Security objectives to counter China's military expansionism. Human Rights is going to be front and center, and that is a problem for China.  
    I admire your patience and fortitude. The more these 2 guys defend the PRC, the more their blind bias becomes evident. 

    Defending China (or any independent nation) against lies and bullshit is defending our own country from being led down a rabbit hole by those spreading those lies and that bullshit to propagate their hatred.  It's a silly, juvenile -- but dangerous -- game he plays.

  • Reply 45 of 56
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:

    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    Qualcomm is reportedly struggling to meet demand for processor silicon used in Android devices as a global chip shortage spreads across the electronics industry.

    Credit Qualcomm
    Credit: Qualcomm

    Demand for Qualcomm chips have soared in 2021 as Android makers close in on market share left by Huawei in the wake of U.S. sanctions. However, Qualcomm is finding it hard to meet the demand, partly because of a shortage of subcomponents used in its application processors.

    Because of that, Samsung is currently experiencing a shortage of Snapdragon chips, according to Reuters. That could impact production of mid- and low-end Samsung models, though another source said there was also supply concerns surrounding Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 888 processor.

    A senior executive at a top contract manufacturer for several major smartphone brands told Reuters it is also facing shortages of critical components from Qualcomm, and could cut handset shipments in 2021.

    The global processor shortage has been ongoing for several months. It first hit the automotive industry and has now spread to the consumer electronics market. In February, Xiaomi vice president Lu Weibing said that the situation is "not a shortage, it's an extreme shortage."

    Back in February, President Joe Biden took steps to boost the U.S. manufacturing of silicon to strengthen the international supply chain and mitigate the global shortages.

    For the most part, the supply situation is only affected Qualcomm's older processor technologies because it's currently directing resources toward newer silicon options. The shortage is also driving up the price of specific chip components.

    At this point, Qualcomm's supply troubles will likely have little effect on Apple. Although the Cupertino tech giant uses Qualcomm modems in its iPhone lineup, it designs and develops its own A-series chips that are produced by third-party contract manufacturer TSMC.

    Stay on top of the latest Apple news right from your HomePod. Say, "Hey, Siri, play AppleInsider," and you'll get latest AppleInsider Podcast. Or ask your HomePod mini for "AppleInsider Daily" instead and you'll hear a quick update direct from our news team. And, if you're interested in Apple-centric home automation, say "Hey, Siri, play HomeKit Insider," and you'll be listening to our newest specialized podcast in moments.

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    China has yet another problem;

    I can see a Winter Olympics boycott on the horizon...yet you still ignore what is happening to the Uighurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Fortunately, the rest of the world is not.

    Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnicnationalracial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,[1][2] the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") and the Latinsuffix -caedo ("act of killing").[3]

    Ethnic groups in Xinjiang
    根据2015年底人口抽查统计 [189]

    Yeh, it's pretty much a dead giveaway that somebody is running a (mostly) baseless smear campaign when they have to introduce hyperbole into to the argument.  Especially if they have to redefine words to suck off of their normal meaning.  People who have legitimate arguments don't have to resort to such childish tactics.

    But, as I said, those that do use such tactics expose their argument as baseless.

    As for an Olympic Boycott:  that would be more justified against the U.S. where we have militarized police executing (or is it committing "genocide" against?) innocent black people?
    What I think doesn't matter in the big picture, and I don't determine policy;

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has not seen any developments that would change its determination that China committed genocide and crimes against humanity in its treatment of Uighur Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday.

    “We have seen nothing that would change our assessment,” Price said. The Biden administration has endorsed a last-minute determination by the Trump administration that China has committed genocide in Xinjiang. Beijing denies the charges."

    Neither you not tzeshan have been able to produce any information denying that it happened, which is par for the course, but given that the PRC will not allow any independent investigation, this is all on the PRC, not the U.S.

    US-China relation is the most difficult part of US foreign policy. It originated from the conflict between western culture which emphasizes total freedom and love and Chinese culture which emphasizes facts and regulation. History doesn't lie. US Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1880 when there was no communism or CCP. Some Americans have tried to change this. But the election of Trump proved that this culture is firmly planted in other Americans. China has tried hard to rebuild the country without invading other nations instead by hard working to produce goods for other nations. Apple succeeded by working with China to become the most valuable company in the world. But some China haters and Apple haters try to break this relationship. 

    Don't give these idiots so much credit.
    The root of the current batch of "I hate China" stems from the fact that they will soon over take us as the world's leading economy.
    That is not only humiliating to these so called patriots but, aside from the financial and economic manifestations, it puts the lie to their contention that Democracy and Free Market capitalism is inherently superior to autocracy and socialism.
    (Here's a hint:  wise, caring leadership counts for a lot more than any ideology.)

    You might enjoy this piece from Bill Maher on "Clown and Country"

    We have wise, caring, leadership today in the U.S., and every adult that wants it will have vaccine access by May 1, and the U.S. hasn't had to rely on cutting corners as the SinoVac from China has. China will be far behind the U.S., and is attempting to use its vaccine to leverage diplomacy. But, hey, Maher has his own show, and can do what he wants.

    Bill Maher barely acknowledges human rights violations in Xinjiang, but John Oliver certainly does;

    So, your attempt to "bury the lede" on human rights violations in China, by posting a screed by Bill Maher on comparative economies fails. You probably aren't even cognizant to the fact that the U.S., at a quarter the size of China, is still the leading economy, and will be through the end of the decade. China, for all of its massive construction will also find out that "what you strive to attain, you must also maintain", a huge cost that every country bears for its existing infrastructure.

    I gave up watching Bill Maher when I gave up cable and HBO, near twenty years ago. He isn't anything but provocative.

    "“This (divergence in growth) is consistent with our view that the pandemic has been a much larger blow to the US economy than China’s economy,” Rob Subbaraman of Nomura said in an email Friday. “We believe that on reasonable growth projections the size of China’s economy in USD terms will overtake the US in 2028.”

    On the other hand, the U.S. and the West's plan for sourcing outside of China will likely delay that date, but I can state as a fact that the U.S. economy is going to grow at a very fast rate in Q3 and Q4 of this year, due to vaccinations.

    This is what your China hatred buys:  A former trading partner aligning themselves with a known enemy who has attacked out country multiple times (after we tried to entice one of their former allies over to our side).
    That's dumb.   Really, really dumb.

    So now:   Russia isn't going to take our shit anymore -- and neither is China.
    But go ahead and keep backing Trump's cold war.
    ... But maybe if we build more ICBMs and aircraft carriers -- or up the trash talk -- they will come over to our side.   /s
    ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA - JUNE 6 2019 Chinas Persident Xi Jinping L and Russias President Vladimir Putin shake hands at a ceremony at St Petersburg University in which Xi Jinping was awarded St Petersburg University honorary doctoral degree

    • Russia and China’s space agencies signed an agreement this week to create an International Scientific Lunar Station.
    • Russia also apparently rebuked NASA’s invitation to join the Artemis project that aims to put people back on the moon by 2024.
    • That follows a quarter of century of U.S.-Russian space cooperation, launched by those who dreamed of post-Cold War reconciliation.
    • Russia’s growing strategic bond with China is the latest evidence the Western approach to Moscow has failed to produce the desired results.

    Okay...from your mouth to God's ear.


    Before you attack an enemy you should probably make sure that they are an enemy.  If not, they will be.
    I'm certain that China decided to challenge the rules of order established after WWII when Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. With that, and China's erasure of democracy in Hong Kong, prematurely based on the agreement with the UK, and constant threats against its neighbors, it is pretty obvious that China's authoritarianism is a threat to democracies around the world. That makes them a potential enemy, and for National Security reasons, we have to treat them as that. Of course, China would see us as a threat, given our history during and after WWII as the world's greatest superpower and democracy.

    Interestingly enough, the Quad (U.S., Japan, Australia, and India) just met to discuss many concerns centered on China, especially China's military buildup in the Indo-Pacific. I'm thinking, India becomes the go to for sourcing as China's manufacturing for the world deflates. That's a problem that China created, not the U.S.

    You don't follow anything about National Security, so of course you will side with China, a flawed assessment.

    Personally, I would rather see India benefit from sourcing to the West vs China, so we'll see how that works out.

    Still waiting for some evidence that China is an enemy of the U.S.
    I get it that you hate them.   But that doesn't count.
    Keep waiting. It's not my job to educate you, and for the record, I don't hate the Chinese. I "hate" China's authoritarian government and what they are doing in the world.

    "China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide.

    At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

    Beijing was long focused on building a “Great Firewall” to prevent the people of China from being exposed to any criticism of the government from abroad. Now the government is increasingly attacking the critics themselves, whether they represent a foreign government, are part of an overseas company or university, or join real or virtual avenues of public protest."

    Oh, I did find a good link to China being a threat to the U.S.:

    If that were actually true, then you wouldn't be spending every waking moment looking for ways to justify your hate.  And, you would be concerned about the poverty, drug addiction, racism, fascism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia that has become so rampant in this country instead of directing all your energy at hating others.
    Because he is trying the old tactic of lying a thousand times in hopes it becomes truth. 
    You seem unable to comprehend that I am in fact concerned about "poverty, drug addiction, racism, facism, misogyny and xenophobia", but I'm also concerned about threats to my freedom from authoritarians, and that is absolutely what the PRC and CCP (or CPC) is. That's why I was ecstatic about a Biden Presidency. You are not supportive of Biden, nor were you for Trump. Seems odd.

    Maybe you are ethnic Han, or maybe related to ethnic Han, for all I know, but I will continue resisting the authoritarianism that the PRC represents, and that isn't xenophobia.

    Trigger warning. The CCP’s coordinated information effort to discredit the BBC

    Can't figure out why you defend the PRC and CCP.
    You said Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. Do you know English writing? Do you know logic? You have not provided a link to prove your lie. 
    You haven't provided a link that he didn't make that happen, and Xi is in effect, not term limited, so from the standpoint of any outside observer, he is defacto, President for Life, or at least until he decides to retire.
    Why do i need to provide a link for words Xi never declared by himself? You use distortion tactic to derive a lie. Then use the lie to derive numerous points. 
    Ah, parsing words is your strategy, again.

    So does Xi, or does Xi not, have term limits? If he doesn't have term limits, then he is President for as long as he feels like it, and hence could decide to be President for life, ie, until his death.

    You cannot say Xi declared himself President for Life. It is a false logic. 
    Is President Xi term limited? No.

    Hence logic states that Xi could in fact become President for Life. We will only know that it the future. 
    No, not necessary. I think according to previous rules Xi is supposed to name his successor in 2018. His term will complete by 2023. Xi told a committee he will not name it at that time. The committee agreed. He still can do this anytime before 2023. So what he did is not name a successor in 2018. I think he dit it due to Trump declared a trade war with China. The is a grave external threat to China. This threat has been removed by American people. So I think things can change if US-China relation can become better under Biden.
    With the exception of changes in tariffs, I don't expect the Biden Administration to alter all that much of existing policy in future trade talks, and Biden as well comes down solidly in support of National Security objectives to counter China's military expansionism. Human Rights is going to be front and center, and that is a problem for China.  
    I admire your patience and fortitude. The more these 2 guys defend the PRC, the more their blind bias becomes evident. 
    I grew up reading the stories of the War in the Pacific, and ANZUS forces fighting the battles in the South Pacific.  

    What China appears to be doing today mirrors the Japanese military strategy for the Pacific that almost cut the U.S. off from Australia, and New Zealand. But China is also known for violating fisheries throughout the world, and is intent on becoming involved in the Arctic and Antarctic even though it has no territories that bound either of those regions. China is quite unhappy about the Quad, (U.S., Australia, India, and Japan) working together to maintain the freedom of navigation for the Indo-Pacific region, and specifically, about the U.S. Military in the South China Seas, which China has decided that it wants to control.


    "Chinese dredging ships are swarming Taiwan’s Matsu Islands, forcing the local coast guard to run round-the-clock patrols. The tactic is part of Beijing’s escalating campaign of irregular ‘gray-zone’ warfare on Taipei. Reuters joined the coast guard on patrol."

    "Desperate North Korean fishermen are washing ashore as skeletons because of the world's largest illegal fleet."

    "Evidence of sanctions violations

    China is a member of the U.N. Security Council, which unanimously signed the recent North Korean sanctions. But the flotilla violating this ban makes up nearly a third of the entire Chinese distant-water fishing fleet, according to Global Fishing Watch.

    When asked to comment on the investigation, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “China has consistently and conscientiously enforced the resolutions of the Security Council relating to North Korea.” The ministry added that China has “consistently punished” illegal fishing, but it neither admitted nor denied sending its boats into North Korean waters."

    "On 4 November, in a landmark example of increasing joint efforts in the region to combat potential illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing by the Chinese fleet, the governments of Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia issued a joint statement condemning IUU fishing and specifically calling out the “large fleet of foreign-flagged vessels.” The statement committed the group to greater information-sharing efforts and to take joint action to condemn acts of IUU fishing that occur in their EEZs through the Permanent Commission to the South Pacific (CPPS), a maritime regulatory body in which the four countries hold equal membership."

    China's a threat to much more than the U.S.

    So, it's ok for the U.S. to spread and exert influence but not China?   Got it.  
    I love how your imperialist motives are cloaked in virtue and morality.

    The difference is that China is spreading their influence by building roads and bridges and providing relief from a pandemic with their vaccines.
    We do it with lies, bullshit and aircraft carriers.

    You fell into a TrumpTrap:   "Look over there!"  And believed his lies and bullshit.   His smear campaign.
    I call bull to your bull not because I love China (although I respect what they have accomplished) but because standing on a foundation of lies and bullshit is building a skyscraper on sand.   It can't last.
  • Reply 46 of 56
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:

    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    Qualcomm is reportedly struggling to meet demand for processor silicon used in Android devices as a global chip shortage spreads across the electronics industry.

    Credit Qualcomm
    Credit: Qualcomm

    Demand for Qualcomm chips have soared in 2021 as Android makers close in on market share left by Huawei in the wake of U.S. sanctions. However, Qualcomm is finding it hard to meet the demand, partly because of a shortage of subcomponents used in its application processors.

    Because of that, Samsung is currently experiencing a shortage of Snapdragon chips, according to Reuters. That could impact production of mid- and low-end Samsung models, though another source said there was also supply concerns surrounding Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 888 processor.

    A senior executive at a top contract manufacturer for several major smartphone brands told Reuters it is also facing shortages of critical components from Qualcomm, and could cut handset shipments in 2021.

    The global processor shortage has been ongoing for several months. It first hit the automotive industry and has now spread to the consumer electronics market. In February, Xiaomi vice president Lu Weibing said that the situation is "not a shortage, it's an extreme shortage."

    Back in February, President Joe Biden took steps to boost the U.S. manufacturing of silicon to strengthen the international supply chain and mitigate the global shortages.

    For the most part, the supply situation is only affected Qualcomm's older processor technologies because it's currently directing resources toward newer silicon options. The shortage is also driving up the price of specific chip components.

    At this point, Qualcomm's supply troubles will likely have little effect on Apple. Although the Cupertino tech giant uses Qualcomm modems in its iPhone lineup, it designs and develops its own A-series chips that are produced by third-party contract manufacturer TSMC.

    Stay on top of the latest Apple news right from your HomePod. Say, "Hey, Siri, play AppleInsider," and you'll get latest AppleInsider Podcast. Or ask your HomePod mini for "AppleInsider Daily" instead and you'll hear a quick update direct from our news team. And, if you're interested in Apple-centric home automation, say "Hey, Siri, play HomeKit Insider," and you'll be listening to our newest specialized podcast in moments.

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    China has yet another problem;

    I can see a Winter Olympics boycott on the horizon...yet you still ignore what is happening to the Uighurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Fortunately, the rest of the world is not.

    Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnicnationalracial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,[1][2] the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") and the Latinsuffix -caedo ("act of killing").[3]

    Ethnic groups in Xinjiang
    根据2015年底人口抽查统计 [189]

    Yeh, it's pretty much a dead giveaway that somebody is running a (mostly) baseless smear campaign when they have to introduce hyperbole into to the argument.  Especially if they have to redefine words to suck off of their normal meaning.  People who have legitimate arguments don't have to resort to such childish tactics.

    But, as I said, those that do use such tactics expose their argument as baseless.

    As for an Olympic Boycott:  that would be more justified against the U.S. where we have militarized police executing (or is it committing "genocide" against?) innocent black people?
    What I think doesn't matter in the big picture, and I don't determine policy;

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has not seen any developments that would change its determination that China committed genocide and crimes against humanity in its treatment of Uighur Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday.

    “We have seen nothing that would change our assessment,” Price said. The Biden administration has endorsed a last-minute determination by the Trump administration that China has committed genocide in Xinjiang. Beijing denies the charges."

    Neither you not tzeshan have been able to produce any information denying that it happened, which is par for the course, but given that the PRC will not allow any independent investigation, this is all on the PRC, not the U.S.

    US-China relation is the most difficult part of US foreign policy. It originated from the conflict between western culture which emphasizes total freedom and love and Chinese culture which emphasizes facts and regulation. History doesn't lie. US Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1880 when there was no communism or CCP. Some Americans have tried to change this. But the election of Trump proved that this culture is firmly planted in other Americans. China has tried hard to rebuild the country without invading other nations instead by hard working to produce goods for other nations. Apple succeeded by working with China to become the most valuable company in the world. But some China haters and Apple haters try to break this relationship. 

    Don't give these idiots so much credit.
    The root of the current batch of "I hate China" stems from the fact that they will soon over take us as the world's leading economy.
    That is not only humiliating to these so called patriots but, aside from the financial and economic manifestations, it puts the lie to their contention that Democracy and Free Market capitalism is inherently superior to autocracy and socialism.
    (Here's a hint:  wise, caring leadership counts for a lot more than any ideology.)

    You might enjoy this piece from Bill Maher on "Clown and Country"

    We have wise, caring, leadership today in the U.S., and every adult that wants it will have vaccine access by May 1, and the U.S. hasn't had to rely on cutting corners as the SinoVac from China has. China will be far behind the U.S., and is attempting to use its vaccine to leverage diplomacy. But, hey, Maher has his own show, and can do what he wants.

    Bill Maher barely acknowledges human rights violations in Xinjiang, but John Oliver certainly does;

    So, your attempt to "bury the lede" on human rights violations in China, by posting a screed by Bill Maher on comparative economies fails. You probably aren't even cognizant to the fact that the U.S., at a quarter the size of China, is still the leading economy, and will be through the end of the decade. China, for all of its massive construction will also find out that "what you strive to attain, you must also maintain", a huge cost that every country bears for its existing infrastructure.

    I gave up watching Bill Maher when I gave up cable and HBO, near twenty years ago. He isn't anything but provocative.

    "“This (divergence in growth) is consistent with our view that the pandemic has been a much larger blow to the US economy than China’s economy,” Rob Subbaraman of Nomura said in an email Friday. “We believe that on reasonable growth projections the size of China’s economy in USD terms will overtake the US in 2028.”

    On the other hand, the U.S. and the West's plan for sourcing outside of China will likely delay that date, but I can state as a fact that the U.S. economy is going to grow at a very fast rate in Q3 and Q4 of this year, due to vaccinations.

    This is what your China hatred buys:  A former trading partner aligning themselves with a known enemy who has attacked out country multiple times (after we tried to entice one of their former allies over to our side).
    That's dumb.   Really, really dumb.

    So now:   Russia isn't going to take our shit anymore -- and neither is China.
    But go ahead and keep backing Trump's cold war.
    ... But maybe if we build more ICBMs and aircraft carriers -- or up the trash talk -- they will come over to our side.   /s
    ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA - JUNE 6 2019 Chinas Persident Xi Jinping L and Russias President Vladimir Putin shake hands at a ceremony at St Petersburg University in which Xi Jinping was awarded St Petersburg University honorary doctoral degree

    • Russia and China’s space agencies signed an agreement this week to create an International Scientific Lunar Station.
    • Russia also apparently rebuked NASA’s invitation to join the Artemis project that aims to put people back on the moon by 2024.
    • That follows a quarter of century of U.S.-Russian space cooperation, launched by those who dreamed of post-Cold War reconciliation.
    • Russia’s growing strategic bond with China is the latest evidence the Western approach to Moscow has failed to produce the desired results.

    Okay...from your mouth to God's ear.


    Before you attack an enemy you should probably make sure that they are an enemy.  If not, they will be.
    I'm certain that China decided to challenge the rules of order established after WWII when Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. With that, and China's erasure of democracy in Hong Kong, prematurely based on the agreement with the UK, and constant threats against its neighbors, it is pretty obvious that China's authoritarianism is a threat to democracies around the world. That makes them a potential enemy, and for National Security reasons, we have to treat them as that. Of course, China would see us as a threat, given our history during and after WWII as the world's greatest superpower and democracy.

    Interestingly enough, the Quad (U.S., Japan, Australia, and India) just met to discuss many concerns centered on China, especially China's military buildup in the Indo-Pacific. I'm thinking, India becomes the go to for sourcing as China's manufacturing for the world deflates. That's a problem that China created, not the U.S.

    You don't follow anything about National Security, so of course you will side with China, a flawed assessment.

    Personally, I would rather see India benefit from sourcing to the West vs China, so we'll see how that works out.

    Still waiting for some evidence that China is an enemy of the U.S.
    I get it that you hate them.   But that doesn't count.
    Keep waiting. It's not my job to educate you, and for the record, I don't hate the Chinese. I "hate" China's authoritarian government and what they are doing in the world.

    "China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide.

    At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

    Beijing was long focused on building a “Great Firewall” to prevent the people of China from being exposed to any criticism of the government from abroad. Now the government is increasingly attacking the critics themselves, whether they represent a foreign government, are part of an overseas company or university, or join real or virtual avenues of public protest."

    Oh, I did find a good link to China being a threat to the U.S.:

    If that were actually true, then you wouldn't be spending every waking moment looking for ways to justify your hate.  And, you would be concerned about the poverty, drug addiction, racism, fascism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia that has become so rampant in this country instead of directing all your energy at hating others.
    Because he is trying the old tactic of lying a thousand times in hopes it becomes truth. 
    You seem unable to comprehend that I am in fact concerned about "poverty, drug addiction, racism, facism, misogyny and xenophobia", but I'm also concerned about threats to my freedom from authoritarians, and that is absolutely what the PRC and CCP (or CPC) is. That's why I was ecstatic about a Biden Presidency. You are not supportive of Biden, nor were you for Trump. Seems odd.

    Maybe you are ethnic Han, or maybe related to ethnic Han, for all I know, but I will continue resisting the authoritarianism that the PRC represents, and that isn't xenophobia.

    Trigger warning. The CCP’s coordinated information effort to discredit the BBC

    Can't figure out why you defend the PRC and CCP.
    You said Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. Do you know English writing? Do you know logic? You have not provided a link to prove your lie. 
    You haven't provided a link that he didn't make that happen, and Xi is in effect, not term limited, so from the standpoint of any outside observer, he is defacto, President for Life, or at least until he decides to retire.
    Why do i need to provide a link for words Xi never declared by himself? You use distortion tactic to derive a lie. Then use the lie to derive numerous points. 
    Ah, parsing words is your strategy, again.

    So does Xi, or does Xi not, have term limits? If he doesn't have term limits, then he is President for as long as he feels like it, and hence could decide to be President for life, ie, until his death.

    You cannot say Xi declared himself President for Life. It is a false logic. 
    Is President Xi term limited? No.

    Hence logic states that Xi could in fact become President for Life. We will only know that it the future. 
    No, not necessary. I think according to previous rules Xi is supposed to name his successor in 2018. His term will complete by 2023. Xi told a committee he will not name it at that time. The committee agreed. He still can do this anytime before 2023. So what he did is not name a successor in 2018. I think he dit it due to Trump declared a trade war with China. The is a grave external threat to China. This threat has been removed by American people. So I think things can change if US-China relation can become better under Biden.
    With the exception of changes in tariffs, I don't expect the Biden Administration to alter all that much of existing policy in future trade talks, and Biden as well comes down solidly in support of National Security objectives to counter China's military expansionism. Human Rights is going to be front and center, and that is a problem for China.  
    I admire your patience and fortitude. The more these 2 guys defend the PRC, the more their blind bias becomes evident. 
    I grew up reading the stories of the War in the Pacific, and ANZUS forces fighting the battles in the South Pacific.  

    What China appears to be doing today mirrors the Japanese military strategy for the Pacific that almost cut the U.S. off from Australia, and New Zealand. But China is also known for violating fisheries throughout the world, and is intent on becoming involved in the Arctic and Antarctic even though it has no territories that bound either of those regions. China is quite unhappy about the Quad, (U.S., Australia, India, and Japan) working together to maintain the freedom of navigation for the Indo-Pacific region, and specifically, about the U.S. Military in the South China Seas, which China has decided that it wants to control.


    "Chinese dredging ships are swarming Taiwan’s Matsu Islands, forcing the local coast guard to run round-the-clock patrols. The tactic is part of Beijing’s escalating campaign of irregular ‘gray-zone’ warfare on Taipei. Reuters joined the coast guard on patrol."

    "Desperate North Korean fishermen are washing ashore as skeletons because of the world's largest illegal fleet."

    "Evidence of sanctions violations

    China is a member of the U.N. Security Council, which unanimously signed the recent North Korean sanctions. But the flotilla violating this ban makes up nearly a third of the entire Chinese distant-water fishing fleet, according to Global Fishing Watch.

    When asked to comment on the investigation, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “China has consistently and conscientiously enforced the resolutions of the Security Council relating to North Korea.” The ministry added that China has “consistently punished” illegal fishing, but it neither admitted nor denied sending its boats into North Korean waters."

    "On 4 November, in a landmark example of increasing joint efforts in the region to combat potential illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing by the Chinese fleet, the governments of Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia issued a joint statement condemning IUU fishing and specifically calling out the “large fleet of foreign-flagged vessels.” The statement committed the group to greater information-sharing efforts and to take joint action to condemn acts of IUU fishing that occur in their EEZs through the Permanent Commission to the South Pacific (CPPS), a maritime regulatory body in which the four countries hold equal membership."

    China's a threat to much more than the U.S.

    So, it's ok for the U.S. to spread and exert influence but not China?   Got it.  
    I love how your imperialist motives are cloaked in virtue and morality.

    The difference is that China is spreading their influence by building roads and bridges and providing relief from a pandemic with their vaccines.
    We do it with lies, bullshit and aircraft carriers.

    You fell into a TrumpTrap:   "Look over there!"  And believed his lies and bullshit.   His smear campaign.
    I call bull to your bull not because I love China (although I respect what they have accomplished) but because standing on a foundation of lies and bullshit is building a skyscraper on sand.   It can't last.
    Buh bye...

    I don't need any more examples of your cognitive dissonance, as you continue to be primed with China's propaganda efforts.

    "The so-called State Administration Council, the title the junta has given itself, imposed martial law on the outskirts of Yangon, after the Chinese embassy released a statement calling for security to be enhanced and for Chinese employees, who it said were injured, to be protected.

    “China urges Myanmar to take further effective measures to stop all acts of violence, punish the perpetrators in accordance with the law and ensure the safety of life and property of Chinese companies and personnel in Myanmar,” the embassy said.

    At least 38 pro-democracy demonstrators died on Sunday on the bloodiest day of violence since the February 1 coup."

    Democracy dies wherever China goes...

    edited March 2021
  • Reply 47 of 56
    techconctechconc Posts: 275member

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

  • Reply 48 of 56
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    techconc said:

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

    1. There is no genocide. It is only an accusation with no proven facts.
    2. US has deficits with numerous nations in the world. China has a population of 1.4 billion. This amount of deficit is actually smaller than many nations per capita.
    3. First, the hardware backdoor has never been verified. It is only an accusation with no proven facts.  Second, US hardware has backdoors since the beginning. It just has never been publicized until Snowden. And Snowden is been accused as a traitor. Why? 
  • Reply 49 of 56
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tzeshan said:
    techconc said:

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

    1. There is no genocide. It is only an accusation with no proven facts.
    2. US has deficits with numerous nations in the world. China has a population of 1.4 billion. This amount of deficit is actually smaller than many nations per capita.
    3. First, the hardware backdoor has never been verified. It is only an accusation with no proven facts.  Second, US hardware has backdoors since the beginning. It just has never been publicized until Snowden. And Snowden is been accused as a traitor. Why? 
    The United Front Work Party speaks thru tzeshan; again, and again, and again.

    1. The Chinese Government will never allow independent investigation, so your point is absolute bullshit. There were official papers leaked in China that were linked to forced labor in the Xinjiang region. These are available to the world: ;

    Most of the information on this has come through national technical means, satellites, and eavesdropping, plus first hand anecdotal evidence. China was a signatory on U.N. Genocide Convention, which they are in breach of. I believe China should be punished for Genocide against its minorities.

    2. The U.S. deficit with China runs about $500 Billion a year, and for the record, there is no metric for deficit per capita; it's just deficit. The U.S. Government has an obligation to manage that deficit, and there is likely legislation being initiated for re-homing and re-sourcing many industries that are currently in China. The largest deficit with any of our trading partners is with China.

    3. The U.S. has intelligence operations going on worldwide and most of those are in connection with our allies. That the U.S. has allowed shipment of equipment with backdoors to various countries that are acknowledged enemies of the U.S. was well known prior to Snowden. Given that China has also been caught doing the same, it is only prudent to block items that are a risk to U.S. citizens or a risk to National Security.

    I consider Snowden a traitor. Others do not.

    He lives in Russia, so he has made his bed.

    You aren't very sophisticated at propaganda. 
    edited March 2021
  • Reply 50 of 56
    GG1GG1 Posts: 483member
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    techconc said:

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

    1. There is no genocide. It is only an accusation with no proven facts.
    2. US has deficits with numerous nations in the world. China has a population of 1.4 billion. This amount of deficit is actually smaller than many nations per capita.
    3. First, the hardware backdoor has never been verified. It is only an accusation with no proven facts.  Second, US hardware has backdoors since the beginning. It just has never been publicized until Snowden. And Snowden is been accused as a traitor. Why? 
    The United Front Work Party speaks thru tzeshan; again, and again, and again.

    1. The Chinese Government will never allow independent investigation, so your point is absolute bullshit. There were official papers leaked in China that were linked to forced labor in the Xinjiang region. These are available to the world: ;

    Most of the information on this has come through national technical means, satellites, and eavesdropping, plus first hand anecdotal evidence. China was a signatory on U.N. Genocide Convention, which they are in breach of. I believe China should be punished for Genocide against its minorities.

    2. The U.S. deficit with China runs about $500 Billion a year, and for the record, there is no metric for deficit per capita; it's just deficit. The U.S. Government has an obligation to manage that deficit, and there is likely legislation being initiated for re-homing and re-sourcing many industries that are currently in China. The largest deficit with any of our trading partners is with China.

    3. The U.S. has intelligence operations going on worldwide and most of those are in connection with our allies. That the U.S. has allowed shipment of equipment with backdoors to various countries that are acknowledged enemies of the U.S. was well known prior to Snowden. Given that China has also been caught doing the same, it is only prudent to block items that are a risk to U.S. citizens or a risk to National Security.

    I consider Snowden a traitor. Others do not.

    He lives in Russia, so he has made his bed.

    You aren't very sophisticated at propaganda. 
    Your CNN URL didn't work for me, but I found the article at:

  • Reply 51 of 56
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    GG1 said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    techconc said:

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

    1. There is no genocide. It is only an accusation with no proven facts.
    2. US has deficits with numerous nations in the world. China has a population of 1.4 billion. This amount of deficit is actually smaller than many nations per capita.
    3. First, the hardware backdoor has never been verified. It is only an accusation with no proven facts.  Second, US hardware has backdoors since the beginning. It just has never been publicized until Snowden. And Snowden is been accused as a traitor. Why? 
    The United Front Work Party speaks thru tzeshan; again, and again, and again.

    1. The Chinese Government will never allow independent investigation, so your point is absolute bullshit. There were official papers leaked in China that were linked to forced labor in the Xinjiang region. These are available to the world: ;

    Most of the information on this has come through national technical means, satellites, and eavesdropping, plus first hand anecdotal evidence. China was a signatory on U.N. Genocide Convention, which they are in breach of. I believe China should be punished for Genocide against its minorities.

    2. The U.S. deficit with China runs about $500 Billion a year, and for the record, there is no metric for deficit per capita; it's just deficit. The U.S. Government has an obligation to manage that deficit, and there is likely legislation being initiated for re-homing and re-sourcing many industries that are currently in China. The largest deficit with any of our trading partners is with China.

    3. The U.S. has intelligence operations going on worldwide and most of those are in connection with our allies. That the U.S. has allowed shipment of equipment with backdoors to various countries that are acknowledged enemies of the U.S. was well known prior to Snowden. Given that China has also been caught doing the same, it is only prudent to block items that are a risk to U.S. citizens or a risk to National Security.

    I consider Snowden a traitor. Others do not.

    He lives in Russia, so he has made his bed.

    You aren't very sophisticated at propaganda. 
    Your CNN URL didn't work for me, but I found the article at:

  • Reply 52 of 56
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:

    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    Qualcomm is reportedly struggling to meet demand for processor silicon used in Android devices as a global chip shortage spreads across the electronics industry.

    Credit Qualcomm
    Credit: Qualcomm

    Demand for Qualcomm chips have soared in 2021 as Android makers close in on market share left by Huawei in the wake of U.S. sanctions. However, Qualcomm is finding it hard to meet the demand, partly because of a shortage of subcomponents used in its application processors.

    Because of that, Samsung is currently experiencing a shortage of Snapdragon chips, according to Reuters. That could impact production of mid- and low-end Samsung models, though another source said there was also supply concerns surrounding Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 888 processor.

    A senior executive at a top contract manufacturer for several major smartphone brands told Reuters it is also facing shortages of critical components from Qualcomm, and could cut handset shipments in 2021.

    The global processor shortage has been ongoing for several months. It first hit the automotive industry and has now spread to the consumer electronics market. In February, Xiaomi vice president Lu Weibing said that the situation is "not a shortage, it's an extreme shortage."

    Back in February, President Joe Biden took steps to boost the U.S. manufacturing of silicon to strengthen the international supply chain and mitigate the global shortages.

    For the most part, the supply situation is only affected Qualcomm's older processor technologies because it's currently directing resources toward newer silicon options. The shortage is also driving up the price of specific chip components.

    At this point, Qualcomm's supply troubles will likely have little effect on Apple. Although the Cupertino tech giant uses Qualcomm modems in its iPhone lineup, it designs and develops its own A-series chips that are produced by third-party contract manufacturer TSMC.

    Stay on top of the latest Apple news right from your HomePod. Say, "Hey, Siri, play AppleInsider," and you'll get latest AppleInsider Podcast. Or ask your HomePod mini for "AppleInsider Daily" instead and you'll hear a quick update direct from our news team. And, if you're interested in Apple-centric home automation, say "Hey, Siri, play HomeKit Insider," and you'll be listening to our newest specialized podcast in moments.

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    China has yet another problem;

    I can see a Winter Olympics boycott on the horizon...yet you still ignore what is happening to the Uighurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Fortunately, the rest of the world is not.

    Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnicnationalracial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,[1][2] the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") and the Latinsuffix -caedo ("act of killing").[3]

    Ethnic groups in Xinjiang
    根据2015年底人口抽查统计 [189]

    Yeh, it's pretty much a dead giveaway that somebody is running a (mostly) baseless smear campaign when they have to introduce hyperbole into to the argument.  Especially if they have to redefine words to suck off of their normal meaning.  People who have legitimate arguments don't have to resort to such childish tactics.

    But, as I said, those that do use such tactics expose their argument as baseless.

    As for an Olympic Boycott:  that would be more justified against the U.S. where we have militarized police executing (or is it committing "genocide" against?) innocent black people?
    What I think doesn't matter in the big picture, and I don't determine policy;

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has not seen any developments that would change its determination that China committed genocide and crimes against humanity in its treatment of Uighur Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday.

    “We have seen nothing that would change our assessment,” Price said. The Biden administration has endorsed a last-minute determination by the Trump administration that China has committed genocide in Xinjiang. Beijing denies the charges."

    Neither you not tzeshan have been able to produce any information denying that it happened, which is par for the course, but given that the PRC will not allow any independent investigation, this is all on the PRC, not the U.S.

    US-China relation is the most difficult part of US foreign policy. It originated from the conflict between western culture which emphasizes total freedom and love and Chinese culture which emphasizes facts and regulation. History doesn't lie. US Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1880 when there was no communism or CCP. Some Americans have tried to change this. But the election of Trump proved that this culture is firmly planted in other Americans. China has tried hard to rebuild the country without invading other nations instead by hard working to produce goods for other nations. Apple succeeded by working with China to become the most valuable company in the world. But some China haters and Apple haters try to break this relationship. 

    Don't give these idiots so much credit.
    The root of the current batch of "I hate China" stems from the fact that they will soon over take us as the world's leading economy.
    That is not only humiliating to these so called patriots but, aside from the financial and economic manifestations, it puts the lie to their contention that Democracy and Free Market capitalism is inherently superior to autocracy and socialism.
    (Here's a hint:  wise, caring leadership counts for a lot more than any ideology.)

    You might enjoy this piece from Bill Maher on "Clown and Country"

    We have wise, caring, leadership today in the U.S., and every adult that wants it will have vaccine access by May 1, and the U.S. hasn't had to rely on cutting corners as the SinoVac from China has. China will be far behind the U.S., and is attempting to use its vaccine to leverage diplomacy. But, hey, Maher has his own show, and can do what he wants.

    Bill Maher barely acknowledges human rights violations in Xinjiang, but John Oliver certainly does;

    So, your attempt to "bury the lede" on human rights violations in China, by posting a screed by Bill Maher on comparative economies fails. You probably aren't even cognizant to the fact that the U.S., at a quarter the size of China, is still the leading economy, and will be through the end of the decade. China, for all of its massive construction will also find out that "what you strive to attain, you must also maintain", a huge cost that every country bears for its existing infrastructure.

    I gave up watching Bill Maher when I gave up cable and HBO, near twenty years ago. He isn't anything but provocative.

    "“This (divergence in growth) is consistent with our view that the pandemic has been a much larger blow to the US economy than China’s economy,” Rob Subbaraman of Nomura said in an email Friday. “We believe that on reasonable growth projections the size of China’s economy in USD terms will overtake the US in 2028.”

    On the other hand, the U.S. and the West's plan for sourcing outside of China will likely delay that date, but I can state as a fact that the U.S. economy is going to grow at a very fast rate in Q3 and Q4 of this year, due to vaccinations.

    This is what your China hatred buys:  A former trading partner aligning themselves with a known enemy who has attacked out country multiple times (after we tried to entice one of their former allies over to our side).
    That's dumb.   Really, really dumb.

    So now:   Russia isn't going to take our shit anymore -- and neither is China.
    But go ahead and keep backing Trump's cold war.
    ... But maybe if we build more ICBMs and aircraft carriers -- or up the trash talk -- they will come over to our side.   /s
    ST PETERSBURG RUSSIA - JUNE 6 2019 Chinas Persident Xi Jinping L and Russias President Vladimir Putin shake hands at a ceremony at St Petersburg University in which Xi Jinping was awarded St Petersburg University honorary doctoral degree

    • Russia and China’s space agencies signed an agreement this week to create an International Scientific Lunar Station.
    • Russia also apparently rebuked NASA’s invitation to join the Artemis project that aims to put people back on the moon by 2024.
    • That follows a quarter of century of U.S.-Russian space cooperation, launched by those who dreamed of post-Cold War reconciliation.
    • Russia’s growing strategic bond with China is the latest evidence the Western approach to Moscow has failed to produce the desired results.

    Okay...from your mouth to God's ear.


    Before you attack an enemy you should probably make sure that they are an enemy.  If not, they will be.
    I'm certain that China decided to challenge the rules of order established after WWII when Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. With that, and China's erasure of democracy in Hong Kong, prematurely based on the agreement with the UK, and constant threats against its neighbors, it is pretty obvious that China's authoritarianism is a threat to democracies around the world. That makes them a potential enemy, and for National Security reasons, we have to treat them as that. Of course, China would see us as a threat, given our history during and after WWII as the world's greatest superpower and democracy.

    Interestingly enough, the Quad (U.S., Japan, Australia, and India) just met to discuss many concerns centered on China, especially China's military buildup in the Indo-Pacific. I'm thinking, India becomes the go to for sourcing as China's manufacturing for the world deflates. That's a problem that China created, not the U.S.

    You don't follow anything about National Security, so of course you will side with China, a flawed assessment.

    Personally, I would rather see India benefit from sourcing to the West vs China, so we'll see how that works out.

    Still waiting for some evidence that China is an enemy of the U.S.
    I get it that you hate them.   But that doesn't count.
    Keep waiting. It's not my job to educate you, and for the record, I don't hate the Chinese. I "hate" China's authoritarian government and what they are doing in the world.

    "China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide.

    At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

    Beijing was long focused on building a “Great Firewall” to prevent the people of China from being exposed to any criticism of the government from abroad. Now the government is increasingly attacking the critics themselves, whether they represent a foreign government, are part of an overseas company or university, or join real or virtual avenues of public protest."

    Oh, I did find a good link to China being a threat to the U.S.:

    If that were actually true, then you wouldn't be spending every waking moment looking for ways to justify your hate.  And, you would be concerned about the poverty, drug addiction, racism, fascism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia that has become so rampant in this country instead of directing all your energy at hating others.
    Because he is trying the old tactic of lying a thousand times in hopes it becomes truth. 
    You seem unable to comprehend that I am in fact concerned about "poverty, drug addiction, racism, facism, misogyny and xenophobia", but I'm also concerned about threats to my freedom from authoritarians, and that is absolutely what the PRC and CCP (or CPC) is. That's why I was ecstatic about a Biden Presidency. You are not supportive of Biden, nor were you for Trump. Seems odd.

    Maybe you are ethnic Han, or maybe related to ethnic Han, for all I know, but I will continue resisting the authoritarianism that the PRC represents, and that isn't xenophobia.

    Trigger warning. The CCP’s coordinated information effort to discredit the BBC

    Can't figure out why you defend the PRC and CCP.
    You said Xi Jinping declared himself President for Life. Do you know English writing? Do you know logic? You have not provided a link to prove your lie. 
    You haven't provided a link that he didn't make that happen, and Xi is in effect, not term limited, so from the standpoint of any outside observer, he is defacto, President for Life, or at least until he decides to retire.
    Why do i need to provide a link for words Xi never declared by himself? You use distortion tactic to derive a lie. Then use the lie to derive numerous points. 
    Ah, parsing words is your strategy, again.

    So does Xi, or does Xi not, have term limits? If he doesn't have term limits, then he is President for as long as he feels like it, and hence could decide to be President for life, ie, until his death.

    You cannot say Xi declared himself President for Life. It is a false logic. 
    Is President Xi term limited? No.

    Hence logic states that Xi could in fact become President for Life. We will only know that it the future. 
    No, not necessary. I think according to previous rules Xi is supposed to name his successor in 2018. His term will complete by 2023. Xi told a committee he will not name it at that time. The committee agreed. He still can do this anytime before 2023. So what he did is not name a successor in 2018. I think he dit it due to Trump declared a trade war with China. The is a grave external threat to China. This threat has been removed by American people. So I think things can change if US-China relation can become better under Biden.
    With the exception of changes in tariffs, I don't expect the Biden Administration to alter all that much of existing policy in future trade talks, and Biden as well comes down solidly in support of National Security objectives to counter China's military expansionism. Human Rights is going to be front and center, and that is a problem for China.  
    I admire your patience and fortitude. The more these 2 guys defend the PRC, the more their blind bias becomes evident. 
    I grew up reading the stories of the War in the Pacific, and ANZUS forces fighting the battles in the South Pacific.  

    What China appears to be doing today mirrors the Japanese military strategy for the Pacific that almost cut the U.S. off from Australia, and New Zealand. But China is also known for violating fisheries throughout the world, and is intent on becoming involved in the Arctic and Antarctic even though it has no territories that bound either of those regions. China is quite unhappy about the Quad, (U.S., Australia, India, and Japan) working together to maintain the freedom of navigation for the Indo-Pacific region, and specifically, about the U.S. Military in the South China Seas, which China has decided that it wants to control.


    "Chinese dredging ships are swarming Taiwan’s Matsu Islands, forcing the local coast guard to run round-the-clock patrols. The tactic is part of Beijing’s escalating campaign of irregular ‘gray-zone’ warfare on Taipei. Reuters joined the coast guard on patrol."

    "Desperate North Korean fishermen are washing ashore as skeletons because of the world's largest illegal fleet."

    "Evidence of sanctions violations

    China is a member of the U.N. Security Council, which unanimously signed the recent North Korean sanctions. But the flotilla violating this ban makes up nearly a third of the entire Chinese distant-water fishing fleet, according to Global Fishing Watch.

    When asked to comment on the investigation, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “China has consistently and conscientiously enforced the resolutions of the Security Council relating to North Korea.” The ministry added that China has “consistently punished” illegal fishing, but it neither admitted nor denied sending its boats into North Korean waters."

    "On 4 November, in a landmark example of increasing joint efforts in the region to combat potential illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing by the Chinese fleet, the governments of Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia issued a joint statement condemning IUU fishing and specifically calling out the “large fleet of foreign-flagged vessels.” The statement committed the group to greater information-sharing efforts and to take joint action to condemn acts of IUU fishing that occur in their EEZs through the Permanent Commission to the South Pacific (CPPS), a maritime regulatory body in which the four countries hold equal membership."

    China's a threat to much more than the U.S.

    So, it's ok for the U.S. to spread and exert influence but not China?   Got it.  
    I love how your imperialist motives are cloaked in virtue and morality.

    The difference is that China is spreading their influence by building roads and bridges and providing relief from a pandemic with their vaccines.
    We do it with lies, bullshit and aircraft carriers.

    You fell into a TrumpTrap:   "Look over there!"  And believed his lies and bullshit.   His smear campaign.
    I call bull to your bull not because I love China (although I respect what they have accomplished) but because standing on a foundation of lies and bullshit is building a skyscraper on sand.   It can't last.
    Buh bye...

    I don't need any more examples of your cognitive dissonance, as you continue to be primed with China's propaganda efforts.
    Buy bye...

    I don't need anymore of your selective blindness and double standards.

    edited March 2021
  • Reply 53 of 56
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    techconc said:

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

    I don't ignore any of those things.
    The first and the last are simply bullshit.  The middle one is factually accurate, but not the fault of China.

    As for the Bill Maher editorial it is an accurate depiction of the current state of affairs.  Hiding behind fake patriotism doesn't change that.
  • Reply 54 of 56
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    techconc said:

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

    I don't ignore any of those things.
    The first and the last are simply bullshit.  The middle one is factually accurate, but not the fault of China.

    As for the Bill Maher editorial it is an accurate depiction of the current state of affairs.  Hiding behind fake patriotism doesn't change that.
    2.)  Uhm, the middle one, $67B was only for August of 2020, not for FY 2020.

    "The U.S. trade deficit with China for 2020 was $283.6 billion as of November of that year. That's 18% less than 2019's $345.2 billion deficit. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $110 billion while imports from China were $393.6 billion.

    The trade deficit peaked at $420 B, then dropped to $345B in 2019.

    Gee, that happened under the Trump Administration in just two years. Imagine what will happen under a Biden Administration as bipartisan legislation moves forward rehoming U.S. critical technology and industries from China over the long term.

    Surely you appreciate accuracy, no?

    1) Of course, you personally have been in denial of China's human rights violations forever.

    Fortunately, the U.S., plus most of the Western World, are speaking out against those violations, and there may actually be consequence for China in the near future. China really fucked things up with Hong Kong crackdown on democracy as well, violating the agreements that they had in place with the UK.

    edited March 2021
  • Reply 55 of 56
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    techconc said:

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

    I don't ignore any of those things.
    The first and the last are simply bullshit.  The middle one is factually accurate, but not the fault of China.

    As for the Bill Maher editorial it is an accurate depiction of the current state of affairs.  Hiding behind fake patriotism doesn't change that.
    2.)  Uhm, the middle one, $67B was only for August of 2020, not for FY 2020.

    "The U.S. trade deficit with China for 2020 was $283.6 billion as of November of that year. That's 18% less than 2019's $345.2 billion deficit. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $110 billion while imports from China were $393.6 billion.

    The trade deficit peaked at $420 B, then dropped to $345B in 2019.

    Gee, that happened under the Trump Administration in just two years. Imagine what will happen under a Biden Administration as bipartisan legislation moves forward rehoming U.S. critical technology and industries from China over the long term.

    Surely you appreciate accuracy, no?

    1) Of course, you personally have been in denial of China's human rights violations forever.

    Fortunately, the U.S., plus most of the Western World, are speaking out against those violations, and there may actually be consequence for China in the near future. China really fucked things up with Hong Kong crackdown on democracy as well, violating the agreements that they had in place with the UK.

    Do I appreciate accuracy?
    Not if its irrelevant.

    #1 Who cares?   (Besides Chump who used it to stir up the haters)
    #2  It's not a reason to hate China.  They make things and we buy things.  If we want to change that we have to start making things rather than blame China.  Blaming China for our deficiencies is just silly stupid.

    And no, I'm not in denial of anything but the evidence free allegations that you throw out to defend your hate.
  • Reply 56 of 56
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    techconc said:

    The answer is simple:   End the silly, hateful, vindictive trade war with China cleverly disguised as "National Security".

    You can't shutter chip factories and limit production in other less direct ways -- and THEN whine about lack of production!
    ....  That's silly and childish.
    For starters, it seems odd that you feel the need to quote the entire article in order to make a point.

    Further, there are legitimate issues that need to be addressed here.  
    1. You seem to ignore the genocide issue.
    2. You seem to ignore the $67 Billion trade deficit we have with China.
    3. You seem to ignore the examples of hardware back doors found in Chinese hardware and why it's valid not to trust Chinese equipment for critical infrastructure, etc.
    On top of that, you seem to take comedian, Bill Maher, as a valid source of political information.  Enough said.

    I don't ignore any of those things.
    The first and the last are simply bullshit.  The middle one is factually accurate, but not the fault of China.

    As for the Bill Maher editorial it is an accurate depiction of the current state of affairs.  Hiding behind fake patriotism doesn't change that.
    2.)  Uhm, the middle one, $67B was only for August of 2020, not for FY 2020.

    "The U.S. trade deficit with China for 2020 was $283.6 billion as of November of that year. That's 18% less than 2019's $345.2 billion deficit. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $110 billion while imports from China were $393.6 billion.

    The trade deficit peaked at $420 B, then dropped to $345B in 2019.

    Gee, that happened under the Trump Administration in just two years. Imagine what will happen under a Biden Administration as bipartisan legislation moves forward rehoming U.S. critical technology and industries from China over the long term.

    Surely you appreciate accuracy, no?

    1) Of course, you personally have been in denial of China's human rights violations forever.

    Fortunately, the U.S., plus most of the Western World, are speaking out against those violations, and there may actually be consequence for China in the near future. China really fucked things up with Hong Kong crackdown on democracy as well, violating the agreements that they had in place with the UK.

    Xi delivers video speech to Colombian people as Chinese vaccines arrive

    "Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the Colombian people at the invitation of his Colombian counterpart, Ivan Duque, as the third batch of COVID-19 vaccines provided by China arrived in Bogota, capital of Colombia, on Saturday local time.

    In his speech, Xi said that in the face of the unexpected COVID-19 outbreak, the two countries have worked in unity to help each other overcome difficulties and actively carried out anti-pandemic cooperation."

    So, one country and ONLY one country upholds its moral obligations to help those in need. 

    At one time, not too long ago, that would have been the U.S.
    My point, as always, is not that China is bad, but that the U.S. needs to step up its own game rather than trying to tear China down -- or squander its wealth on building more aircraft carriers and F35's.

    But, moral obligations aside, if you were a Columbian, who would you want to align yourselves with? 
    Would it be the U.S. who refuses to help (in so many ways)?   Or the Chinese who step up to the plate when you need them?
    The U.S. can wave its flag and harp about Uyghers and democracy all it wants.  A Columbian who just got vaccinated with a Chinese vaccine will not be much impressed.

    So yeh, the U.S. has fallen behind in many areas -- not least of which are its own moral obligations and international diplomacy -- even in its own back yard.

    Are we afraid of China?   We should be.   They do the right things while we promote racism, reward the rich, and build F35's.
    We'll sell you guns to kill yourselves (and others) with but not vaccines to save yourselves with.

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