Rogue Amoeba quits 'restrictive' Mac App Store
With its latest update, audio software developer Rogue Amoeba has removed its last Mac App Store app, the Fission editor, saying Apple's service remains "beset with issues."

Rogue Amoeba's Fission audio editor for Mac
Rogue Amoeba has launched its updated Fission 2.7.1 audio editor for Mac, but at the same time removed it from the Mac App Store. The company's best-known app, Audio Hijack, has never been on the Store, but it has previously also had the audio recorder Piezo available.
The company removed Piezo from the Mac App Store in 2016, and now says that there were issues with Apple's store that were already long unresolved, and have even now yet to be addressed.
"[Despite] despite a decade of feedback from countless developers and users, Apple has made scant few changes and the store remains beset with issues," wrote Paul Kafasis, co-founder and CEO, in a blog post.
"When you couple the many shortcomings and issues with Apple's restrictive polices that preclude most of our software from appearing there," he continued, "the Mac App Store is clearly a poor fit for us."
Fission 2.71, Piezo, Audio Hijack, and more, are now exclusively available on the company's site. Mac App Store users of Fission are being offered a complimentary licence to download the new update from Rogue Amoeba directly.
The company's move comes as, separately, new research suggests that software developers are losing interesting in using the Mac App Store.
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Rogue Amoeba's Fission audio editor for Mac
Rogue Amoeba has launched its updated Fission 2.7.1 audio editor for Mac, but at the same time removed it from the Mac App Store. The company's best-known app, Audio Hijack, has never been on the Store, but it has previously also had the audio recorder Piezo available.
The company removed Piezo from the Mac App Store in 2016, and now says that there were issues with Apple's store that were already long unresolved, and have even now yet to be addressed.
"[Despite] despite a decade of feedback from countless developers and users, Apple has made scant few changes and the store remains beset with issues," wrote Paul Kafasis, co-founder and CEO, in a blog post.
"When you couple the many shortcomings and issues with Apple's restrictive polices that preclude most of our software from appearing there," he continued, "the Mac App Store is clearly a poor fit for us."
Fission 2.71, Piezo, Audio Hijack, and more, are now exclusively available on the company's site. Mac App Store users of Fission are being offered a complimentary licence to download the new update from Rogue Amoeba directly.
The company's move comes as, separately, new research suggests that software developers are losing interesting in using the Mac App Store.
Read on AppleInsider
In recent years Apple has locked down macOS more and more (kernel extensions, browser extensions, etc.) so we see it less. Developers rage.
For the same reasons an iPad Pro is a joke in name, because anything that carries the restrictions of iPadOS is never “pro”; a iPad that could switch paravirtualizing VM between macOS (with iPad UI in a separate space or running as catalyst apps) when docked with the Magic Keyboard, and iOS-only when undocked, THAT could call itself “pro”.
But tools for development, data recovery, AV capture/redirection, file management, backup, network management, penetration testing, etc. etc. can’t run properly in a sandbox, and these are the things Pros need and use.
I’ve somewhat given up on them and just use an actual sound card now…
Rogue Amoeba is a longtime developer of Mac apps from way back. If they are done with Apple it does mean something and should be listened to.
I worked at a company which made wall-mounted touch displays that were used in education. Since they're used in classes with smaller children (or special needs students), we needed to put the toolbar at the bottom of the window so that children (or people in wheelchairs) could reach it. There was no way to do this with the standard Mac toolbar. We could have just created our own toolbar, but we wanted the app to have the standard look and feel of a Mac app (especially since Apple changes it slightly on every new version of MacOS). We talked to Apple about it, showed them photos, and they actually provided us a private API to do what we needed.
Sometimes there genuinely are cases where you need to do something which isn't possible with the standard APIs.
Rogue Amoeba isn't "done with Apple", they're simply not using the Mac App Store anymore to distribute their Mac apps. They'll still be developing/updating Mac apps, but distributing them via their own website.
I'd be surprised if Apps like Adobe, Avid, Cinema 4-D would be in any Apple App store.