13th August=> New powermacs *confirmed*



  • Reply 41 of 76
    robsterrobster Posts: 256member
    spoke to my support consultants today, they wouldn't tell me much but i could tell they were excited....what they did say was that they 'have seen the new powermacs' and they told me that 'all the rumors are right, in principle, just not in the details'...annoying huh?!

    He did email me later and I was ordering some new stuff and he asked me how much DDR-RAM i'd like, then laughed and got back onto our order....aaaaaaaaahhhh! I can't take anymore!

    [quote] <hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 42 of 76
    I love how the topics of these rumors have *confirmed* in their title -- seems to be the trend these days. Except the overuse of this word now makes it impossible for anyone to really believe a guy when he just had lunch with Steve Jobs and got him drunk so he spilled all the beans. Saying something is confirmed from a French site somewhere in the internet ether isn't confirmed.

    Oh well. MAD Magazine should do a spoof on all the antics of an Apple rumor forum site, there'd be a lot to go on about!
  • Reply 43 of 76
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    Actually, I think it's gotten to the point where it's a trend to point out that writing "confirmed" in the title is a trend, too.

  • Reply 44 of 76
    [quote]Originally posted by ouroboros:

    <strong>I love how the topics of these rumors have *confirmed* in their title -- seems to be the trend these days. Except the overuse of this word now makes it impossible for anyone to really believe a guy when he just had lunch with Steve Jobs and got him drunk so he spilled all the beans. Saying something is confirmed from a French site somewhere in the internet ether isn't confirmed.

    Oh well. MAD Magazine should do a spoof on all the antics of an Apple rumor forum site, there'd be a lot to go on about!</strong><hr></blockquote>


  • Reply 45 of 76
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    NMR says Aug. 13th too, so I guess it is a pretty safe bet:

    <a href="http://www.macedition.com/nmr/nmr_20020809.php"; target="_blank">NMR - next to last paragraph</a>

  • Reply 45 of 76
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    Thing is, though

    Wouldn't Apple want to have an Event for this thing?

    because, if there's an event on Tuesday

    They forgot to invite people . . .

    It would seem a little fishy to me just to release them with no fanfare . . .

    I mean, these things are gonna be faster, DDR machines . . .

  • Reply 47 of 76
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    unless the press in under NDA until after the event.
  • Reply 48 of 76
    jbljbl Posts: 555member
    It wouldn't make a lot of sense for the NDA to cover the fact that they were asked to sign an NDA.
  • Reply 49 of 76
    [quote]Originally posted by cinder:

    <strong>Thing is, though

    Wouldn't Apple want to have an Event for this thing?

    because, if there's an event on Tuesday

    They forgot to invite people . . .

    It would seem a little fishy to me just to release them with no fanfare . . .

    I mean, these things are gonna be faster, DDR machines . . .


    You call this no fanfare? Granted its not a press announcement or a slick ceremony, but the rumor sites have been slinging this crap around for a good month and a half now! They've got all the 'fanfare' they could possibly want.

    Ok, its 6pm on Friday on the west coast - which means one thing and one thing only - I am about to start drinking partying, and I hope to be completely incapacitated until Tuesday, the day the earth stands still, the day we get new PowerMacs.

    So, before I slip away into my rock and roll lifestyle I want to say the following:

    New PowerMacs this Week! 12th or 13th. With all the indications we've had It is all but confirmed:

    - end of crystal clear savings!

    - Mysterious change of ship date for Jaguar on some sites

    - New SKU numbers at Ingram in the last day which have not been released to retailers

    -Ship dates for Current PowerMacs have jumped up to over a week all of a sudden

    -Its about damn time

    -no press invitations? So frigging what? I don't recall a big event being set up for the LAST PowerMac update.

    I'm glad I've waited for this - I want my 333DDR Dual 1.4 Ghz G4 with ugly vents in the front, and I want it Wednesday!

    Ok, I'm going to go start drinking... its the weekend and I haven't had a drop for a month. I'll probably be back on the message board this weekend, but hopefully I'll be a good deal drunker and in the middle of a lapdance.
  • Reply 50 of 76
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    [quote] It wouldn't make a lot of sense for the NDA to cover the fact that they were asked to sign an NDA. <hr></blockquote>

    i guess i mean the embargo thing. most stories can not be written until an agreed to embargo date has passed.
  • Reply 51 of 76
    My prediction: the 23rd...just because my horoscope says so.

    Really though, it does say that there'll be a "breakthrough announcement" that I'll find on the web on the 23rd. When Apple holds a non-webcasted or non-event to announce something, I usually find-out about what was announced from one of the Mac new sites I visit. I primarily read horoscopes for entertainment, but I thought that this was an interesting coincidence. Of course, some other Apple event could take place on that date besides a PowerMac update (maybe something that relates to Jaguar and/or its pending release?).

    Personally, I hope new Powermacs aren't announced on the 23rd and are, instead, announced at around the 13th so that, possibly, I'll have nice, fast Powermacs to play with at QuakeCon (and [secretly] benchmark them while I'm there ; ) . Anybody know of some good, free benchmark programs I could download?
  • Reply 52 of 76
    cindercinder Posts: 381member

    Now I'm excited Ingram Micro is reporting 0 inventory.

    I'll make my own fanfare:


  • Reply 53 of 76
    woozlewoozle Posts: 64member
    [quote]Originally posted by keyboardf12:

    <strong>unless the press in under NDA until after the event.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Its quite normal actually, that one of the clauses of the NDA is that the NDA cannot be discussed, or revealed.
  • Reply 54 of 76
    kiu77kiu77 Posts: 68member
    Apple Germany officially has confirmed yesterday they have not enough of the actual PowerMac to fullfill the latest "send in your old mac"-promo. Apple cancelled the contracts which can not be fulfilled.

    =&gt; totally shure: new macs are coming - but not when <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    The sourec: <a href="http://www.macgadget.de"; target="_blank">www.macgadget.de</a>
  • Reply 55 of 76
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by cinder:

    <strong>Thing is, though

    Wouldn't Apple want to have an Event for this thing?

    because, if there's an event on Tuesday

    They forgot to invite people . . .

    It would seem a little fishy to me just to release them with no fanfare . . .

    I mean, these things are gonna be faster, DDR machines . . .


    Apple has press events for COMPLETELY NEW products. This powermac may be an impressive upgrade, but that is no reason to drag reporters to a press event. DDR is not press event worthy when you consider how long the pc side has had it for.
  • Reply 56 of 76
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    The new iBook was introduced in a special event too

    But iBook got a totally new redesign.

    PowerMac....on the other hand isn't totally new even it's the one (pic/spec) we saw a few weeks ago.

    Unless it's a G5, I don't think Apple needs a special event.
  • Reply 57 of 76
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    [quote] Apple has press events for COMPLETELY NEW products. This powermac may be an impressive upgrade, but that is no reason to drag reporters to a press event. DDR is not press event worthy when you consider how long the pc side has had it for. <hr></blockquote>


    I was just thinking the same thing.

    Oh well, my apprehension has compltely disappearred now anyway - Replaced with excitement!

    (and slight disappointment whenI look at my bank account balance )
  • Reply 58 of 76
    Also, why have an event when the vast majority of the trageted customers for PowerMacs will hear about it via the web and what not anyway? It's just a waste of money for unused hoopla.
  • Reply 59 of 76
    mbezzombezzo Posts: 77member
    Ingram Micro currently has about 90 dual gig machines. They have none of the other models.

    Tech Data is currently out of EVERY model.

    Something must be happenig...
  • Reply 60 of 76
    You know, I've been thinking, and this is the first time there has been this level of anticipation for PowerMacs, this level of analysis purporting the future release of PowerMacs. I think we're all going to be disappointed since we all have our heads in the clouds with respect to the advent of new PowerMacs.
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