Dancing in the streets?



  • Reply 221 of 274
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by Tulkas

    Pretty boy actors and ivory tower academics don't rate as the vast majority.

    Dang! My two prime features
  • Reply 222 of 274
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    Thanks for this Tonton. I am especially disturbed by Scott's use of "Arabist" and "Islamist". Could these be statements of racism and religious intolerance? Scott, should retract, clarify or stay off of these boards.

    Twist it as you want, it doesn't make it so.

    He obviously was referring to the extremist elements of the Arab and Muslim worlds. Tell me your head is stuck so far in the sand, you haven't heard the term Islamist. It is used (especially since 9/11) as a politically correct way to distinguish between normal, regular Muslims and the radical elements of that faith. Similarly, though tonton and you tried to make it seem his use of the word arabist must mean arabs in general and therefore racist, it again obviously is not.

    But, I guess if you and twist what he said, some might believe you.
  • Reply 223 of 274
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member

    Originally posted by der Kopf

    Dang! My two prime features

    Well then, you must be a member of the elite Illuminari mentioned by Chimney. Apperantly, by Chmney's logic, conservatives are so angry because the Supermen, those with 'intelligence, talent and capability in most every field in the United States' are liberals. I guess they (conservative) would be pissed off and bitter when they are in power, that they only had the support legal election process by the people and were not selected by the Liberal Elite, The Supermen.
  • Reply 224 of 274
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    We shouldn't criticize their way of putting in a new order, its not like they sell order and law at your local store... ad water and you have a new government in an hour. now that was easy.
  • Reply 225 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    Wow it's funny how a happy thread about the end of a war has turned into a "why liberals suck" thread by pscates.

    No, BRussell. Not hardly. I'm still very happy about how things have gone, AND I can respond to ShawnPatrick and bunge's silliness at the same time. Multi-tasking, I guess? It's not "why liberals suck" at all. I don't think they "suck" (I don't think I've used that term in relation to people's views). I think, in many cases, they're dead wrong, naive or whatever. But I don't say "you suck!".

    In any case, I must've struck a chord with some of you...
  • Reply 226 of 274
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    Um the supermen if you call are actually by a vast majority conservative... If you're thinking actors who are liberals that cheat on their taxes, and still want to have world peace, remember that they are a small majority, and usually don't leave behind a financial legacy like other industries...
  • Reply 227 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    And the reason that the right-wing is always so angry, even when they are in power, is that they know in their hearts that those of intelligence, talent and capability in most every field in the United States - those who have made the United States the great country that it is - are overwhelmingly liberals.

    Yes, I stay up to all ours every night, fuming and pissed over Sheryl Crow and Susan Sarandon. Yes, we're ALWAYS angry. You guys never are, are you? We are just so, so jealous. Yes, that's it. You pegged it!

    What a stupid, cliched statement.

    Okay, maybe you suck...I'll make an exception.

  • Reply 228 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce

    ...[liberals] want something a bit more substantive and a bit less purely ideological. Liberals read the New York Times and listen to National Public Radio. They don't necessarily want to be bombarded with ideology as much as substance...

    Oh man...thank you. You'll never know.


    That would be a compassionate "bullshit" I hope.

    Actually, I probably should've said "empassioned"? I don't know. That didn't hang right after I looked at it. Compassion? I've got tons of it. Really.


    I'll say that the alternatives presented by the cable news networks are certainly better than what we had 30 years ago with just network news. I believe choice is always good. The trouble is that no one's really independent with large corporations now controlling the media. You have to go to the internet to find a wide range of independent sources now.

    Well, no one with a brain is going to disagree on that, Shawn. You're right.


    I LOVE Eric Alterman!

    You WOULD

    I kinda figured you'd recognize the name. I saw him on O'Reilly one night and I IMMEDIATELY thought "ohmigosh, it's ShawnPatrick in 15 more years!"

  • Reply 229 of 274

    Originally posted by Scott

    Iraq has a good chance.

    Peace between the arab muslims and Israel.

    He will fail though. Like everyone before him.

    Never truly happen, Oh, I beleive that some time soon, they will have peace, and stuff, but it wont be real.

    I remember I think it was last year, when Arrafact actually said that he would sign a peace treaty with Israel, but after signing one, if the chance came up to push Israel into the sea, he would do it. There will be no real peace around there.
  • Reply 230 of 274
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    They used to say that about Northern Ireland.
  • Reply 231 of 274

    Originally posted by pscates

    In any case, I must've struck a chord with some of you...

    Any disagreement with them strikes a chord.. and these are the type of people that probably run around to others saying "Have an open mind!" yeah, it goes both ways.

  • Reply 232 of 274
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member

    Originally posted by The General

    Never truly happen, Oh, I beleive that some time soon, they will have peace, and stuff, but it wont be real.

    I remember I think it was last year, when Arrafact actually said that he would sign a peace treaty with Israel, but after signing one, if the chance came up to push Israel into the sea, he would do it. There will be no real peace around there.

    Don't kid yourself, that is Israel's fault too. Well, atleast it is for many on this board.
  • Reply 233 of 274

    Originally posted by Harald

    They used to say that about Northern Ireland.

    Yeah, and if you look at northern ireland, there is no real peace. My mother was Born there, I have family there. i have been there.. you obviously didnt read my post did ya! I didnt say there would not be a peace treaty signed.. i said there would be no real peace, and even in Northern Ireland there isnt.. If you think there is, then you arent that bright. (why then would they have to have meetings around it, and the IRA(both the real and terrorist versions) are still around....
  • Reply 234 of 274
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member

    Originally posted by Harald

    They used to say that about Northern Ireland.

    Who did? The brits? The IRA? Which of them includes in their charter a prominent mandate to "Liquidate completely" the other side?
  • Reply 235 of 274

    Originally posted by Tulkas

    Don't kid yourself, that is Israel's fault too. Well, atleast it is for many on this board.

    Not saying weather it is or not, but look at it this way. Why is it if 'palestinians(most of whom's leaders were kicked out of their own countries), go and blow up an Israeli bus, or mall, or whatever, no body says much about it, sure it will be on the news, but if Israel does something to the palestines, it becomes an ATTACK or MASSACRE(saw this one a day or two ago on the BBC).. Strange....
  • Reply 236 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I totally agree. To so many, an "open mind" only counts when you happen to see it their way. If you cross them and think something a bit different, you suddenly become a reactionary reptile (thanks, der Kopf).

    In any case, there's that saying about being so open minded that your brains fall out.

    I think there's a little nugget or two of truth in that. I see it deliciously demonstrated quite a bit these days.
  • Reply 237 of 274

    Originally posted by pscates

    I totally agree. To so many, an "open mind" only counts when you happen to see it their way. If you cross them and think something a bit different, you suddenly become a reactionary reptile (thanks, der Kopf).

    In any case, there's that saying about being so open minded that your brains fall out.

    I think there's a little nugget or two of truth in that. I see it deliciously demonstrated quite a bit these days.

    Yep, I see people all the time today, I often wonder, if they got shot in the head, would they even die?? its not like there is anything in the coconut shell they call a head.
  • Reply 238 of 274

    Originally posted by pscates

    I totally agree. To so many, an "open mind" only counts when you happen to see it their way. If you cross them and think something a bit different, you suddenly become a reactionary reptile (thanks, der Kopf).

    I bet you get that a lot.

    For the record: open-mindedness is not exclusively liberal. Why, some of my best friends...

  • Reply 239 of 274
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I totally agree. To so many, an "open mind" only counts when you happen to see it their way. If you cross them and think something a bit different, you suddenly become a reactionary reptile (thanks, der Kopf).

    You just know you had some remark coming. Here you were ridiculing some of the stereotypes (e.g. being so PC as to not be able to just enjoy stuff, being so green as to be Amish, ...) commonly ascribed to the left. It's only fair some of it lands back in your face, no?


    Anyway, don't indulge in that reactionary reptile rap. You kid, I kid you back. I think that's a better stance than exposing my thin skin and screaming bloody murder every time someone mocks me.

  • Reply 240 of 274

    Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce

    I bet you get that a lot.

    For the record: open-mindedness is not exclusively liberal. Why, some of my best friends...

    Luckily, I dont get that a lot, because in most things I am open minded, and can even understand multiple views. like this whole war thing, I had two different opinions on it.. one was go in and get him out, the other, in a total contrast was that we should leave him there, let him do what he wants to his neighbors(same ones that were crying when he would do things), and when they called us for help, to tell em to go f themselves... I actually would prefer the second option, But I can understand and see why they would go with the first. I still do think however that the UN itself is basically useless and would have no problems if the U.S. pulled out. Its like a tiger that has no teeth and claws... all talk, no substance.
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