Dancing in the streets?



  • Reply 241 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Amish? Huh? When did I say anything about them?

    No, Shawn, I don't get the "reptile" thing at all. First time ever today, actually.

    You know, believe it or not, I'm a swell guy. I'm not mean or ever in anyone's face about anything. I think it probably all comes out here just because a) there are quite a few here who bring it out and b) during times like these, our political differences probably come to the surface more.

    In my "real life", most people would probably have no idea which way I tilt because the bulk of the things I talk about are music, Macs, food and drink, weekend plans, etc. My close friends or co-workers know, but it's not something we hit on everyday or have daily endless discussions/debates.

    But "reptile"? Hmmm. I always say myself as a polar bear or monkey.

    AND, for the record, I by no means tilt right on every single thing. You'd be shocked to know what I think/believe about a number of issues. Go ahead...ask!

  • Reply 242 of 274
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
  • Reply 243 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Okay, it's all false and fake. I give!
  • Reply 244 of 274
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by Tulkas

    Twist it as you want, it doesn't make it so.

    He obviously was referring to the extremist elements of the Arab and Muslim worlds. Tell me your head is stuck so far in the sand, you haven't heard the term Islamist. It is used (especially since 9/11) as a politically correct way to distinguish between normal, regular Muslims and the radical elements of that faith. Similarly, though tonton and you tried to make it seem his use of the word arabist must mean arabs in general and therefore racist, it again obviously is not.

    But, I guess if you and twist what he said, some might believe you.

    If that is the explanation.... But even so, would you be happy with the terms "Christianist" or "Americanist"? Insulting.
  • Reply 245 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I wouldn't be "insulted" as much as I'd just go "leave off the 'ist'...it's Christian and American."

    What's insulting about "ist"?
  • Reply 246 of 274
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Okay, it's all false and fake. I give!

    So through sarcasm you're admitting that the statue show was a setup?
  • Reply 247 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by bunge

    So through sarcasm you're admitting that the statue show was a setup?

    Yeah, that's it exactly.

    No, wisenheimer..."through sarcasm" I'm registering my complete exasperation and annoyance with some of you.

    Although, you're helping me wonderfully prove my point I mentioned yesterday (it's never going to be enough or good).
  • Reply 248 of 274
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by pscates

    ..."through sarcasm" I'm registering my complete exasperation and annoyance with some of you.

    So, it's OK if I celebrate with you, but when the media picks up on something that disagrees with your point of view it's not worth of posting?

    Should I PM you before posting links next time? I mean, that way you can make sure you don't get annoyed by little things like the truth.
  • Reply 249 of 274

    Originally posted by pscates

    You know, believe it or not, I'm a swell guy. I'm not mean or ever in anyone's face about anything. I think it probably all comes out here just because a) there are quite a few here who bring it out and b) during times like these, our political differences probably come to the surface more.

    In my "real life", most people would probably have no idea which way I tilt because the bulk of the things I talk about are music, Macs, food and drink, weekend plans, etc. My close friends or co-workers know, but it's not something we hit on everyday or have daily endless discussions/debates.

    Hey man, you'd be the first I'd invite to a party.
  • Reply 250 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by bunge

    So, it's OK if I celebrate with you, but when the media picks up on something that disagrees with your point of view it's not worth of posting?

    Should I PM you before posting links next time? I mean, that way you can make sure you don't get annoyed by little things like the truth.

    You know, I never thought I'd say this: I've met someone who gets on my wick more than ShawnPatrick. And believe me, bunge...THAT'S saying something. I thought he was the king of humorless nitpicking and over-the-top, point-by-point rhetoric. He's been dethroned as of the past day or two.

    He's actually kinda charming and funny in his own twisted way.

    You, however...

    Uh, no. I don't ever want you PMing me about ANYTHING, okay? Even if your hair is on fire, spare me.

    I don't care what you post. I can make my own thing. Knock yourself out.
  • Reply 251 of 274
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce

    Hey man, you'd be the first I'd invite to a party.

    My thoughts exactly. You two should get a room and bridge the wide left-right gap.

    [This post, if you do not realize it immediately, is rated ]
  • Reply 252 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce

    Hey man, you'd be the first I'd invite to a party.

    I'd in a twisted, freaky way, Shawn, I'd probably invite you too. It would be like a scientific observation thing, just to see one so up close and all. Fascinating...I thought they were all but extinct.

  • Reply 253 of 274
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by pscates

    You know, I never thought I'd say this: I've met someone who gets on my wick [???] than ShawnPatrick.

    Don't you mean more than ShawnPatrick?

    That was intended with copius amounts of sarcasm.
  • Reply 254 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, I caught that and left out the word "more" and went back to edit it (it's there now).
  • Reply 255 of 274
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Amish? Huh? When did I say anything about them?

    No, Shawn, I don't get the "reptile" thing at all. First time ever today, actually.

    Look, running the danger of becoming whiney, let me clear this misunderstanding up: you and CoD or someone play with us (leftist scum - okay, this "leftist scum" is MY addition - ) chanting around a campfire, which, on second thought, wouldn't be that good an idea, seeing campfires are polluting vis-Ã*-vis the ozone layer. To me, that implies that leftists are very green all the time, and even more that they are PC all the time, never able to "give things a break", get that walnut from between their clenching butt-cheeks. I grant you the fact that this is funny. Look:

    But hey, can't I have some retaliatory fun at the conservative's expense. One incarnation of the conservative being an old money-addicted sun-scathed reptile living on top of a Texan oil-well. One incarnation. Not necessarily yours. Just as I am not avoiding campfires because they'd pollute the ozone-layer. You dig? So, therefore, the reptile thing is supposed to make you:

    However, do with it what you will, but don't be so uptight about this. Please?

    Also, I'm der Kopf. Not Shawn.
  • Reply 256 of 274

    Originally posted by bunge

    Dancing in the streets?

    EDIT: Part Deux

    Umm, only problem on that photo, besides the stupid website it is from, is when exactly was that photo taken? I could easily say that photo was taken later in the day, photoshopped,ect.. I mean it is a crappy photo too.. if the goverment released a photo like that, you guys would be calling conspiracy becuase of its crapy resolution so it can go both ways.
  • Reply 257 of 274
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
  • Reply 258 of 274

    Originally posted by pscates

    Okay, it's all false and fake. I give!

    hehe, if you want to really laugh, go to the website with the pics, but go to the main page.. George Bushes goal for World domination... uhuh..

    that explains it all.
  • Reply 259 of 274

    Originally posted by Chinney

    If that is the explanation.... But even so, would you be happy with the terms "Christianist" or "Americanist"? Insulting.

    I have heard a lot worse on this board for what I beleive than Christianist... ALOT WORSE... that would be nothing.

  • Reply 260 of 274
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by der Kopf

    Look, running the danger of becoming whiney, let me clear this misunderstanding up: you and CoD or someone play with us (leftist scum - okay, this "leftist scum" is MY addition - ) chanting around a campfire, which, on second thought, wouldn't be that good an idea, seeing campfires are polluting vis-Ã*-vis the ozone layer. To me, that implies that leftists are very green all the time, and even more that they are PC all the time, never able to "give things a break", get that walnut from between their clenching butt-cheeks. I grant you the fact that this is funny. Look:

    But hey, can't I have some retaliatory fun at the conservative's expense. One incarnation of the conservative being an old money-addicted sun-scathed reptile living on top of a Texan oil-well. One incarnation. Not necessarily yours. Just as I am not avoiding campfires because they'd pollute the ozone-layer. You dig? So, therefore, the reptile thing is supposed to make you:

    However, do with it what you will, but don't be so uptight about this. Please?

    Also, I'm der Kopf. Not Shawn.

    Dude, I'm not even mad about the "reptile" thing, okay? Relax. And my reference to Shawn was because he'd asked if I got called that a lot or something. So I was talking to him about what you'd said, that's all.
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