Apple's lack of care with gambling app ads is a symptom of a bigger problem

in General Discussion edited October 2022
Apple can argue about privacy, it can claim to put users before anything else, but when its business runs on gambling ads, it's moving yet further away from its stated principles and becoming a gambling company.

Composite: William Gallagher. Roulette wheel: Free Walking Tour Salzburg on Unsplash
Composite: William Gallagher. Roulette wheel: Free Walking Tour Salzburg on Unsplash

Don't expect Tim Cook to agree. But where the line is blurry between actual privacy for users and leveraging privacy for profit, the line is as clear as a COVID test when it comes to whether Apple profits from gambling or not.

It's not a direct connection, it's not as if Apple gets all the real money you put into virtual slot machines -- but it does get a fee for the in-app currency that gambling apps can sell you. And it's also just monetized how social media apps sell boosted posts. Even so, Apple can say that it does not sell gambling, it just sells ads, it's not up to them to decide what those ads are for.

Actually, it is. But park that for a moment. Apple's own App Store guidelines have a little to say about gambling, but the key part is how apps must "make clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in the activity in any manner."

Apple wants to distance itself from gambling, but it's not doing a very good job
Apple wants to distance itself from gambling, but it's not doing a very good job

Apple wants no part of being associated with gambling within an app. But now with advertising, it's in it up to its neck. Apple takes money from gambling advertisers, and it doubtlessly places those ads in the places, and at the times, when they are most likely to get a return for those companies.

The companies do get a little say, but this just makes it worse. Advertisers can explicitly choose to have their ads appear only "in app categories different from mine."

Right now, that reportedly even includes when an ad spot just happens to be in a listing for childrens' apps.

I went to Apple's "Our Favorite Kids' Apps" section of the App Store, selected an app, and got presented with an ad for gambling. Not okay, Apple.

-- Simon B. Stovring (@simonbs)

Normally, there would be a strong chance that Apple will universally fix that particular issue, and a strong chance that we will see at least fewer ads around children's apps considering that the response has been so loud about it.

However, since the rollout of the new ads, software engineer Shac Ron has revealed how vehemently opposed staff were to even the original plans for ads in the iOS App Store.

"When ads first appeared in the App Store in early iOS betas, many inside were very upset," he wrote. "It was an insult to our customers. We pushed back strongly. After a meeting where management pretended to listen to our concerns, it was evident they had no intention of changing their mind."

Ron also said that he was "glad to see Apple getting raked for ads in iOS."

If the reaction does prompt a fix to the more problematic placement of ads, it would probably rely on an afflicted Apple ID account being in Family Sharing. It would also require parental controls to have been set up properly.

And this is also assuming that the app's developers have correctly, and honestly, written their metadata. Apple has not been as thorough about developer honesty as it suggested.

Still, to be generous, this App Store ad push is new and like anything else, it takes time to settle in.

Only, the potential for this issue and blow-back about it is so great that nobody at Apple can have been ignorant of it. Outside observers may have hoped for a more curated, careful ad policy, but insiders have had time to actually do it -- and apparently have not.

Or they have just been calamitously poor at implementing the new ads. That would seem unlikely for a business intent on growing to $6 billion annually, but there are signs of it:

What's this? Ads for gambling at the bottom of a listing for a gambling addiction recovery app. How could this possibly go wrong? #Apple #appstore

-- Jon (@hot_doggin_jon)

Running an ad for a gambling app alongside an app aimed at helping gamblers recover from their addition is no joke. We can only hope it is a mistake.

Overall, though, it's been a choice to allow gambling ads, it hasn't been some filtering mistake, and so perhaps we're stuck with Apple bringing us the kind of experience you expect from Android.

Plus even if Apple does scale things back, we're left with the issue of what extent the company profits from gambling. The idea of it not profiting at all is over.

Apple and its principles under fire

You can make a case about people's right to choose gambling apps if they want -- and if they are adults. It's conceivably possible to argue that blocking gambling app ads would be some kind of censorship, although no one seems to object that strenuously to Apple rejecting porn apps.

What's not arguable is the direct causal relationship that there is now between gambling and some new revenue for Apple. And while it feels like this is a new thing, it's another step away from what Apple has claimed to stand for.

Just as the company's attempts to protect children are undermined by it now promoting gambling apps to them, so the firm's claim to be for creative people keeps taking a dent. For instance, Apple's famously successful "Shot on iPhone" campaign ripped off the photographers -- until criticism, including from AppleInsider -- made it stop.

Apple continues to say it supports developers, and it always quotes figures for how many jobs the iOS ecosystem has created in the world, but it's fine with stopping people's income. In 2018, it dropped its App Store affiliate program, switching off a revenue stream that was keeping websites and publications going.

It's easy to say that Apple has so much money that it shouldn't be penny-pinching like this, but of course you don't get to be profitable if you're not very careful with the bottom line.

Only, Apple is naturally extremely, but extremely savvy financially -- that appears to hope the rest of us are not.

Apple Card has laudable features that are designed to help sensible users handle their money, for example, but you can be certain a lot more users are unwise about their cash. Big profits from Apple Card rely not just on per-transaction fees, but also from a stack of interest from folks that carry balances.

Then there's the forthcoming Apple Pay Later, which is a Buy Now, Pay Later service. Those are always controversial, but current economic conditions make them worse. The Guardian reports that a third of UK BNPL users now can't make their payments, and it's not a lot better in the United States.

Loyalty to shareholders, or to customers

Apple is a business. Shareholders like money, and Apple does too.

That said, AppleInsider Managing Editor Mike Wuerthele is on record in saying that if Apple thought it could garner positive mindshare by becoming the puppy-kicking company, Tim Cook would lead every keynote with that.

Apple is not a charity, and it is proud of its extracurriculars. Apple has no obligation to help the homeless, or fight climate change, or help with education, and yet it does all these things. It leads keynotes with them.

We're not expecting a big keynote speech about gambling ads attached to gambling addiction recovery apps. We don't think Apple will hold it up as exemplary corporate behavior in its earnings.

What we are sure of, is that this is a money-grab. We're also sure that in a quarter or two, it will be an noticeable bump in revenue for the company, in what they have repeated is a challenging macro environment for this reason or that, for the last decade.

Gambling apps, though, are a billion-dollar rounding error in that noticeable bump. It's the equivalent of the money Apple can shake out of the sofa cushion. It's probably less per year than Apple will save by being more selective in hiring.

The fix is easy -- force app developers that are advertising to give accurate information on metadata, or get rejected, like App review does to their apps for any factor exactly like how if you look at the app at just the right angle and just the right time of day, it gets rejected. Or, let other app developers that have the adds on their App Store listings exclude categories of ads from their app. But, Apple, in its wisdom, has done neither.

Apple used to be the best because it considered the needs of users, and shied away from true exploitation of them. Apple is still the best, but not because of that anymore -- it's now only the best because it's less terrible and less exploitative of their customers than the other guys.

Update October 26, 6:37 PM ET An Apple spokesperson has told AppleInsider that "We have paused ads related to gambling and a few other categories on App Store product pages."

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  • Reply 1 of 25
    OferOfer Posts: 265unconfirmed, member
    At the end of the day, we live in a capitalist society where the sole aim of business endeavors is to make money, no matter the expense to our lives, the environment, etc. Relying on corporate ethics within such an environment to do the right thing for social good is delusional. Yes, Apple is better than a lot of other corporations in some things. But let’s not forget that their primary goal is to gain capital. Everything else is secondary to that.
  • Reply 2 of 25
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    This is a hot topic, and as such, emotions can run high. Feel free to argue against the points in the piece, that's always been fine.

    Attacks on the authors or forum-users are against the commenting guidelines and will be deleted.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member
    Ofer said:
    At the end of the day, we live in a capitalist society where the sole aim of business endeavors is to make money, no matter the expense to our lives, the environment, etc. Relying on corporate ethics within such an environment to do the right thing for social good is delusional. Yes, Apple is better than a lot of other corporations in some things. But let’s not forget that their primary goal is to gain capital. Everything else is secondary to that.
    Believing that your customers will tolerate anything in pursuit of more revenue while simultaneously ruining your brand image and values is more damaging to your business in the long run than not pursuing every possible revenue opportunity.
  • Reply 4 of 25
    I do not have an issue with Apple having gambling apps on the App Store. I also think any developer that meets Apples requirements should be allowed to advertise. I agree that Apple must filter and app that is 21 and above appropriate out of all kids searches and collections. 
  • Reply 5 of 25
    Why the sudden focus on gambling? Crypto never generated as much hand-wringing or moralizing.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    Children can grab their parents' phone, or pretend to be whatever age they want when signing up for an app.  If the phone is set up to allow in-app-purchases and is tied to the parent's credit card, now the gambling debt of the child becomes the parents' problem.

    Yes, I am aware that Apple has introduced Family controls with designated "child" accounts that can't make IAPs without parental permission.  Not every family has taken advantage of this.

    The problem could be avoided altogether if these apps were not allowed in the first place.  Californians are deciding on Prop 27 this year to allow online betting for games and races run by casinos on tribal lands.  But the apps themselves will work anywhere.  Major funding is by DraftKings and similar companies primarily interested in promoting gambling.  I'm voting "no" on this.  The other one — Prop 26 — expands the number of games allowed in tribal casinos while on the premises.  I'm OK with this, since you can verify someone's age when they walk in the door and they must be present to place bets and play games.

    Personally I think the solution is to not allow gambling apps.  But if they are allowed, the verification can't just be with Apple.  They must use LIVE age verification with ID.ME or similar video ID services.
    edited October 2022 robin huberkillroymuthuk_vanalingamAlex1N
  • Reply 7 of 25
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,223member
    Thank you, Mike! I’m happy to pay an “Apple tax” to avoid ads… while making the jobs of Apple employees easier, too.
  • Reply 8 of 25
    Seems like Apple’s theme song has changed from John Lennon’s “Imagine” to Deion Sanders “Must Be The Money.” 
  • Reply 9 of 25
    Ofer said:
    At the end of the day, we live in a capitalist society where the sole aim of business endeavors is to make money, no matter the expense to our lives, the environment, etc. Relying on corporate ethics within such an environment to do the right thing for social good is delusional. Yes, Apple is better than a lot of other corporations in some things. But let’s not forget that their primary goal is to gain capital. Everything else is secondary to that.
    Absolutely agree. But we also live in a democracy (for now) and we have the freedom and responsibility to put pressure on corporations to do the right thing, whether it be by stockholder activism, the ballot box (government regulation), the marketplace (boycotts, picketing, etc., or good old fashioned letters and e-mails of outrage. These things work best when coordinated by an organization (pressure group), so start or join one. 
  • Reply 10 of 25
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,667member
    I was following along up until the “ becoming a gambling company” part. If advertising companies “are what they sell ads for” then every TV advertising agency in the US is now a bullshitting company because that’s what the vast majority of TV ads have been for the last several months and will be for the next couple of weeks. Then it will all start ramping up again sometime next year. 

    I find all of it from all sides vastly more disturbing than ads for legal gambling. And yes, people are addicted to politics and ruining their own lives and the lives of those around them due this addiction that’s feeding their delusions. I despise it all and wish it would go away. But somebody likes it and paid for it. All I can do is reduce my exposure to it, but that’s getting harder every because it shows up anywhere ads are present, like YouTube. 

    I personally find gambling incredibly dull, but that’s just my opinion. I also understand some people like it and others think it’s despicable for whatever reasons. 

    But I do start to get worried whenever anyone asks someone in a position of authority to protect me from myself. I have no problem with someone in authority trying to protect me from a recognized threat, like bad guys, spyware, privacy vacuums, viruses (biological and cyber), incoming storms, etc., or protecting others from me if I become a threat. 

    That said, I know someone is going to throw out the “what about the children?” (WATC) argument. That’s a legitimate concern that cannot be ignored. In the case of children and others who can’t protect themselves, there has to be someone who can acting as a proxy for them. But again, it’s an individual level decision and not a company or universal one. I don’t want Apple or any company picking WATC as the lowest common denominator and treating us as if we are all children. If WATC was the universal gating factor for everything that happens in life we’d be unable to handle much of the grim realities of life.

    I respect your arguments and appreciate your perspectives. I guess the only request I would have with articles like this one would be to preface the title with “Opinion: “ because much of what is presented here on AppleInsider, outside of the comments, is informative while this is clearly an opinion piece. 

  • Reply 11 of 25
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    dewme said:

    I respect your arguments and appreciate your perspectives. I guess the only request I would have with articles like this one would be to preface the title with “Opinion: “ because much of what is presented here on AppleInsider, outside of the comments, is informative while this is clearly an opinion piece. 

  • Reply 12 of 25
    dewme said:

    I respect your arguments and appreciate your perspectives. I guess the only request I would have with articles like this one would be to preface the title with “Opinion: “ because much of what is presented here on AppleInsider, outside of the comments, is informative while this is clearly an opinion piece. 

    While I disagree with dewme’s libertarian position in general, in fairness to him the “Editorial” header does not appear when I access the article on my iPad using the AI app. 
  • Reply 13 of 25
    Apple's own App Store guidelines have a little to say about gambling, but the key part is how apps must "make clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in the activity in any manner."

    Apple wants to distance itself from gambling, but it's not doing a very good job
    Apple wants to distance itself from gambling, but it's not doing a very good job

    Apple wants no part of being associated with gambling within an app. But now with advertising, it's in it up to its neck. 

    5.3.2 is specific to "official rules" for "sweepstakes, contests, and raffles". That's not actually a general statement about gambling apps. 
  • Reply 14 of 25
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    Apple's own App Store guidelines have a little to say about gambling, but the key part is how apps must "make clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in the activity in any manner."

    Apple wants to distance itself from gambling, but it's not doing a very good job
    Apple wants to distance itself from gambling, but it's not doing a very good job

    Apple wants no part of being associated with gambling within an app. But now with advertising, it's in it up to its neck. 

    5.3.2 is specific to "official rules" for "sweepstakes, contests, and raffles". That's not actually a general statement about gambling apps. 
    They've routinely used it in the past to hammer gambling apps that don't make it clear that Apple has nothing to do with the gambling.
  • Reply 15 of 25
    dewme said:

    I respect your arguments and appreciate your perspectives. I guess the only request I would have with articles like this one would be to preface the title with “Opinion: “ because much of what is presented here on AppleInsider, outside of the comments, is informative while this is clearly an opinion piece. 

    While I disagree with dewme’s libertarian position in general, in fairness to him the “Editorial” header does not appear when I access the article on my iPad using the AI app. 
    Yep, the AI app has had that problem since… well, as far back as I can remember!  Not even the forum view of the article shows “editorial”. If I go to the AI website on safari, it does. So, @"Mike Wuerthele"  showing that in the screenshot doesn’t really resolve the issue that the AI app does NOT show that it’s an editorial. 
    edited October 2022
  • Reply 16 of 25
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    diz_geek said:
    dewme said:

    I respect your arguments and appreciate your perspectives. I guess the only request I would have with articles like this one would be to preface the title with “Opinion: “ because much of what is presented here on AppleInsider, outside of the comments, is informative while this is clearly an opinion piece. 

    While I disagree with dewme’s libertarian position in general, in fairness to him the “Editorial” header does not appear when I access the article on my iPad using the AI app. 
    Yep, the AI app has had that problem since… well, as far back as I can remember!  Not even the forum view of the article shows “editorial”. If I go to the AI website on safari, it does. So, @"Mike Wuerthele"  showing that in the screenshot doesn’t really resolve the issue that the AI app does NOT show that it’s an editorial. 
    1) I am not a developer, web, app, or otherwise.
    2) It is absolutely labeled an editorial for about 93% of our readers.
    3) It's also very clear from the headline and lede that it is an opinion piece.

    This avenue of conversation in the forums has concluded.
    edited October 2022 dewme
  • Reply 17 of 25
    Apple's own App Store guidelines have a little to say about gambling, but the key part is how apps must "make clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in the activity in any manner."

    Apple wants to distance itself from gambling, but it's not doing a very good job
    Apple wants to distance itself from gambling, but it's not doing a very good job

    Apple wants no part of being associated with gambling within an app. But now with advertising, it's in it up to its neck. 

    5.3.2 is specific to "official rules" for "sweepstakes, contests, and raffles". That's not actually a general statement about gambling apps. 
    They've routinely used it in the past to hammer gambling apps that don't make it clear that Apple has nothing to do with the gambling.
    What are some specific examples?
  • Reply 18 of 25
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,667member
    dewme said:

    I respect your arguments and appreciate your perspectives. I guess the only request I would have with articles like this one would be to preface the title with “Opinion: “ because much of what is presented here on AppleInsider, outside of the comments, is informative while this is clearly an opinion piece. 

    While I disagree with dewme’s libertarian position in general, in fairness to him the “Editorial” header does not appear when I access the article on my iPad using the AI app. 
    Bummer, now I’ll have to go look up what a “libertarian” is. Not kidding, so thanks for pointing it out.

    Mike, fair enough, I didn’t pick up on that especially at the top level. 
  • Reply 19 of 25
    diz_geek said:
    dewme said:

    I respect your arguments and appreciate your perspectives. I guess the only request I would have with articles like this one would be to preface the title with “Opinion: “ because much of what is presented here on AppleInsider, outside of the comments, is informative while this is clearly an opinion piece. 

    While I disagree with dewme’s libertarian position in general, in fairness to him the “Editorial” header does not appear when I access the article on my iPad using the AI app. 
    Yep, the AI app has had that problem since… well, as far back as I can remember!  Not even the forum view of the article shows “editorial”. If I go to the AI website on safari, it does. So, @"Mike Wuerthele"  showing that in the screenshot doesn’t really resolve the issue that the AI app does NOT show that it’s an editorial. 
    1) I am not a developer, web, app, or otherwise.
    2) It is absolutely labeled an editorial for about 93% of our readers.
    3) It's also very clear from the headline and lede that it is an opinion piece.

    This avenue of conversation in the forums has concluded.

    Then you should discuss this with your developers rather than being rather rude to your readers.

    In the AI app, both iPhone and iPad version, it explicitly does NOT state that it is an editorial.  Your app has had this problem for years.  And while, yes, it is obvious from the content itself that it is an opinion piece, rudely stating to someone questioning about it being one or not because your app doesn’t label it as such is not that readers problem, it is a problem for the publisher’s developers if it isn’t properly showing that label. 

  • Reply 20 of 25
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    diz_geek said:
    diz_geek said:
    dewme said:

    I respect your arguments and appreciate your perspectives. I guess the only request I would have with articles like this one would be to preface the title with “Opinion: “ because much of what is presented here on AppleInsider, outside of the comments, is informative while this is clearly an opinion piece. 

    While I disagree with dewme’s libertarian position in general, in fairness to him the “Editorial” header does not appear when I access the article on my iPad using the AI app. 
    Yep, the AI app has had that problem since… well, as far back as I can remember!  Not even the forum view of the article shows “editorial”. If I go to the AI website on safari, it does. So, @"Mike Wuerthele"  showing that in the screenshot doesn’t really resolve the issue that the AI app does NOT show that it’s an editorial. 
    1) I am not a developer, web, app, or otherwise.
    2) It is absolutely labeled an editorial for about 93% of our readers.
    3) It's also very clear from the headline and lede that it is an opinion piece.

    This avenue of conversation in the forums has concluded.

    Then you should discuss this with your developers rather than being rather rude to your readers.

    In the AI app, both iPhone and iPad version, it explicitly does NOT state that it is an editorial.  Your app has had this problem for years.  And while, yes, it is obvious from the content itself that it is an opinion piece, rudely stating to someone questioning about it being one or not because your app doesn’t label it as such is not that readers problem, it is a problem for the publisher’s developers if it isn’t properly showing that label. 

    1) I have discussed it with the developers.
    2) While you are welcome to believe and feel what you want, because I did not throw myself on my sword and just listed the facts, does not make it rude. 

    And like I said, we're done here. Further discussion in the forum about it will be deleted. You are welcome to continue the conversation with me in DM if you'd like.
    edited October 2022
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