Apple Fellow Phil Schiller quits Twitter

in General Discussion
Apple Fellow Phil Schiller has deactivated his account from Twitter, closing the account on Sunday for unknown reasons.

Phil Schiller [Apple]
Phil Schiller [Apple]

Updated on Sunday, the Twitter account for Phil Schiller now lists itself as one that "doesn't exist" when users look up the feed of "pschiller" online.

Schiller had a considerable following on Twitter, with approximately 265.8 thousand followers and just over 240 accounts followed. He was also the bearer of the blue tick before changes made it accessible in a subscription.

When the account was active, Schiller used it to promote Apple's various products and services, as a continuation of his previous role as SVP of Worldwide Marketing, as well as his current Apple Fellow position.

There is no official explanation for why Schiller closed the account, but Twitter has undergone many changes in the weeks since Elon Musk took control, which may have prompted the decision. Musk's initiatives have included mass layoffs and increasing demands to employees to reinvigorate the microblogging service, alongside various changes that have led many users to consider other services.

Controversially, Musk used a Twitter poll to determine whether to let former U.S. President Donald Trump back on the service, before lifting a ban on Trump's account.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 72
    Maybe the future of social media is one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists. Companies with a political agenda will use only one of these two engines, and they won't even advertise on the engine that doesn't suit their own political agenda. Neutral companies may never be allowed to advertise on either platform because they will be banned by each platform if they advertise on the other platform.

    Basically, you have to pick your side before you can interact with anyone on the Internet. Ultimately, socialists will have their own nationwide VPN and conservatives will be forced to have their own too. This will finally bring peace to the Internet. At least nobody will argue about politics anymore because everyone will be on their own political VPN.
  • Reply 2 of 72
    If more Apple execs leave Twitter, I'm leaving, too. The only reason I've been on there since 2011, other than to keep up to date with various Apple execs, was to stay on top of Apple tech content and writers, a handful of tech journalists and news sites and a few various other accounts. There was usually no other useful content on there. Most of my personal friends left many, many years ago LOL I'm talking if you look at their account, their last post was in 2013!! They always ask why I'm still on there. It was bearable, but things have certainly taken a turn for the worse since Elon's takeover.
  • Reply 3 of 72
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Tim Cook’s account is ti active.
  • Reply 4 of 72
    Phil Schiller is an Apple Fellow, which basically means he's still an employee but one without much responsibility. He's quasi-retired but is still allowed to walk the halls at Apple. I certainly wouldn't call him an "Apple Exec."
  • Reply 5 of 72
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,972member
    Good for him. Who’s gonna be next?
  • Reply 6 of 72
    I find it humorous that many of the people who left still have computer access supposedly because the people who would have deactivated them also left.
  • Reply 7 of 72
    “Maybe the future of social media is one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists.”

    Why do you think all of us progressives are socialists? 

    I quit Twitter yesterday evening after Musk reinstated TFG after lying that stuff like that would not happen until a committee that remains undefined would meet. Having once said I would leave if Trump were reinstated I was not going to go back on my word. I have no need to participate in a right wing fantasy of another billionaire. 

    edited November 2022 urashid9secondkox2watto_cobrabaconstangFileMakerFellerMplsPdrdavidAlex_Vdavtdknox
  • Reply 8 of 72
    All this hoopla over Twitter is hilarious. Virtue quitting left and right by people who *gasp* might actually have to see opinions outside of their echo chamber and group think. The horror! Oh well, it's these same people that made Twitter the shit show it is so I say good riddance.
  • Reply 9 of 72
    …one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists.
    That's your characterisation of two-party politics? Conservatives and Socialists? Wild.
  • Reply 10 of 72
    I’m all for stupidity. It’s funny if the person writing it isn’t so serious about it…
  • Reply 11 of 72
    Maybe the future of social media is one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists. Companies with a political agenda will use only one of these two engines, and they won't even advertise on the engine that doesn't suit their own political agenda. Neutral companies may never be allowed to advertise on either platform because they will be banned by each platform if they advertise on the other platform.

    Basically, you have to pick your side before you can interact with anyone on the Internet. Ultimately, socialists will have their own nationwide VPN and conservatives will be forced to have their own too. This will finally bring peace to the Internet. At least nobody will argue about politics anymore because everyone will be on their own political VPN.
    I doubt that the dozen or so true conservatives and the dozen or so true socialists will form their own social media engine. Maybe with larger numbers of the 81,283,501 Americans (as measured in 2020), might could create their own network to counter whatever the tally is these days on Truth Social + QAnon/Pizzagate/Jwish-Space-Lasers/Jade-Helmers.

    Unlikely though.

    Why can't Apple spin-up and spin-off some Twitter/Mastodon/Post equivalent?   
  • Reply 12 of 72
    JP234 said:
    Maybe the future of social media is one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists. Companies with a political agenda will use only one of these two engines, and they won't even advertise on the engine that doesn't suit their own political agenda. Neutral companies may never be allowed to advertise on either platform because they will be banned by each platform if they advertise on the other platform.

    Basically, you have to pick your side before you can interact with anyone on the Internet. Ultimately, socialists will have their own nationwide VPN and conservatives will be forced to have their own too. This will finally bring peace to the Internet. At least nobody will argue about politics anymore because everyone will be on their own political VPN.
    Calling MAGA extremists on Twitter "conservatives," and everyone else "socialists" reveals your MAGA sensibilities. Get over yourself, or get off AI.
    You've actually just proved my point. You are literally calling for me to leave this website because you can't handle opposing views. Thanks for agreeing with me.
  • Reply 13 of 72
    Best thing one could do now ...
  • Reply 14 of 72
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,134member
    I quit twitter, but did not "deactivate." I unfollowed everyone and deleted the app on all my devices. My understanding is if you deactivate and then don't access the account for 30 days, the account is essentially removed, but twitter keeps your "data" and makes the username available to others. If you simply abandon it by not accessing, I think the user name stays assigned, but of course by following no one there's no advantage to anyone on the platform. Other than it is is one more claimed "user" to sell to advertisers.

    Either way, I'm out. 
  • Reply 15 of 72
    JP234 said:
    Maybe the future of social media is one social media engine used exclusively by conservatives, and a different one used exclusively by socialists. Companies with a political agenda will use only one of these two engines, and they won't even advertise on the engine that doesn't suit their own political agenda. Neutral companies may never be allowed to advertise on either platform because they will be banned by each platform if they advertise on the other platform.

    Basically, you have to pick your side before you can interact with anyone on the Internet. Ultimately, socialists will have their own nationwide VPN and conservatives will be forced to have their own too. This will finally bring peace to the Internet. At least nobody will argue about politics anymore because everyone will be on their own political VPN.
    Calling MAGA extremists on Twitter "conservatives," and everyone else "socialists" reveals your MAGA sensibilities. Get over yourself, or get off AI.
    You've actually just proved my point. You are literally calling for me to leave this website because you can't handle opposing views. Thanks for agreeing with me.
    Ha good one!
    Anyways I’ve never like Twitter, or used it. It’s just trash. But if it will ever actually turn into anything useful it will be now under Musk. The filth are flushing themselves out 🤣 
  • Reply 16 of 72
    Stunning and brave. 🙄
  • Reply 17 of 72
    pjohnt said:
    Stunning and brave. ߙ䦬t;/div>

    I like Phil, but this little passive aggressive move is so lame. 

    I get that Apple execs (many of whom drive Teslas and hope to compete with a car of their own) dislike Musk for competitive reasons - and that he is a bit more of a Steve Jobs than Cook is, but this is just childish. Twitter finally has good leadership and is the same media outlet they knew and loved. Just use it like you do everything else. 

    I can just see these guys sweating through their withdrawals over a few days before deactivating and some moving to inferior services just because. Hilarious. 
    edited November 2022 CluntBaby92williamlondon
  • Reply 18 of 72
    xyzzy-xxx said:
    Best thing one could do now ...
    Right, also let's wish Tesla goes bankrupt so Americans could all finally enjoy globalization and by Chinese electric cars, same for SpaceX so that NASA could keep buying seats in Russian rockets. /s
  • Reply 19 of 72
    I’m curious to see what Post becomes. 

  • Reply 20 of 72
    blastdoor said:
    I’m curious to see what Post becomes. 

    Basically an unused, ghetto version of the new Twitter. 

    Might as well just use Twitter. 
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