Mac shipments collapse 40% year over year on declining demand

in Current Mac Hardware edited April 2023
IDC claims that an end to COVID-driven demand means first-quarter 2023 sales of all computers are dramatically lower than a year ago, but Apple has reportedly been hit the hardest.

Having previously said Apple weathered the holiday season while no other computer manufacturer did, IDC now says that year over year, Mac sales are down 40% in the first quarter. Global PC shipments, including Macs, were down 29% to 56.9 million devices.

"Though channel inventory has depleted in the last few months, it's still well above the healthy four to six week range," Jitesh Ubrani, research manager for IDC's Mobility and Consumer Device Trackers, wrote. "Even with heavy discounting, channels and PC makers can expect elevated inventory to persist into the middle of the year and potentially into the third quarter."

The market leader, Lenovo, shipped 12.7 million devices in Q1 2023, compared to 18.3 million in Q1 2022, for a 30.3% drop. Second place firm HP saw the smallest drop, but its shipping 12 million devices was still 24.2% down.

Dell was third with a 31% decline meaning it shipped 9.5 million PCs compared to 13.7 million the year before.

Apple was fourth, with 4.1 million Macs shipped in Q1 2023 compared to 6.9 million for the same period in 2022. This is apparently despite the release of new MacBook Pro models in January 2023.

Source: IDC
Source: IDC

IDC blames the decline on "weak demand, excess inventory, and a worsening macroeconomic climate," following "a least a temporary return to pre-COVID patterns."

The firm predicts, however, that computer sales may recover at some point in 2023, depending on the recovery.

"By 2024, an aging installed base will start coming up for refresh," Linn Huang, research vice president, Devices and Displays at IDC, wrote. "If the economy is trending upwards by then, we expect significant market upside as consumers look to refresh, schools seek to replace worn down Chromebooks, and businesses move to Windows 11."

"If recession in key markets drags on into next year, recovery could be a slog," concluded Huang.

Apple has not reported Mac sales volumes in very close to a decade. IDC's report is based on what it describes as "detailed market data" that is compiled "in over 90 countries."

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 31
    I think the economy is a factor, but also we’ve had about two years of buying up to the new Apple Silicon Macs, so a lot of Mac users are pretty comfortably on the new platform.
  • Reply 2 of 31
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,825member
    I suspect price is a factor. The base 14” MBP with M2 Pro for example is an amazing machine, but it is also expensive. RAM/SSD upgrades are also laughably overpriced. 

    The M1 iMac is 3 years old now, and still no sign of any updates. Who wants to pay the same price for a 3 year old machine as they would when it was introduced? And the Mac Pro? Yet again after promises of it not being abandoned and promises of the 2 year Apple Silicon transition, it’s been 4 years with zero updates and a year past the 2 year timeline - and the same same base price.  It’s not like Apple lacks the engineering resources to keep these up to date. 

    Macs are the best, but there’s only so far people will stretch to buy the best - and for that price, they don’t want something that’s got 3 years less lifetime.
    edited April 2023 grandact73macike
  • Reply 3 of 31
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,965member
    Well, I guess this will be a good year to update our systems. 
  • Reply 4 of 31
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Well this fits with Apple pausing M-series chip production.
  • Reply 5 of 31
    charlesncharlesn Posts: 1,059member
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
  • Reply 6 of 31
    boboliciousbobolicious Posts: 1,164member
    To me there are many factors that have made the mac decreasingly attractive, some mentioned above:

    - challenged privacy representation / trust (mysk report + class actions)
    - increasing online / cloud dependence
    - gpu speed concerns
    - increasing ads
    - inflexible ram / storage
    - uncompetitive ram/storage cost
    - increased churn (os/hardware) shortening life cycle / orphaning
    - increasing churn overhead (every bloody year)
    - increasing churn seeming lagging or abandoning bug fixes
    - astonishingly poor migration experience still non functional
    - debatably poor repairability
    - subscription trend vs persistent licensing
    - dongle churn
    - partial feature support (aka touchbar, intel macos lag)

    sell, sell, sell...

    ... has 'better' for profit replaced profit for 'best' (for the customer)...?

    ...and on it goes...

    Peak Apple...?
    edited April 2023 williamlondonmitchelljdbaconstang
  • Reply 7 of 31
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,284member
    Reduced purchases have everything to do with the ridiculous economy. Food continues to skyrocket and gas refuses to stay down. At least lumber prices have finally come down but house prices along with rentals have gone crazy. People are finally reducing spending on extra items and computers are one of those extras. As long as it runs it’s good enough for now. It doesn’t help that Apple prices continue to go up but a lot of this increase is due to supplier cost increases. A second factor is many people have maxed out credit cards and are finally reducing their spending to pay them off. Of course none of this affects the top 20% who live being in debt. 
  • Reply 8 of 31
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    charlesn said:
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
    It is 'news' and the source was cited. Whether the source itself has things right is something else. It's a projection of how the year is playing out. It could prove totally incorrect (in either direction) or get things basically right.

    However, you are confidently claiming (with literally no source data) that the projection is utter nonsense. 

    In reality that is an even wilder claim. 

    What is clear is that disposable income in certain markets has shrivelled down to nothing and where some margin still exists, people are hanging onto to those funds just in case things get even worse for them. 
  • Reply 9 of 31
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    avon b7 said:
    charlesn said:
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
    It is 'news' and the source was cited. Whether the source itself has things right is something else. It's a projection of how the year is playing out. It could prove totally incorrect (in either direction) or get things basically right.

    However, you are confidently claiming (with literally no source data) that the projection is utter nonsense. 

    In reality that is an even wilder claim. 

    What is clear is that disposable income in certain markets has shrivelled down to nothing and where some margin still exists, people are hanging onto to those funds just in case things get even worse for them. 
    The report is true. The memory makers Micron and Samsung have reported sharply lower sales since the second half of 2022. Why? Maybe the Ukraine war since 2/24/2022 that depressed global economy and exacerbated the already rampant inflation.  
  • Reply 10 of 31
    rob53 said:
    Reduced purchases have everything to do with the ridiculous economy. Food continues to skyrocket and gas refuses to stay down. At least lumber prices have finally come down but house prices along with rentals have gone crazy. People are finally reducing spending on extra items and computers are one of those extras. As long as it runs it’s good enough for now. It doesn’t help that Apple prices continue to go up but a lot of this increase is due to supplier cost increases. A second factor is many people have maxed out credit cards and are finally reducing their spending to pay them off. Of course none of this affects the top 20% who live being in debt. 
    Mostly this.

    There are numerous factors that play into sales of Apple devices, particularly the Mac, but the biggest one is the economy.

    Apple’s been flying high on good Mac sales due to a variety of reasons—the pandemic, the Apple silicon transition, etc.—and now everything is crashing back down to earth. The workforce has shifted away from remote work, the Apple silicon transition has been very successful but is now settling into a less exciting pattern of refreshes, and above all else, the global economy sucks. Did people really expect Apple to continue to move ridiculous numbers of Macs?
  • Reply 11 of 31
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    elijahg said:
    I suspect price is a factor. The base 14” MBP with M2 Pro for example is an amazing machine, but it is also expensive. RAM/SSD upgrades are also laughably overpriced. 

    The M1 iMac is 3 years old now, and still no sign of any updates. Who wants to pay the same price for a 3 year old machine as they would when it was introduced? And the Mac Pro? Yet again after promises of it not being abandoned and promises of the 2 year Apple Silicon transition, it’s been 4 years with zero updates and a year past the 2 year timeline - and the same same base price.  It’s not like Apple lacks the engineering resources to keep these up to date. 

    Macs are the best, but there’s only so far people will stretch to buy the best - and for that price, they don’t want something that’s got 3 years less lifetime.
    Oh please, just stop with the “overpriced” bullshit. Your ilk has been waving that flag for over forty years now. And just like the Sun rises in the East the prophets of doom crawl out of the woodwork whenever Apple sales allegedly stumble. All the memes are dusted off and trotted out... Steve is dead, Apple has lost its way. the law of large numbers, overpriced, no innovation, profit over customer, Apple is boring and uninteresting... and on and on and on.

    Give it rest, haters.
  • Reply 12 of 31
    1348513485 Posts: 362member
    charlesn said:
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
    IDC has been doing this for decades. They used to have Microsoft and Intel as major clients, so it always seemed to have a built in bias. True nowadays, I don't know.
  • Reply 13 of 31
    HedwareHedware Posts: 92member
    Apple would sell lots of 27” iMacs Silicon if someone in Apple had the brains to order their manufacture.
  • Reply 14 of 31
    zeus423zeus423 Posts: 262member
    Hedware said:
    Apple would sell lots of 27” iMacs Silicon if someone in Apple had the brains to order their manufacture.
    I’m waiting. 
  • Reply 15 of 31
    charlesncharlesn Posts: 1,059member
    13485 said:
    charlesn said:
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
    IDC has been doing this for decades. They used to have Microsoft and Intel as major clients, so it always seemed to have a built in bias. True nowadays, I don't know.
    Exactly right. Decades of BS. And yes, still as true as ever today. I will happily stop back at this thread when Apple reports in early May and IDC estimates are disproven once again. 
  • Reply 16 of 31
    charlesn said:
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
    No where in the article is it claimed that Apple is doomed.
  • Reply 17 of 31
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    charlesn said:
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
    No where in the article is it claimed that Apple is doomed.
    You must be new. “Apple is doomed” is a meme-like summary of the many, many pessimistic reports by analysts over the years, who do not have access to Apple sales numbers but make guesses on channel inventory. Many produce these reports for sale to Apple competitors, so they must always be taken with a grain of salt. IMO based on past success, I don’t bet against Apple when it comes to such reports.
  • Reply 18 of 31
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,266member
    zeus423 said:
    Hedware said:
    Apple would sell lots of 27” iMacs Silicon if someone in Apple had the brains to order their manufacture.
    I’m waiting. 
    So am I, 2011 27 inch iMac….

    Tech analysts/financial analysts desperate as usual to lump Apple in with the riff-raff, Apple should buy the biggest low margin failing content/tech company out there, they’re doomed if they don’t lower their prices and sell product at half the price, and they should give it all away by becoming a non-vertical computer company,, etc. etc. etc.  
    edited April 2023 williamlondonzeus423baconstangmacikewatto_cobra
  • Reply 19 of 31
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    charlesn said:
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
    Since Apple stopped reporting Mac unit sales, the exact unit numbers aren't known. They have been hugely inaccurate in past reports:

    In Q322, IDC said 10m Macs, Gartner said 5.7m, Canalys said 7.9m. Those numbers vary so much that they are meaningless and because Apple doesn't report the numbers, they go uncorrected.

    Apple does report Mac revenue and they announced a YoY revenue drop in Q1 in their February earnings, down from $10.9b to $7.7b. Assuming the same ASP, that's a 30% drop in Mac unit sales. But the M1 sales were very high so it's natural that it would fall back closer to pre-M1 launch levels. The only things that can push back to those levels would be a significant performance jump with an M3 launch and a 15" Macbook Air, which would be later in the year.

    Similarly in Q2-22, Apple reported record Mac revenues at $10.4b:

    There's no reason to expect M2 sales to beat the M1 launch. Mac revenue in Q2 2020 (Intel) was $5.4b, then it's been record quarters in 2021 and 2022. I think a 30% YoY drop to ~$7b would be reasonable but they might have a further effect from increasing international Mac prices 10%, which make up half their shipments.
  • Reply 20 of 31
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,266member
    Marvin said:
    charlesn said:
    OH PUH-LEEZ.... yet another "Apple is doomed" IDC estimate. Yawn. Honestly, Apple Insider, it's a disgrace that you publish this as "news" instead of "fiction." As the saying goes, if I had a penny for every fake doom headline about Apple published by IDC, I'd be a very wealthy man. Once again, when Apple actually releases its Q1 earnings in a few weeks. we will see that this is utter nonsense as we always do. 
    Since Apple stopped reporting Mac unit sales, the exact unit numbers aren't known. They have been hugely inaccurate in past reports:

    In Q322, IDC said 10m Macs, Gartner said 5.7m, Canalys said 7.9m. Those numbers vary so much that they are meaningless and because Apple doesn't report the numbers, they go uncorrected.

    Apple does report Mac revenue and they announced a YoY revenue drop in Q1 in their February earnings, down from $10.9b to $7.7b. Assuming the same ASP, that's a 30% drop in Mac unit sales. But the M1 sales were very high so it's natural that it would fall back closer to pre-M1 launch levels. The only things that can push back to those levels would be a significant performance jump with an M3 launch and a 15" Macbook Air, which would be later in the year.

    Similarly in Q2-22, Apple reported record Mac revenues at $10.4b:

    There's no reason to expect M2 sales to beat the M1 launch. Mac revenue in Q2 2020 (Intel) was $5.4b, then it's been record quarters in 2021 and 2022. I think a 30% YoY drop to ~$7b would be reasonable but they might have a further effect from increasing international Mac prices 10%, which make up half their shipments.

    I think you’re right about the M2 however, however Apple has shot themselves in the foot by not offering the entire range of Mac computers in a timely manner. And it’s always been the total design of Mac hardware plus OS software that has carried the day not necessarily having the absolute fastest GPU, I would have bought a 27 inch iMac M1 Computer, or a Mac Pro based M1. It was the form factor that was important not the absolute speed of the GPU.
    edited April 2023 elijahgwilliamlondonbaconstangwatto_cobra
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