Man ludicrously blames Apple for his wife catching him communicating with prostitutes

in iOS

A British man is ridiculously attempting to sue Apple following a divorce, caused by his wife finding messages to a prostitute he deleted from his iPhone that were still accessible on an iMac.

Close-up of smartphone screen showing four app icons: Messages, Screen Time, BusyCal with 16 notifications, and Photos. Time displayed is 10:43.
Messages can be deleted, but be thorough in checking it's gone from all your devices.

In the last years of his marriage, a man referred to as "Richard" started to use the services of prostitutes, without his wife's knowledge. To try and keep the communications secret, he used iMessages on his iPhone, but then deleted the messages.

Despite being careful on his iPhone to cover his tracks, he didn't count on Apple's ecosystem automatically synchronizing his messaging history with the family iMac. Apparently, he wasn't careful enough to use Family Sharing for iCloud, or discrete user accounts on the Mac.

The Times reports the wife saw the message when she opened iMessage on the iMac. She also saw years of messages to prostitutes, revealing a long period of infidelity by her husband.

The messages led to her filing for divorce within a month. According to the report, the man lost more than 5 million pounds ($6.37 million) in the divorce presumably because of his prostitute visits.

For some logic-defying reason, he wants to get this money back from Apple. Worse yet, he wants other men in the same situation to go in with him on the suit.

He believes that Apple doesn't make it clear enough to customers that messages can be synchronized between other Apple devices on the same account, even if they have been deleted on the iPhone.

This is a user knowledge error, not an Apple issue. The man going after Apple for compensation for his own behavior defies comprehension.

Apple's support

According to Apple's support pages, users of Messages in iCloud can delete messages or conversations from one device, and affect others. This occurs on devices that are similarly configured to work with Messages in iCloud.

It is also possible to delete messages stored in iCloud.

Unsending messages is also a possibility, which removes them from the recipient's phone. However, the timeframe to do that is extremely short, and therefore is meant for correcting mistakes.

Class-action intentions

"If you are told a message is deleted you are entitled to believe it's deleted," the man told the report. Declaring it a "very brutal way" for his wife to find out, he believes that there could've been a chance of the marriage continuing had he been able to "talk to her rationally."

Sure. There is no rational way to blame Apple for this, but here we are anyway.

Aside from the financial implications of divorce, Richard says that his health has been affected. To reduce panic attacks, he has been taking "really strong beta blockers," and feared he was going to have a heart attack.

"If the message had said These messages are deleted on this device,' that would have been a clue," Richard added. "These messages are deleted on this device only" would have been a much clearer indicator, he continued.

The middle-aged businessman has called upon London-based law firm Rosenblatt to arrange legal action against Apple. For some reason, the firm believes that it can turn it into a class-action lawsuit against Apple.

There would have to be massive changes in UK law for Apple to get blamed or held liable for the inciting incident -- meaning the prostitute visits that the man undertook that led to the wife seeking divorce.

He also claims that he has heard of others encountering their own difficulties caused by syncing messages. One story allegedly had a man's messages from his iPhone appearing on an Apple TV watched by his wife.

This too is unsurprising, given how iCloud Messages syncing works.

"Richard told us what had happened and when we looked into it, we saw that Apple had not been clear with users as to what happens to messages they send and receive and, importantly, delete," said Simon Walton of Rosenblatt, who clearly hasn't read one sentence of Apple documentation, read any site like AppleInsider, or even done a single Google search about it.

"In many cases, the iPhone informs the user that messages have been deleted but, as we have seen, that isn't true and is misleading because they are still found on other linked devices -- something Apple doesn't tell its users," Walton added, demonstrating a lack of five minutes of research, or even taking less time and asking an intern how it works before opening his mouth.

Walten added that Rosenblatt has contacted Apple "and the magic circle international firm of solicitors who we have reason to believe represents them" but the attempts were ignored.

It's not hard to find Apple's legal team. Why Rosenblatt had trouble with this step is hard to comprehend.

And, even if they found the right people, we're not surprised that Apple ignored the attempt. We, and the lawyers we spoke with before we published this story, are surprised that a reputable law firm would even consider taking this up.

We're anxiously awaiting the unintentional comedy that the filings will bring.

Read on AppleInsider

eriamjhronnBart Y


  • Reply 1 of 54
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,478member
    Per the terms of service:


    williamlondon9secondkox2Bart Ywatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 2 of 54
    ssfe11ssfe11 Posts: 85member
    What a loser and now the whole world knows you’re a loser by filing this ridiculous nonsense. What a maroon lol
    Anilu_777Afarstarronn9secondkox2JaiOh81ravnorodomxyzzy01pulseimagesBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 3 of 54
    His first mistake was getting married.
  • Reply 4 of 54
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,321member
    To be fair to this gentleman, when you go to delete a conversation on an iPhone, it doesn't seem to delete for connected Macs, but if you delete from a Mac, it does offer to delete from all other devices. This inconsistency does seem to be a valid bug.

    Deleting a conversation on Mac, we see this, but the same warning isn't seen on an iPhone when deleting the same conversation...

    Delete from all your devices?

    This conversation will be deleted from all of your devices.

    edited June 13 kkqd1337williamlondon40dominubusspeedbird9muthuk_vanalingamcincyteebloggerblogsflagelOfer
  • Reply 5 of 54
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,129member
    He really puts the “class act” in “class action.”
    nubusronnDavidEsratiradarthekatxyzzy01Bart Ywatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 6 of 54
    If it wasn’t for Apple this smuck would still be happily married. 😉
  • Reply 7 of 54
    kkqd1337kkqd1337 Posts: 447member
    I don't understand, I think his complaint to Apple is quite reasonable.

    He deleted a message. The message was not deleted.

    Due to this he incurred significant loss.

    But I agree it is ludicrous to think he will beat Apple's lawyers and T&Cs.
  • Reply 8 of 54
    s.metcalfs.metcalf Posts: 985member
    To be honest, I find having to separately delete messages on Macs logged into iCloud somewhat irritating.  It’s not really synchronisation like virtually everything else in iCloud.  Occasionally it can be useful, but mostly I wish it behaved like true synchronisation.

    No sympathy for this guy though.
    edited June 13 williamlondon40domisflagelOferwatto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 54
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,502member
    I have to say this guy definitely hired the right lawyer for him — equally clueless and prone to making stupid statements.

    Here’s a crazy idea: if you’re going to do something underhanded, don’t do it on an Apple account you SHARE WITH AFFECTED PARTIES. Full stop.
    Anilu_777ronnchiaJaiOh81radarthekatBart Ywatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 10 of 54
    williamlondonwilliamlondon Posts: 1,401member
    Doesn't seem too uncommon around here, so many on this very forum have the exact same attitude, "it's Apple's fault." They state it every single day, same ones over and over, even in this very thread defending the man. This troll just took his attitude to the courts is the only difference.
  • Reply 11 of 54
    danielchowdanielchow Posts: 142member
    I agree with the concern about how some personal data is synch across devices. I don’t see any way to control it in family share. Even when not in family share mode, for example, I found that all of my recent photos were in full display on AppleTV. So I sympathize with him, but only about the shared across all devices. 

    Apple ought to provide better granular privacy settings for users in family share mode without turning it into another Windows NT; that is, you need to take courses to learn how to manage security and privacy. The prostitution solicitation part is some other issue that he has to work out in the divorce court, in therapy, and with what’s left of his family. That was not Apple’s fault [rolling eyes]

    Honey, it’s Bible study night with the boys.
    edited June 13 40domiwilliamlondonOferradarthekatwatto_cobra
  • Reply 12 of 54
    kdupuis77kdupuis77 Posts: 145member
    Don't feel bad for him one bit... If you're gonna be a scumbag, you at least have to be smart enough to get away with it. This guy is clearly wealthy, one would think if that's how he rolls he could've bought a $100 burner Android phone w/ separate phone number just for his scandalous purposes lol.

    I witnessed something similar first hand a few years back. I work on cargo ships and a fellow shipmate had turned off airplane mode in port, in a foreign country, just to check for an email and didn't realize iCloud would start syncing up all on it's own in the background. I came back aboard the ship just in time to catch his panic attack when he realized all of the photos/texts/phone numbers/notes (he apparently had notes w/ pricing and what the Philipino hookers would/wouldn't do for each given price lol) in his iPhone. ALL of that data synced itself into the cloud and back down to the iPad his daughter and Peruvian wife use back at his home... Dude was literally running around deck screaming "STEVE JOBS FUCKED ME!!! STEVE JOBS FUCKED ME!!!" haha.. Well, he's a single man free to pursue all the ladies of the night he desires now lol. People can be so hilarious to watch sometimes! I don't endorse being a dirtbag like that, but for several reasons I recommend to my subordinates that they leave their phones onboard and only take what they're comfortable having stolen from them when in that part of the world haha.
    edited June 13 Alex1Nspeedbird99secondkox2radarthekatBart YStrangeDayswatto_cobra
  • Reply 13 of 54
    The man didn’t just lose £5M — he lost his dignity and integrity.
    williamlondonBart Y
  • Reply 14 of 54
    Imagine being a trash, cheating human being, having panic attacks for being caught.

    And them trying to blame a company, for being a terrible person. 

    Anilu_777ronnAlex1NwilliamlondonradarthekatBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 15 of 54
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,725member
    If it wasn’t for Apple this smuck would still be happily married. 😉
    I doubt happily.

    The man didn’t just lose £5M — he lost his dignity and integrity.
    He had no integrity.

    And he was british, no less.   What an embarrassment.
    Anilu_777Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 16 of 54
    40domi40domi Posts: 138member
    Most people on here seem to be judging the man and his actions, rather than a valid point, I've been an Apple user for 7 years now and this is news to me!
    Whenever I delete an iMessage on my iPhone it seems to delete it on my Mac as well and vice versa, am I missing something here?
    iCloud sync should work that way, otherwise it's not a sync, ie; one action on one devise being mirrored on all devises in iCloud, I wouldn't be too sure this guy has no leg to stand on with this suit!
  • Reply 17 of 54
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    40domi said:
    Most people on here seem to be judging the man and his actions, rather than a valid point, I've been an Apple user for 7 years now and this is news to me!
    Whenever I delete an iMessage on my iPhone it seems to delete it on my Mac as well and vice versa, am I missing something here?
    iCloud sync should work that way, otherwise it's not a sync, ie; one action on one devise being mirrored on all devises in iCloud, I wouldn't be too sure this guy has no leg to stand on with this suit!
    He has no leg to stand on. The TOS that he agreed to are clear, servers aren't always immediate especially if a machine, in this case the iMac, has been off, and the inciting event for the divorce wasn't the message discovery, it was the infidelity.

    That's like blaming the paper and pencil if a letter got read after you tossed it in the trash.

    Also, what's the argument if the wife was on the iMac and getting the messages in real-time when he was using iMessage?

    He's going to lose, and lose big.
    edited June 13 ihatescreennamesAnilu_777ronnAlex1Nmuthuk_vanalingam9secondkox2williamlondonradarthekatBart Yravnorodom
  • Reply 18 of 54
    Interestingly, this is a lot like blaming firearm manufacturers for firearm deaths! People have their agency!
  • Reply 19 of 54
    scopiescopie Posts: 4member
    In UK courts the looser has to pay the legal costs of the winner as well as all court costs. Looks like this guy is throwing good money after bad. 
    Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 20 of 54
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    scopie said:
    In UK courts the looser has to pay the legal costs of the winner as well as all court costs. Looks like this guy is throwing good money after bad. 
    Apple lawyers are hugely expensive. Ask Epic.
    Alex1N9secondkox2williamlondonphoenix1386Bart Ywatto_cobra
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