J.D. Vance shouldn't open his mouth about Apple if he doesn't have a clue



  • Reply 61 of 105
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,563member
    sdw2001 said:
    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    Yeah, except it’s actually happening.  
    Yeah, I just watched the Ohio video that proves it. It's really happening, just as Trump and SDW say!  Watch the woman in the driveway with a pet cat in her mouth when police arrive.
    We have to do something about this disgusting... Just a second... what?? She's not Haitian? Yeah, but she's an illegal alien, so what does it matter. Back to what I was saying, we have to... Huh?  Seriously? She's not an illegal alien either?? It's America's citizens doing this kind of stuff?

    Ok, but JD Vance has proof! Hold on just another second... That too? Gosh, now he's saying "It's possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false"

    Dang it, can't trust anyone. I thought he and Trump were telling us something factual, but now they're saying it was just a rumor to begin with.

    OK, but what about the goose killed in a Springfield park and the illegal Haitian beheading and eating it? Oh, that story is from Columbus, not Springfield, and no one knows the story behind the goose, where it came from, nor the man's citizenship status? It wasn't even near a park?


    edited September 13 apple4thewinmuthuk_vanalingamronnBart YmacguilotonesroundaboutnowbaconstangsphericITGUYINSD
  • Reply 62 of 105
    Wesley HilliardWesley Hilliard Posts: 236member, administrator, moderator, editor
    sdw2001 said:
    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    Yeah, except it’s actually happening.  
    Those brain worms must be going around. It's been debunked to hell and back. Don't believe racist propaganda. It's not hard.
    muthuk_vanalingamronnBart Ymacguiroundaboutnowbaconstangspheric13485sconosciutoilarynx
  • Reply 63 of 105
    I don’t know what is a better meme on the internet right now is it AI Trump as a super cat hero or the “Eat The Cat” remix. I swear Ohio can’t be real, first the memes from 2022-2023 that came with skibidi toliet and all the other late genz Gen Alpha stuff and now eating animals. And he is the damn Senator of Ohio!
  • Reply 64 of 105
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Xed said:
    sdw2001 said:
    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    Yeah, except it’s actually happening.  
    I’ve seen at least four interviews where people are making specific claims substantially similar to this one. There are audio recordings of people calling 911 about this kind of behavior. Now, I’m not saying they are going around kidnapping people’s pets en masse. But there are credible reports about skinned cats, geese being slaughtered, roadkill being “prepared” in the middle of the road, and many more things. There is a video of people at council meetings, relaying these things in detail. So you can feel free to post all the snarky emojis you want. There’s obviously something bad going on, which is bound to happen when you dump more than the towns population of third world immigrants into it.
  • Reply 65 of 105
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    eriamjh said:
    The biggest insult is Vance could not CARE LESS for the people he claims are working as slaves for Apple.   
    Do you have evidence to support that? Because there is none that I can find.
  • Reply 66 of 105
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    gatorguy said:
    Apple has another reason to distrust what Vance and Trump say about the Heritage Foundation, source of Project 2025. JD Vance penned the forward for it's President book, being kept  back from sale until after the election. 

    Vance predicts that "Roberts’s book will pave the way for a new age of conservatism in which the right goes on the “offensive.", with one excerpt from JD Vance's forward here:

    “Roberts (Heritage Foundation President) understands economics and supports basic free market principles, but he doesn’t make an idol out of decades old theories. He argues persuasively that the modern financial corporation was almost entirely foreign to the founders of our nation. The closest eighteenth-century analogue to the modern Apple or Google is the British East India company, a monstrous hybrid of public and private power that would have made its subjects completely unable to access an American sense of liberty. The idea that our founders meant to make their citizens subjects to this kind of hybrid power is a historical and preposterous, yet too many modern ‘conservatives’ make such an idol out of the market that they ignore this. A private company that can censor speech, influence elections, and work seamlessly with intelligence services and other federal bureaucrats deserves the scrutiny of the Right, not its support.”

    IMO, It's impossible to take Trump at his word that he's never even read the Project 2025 recommendations and would never use them as a blueprint for his administration anyway, considering his running mate's very intimate relationship with the organization. Perhaps that's the reason for Vance being on the ticket despite some Republican leaders confusion why when there were far better selections available. 

    Any links to the guardians should be immediately disregarded. It’s left-wing hackery and always has been.
  • Reply 67 of 105
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,563member
    sdw2001 said:
    gatorguy said:
    Apple has another reason to distrust what Vance and Trump say about the Heritage Foundation, source of Project 2025. JD Vance penned the forward for it's President book, being kept  back from sale until after the election. 

    Vance predicts that "Roberts’s book will pave the way for a new age of conservatism in which the right goes on the “offensive.", with one excerpt from JD Vance's forward here:

    “Roberts (Heritage Foundation President) understands economics and supports basic free market principles, but he doesn’t make an idol out of decades old theories. He argues persuasively that the modern financial corporation was almost entirely foreign to the founders of our nation. The closest eighteenth-century analogue to the modern Apple or Google is the British East India company, a monstrous hybrid of public and private power that would have made its subjects completely unable to access an American sense of liberty. The idea that our founders meant to make their citizens subjects to this kind of hybrid power is a historical and preposterous, yet too many modern ‘conservatives’ make such an idol out of the market that they ignore this. A private company that can censor speech, influence elections, and work seamlessly with intelligence services and other federal bureaucrats deserves the scrutiny of the Right, not its support.”

    IMO, It's impossible to take Trump at his word that he's never even read the Project 2025 recommendations and would never use them as a blueprint for his administration anyway, considering his running mate's very intimate relationship with the organization. Perhaps that's the reason for Vance being on the ticket despite some Republican leaders confusion why when there were far better selections available. 

    Any links to the guardians should be immediately disregarded. It’s left-wing hackery and always has been.
    If I recall correctly, you believe ALL media should be disregarded, so I've not a clue where you get your reliably factual news. I read dozens of different sources, but I'd love to know which news sites you think are above reproach, so I don't waste my time. 
    edited September 13 ronnMacPromuthuk_vanalingamBart Yroundaboutnowbaconstangsphericsconosciuto
  • Reply 68 of 105
    gatorguy said:
    It's a sad reflection on the fear-mongering negativity one side is using. Personally, I'm a huge fan of lifting us all up instead.

    I agree with the bold. But I think where we differ is how that is accomplished. 

    One side says things about lifting us up. The other side actually did things that lifted us up. 

    One side is and has been honest where they stand and the other side pretends they never stood for things they publicly pushed for. 

    Track record is what matters. You can talk all day about what a great chef you are, but The proof is in the pudding as they say. And Trump had America in a great place. Under Kamala, it’s been pure disaster. I’ll take more of the former, which actually lifted us up and didn’t just talk about it. 

    As far as honesty goes, how you can claim that a man with many tens of thousands of documented lies during his presidency is honest is beyond me. Virtually every time he opens his mouth everything that comes out is a lie or just nonsense. Trump had America in a great place? What a joke. Maybe we should all go inject some bleach, right? 

    Trump is, and always has been, a con man, a grifter, quite literally a sociopath without a conscience, without any degree of empathy, and completely devoid of all moral values. The toxic racist, xenophobic, misogynistic nonsense he spews because that's what appeals to the MAGA cult is part of the con. To him you are all marks and the Constitution is just an impediment to be shredded. I hope that one day you'll realize how badly you were taken in by him and the right wing media propaganda sources posing as media. I just hope that happens before it's too late for this country.
    Bart Ymacguiroundaboutnowbaconstang
  • Reply 69 of 105
    gatorguy said:
    sdw2001 said:
    gatorguy said:
    Apple has another reason to distrust what Vance and Trump say about the Heritage Foundation, source of Project 2025. JD Vance penned the forward for it's President book, being kept  back from sale until after the election. 

    Vance predicts that "Roberts’s book will pave the way for a new age of conservatism in which the right goes on the “offensive.", with one excerpt from JD Vance's forward here:

    “Roberts (Heritage Foundation President) understands economics and supports basic free market principles, but he doesn’t make an idol out of decades old theories. He argues persuasively that the modern financial corporation was almost entirely foreign to the founders of our nation. The closest eighteenth-century analogue to the modern Apple or Google is the British East India company, a monstrous hybrid of public and private power that would have made its subjects completely unable to access an American sense of liberty. The idea that our founders meant to make their citizens subjects to this kind of hybrid power is a historical and preposterous, yet too many modern ‘conservatives’ make such an idol out of the market that they ignore this. A private company that can censor speech, influence elections, and work seamlessly with intelligence services and other federal bureaucrats deserves the scrutiny of the Right, not its support.”

    IMO, It's impossible to take Trump at his word that he's never even read the Project 2025 recommendations and would never use them as a blueprint for his administration anyway, considering his running mate's very intimate relationship with the organization. Perhaps that's the reason for Vance being on the ticket despite some Republican leaders confusion why when there were far better selections available. 

    Any links to the guardians should be immediately disregarded. It’s left-wing hackery and always has been.
    If I recall correctly, you believe ALL media should be disregarded, so I've not a clue where you get your reliably factual news.
    That's the problem, the MAGA cult doesn't get factual news, and even if they did, they've been brainwashed to disregard facts. That's how cults work. Just because this is on a larger scale than Jonestown doesn't make it any different. 
    Bart Yroundaboutnowronnbaconstangsphericsconosciuto
  • Reply 70 of 105

    The whole point of tariffs is to increase the domestic prices of the goods that are subject to tariffs. It makes them less competitive versus the goods that don't have the tariff. The problem with just generally slapping a tariff on anything manufactured in China is the sheer volume of products that it would impact. In many cases, American consumers wouldn't have a cheaper choice. Everything would be priced higher due to the tariffs. 
    Also worth pointing out that the foreign nation (China) does *not* pay these tariffs, the US-based importers and distributors do. And they just pass it on in the form of a higher price tag, as you've described. 
    Tariffs will have the most impact on lower and middle-class consumers. Just walk into any Walmart where almost everything is made in China or imported from another country.
    Bart Yronnbaconstangspheric
  • Reply 71 of 105
    gatorguy said:
    It's a sad reflection on the fear-mongering negativity one side is using. Personally, I'm a huge fan of lifting us all up instead.

    I agree with the bold. But I think where we differ is how that is accomplished. 

    One side says things about lifting us up. The other side actually did things that lifted us up. 

    One side is and has been honest where they stand and the other side pretends they never stood for things they publicly pushed for. 

    Track record is what matters. You can talk all day about what a great chef you are, but The proof is in the pudding as they say. And Trump had America in a great place. Under Kamala, it’s been pure disaster. I’ll take more of the former, which actually lifted us up and didn’t just talk about it. 

    The country was in an economic free-fall when Trump unwillingly left office. He didn't create the pandemic, but he was completely unwilling to lead when faced with the challenge. The presidents who top the list as the best in US history do so largely because they led the country through difficult times that were not of their own making. They set aside partisan rancor, united the country and took responsibility to make impossible decisions without regard to polls and short term popularity.

    Trump compulsively ran from the challenge, sought to assign blame on anyone who was not him, refused to listen to the experts, and as a result caused his partisan supporters to do the same. Millions of lives were lost because people mirrored his refusal to consider short-term personal sacrifices to advance the collective benefit of the country as a whole. He did not "lift us up." He divided the country along partisan lines. 

    Claiming times were good under Trump is a lie. Trump's entire term was dominated by instability and chaos, and closed out in an unmitigated disaster. Gas was cheap because no one was going anywhere or buying any gas. Unemployment hit the roof under Trump. He promised an infrastructure deal that was always two weeks away.

    Inflation spiked worldwide during the current administration's term as a result of the world economy restarting after the pandemic, but it was peaked lower and came down faster in the US than in the rest of the developed world. The current administration actually passed a once-in-a-generation infrastructure bill that is so popular that Congressional Republicans who voted against it keep showing up at groundbreakings and ribbon cuttings to pretend they actually supported it. Two years ago, economists were all predicting that we were inevitably going to be in a recession right now. Yet somehow, while cleaning up Trump's mess, the current administration has managed to thread an economic 'soft landing,' where inflation has been brought down to low levels without causing a recession and spiking unemployment back up.

    Trump has never been honest about anything. Even for his trademark campaign promise, he built very little wall, Mexico never paid for it, and he pardoned Steve Bannon who was caught defrauding MAGA supporters by pocketing donations collected from them ostensibly for them to pay for the wall. Now he continues to rant about immigration, hoping you don't know he called up Republican Congressional leadership and killed the Republican-led, bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year, just so he could still rant about immigration now.

    So no, Donald Trump does nothing to "lift us up." He only seeks to rile up his supporters who boost his ego and lift him up, and as was truthfully pointed out during this week's debate, even they are getting bored and leaving his rallies early, before his rambling speeches are over.
    thtanonymouselotonesroundaboutnowronnMrBunsidebaconstangBart Ysphericgatorguy
  • Reply 72 of 105
    XedXed Posts: 2,806member
    sdw2001 said:
    Xed said:
    sdw2001 said:
    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    Yeah, except it’s actually happening.  
    I’ve seen at least four interviews where people are making specific claims substantially similar to this one. There are audio recordings of people calling 911 about this kind of behavior. Now, I’m not saying they are going around kidnapping people’s pets en masse. But there are credible reports about skinned cats, geese being slaughtered, roadkill being “prepared” in the middle of the road, and many more things. There is a video of people at council meetings, relaying these things in detail. So you can feel free to post all the snarky emojis you want. There’s obviously something bad going on, which is bound to happen when you dump more than the towns population of third world immigrants into it.
    1) If there was anyone pet's missing, you may want to see if Trump's buddy, RFKJ, was in town. Or does he only gain interest after they've he happens upon a bloated carcass?

    2) Old man Trumpy also said it's all over the news in the most laughable part of the debate. For a group of people that love to say "do your own research" you really don't do your own research and your jump to blaming immigrants is deplorable. You're not even singling out those who may be here past their green card's validity, but are simply making a blanket statement about all immigrants from countries you deem as "3rd world". So the issue is now with all immigrants or just certain types of immigrants?

    PS:. The "1st/2nd/3rd world" terms are no longer used and it's a term whose meaning I don't think you've ever understood.... which is a major reason why it's fallen out of use. I know this because you're referring to Haitian immigrants in your statement as being "3rd world" so it's clear you don't know that Haiti is "1st world" nation by the old Cold War terminology. I'm sure you'd never call Ireland or Sweden "3rd world" while also never calling Botswana or Namibia "1st world" countries, but that is the category they fell into. I'm not sure why you ever felt the numbering of counties was a ranking of countries based on the skin color or your personal likability, but you are not alone... which is really fucking sad because this should've been taught in middle or high school, at the very least.
    edited September 13 ronnbaconstangBart Ysconosciuto
  • Reply 73 of 105
    Actually, Vance is essentially correct in his statement. 90% of the products manufactured in China are made by employees who are paid next to nothing by their masters; their masters being members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP is an oligarchy made up of wealthy businessmen who care little for the Chinese peasants who work for them. While Vance and Trump tend to be loose with the truth, the Democrat left  has made lying into an art form—they and the news media have completely obscured the fact that Harris and Walz are dyed in the wool inept Communists who will do to us what the CCP has done to the Chinese peasants if they ever gain complete control, and it will be the educated white people who put them in power. From the looks of things, this is the direction the U.S. is going in. May God help us!
    edited September 13
  • Reply 74 of 105
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,406member
    MAGA creed:

    He hates what I hate, so his character doesn't matter.
    Except that you're not rich so he doesn't care about you, tiny character flaw.

    He won't back down.
    How about a debate where he got his ass handed to him.

    He tells it like it is.
    What a mess that is, nothing but word salad.

    The military loves me.
    Except that he thinks they dead, bullet riddled and losers.

    I love the poorly educated.
    I just don't give a damn about them.

    It would take one ultra scary mf-candidate to make me vote for Trump. He's about as bad is gets. A garden gnome would get my vote over Trump. A sack of hammers would get my vote over Trump. He is a clear and present danger. The fact that his cult base doesn't see that or doesn't care says more about them than him.

    muthuk_vanalingamroundaboutnowronnbaconstangBart YIreneWdewmeilarynx
  • Reply 75 of 105
    mbmoore said:
    Actually, Vance is essentially correct in his statement. 90% of the products manufactured in China are made by employees who are paid next to nothing by their masters; their masters being members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP is an oligarchy made up of wealthy businessmen who care little for the Chinese peasants who work for them. While Vance and Trump tend to be loose with the truth, the Democrat left  has made lying into an art form—they and the news media have completely obscured the fact that Harris and Walz are dyed in the wool inept Communists who will do to us what the CCP has done to the Chinese peasants if they ever gain complete control, and it will be the educated white people who put them in power. From the looks of things, this is the direction the U.S. is going in. May God help us!
    I don't think you know what the word "communist" means.
    muthuk_vanalingamroundaboutnowbaconstangBart Yspheric
  • Reply 76 of 105
    mbmoore said:
    Actually, Vance is essentially correct in his statement. 90% of the products manufactured in China are made by employees who are paid next to nothing by their masters; their masters being members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP is an oligarchy made up of wealthy businessmen who care little for the Chinese peasants who work for them. While Vance and Trump tend to be loose with the truth, the Democrat left  has made lying into an art form—they and the news media have completely obscured the fact that Harris and Walz are dyed in the wool inept Communists who will do to us what the CCP has done to the Chinese peasants if they ever gain complete control, and it will be the educated white people who put them in power. From the looks of things, this is the direction the U.S. is going in. May God help us!
    Well, if you are truly worried about the "white people" (running dogs?) abusing the proletariat, you should vote Harris. ;)

    baconstangBart Yspheric
  • Reply 77 of 105
    XedXed Posts: 2,806member
    mbmoore said:
    Actually, Vance is essentially correct in his statement. 90% of the products manufactured in China are made by employees who are paid next to nothing by their masters; their masters being members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP is an oligarchy made up of wealthy businessmen who care little for the Chinese peasants who work for them. While Vance and Trump tend to be loose with the truth, the Democrat left  has made lying into an art form—they and the news media have completely obscured the fact that Harris and Walz are dyed in the wool inept Communists who will do to us what the CCP has done to the Chinese peasants if they ever gain complete control, and it will be the educated white people who put them in power. From the looks of things, this is the direction the U.S. is going in. May God help us!
    Since you framed the argument that way then every hourly and nearly all salaried employees make “next to nothing”
    compared to those at the top. The wage gap is out of control.

    The way to correct that, at least in the US, is to vote for people that work to buoy the working and middle class, and not give tax breaks to big business. 
    edited September 13 roundaboutnowronndjames4242baconstangBart YsphericAppleZuluilarynx
  • Reply 78 of 105
    I agree that “Big Business” shouldn’t get tax breaks, but neither should anyone else. The tax rate should be set at a reasonable level (say 5% sales tax?) and left alone. The rest of the problem would be solved by true free enterprise, if we could ever truly implement it.
  • Reply 79 of 105
    AppleZulu said:
    mbmoore said:
    Actually, Vance is essentially correct in his statement. 90% of the products manufactured in China are made by employees who are paid next to nothing by their masters; their masters being members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP is an oligarchy made up of wealthy businessmen who care little for the Chinese peasants who work for them. While Vance and Trump tend to be loose with the truth, the Democrat left  has made lying into an art form—they and the news media have completely obscured the fact that Harris and Walz are dyed in the wool inept Communists who will do to us what the CCP has done to the Chinese peasants if they ever gain complete control, and it will be the educated white people who put them in power. From the looks of things, this is the direction the U.S. is going in. May God help us!
    I don't think you know what the word "communist" means.
    I know EXACTLY what it means. I wasn’t being hyperbolic when I used it, either. It exactly defines what Harris’and Walz’s behaviors have been as government officials. They won’t say it out in the open because they know it’s an election loser, but top down authoritarian rule and control is a communist attribute, and that is who and what they are. It doesn’t matter what you call it, though. Power and money are the driving force for them, just like it is for 80% of Washington D.C. Trump’s likeability isn’t the issue, either—it’s the Democrats’ existential threat to our republic.
  • Reply 80 of 105
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,563member
    mbmoore said:
    AppleZulu said:
    mbmoore said:
    Actually, Vance is essentially correct in his statement. 90% of the products manufactured in China are made by employees who are paid next to nothing by their masters; their masters being members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP is an oligarchy made up of wealthy businessmen who care little for the Chinese peasants who work for them. While Vance and Trump tend to be loose with the truth, the Democrat left  has made lying into an art form—they and the news media have completely obscured the fact that Harris and Walz are dyed in the wool inept Communists who will do to us what the CCP has done to the Chinese peasants if they ever gain complete control, and it will be the educated white people who put them in power. From the looks of things, this is the direction the U.S. is going in. May God help us!
    I don't think you know what the word "communist" means.
    I know EXACTLY what it means. I wasn’t being hyperbolic when I used it, either. It exactly defines what Harris’and Walz’s behaviors have been as government officials. They won’t say it out in the open because they know it’s an election loser, but top down authoritarian rule and control is a communist attribute
    You mean like candidate Trump announcing he will be a day one dictator? That kind of top-down authoritarian rule? 
    edited September 13 Graeme000ronndjames4242baconstangBart Ysphericilarynx
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