Redesigned New PowerBook



  • Reply 60 of 178
    [quote]They don't want us to upgrade. It does them no good. They want us to buy new.<hr></blockquote>

    i also just wanted to mention that unlike desktops, most laptops are each a unique piece on engineering. every piece is specially designed to work within very tight constraints. in the case of the powerbook, look at the height constraint you're putting on your design elements. something like a video card would be impractical.

    as for the fans, don't know if you guys have taken your machines apart, but there isn't just a fan that run really fast, there are a few small fans. looks like there wasn't enough room to put in one large one, and there's no way with this design they could have made the fans any bigger.
  • Reply 62 of 178
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>3. Titanium Cinema: 18" LCD display. 1600x1024.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; :eek: :eek:
  • Reply 63 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by oeyvind:

    <strong>Apple Store is offline now... new hardware coming real soon I guess</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Isn't that funny? The Apple Store usually goes off line temporarily the weekend before they update a product.
  • Reply 64 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by madmax559:

    <strong>oh god....

    hallowed be thy cpu

    give us this day

    our dual cpu powerbook

    with a better gpu

    which doth runneth hot

    but cooketh me not

    ~~! amen

    12:00 am & im a bad poet....

    any haiku guys here ? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ti Haiku


    cpu i hear

    what about graphics prowess

    makes pictures look good

    10:00AM & im a bad poet...

    any shakespears out there?
  • Reply 65 of 178
    The wait is killing me! I'm buying the next revision of the PowerBook right away, no matter the specs (well, unless it's a downgrade of course ).

    I hope for a 1 GHz with Radeon9000 but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I also hope the PowerBook revision will come out before an iMac revision, since I plan to sell my iMac G4/800/15". But I can't do that until I get the PowerBook.

    [ 09-22-2002: Message edited by: Power Apple ]</p>
  • Reply 66 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by Dave Hagan:


    Isn't that funny? The Apple Store usually goes off line temporarily the weekend before they update a product.</strong><hr></blockquote>


    I just noticed that the UK Ti800 is £700ish more expensive than the US one. Even allowing for import duty that's a lot. Have yours been reduced?
  • Reply 67 of 178
    The Apple Online Store has consistently been displaying 1-2 days available of both 667 and 800 MHz PowerBooks respectively. I don't know how we could possibly see an update soon. Usually longer wait times have indicated an imminent update.

    [ 09-22-2002: Message edited by: Dave Hagan ]</p>
  • Reply 68 of 178
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    I would like to see the PowerBook return to the $2199 price point, personally. I realize it's a pro machine, but when Apple so severely limits the iBook to 1024x768 and eliminates monitor spanning, it's obvious that they're forcing people to go with the lower-end PowerBook. If that's the road Apple wants to walk, it's time for them to get at least a little closer to reality concerning price. I'd really like to see a $200 slash on all models.
  • Reply 69 of 178
    I happen to concur wholeheartedly.

    The iBooks should be thusly dropped in price too.

    $999...iBook 700 MHz - G3 processor - CD - 12.1 inch - 32 MB Video

    $1,299...iBook 700 MHz - G3 processor - CDRW/DVD - 12.1 inch - 32 MB Video

    $1,599...iBook 800 MHz - G3 processor - CDRW/DVD - 13.2 inch widescreen display - 32 MB Video

    $1,899...iBook 800 MHz - G4 processor - CDRW/DVD - 13.2 inch widescreen dispaly - 32 MB Video

    $2,199...PowerBook G4 - 867 MHz - CDRW/DVD - 15.2 inch w/s display - 64 MB Video

    $2,899...PowerBook G4 - 1GHz - CDRW/DVD - 15.2 inch w/s display - 64 MB Video

    [ 09-22-2002: Message edited by: Dave Hagan ]</p>
  • Reply 70 of 178
    Hey could it be possible that Apple is contemplating a modification to the PowerBook, like they did with the iBook when it went from 12 to 14 inches? Thereby increasing the top-level PowerBook screensize to, say, 16.4 inches or thereabouts?
  • Reply 71 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by Dave Hagan:

    [QB]$2,199...PowerBook G4 - 867 MHz - CDRW/DVD - 15.2 inch w/s display - 64 MB Video

    $2,899...PowerBook G4 - 1GHz - CDRW/DVD - 15.2 inch w/s display - 64 MB Video/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    That would be a dream come true. I've been planning on getting the lower end Powerbook model, but at that pricing, I would seriously consider getting the upper end model instead. As a result of lower prices, Apple would upsell me on a higher end and higher margin machine. Are you listening Steve? Reasonable prices = $$$
  • Reply 72 of 178
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    [quote]Originally posted by Dave Hagan:


    Isn't that funny? The Apple Store usually goes off line temporarily the weekend before they update a product.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Don't let  know we're onto them!
  • Reply 73 of 178
    if apple ships a new powerbook with 1gighz cpu and a radeon 9000 gpu into the same current case, it must bundle it with earplugs and a pair of gloves and trousers of the special burn-proof material, all for free.

    right now the first and most needed ti's improvement is a case redesign. How useful a very powerful computer is if you feel so uncomfortable and scared when you use it?

    thousands of emapple (emagic-apple) users deserve a silent powerbook too.
  • Reply 74 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by jindrich:

    <strong>if apple ships a new powerbook with 1gighz cpu and a radeon 9000 gpu into the same current case, it must bundle it with earplugs and a pair of gloves and trousers of the special burn-proof material, all for free.

    right now the first and most needed ti's improvement is a case redesign. How useful a very powerful computer is if you feel so uncomfortable and scared when you use it?

    thousands of emapple (emagic-apple) users deserve a silent powerbook too.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're onto something jindrich. It is the case. A comfortable to hold, non-scratching case that doesn't burn your hands would be great. How about Pismo cases with G4 chips! And expansion bays!!!!!!

    I won't get that, since thin is in, but I'll take the ADC in a 1GB with decent airport reception. Hopefully this coming week!
  • Reply 75 of 178
    How about this story on the PowerPage Website.

    New PowerBook G4s Being Tested at 1.2 GHz

    go to <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Sorry, I can't get Javascript to work on this machine, so no direct link.

  • Reply 76 of 178
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>I can't believe someone suggested that Apple sell a Powerbook model with a G3.

    They already's called the iBook, and it's slow. The G3 is a dead chip....Apple should have migrated the iBook to a G4 at MWSF02.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The iBook is slow for a number of reasons, not just the processor. If you gave the TiBook a G3 chip but kept the faster drive, faster RAM, and faster video card, it would be so slow. A 1 GHZ G3 (if it in fact exists yet) in a TiBook setup would run circles around a 700 MHZ G4 in the iBook.
  • Reply 77 of 178
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    [quote]Originally posted by jindrich:

    <strong>if apple ships a new powerbook with 1gighz cpu and a radeon 9000 gpu into the same current case, it must bundle it with earplugs and a pair of gloves and trousers of the special burn-proof material, all for free.

    right now the first and most needed ti's improvement is a case redesign. How useful a very powerful computer is if you feel so uncomfortable and scared when you use it?

    thousands of emapple (emagic-apple) users deserve a silent powerbook too.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm not trying to rag on anyone, but every time talk of a new powerbook revision comes up, someone has to say how it will be too hot to handle. Well I hate to tell you, but apple will release an updated powerbook and it will be more powerful and they will have figured out a way to deal with the temp and fan volume...just like they always do...
  • Reply 78 of 178
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by TBoxman:

    <strong>How about this story on the PowerPage Website.

    New PowerBook G4s Being Tested at 1.2 GHz

    go to <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Sorry, I can't get Javascript to work on this machine, so no direct link.


    Wow, hope they are right. However, no date is given.
  • Reply 79 of 178
    I believe if you read the article and the comments, you would learn that the concensus is that updated PowerBooks are due in October with speeds estimated to be 800 and 933 Mhz. Some are hoping for the all illusive 1 Ghz mark to be met then. ATI 9000 video cards are also expected. Bluetooth on-board seems to be a 50/50 chance. Slim hopes for a Superdrive until the next major revision next year.

    Early next year (Jan-March) the new 1.25 Ghz PowerBook with a revised motherboard is expected.

    I'm still hoping Oct. brings us the 1 Ghz machine with and ATI Radeon 9000 video card and some type of Superdrive, even if it's a stand alone Firewire drive (iDVD compatable). I use my PowerBook as a portable desktop computer much more than a true laptop computer so POWER is everything.
  • Reply 80 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by TBoxman:

    <strong>How about this story on the PowerPage Website.

    New PowerBook G4s Being Tested at 1.2 GHz

    go to <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Sorry, I can't get Javascript to work on this machine, so no direct link.


    The way that's worded, we won't be seeing new Powerbooks this year
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