Redesigned New PowerBook



  • Reply 141 of 178
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    Damn it all. And I was hoping to get a new one today, since my PowerMac hard disk just went down the crapper...
  • Reply 142 of 178
    jpp1cdjpp1cd Posts: 135member
    What I don't understand is how Apple cannot update the line. They cannot possibly be selling any at the current configuration. I have been waiting for the update but I need a laptop and I might have to go out and buy a cheap wintel to tide me over since I can not blow the money right now on a Powerbook only to update next week.
  • Reply 143 of 178
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I wouldn't buy a Windows laptop. If it's just to tide you over until the next rev, why buy something you'll lose your shirt on?

    Grab an iBook. You'll probably be ordering a new PowerBook within a month, and then just unload the iBook after that. You'll get more of your money out of an iBook on eBay IMO.

    (That's guesstimating that the iBooks aren't getting touched until MWSF - my opinion, but don't bet the farm on it.)
  • Reply 144 of 178
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cubit:


    KidRed, the unplugged man? Is that why you want a new PowerBook? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, just making a point that not all photoshop artists use plug ins. I want a TiBook so I can post to these forums while I'm in the living room
  • Reply 145 of 178
    ed m.ed m. Posts: 222member
    Mac OS X lags in Audio? That's not what I've been reading JYD...

    New study shows Mac OS X best for audio\t

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;


    As far as CoreAudio in OS X is concerned, it's pretty advanced. And that happened a YEAR ago now. It's only getting better and can only imagine that it's already far superior in Jaguar.


    Some of the disclosed features of CoreAudio OS X:

    - 24 bit audio (up from 16) (now floating point)

    - 3 millisecond latencies (down from about 11 ms with VM off 92 with it on OS9)

    - real time threads

    - no interrupt-safe problems anymore

    - CPU hogging sound processor threads cant make the UI appear jumpy anymore

    And many other features.. So, far as *surround* goes... Well, it's not like the OS isn't capable of it. After all, it's "in there" and the OS is ALREADY set up to handle well beyond surround sound. It's up to the applications developers to take full advantage of those features.

    Check out the details in this "year-ago article"

    Apple betting audio pros will like Mac OS X 10.1

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    From the article:

    "Mac OS X 10.1 is designed to handle higher-end software by delivering native multichannel audio capability scaleable to "n" channels, which enables features like 5.1 channel surround sound "


    And for more info on Apple's CoreAudio for OS X check out these URLs

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Some discussion of surround sound here:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    So, from what I've been reading, it's a little more sophisticated than the audio capabilities in Windows. That's probably why the majority of audio people use Macs. OS X 10.2 only makes audio that much better.


  • Reply 146 of 178
    I was looking at info about OSXcon today when I stumbled onto this.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Check out the fourth topic down on this page. I don't know what to make of it but it is exciting.
  • Reply 147 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by chilleymac:

    <strong>I was looking at info about OSXcon today when I stumbled onto this.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Check out the fourth topic down on this page. I don't know what to make of it but it is exciting.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That link gives me a blank grey page. Where's the image?
  • Reply 148 of 178
    I also have just a grey image, gimmie a pic!
  • Reply 149 of 178
    hookhook Posts: 42member
    If you check out the link to the keynote from that page, one of the photos is of Pogue using a PB during his keynote. I think the line about "uber-geeks" wondering if one of the slides shows the new PB, is referencing that picture. Seems like its all just wishfull thinking.

    Also, took a look at the maccentral website which is covering the OSX conference and found this:

    "I can't say what, but in the next two weeks, one of the major makers of something important in your life will start making something that has Bluetooth standard," said Pogue.

    Probably talking about the new Palms that are due out soon. But...

    (more wishful thinking)
  • Reply 150 of 178
    hookhook Posts: 42member
    Nevermind about Pogue and his bluetooth comment. I just saw the other thread in FH regarding this. The subject is already being beaten to death over there. No need to comment here.
  • Reply 151 of 178
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member
    [quote]Originally posted by FlashGordon:

    <strong>Seriously this is like Christmas eve when you are twelve but it has lasted since July when the first report of a new Powerbook was released. I check every morning to my dismay and find another day has passed with no new Pbook. The anticipation is killing me. It has to be this Tuesday, if not we may be waiting till MWSF. If I have to wait this long the damn thing better be f-ing UNBELIEVABLE.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Please. The Ti800 is an amazingly powerful machine. Don't do this drama queen shit.
  • Reply 152 of 178

    Originally posted by FlashGordon:

    Seriously this is like Christmas eve when you are twelve but it has lasted since July when the first report of a new Powerbook was released. I check every morning to my dismay and find another day has passed with no new Pbook. The anticipation is killing me. It has to be this Tuesday, if not we may be waiting till MWSF. If I have to wait this long the damn thing better be f-ing UNBELIEVABLE.


    Please. The Ti800 is an amazingly powerful machine. Don't do this drama queen shit.



    Where in my post do I state anything about the 800mhz machine not being amazing? No where. It is undoubtably a great machine. But I guess in your world it is considered a good idea to buy something for $4000 dollars that you could quite possibly get for $3000 dollars the next day. That is a likely situation if I bought a 800mhz machine today. So if you want to get bent over my Apple and their upgrade practices fine, enjoy the ramming. I however will wait for the update, as will 99% of the people considering a new Powerbook, and I will get what you call a fantastic 800 mhz machine at what I consider a fair price. But after 8 months 10 months if it is at MWSF it better be good, or else what the hell could they be waiting for?

    I do not even want to get into how gay and deaf to its customers Apple must be to update its flagship(most expensive most advanced) model every 8 months. But I guess it is lemmings like you who just think everything Apple does is right that Apple looks at when making their decisions.
  • Reply 153 of 178
    fobiefobie Posts: 216member
    Apple should feed the PowerBook with amfetamin or lower the price. Today the PowerBook costs way to much in perspective to what you get.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's slow or that it sucks. But you pay way to much for what you get.
  • Reply 154 of 178
    hookhook Posts: 42member
    I'm not so sure about the PB being updated at MWSF. Doesn't that go against the new policy of not demonstrating new hardware at MW? It seems unlikely that Apple will go against that so quickly.

    I would expect that the new PB would be announced in similar fashion to the latest G4s. The question is, if not at MWSF, when?
  • Reply 155 of 178
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by hook:

    <strong>I'm not so sure about the PB being updated at MWSF. Doesn't that go against the new policy of not demonstrating new hardware at MW? It seems unlikely that Apple will go against that so quickly.

    I would expect that the new PB would be announced in similar fashion to the latest G4s. The question is, if not at MWSF, when?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Any day now and then in March or so. Every 6 months.
  • Reply 156 of 178
    hookhook Posts: 42member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    Any day now </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Bless you for saying that. I can't hold out much longer. Need PB.
  • Reply 157 of 178
    Well, I just got off the phone with my Rep at Mac Zones and they still have 126 of the 667 Models and 204 of the 800 Mhz Models. He said they have not been EOL yet and has heard nothing about it. But then he never hears about future product until I tell him about it. They keep them customer reps busy selling existing products.

    I'm keeping optomistic that we will see a revved PowerBook lineup by Oct. 22.

    On another note, it will be interesting to hear what IBM has to say in two weeks about the GPL at the MPF. I'm wondering what is in line for the mobile processors. Come on G5!
  • Reply 158 of 178
    There is absolutely NO WAY Apple will wait until January to update the PowerBook Line. That's almost 10 months without an update. Sorry, not gonna happen. Apple would be a fool to not update the iBook/Powerbook (and iMac) line before Christmas. And if they choose not to update them,....well then they deserve whatever their stock price will sink to....
  • Reply 159 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by gumby5647:

    <strong>There is absolutely NO WAY Apple will wait until January to update the PowerBook Line. That's almost 10 months without an update. Sorry, not gonna happen. Apple would be a fool to not update the iBook/Powerbook (and iMac) line before Christmas. And if they choose not to update them,....well then they deserve whatever their stock price will sink to....</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Way so agreed. I agree so much that it hurts and anyone who doesn't lives in a dream world.
  • Reply 160 of 178
    im sorry, i can't tell if your being sarcastic or not.

    But the simple fact is....Product Stagnation is BAD...

    even if it nothing more than a CPU bump (800, 933Mhz), something new needs to come out.
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