


  • Reply 101 of 112
    Anyone in England care to check this out: Looky!
  • Reply 102 of 112
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    i'll see if i can find one in a newsagent here...
  • Reply 103 of 112

    Originally posted by Thai Moof

    Anyone in England care to check this out: Looky!

    Anyone want to combine this rumor with this one ? I´m a bit lazy right now.
  • Reply 104 of 112
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by Thai Moof

    Anyone in England care to check this out: Looky!

    This can't be true.

    It sounds too much like the truth.

    And there's no google for a magazine called iCreate that I can see.
  • Reply 105 of 112
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by Thai Moof

    Anyone in England care to check this out: Looky!

    Definitely sounds like a hoax to me, and MacInTouch was gullible enough to give this thing coverage. iPhone.org has been leading to Apple's website for ages (at least a year, if not 2 or 3). And I doubt that they would take a risk with an unknown publication for a well-timed ad, like they did with Time Magazine for the FP iMac G4 (and we all know how that turned out). But who the hell knows? I'm waiting to see a scan of the "iCreate" cover, editorial, and the iPhone ad.

  • Reply 106 of 112
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by Harald

    This can't be true.

    It sounds too much like the truth.

    And there's no google for a magazine called iCreate that I can see.

    It seems that the iPhone advertisement in iCreate Magazine was a mockup, with an explicit disclaimer by the editors at the bottom of the page. It's basically a white Sony Ericsson T610 with an iPod like whel instead of the joystick. You can see pictures in this thread on the MacRumors boards.

    I'm still completely torn on my mobile phone purchase. I don't really need one, so I've been waiting and waiting. Right now I like the Motorola T720: it's a pretty flip-phone (my preferred form-factor), works with iSync (via USB), and is available now. But a Sony Ericsson Bluetooth phone would be nice too. If only the T610, or better the Z1010, would hit the street yesterday!

  • Reply 107 of 112
    I like and trust Harald.
  • Reply 108 of 112
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    I like and trust Harald.

  • Reply 109 of 112
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by New


    double ditto... or should that be triple?

    Harald, we like you. Get in touch with your source(s). It seems you were right on with an announcement in early June (iSync 1.1). I really wonder what the end of June/early July announcement will be (in the mobile arena, not desktops or laptops).

  • Reply 110 of 112
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member

    Originally posted by Escher

    double ditto... or should that be triple?

    Harald, we like you. Get in touch with your source(s). It seems you were right on with an announcement in early June (iSync 1.1). I really wonder what the end of June/early July announcement will be (in the mobile arena, not desktops or laptops).


    And not a PDA, phone or tablet...

    Of course maybe Apple doesn't see an 8" screened device as a PDA or Tablet. Marketing is a wonderful thing.
  • Reply 111 of 112
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    What you know Apple have done (with their partners) and what comes out are often different things.

    Ask Fran.

    What we KNOW is coming (Apple have said this) is a fully functional iSync. I would cough guess July 3.

    What we can strongly guess at is OTA sync via .Mac (I've seen evidence of this) and I would guess it'll be rolled out with Panther to make you buy it; if Apple have any sense they'll public beta it. This is absolutely in line with the "new" Apple's strategereryery. Ery.

    What Apple could release at any time (and Steve has said they won't) is a phone that is based on an excellent 3rd party design given the Ives once over and with like toadally ossom intgretation with .Mac, your Mac and stuff like Sherlock channels.

    It would take a perverse reading of The Sayings of Chairman Steve to say such a thing is coming. But the minor detail of doing the work to make it possible ... well, there's no reason that Apple could not have done it.
  • Reply 112 of 112
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    I think not releasing a handheld communication device is madness when the long dead Newton is still so desired by Mac users.

    A Newton 2 with OS X, mini phone camera and Airport would be a wonderful gadget to iChat on at starbucks, or just note-take in meetings then iSync back to your main system.

    At 3% market share why ignore a pent-up demand?
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