G4 iBook...when do you imagine?



  • Reply 101 of 123
    ghstmarsghstmars Posts: 140member
    ^i'll go for that!!!
  • Reply 102 of 123
    brian greenbrian green Posts: 662member
    while the ATI 9000 is quite a step down from the 9600, it looks like it's strong enough to handle even the most demanding of games for the next few years...unlike my current 600 MHz iBook.
  • Reply 103 of 123
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Who's got the courage to write [email protected], submit the rendered mock-up, along with the specs, and ask him if it's a possibility? You could say that a lot of us here would snap up something like this if Apple were to make it!
  • Reply 104 of 123
    brian greenbrian green Posts: 662member
    DHagan4755, the only person who can send Steve the plans and the info is pscates who actually designed it. It's his decision alone to make, though I think it's a cool one.
  • Reply 105 of 123
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by Brian Green

    DHagan4755, the only person who can send Steve the plans and the info is pscates who actually designed it. It's his decision alone to make, though I think it's a cool one.

    Okay pscates, I think you should fire off an email to [email protected] along with the rendering. My 2¢...
  • Reply 106 of 123
    macusersmacusers Posts: 840member
    Yes send it pleeeeeeeeease, i want it now.

    If you send the rendering, tell them that a ton of people would want it, because they would.
  • Reply 107 of 123
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Great job, pscates! That's the 15"er I was talking about two pages ago.

    I wouldn't want the iBook to lose its affordablility, so you have to keep the 12" for student backpacks and the 14" for classrooms and at home use. But they have to stay sturdy...that it the point. They are mobile iMacs, not a cheap PowerBooks.

    As for the subnotebook, how can losing an optical drive and making the design smaller and more sturdy, mean you would break it more quickly!?!? And how is a design that would be popular in Japan and China somehow limiting its marketablility?!?!? because only a billion people might want it?
  • Reply 108 of 123
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by pscates

    ...in addition to a kick-ass DVD viewer, those of us using all these palette-heavy design/graphics apps have PLENTY of room now on the side to stack those little bastards!

    Hey, as a matter of fact...BRB

    Okay, I'm back. Had a daylong Mother's Day thing, but I wanted to illustrate the above comment and just now got back:

    Now, I basically took every pallette Illustrator has and showed them here. Granted, most people with a clue tend to have a small, basic set they like to keep around and simply call up less-used others with the F-key commands, use them, then make them go away again (that's how I work in Illustrator and Photoshop). But the above is kinda a "what if..." or "worse case scenario" where some ding-dong has every single pallette open.

    And on this wide sumbitch, it's completely do-able!

    AND, you still have room for iChat, iTunes, etc. Just think how much open space you'd have if you were smart about your pallettes in the various apps you use. Your main working app could take up about 2/3 of the screen (over to the left, I suppose). To the right, you'd have about 1/3 left over for a chat window, iTunes controller, Address Book, iSync, a clock or other utility, etc.

    The ratio/proportions are accurate and that would be looking at an Illustrator file - as you're working on it - at 100%/actual size zoom. So the above is 1365x768 and the screen is the same height as the one on the current 12" iBook (same 768 resolution as well), so you're not losing anything vertically...just gaining about 6 miles horizontally!

    This clinches it for me. Now I'm going to be COMPLETELY bummed if Apple never makes something like this. It would be damn near perfect: awesome movie watching on a plane, TONS of work space in the popular (but pallette-heavy) apps like Illustrator, Photoshop, etc., you could basically have your browser AND your e-mail apps sitting side by side, etc.

    I'm sold.

  • Reply 109 of 123
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Okay, okay, okay...last one (well, tonight anyway)

    I just can't help myself!

    This one shows how much day-to-day stuff you can have open and showing: Safari, Mail, iSync, iTunes, iChat and Address Book.

    Enjoy! Oh yeah...thanks very, very much for all the cool compliments, enthusiasm and kind words. I genuinely appreciate it and it's always nice to hear.

  • Reply 110 of 123
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    I really think you should write an email to Steve Jobs at the aforementioned address and attach your rendering as a suggestion for a future product. I really think this is doable and I think it would be highly popular. Maybe you could get the ball rolling for all of us! Thanks, dude! You rock!!!
  • Reply 111 of 123
    brian greenbrian green Posts: 662member
    pscates, I have to say I've never seen anything so thought provolking. Simply amazing designs. You really ought to put together a package of your design pics (the ones you've shown us) and a list of desired components and mail it off to good ol' Uncle Steve and see what he says.
  • Reply 112 of 123
    macusersmacusers Posts: 840member
    Ive got one thing to say here, Send these renderings to [email protected]

    Man, this thing gets sweeter everytime you post another pic!
  • Reply 113 of 123
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    The 16:10 14" concept was the best of them. It's perfect and a perfect fit. With it's screen size and aspect ratio, it would only be ever so slightly larger than a 12" iBook (and only in width) It would then be possible to meet all the iBook segment needs with just one model. Small? yep, just about the same size as the 12. Big? Yep 14" and wide too. Cool? yep, did I mention the wide screen. Cheap to make? should be, same panel, case, battery sourced for all the models.

    16:9 is a little too wide, and if it's gonna be that big anyway, then maybe it'd be better to make it a touch taller, 16:10. And a 15" model is big, gonna need to make a smaller model too, but there's that miniPB elsewhere in the line-up to consider.

    Nope, this is just fun to oogle, a lot of fun actually, and the argument about opening widows side by side has merit, but a standard screen size is more important, as a better market fit.
  • Reply 114 of 123
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, that's probably true. The 16:9 thing above was me just having my Sunday jollies.

    I did go back to page 2 of this thread and I REALLY dig the first full-bodied one I posted (orange background and "widely rumored" tagline). For some reason, I prefer that model over the one below it with the smaller surrounding plastic around the screen. For some reason, the first (orange) one looks more "iBook-y". Something about that plastic around the screen just hangs better than the thinner version (blue background).

    I'd be happy with either of these models, but, realistically I imagine they'd do the 14" 16:10 model over my wild-ass fantasies shown above.

    And I like DHagen's specs above too. Those ring true, I guess.

    As far as e-mailing Steve Jobs, I don't think that's anything to do. He probably gets a gazillion of these things all the time (WAY better than mine) and he probably just goes "enough, already! Jeez...". Apple has people checking these boards (and others like them) out, so if they see something they're impressed with, they're going to take note and pursue it further. No need in a schmo like me bugging someone about it.

    He's heard it all before, I'm sure.
  • Reply 115 of 123
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Notice (to those interested): on page two - below the original orange/"widely rumored" mock-up - is a new drawing...the outside shell...

    I put it back there because it was the original 16:10 14" body style (before I got bonkers with the above Cinema Books).

    Take a look on page 2.
  • Reply 116 of 123
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    ok, i agree, i like the 16x10 ratio more than the 16x9....

    so what is the final outer dimensions of that "widely rumored" model??

    great job mr cates

  • Reply 117 of 123
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Thanks, gelding!

    It's 13"W x 8.8"H...I THINK. I'm measuring it in Photoshop here at work and I almost forgot my conversion/scaling system I came up with...and had to think it through for a sec.

    That's all marked out in Illustrator, so when I get home tonight I'll check the actual Illustrator file. But the above is pretty close, I believe.

    I drew this using centimeters = inches, just so I could keep it someone compact and small in Illustrator (view/work at 100% and still see everything, BUT with enough "wiggle room" that I could zoom in and add small details if needed). In other words, 1cm in the Illustrator file = 1" in real life. That's usually how I do these things, unless it's something small like an iPod or PDA, which I'll simply do in real-life scale.
  • Reply 118 of 123
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Okay, I'll jump on the 16:10 bandwagon. As long as this thing uses it's volume for shock absorption (this is an iBook after all, it needs to survive falling off a desk) and adequate heat dissipation with the G4. Too bad "eBook" has been taken so that the Apple naming convention can't be used to make a connection to the eMac. An eBook looking like an iBook, but loaded with educational software and rubberized corners would be a great upgrade for schools.

    I really doubt a single screen size really makes that big of an economy of scale. 12" and 14" choice is still good, comarades! but if Matsu's widerscreen really isn't that much bigger, then maybe it can take over the 12" slot.

    The specs are nice, but I really don't think the iBook is meant for running Illustrator and Photoshop and 5 other apps at the same time. It is capable to do such a thing, and with the G4 it would work well, but it needs to be optimized for CONsumers not PROsumers. That is the main reason to save money on memory options and harddrive speeds. Any big upgrades can come through FW or USB. Consumers need the sub$800 portable with iApps, not Illustrator.

    I don't mean throw cold water on this and this iBook would certainly be a very capable machine and put Apple in front of the value curve again, but we need to remember that consumers see price and choice as primary reasons to buy a computer. Prosumers see widescreens and power as the big reasons to buy a computer.
  • Reply 119 of 123
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Okay, once and for all...a final "wrap up", done in the true Apple product look (blue Aqua background, a current iApp featured, colored window buttons, a larger-than-what-any-of-us-would-set Dock, etc.

    This probably gives the nicest, most generic/expected look (due to all the above). And it's the one I might e-mail to them, just for giggles.

    Take my pic below and combine it with DaveHagan's specs a few posts earlier, EXCEPT mine does indeed have a G4 (notice the iDVD icon in the Dock?) and, just because it's Apple and this is their "consumer" laptop, let's knock that VRAM down to a nice, realistic 32MB (like all the iBooks and 12" PowerBook). Other than that, his specs rock. And so does his price!

    For those curious (thegelding), here are the actual dimensions: 13"W x 8.75H. Let's say an inch thick? The screen is the same height/resolution as the current 12" iBook, it's a 16:10 ratio. Also, there is a slot-loading drive on the right (just like the 12" PowerBook). The ports are on the left, as usual. Don't like slot-loading drives? Tough! They're cooler and I prefer them. Feel free to do your own mock-up with an ugly, slide-out tray that breaks off.

    Whew...I'm tired and I'm damn near "iBooked out", so I'm going to give it a rest for a bit.

  • Reply 120 of 123
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    'Scates, you are the man.

    You can even see the smooth gloss on the plastic. Nice. I'll take one!
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