Year of the powerbook indeed!



  • Reply 61 of 64
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member

    Originally posted by CharlesS

    Just like NO ONE bought the Pismo PowerBooks that had G3's in them after the G4's were in the towers.


    I agree.

    Wahhhh. I want laptops because they're cool.

    This thread has kind of gone to crap... the notable exceptions being Amorph's last post and the posting of real financial figures.

    But seriously, most quark users are still using OS 9 and so apple must maintain at least one laptop that supports OS 9. It might as well be the one they already spent the R&D on, the 15" model. Quark may work well in classic 99% of the time, but most professional design and RIP houses are using third-party products in conjunction with quark, ones that are completely broken or flaky in OS X. It?s just the way the cookie crumbles, no matter how cool OS X looks and feels.

    There are also very good reasons why desktop PCs get new technology before laptops. There is considerably more engineering work necessitated by the miniaturization of components and board layouts. Also, power consumption is an issue for laptops but a complete non-issue for desktop computers. Why not release both products when they?re ready? ? it just happens that desktops require less engineering and testing.

    To finish off this wet blanket posting ?

    I think way too much has been made of Steve?s comment about ?Year of the Powerbook?. What else do should the he say when desktop machines are obviously not selling well? After all, he was on stage introducing a couple of new laptops. Its far more likely to be marketing hype than a subtle clue to get our panties in a wad.

  • Reply 62 of 64
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member

    Originally posted by dfiler


    I agree.

    Wahhhh. I want laptops because they're cool.

    This thread has kind of gone to crap... the notable exceptions being Amorph's last post and the posting of real financial figures.

    But seriously, most quark users are still using OS 9 and so apple must maintain at least one laptop that supports OS 9. It might as well be the one they already spent the R&D on, the 15" model. Quark may work well in classic 99% of the time, but most professional design and RIP houses are using third-party products in conjunction with quark, ones that are completely broken or flaky in OS X. It?s just the way the cookie crumbles, no matter how cool OS X looks and feels.

    There are also very good reasons why desktop PCs get new technology before laptops. There is considerably more engineering work necessitated by the miniaturization of components and board layouts. Also, power consumption is an issue for laptops but a complete non-issue for desktop computers. Why not release both products when they?re ready? ? it just happens that desktops require less engineering and testing.

    To finish off this wet blanket posting ?

    I think way too much has been made of Steve?s comment about ?Year of the Powerbook?. What else do should the he say when desktop machines are obviously not selling well? After all, he was on stage introducing a couple of new laptops. Its far more likely to be marketing hype than a subtle clue to get our panties in a wad.


    I dont know too many professionals who regularly use Quark on a laptop. I would imageine that most people who use Quark a lot have nice 20" (CRT)+ moniors hooked up to PowerMacs.
  • Reply 63 of 64
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member

    Originally posted by JCG

    I dont know too many professionals who regularly use Quark on a laptop. I would imageine that most people who use Quark a lot have nice 20" (CRT)+ moniors hooked up to PowerMacs.

    Quite true, most quark users spend the majority of their time on desktop hardware. I should have used a different example to illustrate the point. Apple can't completely scrap OS9 compatible hardware... yet. Until they can, its most economical to use existing hardware for this compatibility.

    And I apologize for my prior wet-blanket-ness... I'll try to be less negative in the future. sorry

    Heck, give me a 970 notebook and I'll be proclaiming the second coming of Jobs.
  • Reply 64 of 64
    jadejade Posts: 379member
    1. OS 9 bootable machines are no longer needed. Steve Jobs made it pretty clear that OS 9 is ready to die, and he gave everyone a year to buy OS 9 bootable machines. There is no need for apple to keep the exsiting 15" or any onthe OS 9 machine, except to exhaust the existing supply.

    2. Upgraded powermacs will not be a PR coup for Apple. No one will care, the story will be"Apple finally caught up to PC hardware 2 years late" or " IBM is entering into Intel territory with the new 970 chip" Apple will be old news, but announcing the fastest laptops and desktops together will lead to more coverage. Apple has already done a pretty good job of keeping itself in the news this year, but the PM and Pbs being upgraded together last a while.

    3. an early summer release for the 970s makes sense. Rumor had it IBM had a good amount of the 970 chips in Feb/March. Imagine the scoop apple may have promised the tech media monthlies...... right in time for the June/July issues to hit the newstands and in line with the ~3 month lead time.
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