AI gets in on the action



  • Reply 281 of 375

    Originally posted by jante99

    A crazy story that is either lightly disguised fact wrapped around the pretext of a corny story or a corny story about every rumor of the past month.

    Well, look at this this way. A straight forward report on what Apple is doing will get a cease & desist if they get wind of it. A rambling, amusing little story is just that-- a nice little story. Wanna hear about me and the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders? Fact or fiction? The wife can't say a thing.
  • Reply 282 of 375
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    This is what I think how the new cinema display will look like.

    Sorry for the childlish mockup....I only spent 5 minutes on this.

  • Reply 283 of 375
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    nice work, Leonis.

    is that the new 30 inch HD?
  • Reply 284 of 375
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Okay, made a tweak

    made it come in on the sides, made the base a long chrome/metal rectangular "sliver", flushed the sides and made it a widescreen display because I think one is coming...

    OOOOooo... link the swiveling "sliver" base on several of these and you'd have an awesome Mobile.

    Jonathan Ivey meets Alexander Calder.

    got to be able to hang in "upside down" from the base on wall hooks.

    if they swivel through 360 degrees, the temptation to play pinball spinner might be tough

    it's late. brain slowing. now my dreams are going to be expensive.
  • Reply 285 of 375
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member

    Yeah, except that a fast car helps one get fast women, whereas a fast computer actually is known to interfere with one's ability to get fast women...

    Heh, heh.

    Filemaker back to the fold? Heh. Safari kicked 'Explorer's' Filemaker, Keynote and 'Document' (with bundled iConferncing app'?) Now that's what I call an iOffice for the 21st Century.

    Safari whooped their ass. Front assault? I can't wait.

    Great story on AI's front page. Very clever. Very 'subtle.' Cute.

    'Cease and desist'? Only fiction y'honour...pure fan speculation it wuz...

    Goes without saying that the new G5s would need a 'G5' display with iMac2 arm technology to go with them. If not 'arms' then something equally as arresting for a 23...30inch(?) display?

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 286 of 375
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Wow, do you guys really think Apple has that much in store(no pun intended) for WWDC? New G5 PowerMacs...brand new 15.? Powerbook.... G5s in all Powerbooks..."new" Apps...a camera?? I don't know, but if that's the case they will sell a lot of computers the rest of the year...I want mine!
  • Reply 287 of 375
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    you're right, i highly doubt WWDC will be the showcase of all that

    BUT.... panther... part of it will be iChat 2... a major feature is gonna be video conferencing.... id imagine they will show that off even at a developers conference.

    970.... major news for developers.... probably has to be announced... maybe not to ship though.

    new powerbooks..... the powerbook is the most popular developer product. they released new powerbooks at the 99 WWDC I believe and gave one away every hour. Could see something similar.

    The other stuff, I dont see being announced there but who knows.
  • Reply 288 of 375
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    I agree Applenut...that is a lot of new sh*t to introduce at a single event. About the video conferencing...I think that if true, Apple is gonna be tapping into a potentially HUGE market. Haven't analysts been saying that video conferencing is gonna be the next big thing the last 18 months or so? I hear video conferencing is VERY expensive at a corporate if Apple designed software somehow managed to provide great quality video not only for corporations but for the masses it could be a very good thing marketshare-wise. Video e-mails anyone?
  • Reply 289 of 375
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    I agree Applenut...that is a lot of new sh*t to introduce at a single event.

    But remember that there won't be a MWNY keynote by Jobs this year.
  • Reply 290 of 375
    frawgzfrawgz Posts: 547member

    Originally posted by Leonis

    This is what I think how the new cinema display will look like.

    Sorry for the childlish mockup....I only spent 5 minutes on this.

    I'm wondering how articulated displays will anchor the base so they're not top-heavy. Buy a display, get a free iMac system as a weight
  • Reply 291 of 375

    Originally posted by frawgz

    I'm wondering how articulated displays will anchor the base so they're not top-heavy. Buy a display, get a free iMac system as a weight

    Well.. There's have already been rumors about the next displays being more light-weighted.. So this might mean that the base dont have to be THAT heavy! And, if we refer to that muckop Leonis posted, the plate that touches the table (Or floor if you will!) might be made of solid metal..

    New thoughts btw: 1.42 Ghz PowerMacs have a 3 weeks delivery time now! Where does that get us?
  • Reply 292 of 375
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 394member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    New thoughts btw: 1.42 Ghz PowerMacs have a 3 weeks delivery time now! Where does that get us?

    Still says "Same day" when I try it
  • Reply 293 of 375
    marcusmarcus Posts: 227member

    Originally posted by jwdawso

    Still says "Same day" when I try it

    I found the same thing...
  • Reply 294 of 375
    This is why writing should be left to the pros:

    It's like every Mac rumor ever discussed in the last 12 months wrapped up in the 'I got my Apple friend drunk the other night...' and submitted to Bulwer-Lytton. If anything in this trainwreck of innuendo proves to be true it will be purely coincidental.

  • Reply 295 of 375
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by Michael Grey

    This is why writing should be left to the pros:

    It's like every Mac rumor ever discussed in the last 12 months wrapped up in the 'I got my Apple friend drunk the other night...' and submitted to Bulwer-Lytton. If anything in this trainwreck of innuendo proves to be true it will be purely coincidental.

    Why don't you just take it for what it is, some good clean fun?

    Geez, people need to lighten up around here!
  • Reply 296 of 375
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by Flounder

    Why don't you just take it for what it is, some good clean fun?

    Geez, people need to lighten up around here!

    The guy should at least admit in some way that he gets the flesh for that silly mud in this very forum. Very bad writing indeed.
  • Reply 297 of 375
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    I liked it.

    I found it pretty entertaining
  • Reply 298 of 375
    discocowdiscocow Posts: 603member
    must...remove...large pole from rectum....errrrrrr
  • Reply 299 of 375
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member

    Very bad writing indeed.

    Its supposed to be bad!

    its cheesey pulp fiction. maybe its a language thing. i thought it was hilarious. does it confirm or deny anything. nope. is it food for thought. yep. it was written that way to skirt a c&d.
  • Reply 300 of 375
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Okay, made a tweak

    made it come in on the sides, made the base a long chrome/metal rectangular "sliver", flushed the sides and made it a widescreen display because I think one is coming...

    I'm sorry, but have you seen a 23"? If you had you'd never put a $2000 monitor on a flimsy little base like that. This thing is 20 something pounds and may balance straight up and down but will surely fall forward or backwards at simple force applied to it. The base is not wide or heavy enough to secure it to the desk.
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