AI gets in on the action



  • Reply 261 of 375
    commoduscommodus Posts: 270member
    Well, we know that the iChat/camera thing is probably real, because Think Secret had to pull it at the behest of Apple. We don't know if the description of the G5 case is real, but we know that the G5 itself may well be. The only two rumours that have serious doubts are adjustable displays and the 15.4" PowerBook (even then, it's more a question of when and with what CPU the PowerBook will arrive).
  • Reply 262 of 375
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member

    he new 15" Powerbook was in there but no specific mention of what kind of chip.

    didn't they say 'bring it up to spec"

    this of course begs the question, which spec, today's or june 23rd's.
  • Reply 263 of 375
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    Surprised that no one is grasping FileMaker coming back into the fold. Can anyone say Office for Mac killer?
  • Reply 264 of 375
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    I can. guess document and the "database" were true rumors...
  • Reply 265 of 375
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    and they will be cocoa for Uber-Plan Marklar
  • Reply 266 of 375
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    I've been saying for awhile that Filemaker would have to be pulled in to complete the new Office Suite, if Apple elects to go that route.

    Filemaker's CEO was recently quoted as saying he was looking forward to seeing what WWDC would bring. I can't believe the CEO of an Apple owned software company wouldn't know what was planned for release at WWDC (at least not in the software arena.)

    He's obviously playing dumb. Which makes me think the Gobe Guys must be making good progress.

    And if Apple actually intends to go head-to-head with MS Office after all these years. Version 1.0 had better be very, very, good.

    Competing with Office has always been a direct assault on Redmond. And they will respond accordingly.
  • Reply 267 of 375
    allenallen Posts: 84member
    Filemaker 7 perhaps?
  • Reply 268 of 375
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 269 of 375
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by Barto

    "[Apple has finished] new displays. [The current] non-adjustable Cinema Displays [are] brutal [in comparison]!"


    I'm confused as I can adjust my 23" just fine
  • Reply 270 of 375
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    Yeah, but the Studio & Cinema displays have arthritis compared to the nimble iMac, and even quite a few other "PC" displays.
  • Reply 271 of 375
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Have you played with the 23"? It can slant backward pretty damn far, farther at an angle then I need it to go. That's adjustable to me as I don't need a 23" display to move up and down, simple titled as it currently does on the 23".
  • Reply 272 of 375
    bihbih Posts: 44member
    I'm curious as to how an adjustable cinema display would work. Would it use a big base? It would need something fairly substantial to support its bottom to let someone push and pull the display around. A screw mounted option would be tight, to let the display hang from the underside of a cabinet or be suspended from a wall. What do you guys think?
  • Reply 273 of 375
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by bih

    I'm curious as to how an adjustable cinema display would work.

    I have two ideas, neither of which is ideal. Well three.

    One, copy whatever someone else in the industry is doing.

    Two, do an iMac like adjustment that can attach to the G5 case.

    Three, a solid frame with an inlaid screen that can move quite a lot more than the current models.

    Just thinking outside the box. I'm not advocating anything.
  • Reply 274 of 375
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Someone sells a wall mount kit for the displays, if I had the space and need for it, I'd mount mine to the wall.
  • Reply 275 of 375
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I think an adjustable flat panel from Apple wouldn't be based on any sort of arm or "swing lever" thing at all. It'll probably sit in some ingeniously designed "rocker" cradle (that looks 30 times cooler than anyone could imagine or mock up) and with just a push of a finger (like on the LCD iMacs) allows you to both spin the display around (left to right) AND tilt it back and forward.

    I tell you, the absolute, hands-down best thing on this iMac of mine is the screen. Having that flexability to place it EXACTLY how you want it, depending on what you're working on (if you're working at all), if you're in a slouching, "listening-to-music-slumped-down-in-your-chair" mood or if you're sitting up straight and really going to town on something. I can do all that and this screen goes right along with me.

    And it's a shame that only iMac users have that cool option. Having Cinema Displays that you can rotate and tilt to your hearts content just adds to their coolness factor by about a gazillion points.
  • Reply 276 of 375
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I drew this a while back, and I've often thought something along these lines could work:

    Don't get too hung up on the look or whatever...drew it over a year ago. I'm talking theory and overall idea here : display sits nestled inside a wide "u" frame, joined to the display sides.

    At this point, this allows for back and forth tilt on that particular joint or point. Then the "u" bar itself is mounted into some sort of base which allows for side-to-side pivot or spinning.

    Take into account some sort of stronger, more stable base unit and maybe a more elegant rocker/hinge design and you see what I'm talking about.

    The illustration conveys it pretty clearly.
  • Reply 277 of 375
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member

    Originally posted by KidRed

    Have you played with the 23"? It can slant backward pretty damn far, farther at an angle then I need it to go. That's adjustable to me as I don't need a 23" display to move up and down, simple titled as it currently does on the 23".

    True. But it is cumbersome to do so, hence the arthritis. The iMac's display can be moved into position with the light touch of a fingertip. Something like pscates' mockup would probably be a lot easier to position.

    In using an FP iMac, I find that I am constantly adjusting the display depending on how I sit. I don't sit so I'm perfectly aligned with the screen, I sit however and wherever I like and move the display to suit me. Pscates is right, the best feature is that slick little arm.
  • Reply 278 of 375
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by job

    Anyone else think that new AI frontpage rumor is *slightly* odd?

    Whatever, it's all in good fun. seriously would you like it better if there was a simple, plain text written report stating the facts and nothing more.

    personally, if I had any inside info that I was going to leak, I'd leak it in the most odd-ball way I could think of. I've watched how mac-lots react, like a pack of starving wolves fighting for a slab of meat. eesh

    I'm glad that all this stuff is happening. good stuff.

    Also, I'm sure slaptech has a lot to do with it
  • Reply 279 of 375
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    You know, to say that the M$ business unit has been "quiet" is the understatement of the year......maybe THEY'VE even decided to quit trying.....
  • Reply 280 of 375
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Okay, made a tweak

    made it come in on the sides, made the base a long chrome/metal rectangular "sliver", flushed the sides and made it a widescreen display because I think one is coming...

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