Check it out! France has arrested members of an organisation the US considers to be a terrorist group! Those bastards!
Scotty, please could you publish the guide to "good" terrorists and "bad" ones?
And how do we tell when someone crosses the line (actually, the US is pretty bad at that so forget that bit).
Oh, and American politics *are* cruel every bit as the Arab world is backward.
European guide to good and bad terrorist: Jew, bad. Arab, good. Gives money to Chiraq (or is it Chiran now?), good. On Chiran's bad side since he got bought off by the "good" terrorists, bad.
Is this were I say something that's true and then you all call me a racist for it?
Check this out. France has joined forces with the Iranian government to squash the movement for freedom and democracy. Way to go France ... PLEASE STOP!
This fantastic iranian movement for freedom and democray is considered by the US and EU as a terrorist organisation.
Now here is a small biography of this group : it's an ultra left winged organisation who was on the Ayatollah side against the Shah and helped them during the civil war, one year after they disagree with the islamists and cease relations.
After this rupture, they supported Iraq and the beloved SH during the Iraq/iran war and thus they have a very bad reputation in Iran now.
I am quite surprised that Scott is supporting a group with this following criterias :
- ultraleft winged (read more left than the commie)
- who supported Saddam Hussein against their own countrie
- who is considered as a terrorist organisation by us and europe and who scheduled terrorist attacks.
Before ranting about France in a thread where she is not involved inform you.
BTW there is no good or bad terrorist : there is just terrorists.
There is no good or bad terrorist : there is just terrorists.
I went to bed last night thinking about Harald's request to Scott that he ( or someone else ) publish a guide to Good & bad terrorists..
Well I started thinking along the lines of Monty Python's film " The life of Brian "
With those "Judean Peoples Libration Front " terrorists fighting their rivals the " People's liberation front of Judea " instead of their common enemy the Romans..
And a lot of Jews are racists against the Arab world. Thanks for proving that again.
Is Scott Jewish? Or does Scott saying that Arab countries are backward, somehow mean that jews are racist? I can't keep up with connecting the dots when looking for things to blame on Jews.
Jews tend to not like Arabs because they think the Arab world is just backwards.
Scott thinks "The Arab world is just backwards"
Scott is Jewish.
Let me make it simple for you. I was questioning Bunge's statement. Which followed the follwoing logic: Scott said Arab countries are backward. Bunge then said that scott had thusly proven that Jews are racist against Arabs.
I was trying to follow the logical jump necessary to say that Scott believing Arabs are backwards, must somehow then imply that Jews are racist. So, my question, and not statement, was, is Scott Jewish.
On a societal level homosexuality is a suicidal impulse. Some cultures recognize this fact and militate against it. There are revelational morality issues, don't get me wrong, but all viable cultures protect their core (sometimes it's the family, sometimes its the state). One of the ways homosexuality attacks a culture's existence is on a numerical level.
Remember, if we were all homos, the human race would cease to exist. Speaking pluralistically, one of the litmus tests of a legitimate lifestyle is how well it scales across a culture. Homosexuality does not scale.
On a societal level homosexuality is a suicidal impulse. Some cultures recognize this fact and militate against it. There are revelational morality issues, don't get me wrong, but all viable cultures protect their core (sometimes it's the family, sometimes its the state). One of the ways homosexuality attacks a culture's existence is on a numerical level.
Remember, if we were all homos, the human race would cease to exist. Speaking pluralistically, one of the litmus tests of a legitimate lifestyle is how well it scales across a culture. Homosexuality does not scale.
Absolutely correct, but I think this is one aspect of homosexuality that needs to be addressed, trying to address it as even possibly unethical just isn't possible in our culture.
I thought he said that at some point in time but I could be wrong. I don't really care if he is or isn't, but he is racist. If I wrongly implicated the Jewish people because he's not Jewish, sorry. I'll just implicate whatever groups he is in since he is racist.
In a future where we need to send out small groups of humans to colonize distant planets in an effort to populate the universe, homosexuals will make a poor choice at that point. And if homosexuality is hereditary, how do you pass on the gene? Maybe in the old days when you hid your homosexuality by marrying the opposite sex and just keeping in the closet, you could still reproduce and pass on this gene, but with modern lifestyles this doesn't work. Sorry homo's, you're a dying breed .
Originally posted by Harald
Check it out! France has arrested members of an organisation the US considers to be a terrorist group! Those bastards!
Scotty, please could you publish the guide to "good" terrorists and "bad" ones?
And how do we tell when someone crosses the line (actually, the US is pretty bad at that so forget that bit).
Oh, and American politics *are* cruel every bit as the Arab world is backward.
European guide to good and bad terrorist: Jew, bad. Arab, good. Gives money to Chiraq (or is it Chiran now?), good. On Chiran's bad side since he got bought off by the "good" terrorists, bad.
Originally posted by Scott
Is this were I say something that's true and then you all call me a racist for it?
Check this out. France has joined forces with the Iranian government to squash the movement for freedom and democracy. Way to go France ... PLEASE STOP!
This fantastic iranian movement for freedom and democray is considered by the US and EU as a terrorist organisation.
Now here is a small biography of this group : it's an ultra left winged organisation who was on the Ayatollah side against the Shah and helped them during the civil war, one year after they disagree with the islamists and cease relations.
After this rupture, they supported Iraq and the beloved SH during the Iraq/iran war and thus they have a very bad reputation in Iran now.
I am quite surprised that Scott is supporting a group with this following criterias :
- ultraleft winged (read more left than the commie)
- who supported Saddam Hussein against their own countrie
- who is considered as a terrorist organisation by us and europe and who scheduled terrorist attacks.
Before ranting about France in a thread where she is not involved inform you.
BTW there is no good or bad terrorist : there is just terrorists.
Originally posted by Powerdoc
There is no good or bad terrorist : there is just terrorists.
I went to bed last night thinking about Harald's request to Scott that he ( or someone else ) publish a guide to Good & bad terrorists..
Well I started thinking along the lines of Monty Python's film " The life of Brian "
With those "Judean Peoples Libration Front " terrorists fighting their rivals the " People's liberation front of Judea " instead of their common enemy the Romans..
I laughed myself to sleep...which is a first..
Thanx Harald....
Originally posted by Scott
The Arab world is just backwards.
And a lot of Jews are racists against the Arab world. Thanks for proving that again. Texas is backwards too by your definition.
Originally posted by bunge
And a lot of Jews are racists against the Arab world. Thanks for proving that again.
Is Scott Jewish? Or does Scott saying that Arab countries are backward, somehow mean that jews are racist? I can't keep up with connecting the dots when looking for things to blame on Jews.
Scott thinks "The Arab world is just backwards"
Scott is Jewish.
Originally posted by bunge
Texas is backwards too by your definition.
Not just his definition, methinks.
Originally posted by DiscoCow
Jews tend to not like Arabs because they think the Arab world is just backwards.
Scott thinks "The Arab world is just backwards"
Scott is Jewish.
Ahh Hemm..DiscoCow.....don't udder another wurd !
Scott has been called a Jewish person at least three times that I can remember and counting......
Maybe you'd like the job of checking under his kilt to see if he is " Kosher "..
Ps: In Scott's defence, its not that he thinks the arab world is backwards, its just that they're not as forward as he'd like them to be...
Originally posted by aquafire
In Scott's defence, its not that he thinks the arab world is backwards, its just that they're not as forward as he'd like them to be...
Oh, but of course Scott himself is the shining beacon of forwardness.
Originally posted by der Kopf
Oh, but of course Scott himself is the shining beacon of forwardness.
Well to be fair then, certain someone's from Brussels must be Neutral or Parking mode.
Ps Hope your Job interview went well.
Originally posted by DiscoCow
Jews tend to not like Arabs because they think the Arab world is just backwards.
Scott thinks "The Arab world is just backwards"
Scott is Jewish.
Let me make it simple for you. I was questioning Bunge's statement. Which followed the follwoing logic: Scott said Arab countries are backward. Bunge then said that scott had thusly proven that Jews are racist against Arabs.
I was trying to follow the logical jump necessary to say that Scott believing Arabs are backwards, must somehow then imply that Jews are racist. So, my question, and not statement, was, is Scott Jewish.
Sorry it was so hard for you to understand.
***run and hide***
Originally posted by Anders
Scott jewish? First time I have ever heard of a red neck jew...
***run and hide***
Anders You crazy man..
It must be getting hot in Oslo..25 centigrade..a veritable heat wave..
Like I said, do you want to volunteer to check whether he is Kosher small goods or 100% American Beef.
The heat must be getting to you guys..
Remember, if we were all homos, the human race would cease to exist. Speaking pluralistically, one of the litmus tests of a legitimate lifestyle is how well it scales across a culture. Homosexuality does not scale.
*adjusts visor on asbestos suit*
Originally posted by ena
On a societal level homosexuality is a suicidal impulse. Some cultures recognize this fact and militate against it. There are revelational morality issues, don't get me wrong, but all viable cultures protect their core (sometimes it's the family, sometimes its the state). One of the ways homosexuality attacks a culture's existence is on a numerical level.
Remember, if we were all homos, the human race would cease to exist. Speaking pluralistically, one of the litmus tests of a legitimate lifestyle is how well it scales across a culture. Homosexuality does not scale.
*adjusts visor on asbestos suit*
utilitarianism doesnt scale either
Originally posted by billybobsky
utilitarianism doesnt scale either
Absolutely correct, but I think this is one aspect of homosexuality that needs to be addressed, trying to address it as even possibly unethical just isn't possible in our culture.
Originally posted by Tulkas
Is Scott Jewish?
I thought he said that at some point in time but I could be wrong. I don't really care if he is or isn't, but he is racist. If I wrongly implicated the Jewish people because he's not Jewish, sorry. I'll just implicate whatever groups he is in since he is racist.
Originally posted by bunge
I'll just implicate whatever groups he is in since he is racist.
I don't follow you here, implicating a group because someone is racist. Don't you think that this kind of behavioring is in itself racist ?
It' s not because you discover that a member of a group is greedy, that all the members will be greedy, or whatever else it can be.
I tend to judge the individuals not the groups. Or i judge a group only at the light of a common behavioring.
PS : on a side note, the religion or the origin of a member is not a good subject of debate.
Originally posted by Powerdoc
I don't follow you here, implicating a group because someone is racist. Don't you think that this kind of behavioring is in itself racist ?
Yes, but that was my point to Scott.