New PowerBooks tomorrow.



  • Reply 201 of 873
    g5powerg5power Posts: 18member

    Originally posted by Anders


    How the hell did this thread become fcuking 5 pages long?

    This thread is so long for two reasons that i can see:

    1. all we have is rumors and speculation. apple's security this time around is SOOOO good! have you noticed - no leaks, no pictures, no specs. just the clues from product run-out, powerbook prices reducing, some models available "7-10 days" etc. something is definitely up.

    2. a model update is over due. last 15" update was November (8 months) and other models Jan 7th (6 months now). there are a lot of people expecting an update waiting to buy...
  • Reply 202 of 873
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    OK, I went digging through IBM's website, and found this pdf, but it is from (I believe) the Microprocessor Forum of 2002. Of particular interest is this image, on page 14:

    Now, I'm not an expert on processors, but could it really more than double for a jump of about 10% in speed? Seems rather unlikely.
  • Reply 203 of 873
    g5powerg5power Posts: 18member

    Originally posted by chazmox

    You stated above that "The Dual system probably does indeed run at 97 watts... total for 2 processors." Since this quote seems to be based on certain knowledge, do you have references to back that up besides the marketing document?

    the references for [email protected] i've seen are:$file/PPC970_MPF_Review.pdf$file/PPC970_MPF2002.pdf
  • Reply 204 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    I would love to come home tomorrow afternoon to something like this:


    From C|Net:

    Apple unveils new PowerBooks

    As industry insiders have long suspected, Apple finally updated its PowerBook line of portable notebook computers this morning with faster processors, faster graphics, and bringing the aluminum enclosure styling across the product line.

    Click here for more details.

  • Reply 205 of 873
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    I glanced at your post - just the part containing the Cnet reference - thought it was legit (but also thought "that's's Sunday") and went to IMMEDIATELY.

    Didn't notice your "I wish I'd come home tomorrow and..." lead-in.

    Don't scare me like that again!

  • Reply 206 of 873
    g5powerg5power Posts: 18member
    if you thought this thread was long...

    there are another 5 pages on the same topic in another thread!

    " how long before g5 Powerbooks?"
  • Reply 207 of 873
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member

    Originally posted by pscates


    I glanced at your post - just the part containing the Cnet reference - thought it was legit (but also thought "that's's Sunday") and went to IMMEDIATELY.

    Didn't notice your "I wish I'd come home tomorrow and..." lead-in.

    Don't scare me like that again!

    Haha pscates, a big eager now aren't we?

    Heh, wouldn't surprise me if I ended up posting something like a C|Net link, I usually look at regularly... though I'm sure others will have the usual "Apple Store down!!" blah blah blah threads beforehand.
  • Reply 208 of 873
    nemesisnemesis Posts: 138member
    Tomarrow? Tuesday? or Creative EXPO?
  • Reply 209 of 873
    chazmoxchazmox Posts: 39member
    bauman and G5Power:

    Thanks for the info - I had seen the ppt slide set, but not the other doc. However, these items are all from around the same time frame of 10/15/02. Would like to see numbers on production parts - the only ones I have seen are the EETimes numbers.
  • Reply 210 of 873
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member


    I love ya


    You're always

    A day

  • Reply 211 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    To dream..... maybe someday it'll come true


    From C|Net:

    Apple unveils new PowerBooks

    As industry insiders have long suspected, Apple updated its line of PowerBook portable notebook computers this morning with faster processors, faster graphics, and an aluminum enclosure styling across the product line.

    At the bottom, the highly popular 12-inch PowerBook now boasts a 1 GHz G4 processor. Added features to the 12-inch model include ATI's new Mobility 9600 graphics processor with 64 MB of RAM. Conspiculously absent, however, is the lack of a DVI output, which allows you to attach digital projectors and flat panel monitors; a feature that is endowed in its two bigger siblings. Also absent is the 12-inch model's lack of L3 cache. Unlike the midrange and high-end PowerBooks, Apple says the lack of L3 cache is more of heat concern, than marketing.

    "L3 cache increases the heat output of the G4 processor, and when you're dealing with a tight space that the 12-inch PowerBook has inside, you really have to worry about the internal components overheating," said Greg Joswiak, Apple's Vice President of Hardware Product Marketing.

    Pricing remains the same on the 12-inch PowerBook, with $1,599 buying you the base model with 256 MB of RAM. A model with the "SuperDrive," Apple's DVD-R burner, sets you back $1,799 and also features 256 MB RAM standard.

    "I think if you shop around, we are fairly competative with what we offer you standard," Joswiak notes. "If you see an attractive deal on the PC side, you have to look closely, because some of the reasons their pricing is low is because they offer lesser standard components, like a smaller hard drive, cheaper video graphics, and even less memory than 256 [MB]."

    When new 12-inch and 17-inch models were unveiled at MacWorld San Francisco last January, Apple set a new design trend for its portables when they came encased in anodized aluminum, a new keyboard, built-in Bluetooth, faster Airport (802.11g) wireless networking, and an improved hinge design cued from Apple's iBook series. Many were left wondering what future lied ahead for the Titanium PowerBook which seemed old, even though it had been updated just two months earlier.

    "The Titanium PowerBook has served us and our customers well," Joswiak explains. "We knew we couldn't update the 15-inch model in January because it was our only pro portable that could boot OS 9. We didn't want to upset customers who still needed performance for some of their legacy applications."

    Now that major applications, including Quark, have been released native to OS X, the path is set in stone for a new 15.4-inch model, which can only boot OS X. The new 15.4-inch model acquires the stylings of it's two counterparts, and enters the midrange with its new widescreen display. The display, manufactured by ChiMei electronics and used presently by Dell and Acer, was widely suspected the replacement panel for the midrange model.

    "The 15.4-inch display on our midrange PowerBook is stunning," says Greg Joswiak. "It has an improved contrast and backlight, and it is one of the best displays on any notebook, nevermind the best display on any of our portables."

    Besides the 15.4-inch screen, the midrange PowerBook comes in two models, one with a combo DVD/CD-R optical drive, and a G4 processor running at 1.0 GHz, the another running at 1.25 GHz featuring the DVD burning SuperDrive. Both systems use a new 167 MHz front side bus, and both feature 512 MB of DDR SDRAM standard. They also feature built-in Bluetooth, built-in Airport Extreme (802.11g), and Apple's auto-sensing backlit keyboard. New to the PowerBook is an enhanced graphics processor from ATi, using the Mobility 9600, the top end 15.4-inch notebook carries an impressive 128 MB of video RAM.

    Finally, the top-end, spacious 17-inch PowerBook gets into the action as well. Aside from the 1.25 GHz G4, it too, receives the new ATi Mobility 9600 video card with 128 MB of graphics memory.

    "With Quartz Extreme and OS X, this PowerBook really screams," Joswiak adds. "We are still quite aways from seeing a G5 in a PowerBook, but the new 15.4- and 17-inch PowerBooks are definitely our best and fastest PowerBooks ever."

    The pricing for the midrange PowerBooks remains the same, and the new 17-inch PowerBook receives a price cut, now available for $2,999. All models of PowerBooks are available immediately.

  • Reply 212 of 873
    minkis7minkis7 Posts: 9member

    Originally posted by NEMESIS

    Tomarrow? Tuesday? or Creative EXPO?

  • Reply 213 of 873
    chazmoxchazmox Posts: 39member
    DHagen, Great article and sounds like the best prediction so far, although I do not see the ATI in the 12 inch or 128 Meg of video ram in the 15 or 17 - although it is nice to dream!

    One thing I was wondering is if Apple will just update the 15 to the Al feature set and adjust all the PB to 1Ghz ( and allow the size and the graphics cards to distinquish the models ).

    I know it would be a disappointing update, but I do wonder if Motorola is really that close with the 7457. I used to work for Motorola and it's very hard to imagine them ahead of schedule on anything.

    Could the 7455 be clocked to 1.25 Ghz in the 15 and 17 inch? Don't know...
  • Reply 214 of 873
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    DHagan's fantasy Cnet press release made me swoon a bit...

    "Ah got the vapors, Colonel...".

    Oh how I wish he had some sort of psychic insight and this was what was coming! KA-CHING!
  • Reply 215 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Here's my take...either we'll see the new PowerBook(s) tomorrow, July 8th, or we will see them at MW Creative Expo thingy next Wednesday.
  • Reply 216 of 873
    bigjbigj Posts: 6member
    Damnit. I need a new 15" powerbook. I'm starting to get impatient.
  • Reply 217 of 873
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Join el clubbo, amigo.

    I'm about to start throwing and kicking things.
  • Reply 218 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    & I'm going to need a straight jacket soon!
  • Reply 219 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    If Apple reads these boards as had been claimed in the past...I hope they realize just how f***ing desperate people are for this new 15-incher....Give it to us Apple dammit!
  • Reply 220 of 873

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    If Apple reads these boards as had been claimed in the past...I hope they realize just how f***ing desperate people are for this new 15-incher....Give it to us Apple dammit!

    How should I break this to you? Apple does not care if a few people who have nothing better to do with their time than complain about the PowerBook not being in an Aluminum enclosure are "desparate". They make computers as tools for people to do good things with, not for people to whine about future Apple products with.
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