sick of waiting... Powerbook/iBook info, guesses, wild speculation anyone?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Greetings, gentle peoples of AppleInsider.

I am really sick of waiting to buy a new Powerbook. I cancelled my order for a 1ghz Ti at xmas, then the 17" came out, and I've been waiting ever since for a 15" Al. Almost going for an economical iBook 900... but can't make myself part w/ the cash.

The smilies that best represent my attitude on the whole affair are thus:

So everyone:

1} Do you think/know that Powerbooks will not be updated until MWSF (making it a year for the model life) ... or Paris?

2} Any iBook speculation?

3} Wouldn't it be a little out of character if they announced NOTHING at mwny/create?

I don't even care if you have any concrete info... I just want an experienced Apple-watcher debate about what's coming. Because my hand's on the Apple loan, which has got like 25% interest, so I better not be using it for an out-of-date 'book.



  • Reply 1 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Well there have been a ton of threads on this already. As much as I too want to see the new 15Al, I'm getting extremely sick of the speculation and rumormongering on this much sought after PowerBook rev.

    I have been following this intently for the last six months, and I can say the most optimistic sign we'll see new PowerBooks is Wednesday at MacWorld Creative Pro in New York.

    There has been no inside info on the revision of the 15-inch PowerBook (or the other two for that matter). All the supposed "insiders" have proved wrong.

    As I have said in another thread:
    • PowerBooks MAY NOT be revved soon...newer G4 processors which run faster, consume less power and give off less heat may not be ready this soon;

    • The 15-inch model might be eliminated (which may be the reason why there hasn't been any solid info on them);

    • If the 15-inch is updated, it may retain the Titanium enclosure (MacWhispers, who has been synonymously wrong in the past, is now suggesting this).

  • Reply 2 of 304
    alexanderalexander Posts: 206member
    We're pretty much at 6+ months without an update. I'll be surprised if they don't show at MWNY, but if they don't, they gotta be coming real soon.

    I think a lot hinges on the avilability of the 7457s.
  • Reply 3 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    Thanx for posting...

    Yeah; I know folks've been talking about this stuff on other threads. I was just looking for entirely non-specific info, and was claiming no knowledge of ... anything, really. Wanted to debate new Powerbooks and not processor heat output or whether I was an idiot

    Just looking for some odds, and trying to keep myself from buying, really. I'm an addict. I'm so much waiting for my next fix right now... slappin' my arm, staring bugeyed at the computer screen waiting for that Apple store to go down...

    So far the poll favors new G4 Powerbooks. I guess we'll see next week if we're smart...

    keep on talkin'
  • Reply 4 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Who are the two chuckleheads who selected "G5 PowerBooks"?

    Next week can't come soon enough. Surely SOMETHING will be said, in terms of the PowerBook. Even if it was "hey, we're announcing today and shipping in late September..." I wouldn't even mind because then we'd at least KNOW.

    It's the not knowing that is the worst. And the IS the hardest part. Tom wasn't lying, was he?

    I'd love to know that a new G4 PowerBook was coming, but I'd actually go another two months without it IF it meant it's going to get that newer chip (cooler, consumes less power, etc.). That would make it worth it.

    Crap, I don't know. I'm about THIS CLOSE to just buying a good, solid 12" iBook to get me "mobile" and then perhaps look into a nice, tricked-out PowerBook (next-gen G4 or possibly a G5) sometime in 2004. The more I think about it...

  • Reply 5 of 304
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Crap, I don't know. I'm about THIS CLOSE to just buying a good, solid 12" iBook to get me "mobile" and then perhaps look into a nice, tricked-out PowerBook (next-gen G4 or possibly a G5) sometime in 2004. The more I think about it...

    You and me both. I think I'd use a laptop mostly for writing rather than serious Photoshop work, so an iBook would suffice.

    But just the thought of having a really cool new 15" keeps swaying me back to waiting. And a 15" would be much cooler when watching the latest DVD movie.
  • Reply 6 of 304
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I'd get the combo 12 before an iBook, even as a holdover. Prices are pretty darned good for them ATM. Just 300 over the iBook gets a decent mobile CPU, a better case and built in spanning. Yes, you can hack the iBook, but do you really want to?

    I've used a 19" 1280x1024 LCD for the past couple of days. It has DVI and VGA in and it's great. I much prefer it to a 17" of the same res. I can really sit back and enjoy the HUGE legible screen, suddenly small fonts are big again, I don't have to zoom the text in word docs, or adjust Safaris font sizes from page to page. Kicks the snot out of the 17" CRT I have at home. I pretty much have to get this display, it's the most perfect, ergonomic dp evar!
  • Reply 7 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, I've considered that too, Matsu. Just spending an extra $300 and getting the 12" combo drive PowerBook. And I'd imagine I'd get more for it when it came time to murbot it next year (our buddy has become a verb )

    I will, however, have to dispute you on that "better case" business. Give me glossy white iPlastic ANY DAY over metal...aluminum, titanium or otherwise.

    Plus, klutz that I am I'd probably be better served by the tougher, more durable iBook.

    Like Satchmo, I'm not going to be doing any hardcore Photoshop stuff. It's mostly Safari, Mail, Illustrator, iTunes and InDesign for me (in that order). I honestly think I'd be just fine with an iBook for 6-9 months. I'm not exactly "pushing any envelopes".

    Cool thing, in just two weeks I'll have enough in my "laptop fund" (from just savings alone) to buy the 12" combo drive iBook outright...with $300 left over for a 512MB DIMM, an AirPort card, a form-fitting, padded sleeve/case of some sort and a nice two-button/scroll wheel mouse of my choosing.

    I'll still have my G4 iMac, which I can sell at my leisure over the next few months. eBay, locally, run an ad, perhaps even someone here at AI, etc?

    Honestly...barring any far-out, jaw-dropping PowerBook announcements in the next 2-4 weeks, I think that's what I'm gonna do. I'd rather spend this autumn being able to take my Mac around with me than spending the last half of 2004 still chained to my desk.

    I'm not nuts about dropping $2599, give or take, on something on its last legs (the chip/specs prior to the '57 or - heaven help us - the G5).

  • Reply 8 of 304
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    All these threads about the same thing--we are all foaminating at the mouth over this like crazed dogs.

    al 15 g4+ it's the heat stupid

    upgrade 17 and 12 pb to g4+

    ibook g4

    g3 cheapo for education and low buck laptop

    if ibook 14 goes g4 1+ghz i'll bite

    al15 with lighted keyboard i'll bite


    DE-FOAM GUYS we'll have to wait. most apple dudes are future oriented look at our past, we'll wait, apple knows that. yes there is pent up demand but we'll wait and wait and wait. then bite...maybe like masocits (sp) we enjoy the wait makes us special and not so "wintel-ish"

    my work requires me to have a wintel laptop, when my work upgrades to a system that i can access using a net browser then i'm motivated to get rid of my dell and go to the fruit stand again and get some apples so i can wait and watch all this herky jerky forum talks.

    hey guys congratulate me i graduated to "member" out of junior high!!! Hey does that mean i qualify for the "prom"
  • Reply 9 of 304
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    For another perspective, I never thought that my TiPb 1Ghz would remain cutting-edge in the 15" screen categoty for this long--I got mine when they first shipped (November 15th) and it's crazy that EIGHT MONTHS LATER it is still at the top of its heap. That's uncanny.
  • Reply 10 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Ha, you're like me: I bought my iMac DV in early 2000 and it was "top of the heap" until July of that year (however, it was unveiled in early October 1999, so it basically went 9 or so months "untouched". 6 of those months, I owned one).

    Then in March 2002, I bought a G4 SuperDrive iMac (two months after they were unveiled at MWSF). It went for an entire YEAR before it was upgraded (well, they added that 17" model at MWNY that summer...), so I got lucky twice.

    I've yet to experience that cruddy feeling of buying something, only to see it revved - or outright replaced! - within a month or so.

    Knock on wood...
  • Reply 11 of 304
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    I got an iBook/800 in November. The persistent video problem wasn't fixed even after 3 repairs. After a 4th failure, I gave up, asked and got a replacement, an iBook/900. It only took it 3 weeks for the video to go pphhffffftttt!! This time, the replacement will be a new 15" AlPB as soon as the damn thing finally shows up.

    Let's hope Joz is the bearer of good tidings.

    Oh, and let's hope Jack Campbell is way off.
  • Reply 12 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Rolo, what exactly happened to your iBook? Is this a common, known issue or did you just have the misfortune of getting saddled with two lemons?

    Are iBooks known for unreliable video/graphics cards?

  • Reply 13 of 304
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Hey Paul,

    Cool, I'm a verb, baby!

    Have you ever played around with a 12" PowerBook? The reason I ask, is I had my first chance to see on in person last week and absolutely loved it. I'll honestly have a very hard time purchasing another iBook. The difference seemed pretty drastic when I had them side by side - the fit and finish of the PB was head and shoulders above the iBook. (especially with the new all-white scheme)

    If you will have it 6-9 months, and you're saving dough like you are now, drop the $300 and get the PowerBook, man. I think you'll be happier with it. My 2 cents, for what it's worth. (more than 1 cent Canadian now, woo!!)

    I'm still in limbo here, this is my longest stretch without a Mac in a long time. I'm glad that I'm so busy with work, and putting in the driveway/sidewalk/irrigation/fence/etc/etc at home. Not much time to dwell on it.

    Oh, about the thread topic - I voted for a new 15" next week. Call it a hunch.
  • Reply 14 of 304
    eat@meeat@me Posts: 321member
    just wait until wednesday. its only a few days away!
  • Reply 15 of 304
    imacfanimacfan Posts: 444member
    For what it's worth, I'm desperately hoping for a Rev/B 12". The most likely way that I think its going to happen if it does happen next week is an announcement on the website Mon or Tue, so that Joz can talk about them on Wed, but not get the glory from announcing them.

  • Reply 16 of 304
    boy_analogboy_analog Posts: 315member
    I'm not normally one to tell people to wait, but this time I will. It sounds like there's no absolute imperative for you to get a new PB, so you may as well sit tight for the next revision. Otherwise you'll just be all bitter and twisted when the new revision comes out.

    And any Mac user who talks about naiads really shouldn't be bitter and twisted, right?
  • Reply 17 of 304
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Why get the superdrive, when dvd writers will come down in price, i understand that idvd uses only superdrive, but toast canuse and external. I'm considering a laptop purchase in the next 6 months (around christmas) so by that time the new al 15 will be out. what are typical changes to a line from summer to christmas season, what has happened historically? if something is announced by september what if any usual changes occur for christmas, or should i wait till after january. What' a typical cycle if there is one. Doen't dell, sony introduce new stuff aaround march and have a couple of improvments for the strong christmas season.

    Or should apple go this route, put out kick butt stuff that is ahead of the curve so they don't keep chasing the "update" tail??? Or is that simply a marketing tool to maintain interest.

    I'll say one thing, 95% of laptops look like black cereal boxes, in an airport can't tell the difference, but boy those apple ibooks, PB sure do stand out, that is a great reason to have apple, bee and look differennt. with more and more things going through a browser or internet, less and less proprietary software only for windows.

    How long do you think the g5 will stay "fresh" it's way in front of the curve, does any other manufacturer have anything close and when?????
  • Reply 18 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, the reason I'd get a SuperDrive is: if I have a laptop, the whole point of them is convenience, portability and the whole "got it all right here" vibe.

    If I wanted a laptop that I'd have to carry a separate drive around with, add a PC card for modem use, do without Ethernet and FireWire, etc. I'd buy a cheap PC laptop.

    Seems goofy to have a sleek, lightweight Apple notebook (especially one as small and "totable" as the 12"), then have to end up lugging around a big, honkin' Formac or LaCie DVD burner with it. Just runs counter to all the reasons I'd want a portable.

    I don't WANT other things to carry, hook up, keep up with! I want one "has it all" laptop. But that's just me and how I think.

    AND...I'd prefer to use iDVD, which, as far as I know, you can't use on third-party external burners. Why would I want to learn some new DVD creation software when iDVD (along with every other iApp) is wonderful, easy-to-use and more than meets my modest requirements?
  • Reply 19 of 304
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Mr Scates, you could just keep on plugging away on the iMac, and if you really want to get mobile strap a marine battery and inverter to your back and carry the iMac around with you, hahaha...

    I think that once you get a laptop, you will never buy another AIO, you realize that there's really no point given the prices.
  • Reply 20 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Don't think I haven't thought of that.

    Honestly, I think once I get a laptop, that'll be it from here out. I think once I get a taste of having my Mac with me at all times and in all place, I could never go back to a desktop. And now that laptops are getting totally powerful and full-featured enough to truly be desktop substitutes, why not?

    I have a feeling this iMac of mine is the last desktop Mac I'll ever own. I'll just spend the rest of my life buying newer, better iBooks and/or PowerBooks every 2-4 years, depending.

    I do totally see myself, within 2-3 years, with a G5 (or beyond?) 17" PowerBook, 2GB RAM, 8x SuperDrive, AirPort Ultra Extreme II, Illustrator 12 and Mac OS XI.

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