sick of waiting... Powerbook/iBook info, guesses, wild speculation anyone?



  • Reply 21 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Check out this thread.
  • Reply 22 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Hmmm, interesting. But wait...that would mean Jack from is wrong. How can this BE?!?!

    What's the latest on this 7457 thing? Isn't that the newer, cooler, lower energy G4 from Motorola? Any chance THAT will be the one used in the new stuff? Even if, say, these 'Books are announced on Monday but not shipping until September (that would be okay with most people, knowing they get a cooler-running, higher speed, more efficient chip, right?).

    I'm going to go take some Tylenol PM and just sleep from now until Tuesday or Wednesday and quit thinking about all of this.

  • Reply 23 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Hmmm, interesting.

    I think that link is the only substantive thing we have to go on regarding new PowerBooks at this point.
  • Reply 24 of 304
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    I don't see Motorola coming out with faster G4s any time soon, so after this next revision, the PowerBook will have to go G5, which is a good thing.

    Apple will probably announce new PowerBooks on Tuesday, and Joz will simply mention them in his keynote on Wed. I think Steve is the only one who announces new products.
  • Reply 25 of 304
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    duplicate post
  • Reply 26 of 304
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by Kecksy

    Apple will probably announce new PowerBooks on Tuesday, and Joz will simply mention them in his keynote on Wed. I think Steve is the only one who announces new products.

    It would be a good thing to start letting others introduce product or make major announcements. As good as Steve is it is risky to rely on any one person too much. Steve took care of the emergency. Now he should loosen the reins on being a spokesman as well.
  • Reply 27 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    It would be a good thing to start letting others introduce product or make major announcements. As good as Steve is it is risky to rely on any one person too much. Steve took care of the emergency. Now he should loosen the reins on being a spokesman as well.

    I concur. Do you concur? Does everybody concur?
  • Reply 28 of 304
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    u guys are crazy...joz is gonna give eveyone the shady eye for not two hours, not 2.5 hours but THREE!
  • Reply 29 of 304
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I'm not nuts about dropping $2599, give or take, on something on its last legs (the chip/specs prior to the '57 or - heaven help us - the G5).

    If it's a holdover you're looking for, it's also not hard to find an Apple refurb TiBook for about $1100 (see SmallDog, DealMac, etc.). I'm starting to get aggravated enough to do just that. If its got a factory warrantee, I think I'd rather tote around a bigger screen G4 than an iBook. I'll upgrade to the AlBook 15 later. Just a thought.
  • Reply 30 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    My disdain and lack of interest for the Titanium PowerBook is well-documented on these boards.

    A refresh:

    1. Easily scratched

    2. Flimsy hinge (like #1, I've simply heard too many horror stories about it)

    3. Poor AirPort reception/performance

    4. Ports are in back...behind a DOOR, no less! Ugh, no thanks! I've owned two iMacs and an iBook and I think the "ports lined up along the side with no covering over them" is a superior, more convenient and efficient design, hands down. I don't like to blindly fumble around the back of anything, trying to find the Ethernet, USB or FireWire port by "feel". A total hassle (and one of the reasons I don't like this LCD iMac as much as my iMac DV).

    5. The keyboard is removed to install components. Makes for a flappy typing action. I think the 12" and 17" models have MUCH nicer keyboards because the RAM and AirPort is installed below the case and the keyboard feels more "set in" and solid (this was also a gripe about my iBook's keyboard because it didn't seat properly all the time and was subject to pooching up).

    6. Lastly, I think it's ugly and weird-looking...the dark plastic keys along with the metal body, that weird light-colored frame around the edge, etc. [quickly dons asbestos pajamas...]

    For those reasons - and a few more minor ones of a more subjective nature - I've NEVER been attracted to the Titanium PowerBook. Even from day one. It wasn't until these new 12" and 17" aluminum PowerBooks that I actually gave the line a serious look, believe it or not!

    I'd own a 12" iBook before I'd EVER get a 15" TiBook...even at the same price.

    Oh yeah, I said it.

  • Reply 31 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I'd own a 12" iBook before I'd EVER get a 15" TiBook...even at the same price.

    Oh yeah, I said it.

    Brave fella! Nuts...but brave!

    1. Easily scratched - I have one. Depends on how you handle it. The apparent fragility of the Ti makes me handle mine with kid gloves. The screen feels like it's going to break. I have held and used both the 12-inch & 17-inch and they are *solid*.

    2. Flimsy hinge - My 1st Ti's hinges cracked. The Aluminum models have a much smoother hinge than the Ti. It's like butter comared to the Ti.

    3. Poor AirPort reception - Yes, yes, yes. The iBook is obviously a winner here. Once you are in range of an Aiport Base Station, performance however isn't a problem.

    4. Ports are in back - This didn't really bother me until I was using my friend's 17-inch, when pluggin in peripherals (like Firewire and a USB mouse). The side ports on the 17-inch were just so much more transparent than my Ti next to it - afterwards trying to connect peripherals in the back of my Ti.

    5. I think the 12" and 17" models have MUCH nicer keyboards because the RAM and AirPort is installed below the case and the keyboard feels more "set in" and solid - That is a no-brainer. The keyboard is *MUCH* better than the Ti by a mile.

    6. Lastly, I think it's ugly and weird-lookingWell, I don't know there. I am indifferent. Having seen the Aluminum models, I like their design better. It's more of a refinement to me. A much welcomed refinement.

    I've NEVER been attracted to the Titanium PowerBook. Even from day one. - I had to have the Ti when it was first announced. Months later when they introduced the white iBook I knew that its design was the other possible design for the new PowerBook. Why put good engineering to waste? When my school bought a lab of white iBooks, I thought it's hinge design was may someday win out and make it into the PowerBook where it should have belong in the begginning! Lo, I was right!
  • Reply 32 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Exactly. You get it.

    The iBook hinge and port arrangement FINALLY made it to the PowerBook line, in the form of the 12" and 17". That's just good sense!

    Oh, and putting the AirPort antenna up in the display was a good idea too.

    Kinda funny that the lower-priced, "consumer" laptop seemed to have a bit smarter, more-thought-out design than it's high-dollar, titanium-clad big brother. And newer PowerBooks are basing their designs on some of the iBook's cues. And thankfully not the other way around.

    Just goes to show...
  • Reply 33 of 304
    rolorolo Posts: 686member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Rolo, what exactly happened to your iBook? Is this a common, known issue or did you just have the misfortune of getting saddled with two lemons?

    Are iBooks known for unreliable video/graphics cards?

    I got saddled with two lemons and it's a known issue with Apple. Last time I spoke with an Apple tech, he said they think they know what the issue is. What they had done before was simply replace the logic board but that didn't help for long. They then tried replacing a bunch of other things, including the mobo, and also the display to mobo harness. It worked fine for a few weeks and then failed. When it failed, I wasn't even there. It was fine, I went to p, came back and it was frozen. Restarted, flicker flicker, dead.

    Now, if Apple can only come out with a handy dandy 15" AlBook, I'll be a happy animal. 8)
  • Reply 34 of 304
    rolorolo Posts: 686member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    I've NEVER been attracted to the Titanium PowerBook. Even from day one.

    I agree. I was doing a FCP demo at an Apple Market Center soon after the Ti was announced when I got my hands on someone's new TiBook. I showed it to my participants but right off the bat, I didn't like it. It was way too easily marred, got dirty too easily, scratched easily, and was too delicate.

    Later, I heard about all the problems people were having with TiBooks. The AlBooks solve all the problems the Ti had. I say, good riddance. It sure isn't easy waiting for a 15" Al, though.

    Tuesday? Will it be out Tuesday??
  • Reply 35 of 304
    alexanderalexander Posts: 206member
    Hmm...The only problem I have with my rev 2 TiBook is the edge paint flaking off. It's pretty severe, but it is only cosmetic. And it makes it lighter. The keyboard is totally solid (you do have to make sure it's locked down properly), and looks good.

    I'll take the TiBook hinge and keyboard (ignoring 17" backlight, which I would die for) over the aluminium ones any day. The silver keys are just UGLY. And the new hinge doesn't open nearly as far (yes, I use it almost flat sometimes), and I've seen a lot of floppy 17" hinges.

    That said, I'm buying an updated 17" when they come out. 667MHz is starting to get slow, and I think I already mentioned the backlit keyboard.
  • Reply 36 of 304
    peharripeharri Posts: 169member
    Assuming the PBs are as seems obvious - ie a 15.4" semiwidescreen aluminium PowerBook with a not particularly dramatic speedbump (if we were talking about something radical here, I'm sure Jobs would be announcing it, but the only thing that appears to be interesting is the 15.4" screen which isn't even certain), announced this coming week, does anyone have any theories on how it'll be priced?

    It's noteworthy that the recent price cuts didn't affect the 1GHz model that much. Could it be that the cheapest 15.4" Al PB will cost more than $2,400 (the price of a BTO 15.2" Ti PB 1GHz with a combo drive)?
  • Reply 37 of 304
    This sounds so petty, but I can't imagine my TiBook without its aftermarket handle. That's the only thing I don't like about the AlBooks... no place for a handle. It's so lo-tech, but it really makes a difference in how I use my powerbook.

    Thank goodness my forthcoming G5 dualie has handles built-in.

  • Reply 38 of 304
    rolorolo Posts: 686member

    Originally posted by peharri

    Assuming the PBs are as seems obvious - ie a 15.4" semiwidescreen aluminium PowerBook with a not particularly dramatic speedbump (if we were talking about something radical here, I'm sure Jobs would be announcing it, but the only thing that appears to be interesting is the 15.4" screen which isn't even certain), announced this coming week, does anyone have any theories on how it'll be priced?

    It's noteworthy that the recent price cuts didn't affect the 1GHz model that much. Could it be that the cheapest 15.4" Al PB will cost more than $2,400 (the price of a BTO 15.2" Ti PB 1GHz with a combo drive)?

    If the new 15" AlBook comes with a 1.3 GHz 7457, the actual speed boost will be at least 40% owing to the increase chip speed plus doubled up L2 cache. If the system bus is 200 MHz and it uses DDR400 memory, application performance increases of at least 50% could be seen. I call that significant.

    Still, I'm only expecting a PR and an Apple store update, perhaps on Tues. BTW, there's a macbidouille post today about mobile GPUs, comparing the best from nVidia and ATi. As expected, the Radeon mobility 9600 wins. I sure hope Apple uses it in this next PB revision. Apple really needs to get aggressive with features, specs, speed, and pricing to compete these days. No complaints about the G5. 8)
  • Reply 39 of 304
    You are a fool for not buying back at Xmas 20002. You clearly dont need a PB very much if you can wait near on 8 months to buy one! Apple have said that they are happy with the 15" Ti PB and have no plans to change it. And why should they? I have the 1Ghz SD and its fantastic. No peeling paint, no constant fan. Fast Fast Fast. Like I said, if you have put off buying for 8 months you clearly dont need.
  • Reply 40 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I REALLY hope you're not talking to me...

    A "fool"?


    But, if you are:

    a) I NEVER said I "need" it (as a matter of fact, I don't recall anyone here saying they "need" one)...

    b) ...however, I'd LIKE one (big, huge honkin' difference: want vs. need)

    c) Maybe some of us are money conscious and want the best bang for the buck? The aluminum cases - in every way - are improvements over the titanium PB design, so why wouldn't we like to have one in a 15"?

    d) In any case, who are you to imagine or comment on what anyone needs? A gazillion reasons might be at play, 98% of them you couldn't possibly be aware of.

    Sure, I could've bought one 2 years ago, but a laptop - at the time - didn't appeal to me. I travel more now. I have friends and family strewn out over several states. I'm always going somewhere on the weekends, it seems. I'm doing a lot more freelance work these days and it's nice to be able to sit with a client and go over things with my work there. All this stuff simply wasn't the case 1-2 years ago. It is now and I'd like a laptop.

    BUT not one that I feel comes up short in many areas (as mentioned earlier in the thread). I'm willing to wait a little bit only because so many things are due for updates.

    If you're just talking in general, then ignore above. My apologies.

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