sick of waiting... Powerbook/iBook info, guesses, wild speculation anyone?



  • Reply 81 of 304
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member
    Of course, what could happen as some are predicting, that there will be NO PB announcements at MWNY of ANY kind.

    I hope so, because then I will expect SJ to announce the G5 PB (all of them) along with the xserve at Paris in September.

    iBooks and iMacs get speed bumped with the 7457 which will be available in quantity by that time, and perfect for the education/ xmas buying season.

    Heres hoping!
  • Reply 82 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by hasapi

    I will expect SJ to announce the G5 PB (all of them) along with the xserve at Paris in September.

    Too early...way too early. 7457 and that's that!
  • Reply 83 of 304
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by hasapi

    iBooks and iMacs get speed bumped with the 7457 which will be available in quantity by that time, and perfect for the education/ xmas buying season.

    It would be perfect for the holiday buying season. But, as someone beginning an academic job next month, it quite sucketh for the educational "buying season." Unless you're only interested in shopping for the second semester. Most perfect would be now.
  • Reply 84 of 304
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member
    Sorry; erroneous post.
  • Reply 85 of 304
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    Anyone staying up until 2 a.m. EDT to check to see if the Apple store is being updated? If so, please leave me a wake up call at 1-800-We-B-Lame.
  • Reply 86 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    That's why I always wondered why the two Macworld Expos (where new goodies were most often unveiled) were in January and July. January is too late to capitalize on the holiday buying frenzy. July is - according to many stories and info I've heard over the years - too late for mass education purchasing. Due to budgets and time constraints and things like that, I suppose? I'd imagine the bureaucracy and paperwork of purchasing a lab full of 45 computers isn't something that just happens overnight, just because some cool teacher wants it.

    Probably huge amounts of paperwork, recalculating, red-tape, reworking the numbers, submitting, being denied, resubmitting, etc. I know it is in the two government jobs I've worked. And I know teachers and school board types, so I know this is the case a lot of the time.

    I always favored a May and October Macworld. The May one would get the stuff announced and out there in time for education buyers to gather everything together, make their proposals, make actual purchases, have things configured and installed, etc. in time for school to start in August/September.

    Then, for obvious reasons, an October Macworld comes right at the opening of the big holiday shopping period, BEFORE people have spent all their dough and tapped themselves out (like, say, January).

    I've always wondered if two things were in place, how it would affect Apple and their standing:

    1. A huge expo with new products two months before Christmas, and...

    2. A tight, aggressive and high-visibility campaign touting said new goodies, again right at the starting point of that holiday shopping season.

    October: Apple releases a kick-ass product (insert fantasy Mac here), followed up by MUCHO TV spots and print ads for this product. On store shelves by Halloween, so a good two months for people to be buying them.

    I'm sure for reasons beyond my grasp, January and July are the best, most appropriate times for Macworld. But I'm not sure I know why.

  • Reply 87 of 304
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Just curious: what happened to 85xx series of Motorola? I think they were 64-bit embedded processors, but I don't know if they went ever into production. It could be another solution for the powerbooks.
  • Reply 88 of 304
    timebottimebot Posts: 3member

    Well, it appears that the fourth option in the poll was the correct one! We will get no new product announcements at Macworld! Apple's shunning of the conference is complete. They want people to know that they don't really care about it anymore. Seems silly to bite the hand that supposedly feeds you, says I.

    Many rumors sites and non-rumors sites have indicated that the Macworld Apple booth is "wide open" security wise, indicating that they have absolutely nothing to show at this event.

    I personally believe that Apple is nuts. You can ride on the cache of coolness and uniqueness only so far. After a while, people want the goods - especially if their productivity is at stake. Having been a loyal Apple customer and evangelist for years, feel shafted that they've forced us to help "clear their channel" of outmoded TiBooks so they can squeeze out their profits for the day when they decide to finally deliver us with an update which is looking more and more like sometime in September. This will have been the longest Apple has gone in terms of updating their pro portable, which is OVER half a year.

    By the time they finally get the freaking AluBooks into the stores, we could possibly be only three months away from announcement of the G5 in a powerbook. So why the hell would anyone want one with a G4?

    Infinite Loop indeed.

  • Reply 89 of 304
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member

    Originally posted by Timebot

    ... By the time they finally get the freaking AluBooks into the stores, we could possibly be only three months away from announcement of the G5 in a powerbook.So why the hell would anyone want one with a G4?

    To poop on?

    I suppose if they need a new PB now, they would have to bite the bullet and just order what is there now. Oh well. \
  • Reply 90 of 304
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by PB

    Just curious: what happened to 85xx series of Motorola? I think they were 64-bit embedded processors, but I don't know if they went ever into production. It could be another solution for the powerbooks.

    they exploded... and where cancelled

    in october/november 2001 there where rumors floating around the web about moto's G5 (75xx or 85xx) and several people stated that they had seen apple prototypes (dual 1.6Ghz 400Mhz FSB etc.)

    but it seemed that these processors had a nasty habbit of exploding due to heat issues.

    they where delayed (and later on in early 2002 completely cancelled by motorola)

    that's why everybody was disappointed @ mwsf2002
  • Reply 91 of 304
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by gar

    they exploded... and where cancelled

    Yes, but I think you talk about the Motorola's G5 experiment in the desktop. In the laptop could be entirely different. But I don't know to say for sure.
  • Reply 92 of 304
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by PB

    Yes, but I think you talk about the Motorola's G5 experiment in the desktop. In the laptop could be entirely different. But I don't know to say for sure.

    sure, you know what happened during the falkland war, back in 1982, when an argentinian exocet missile hit an aluminium british transportship, don't you?

    well... expect something like that with your hands and the surface of your keyboard while typing on your 17"pb.

    btw, i thought the 85xx was an embedded chip like the 84xx...
  • Reply 93 of 304
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by gar

    sure, you know what happened during the falkland war, back in 1982, when an argentinian exocet missile hit an aluminium british transportship, don't you?

    well... expect something like that with your hands and the surface of your keyboard while typing on your 17"pb.


    btw, i thought the 85xx was an embedded chip like the 84xx...

    Anyway, do you know where are today these chips? Used somewhere or abandoned?
  • Reply 94 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    The update is not going to happen today. It's 8:12 AM in the east, and the Apple Store is still up and running. Generally when they upgrade hardware "silently," the Apple Store goes down from 8:00 - 9:00 AM eastern. Let's hope for good things tomorrow!

    - DAVE
  • Reply 95 of 304
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by PB

    no, more like hell on earth


    Anyway, do you know where are today these chips? Used somewhere or abandoned?

    it excists but is not what you hoped for: 32 bit, rapid io, etc.
  • Reply 96 of 304
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    The update is not going to happen today. It's 8:12 AM in the east, and the Apple Store is still up and running. Generally when they upgrade hardware "silently," the Apple Store goes down from 8:00 - 9:00 AM eastern. Let's hope for good things tomorrow!

    - DAVE

    Dave, if it weren't for optimists like you, we'd all end up realists.

    Pessimists don't buy Macintosh computers or use Apple products.
  • Reply 97 of 304
    etharethar Posts: 111member

    It's like waiting for a Christmas that never comes
  • Reply 98 of 304
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    PowerPage has an item about the Joz-note. Here's the PB part:


    Aluminum PowerBook 15-Inch. Joz could unveil the most anticipated PowerBook since the original Titanium design. The new PB15 will ship with a 1 GHz G4 processor, 15.4-inch LCD, built-in Bluetooth, Airport Extreme, FireWire 800 and possibly ambient keyboard lighting. If he does announce the PB15, it will only be to say that they will ship in "September" which means October to us mere mortals. PowerPage odds - 20 percent chance.

    Jeez, 1 GHz G4 in October? That'd be going a whole year without a speedbump!?

    Say it ain't so! Between Jack Campbell saying maybe the Ti will just get a simple speedbump to Jason saying the same old Ti in Al clothing, the rumors we've been hearing are downright dismal!

    Well, I've gone through the painful lowering of expectations so if Apple does announce a 1.2 GHz Al PB15, I'll be ecstatic!
  • Reply 99 of 304
    g_warreng_warren Posts: 713member
    Judging from the negative comments, I'm looking forward to a super speedy new PowerBook. From what I can gather from everyone else's comments, it should come with a 1Gb hard disk, maybe USB 1.0 if we're lucky, and perhaps a 200MHz 603e processor. Can't wait! Probably been in black with a stripy apple logo. He he, hope things begin to look up!

    My money is on a new PowerBook by the end of the summer (Paris at the latest if not today), and maybe some new unexpected Apple products soon. XServe by the end of the summer as well I reckon. Can't wait!
  • Reply 100 of 304
    Check the Page 2 news at MacRumors.

    Supposedly resellers have been asked to remove all current powerbook banners for tomorrow.
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