sick of waiting... Powerbook/iBook info, guesses, wild speculation anyone?



  • Reply 241 of 304
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by pscates


    Any of us really want to give up FireWire and go back to SCSI IDs and terminators and shutdowns/restarts to connect peripherals? Me neither.

    About as much as I want to go back and start setting memory requirements of the programs I'm running...
  • Reply 242 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by Masker

    Ths just in..


    "...Jobs has recently clarified a often quoted statement he made earlier this year. "When i said "year of the laptops", what I meant to say was "year of the unupdated Titanium laptop."



    Ah yes, what a difference a couple of words make!

    He's a man of his word, I'll give him that.
  • Reply 243 of 304
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    Latest MOSR update last night sez the 7457 is sampling now. Sheesh! I thought they'd be in volume production by now. They tease us with the notion that Apple has some PB models running at up to 1.5 GHz with 200 MHz system buses. It's torture, I tell ya!
  • Reply 244 of 304

    Originally posted by salty chips

    Here is the scoop from macdoobie:


    The wait is almost over

    I think we all knew that info was wrong to begin with. The speeds of the 7457 are 1.0Ghz and 1.3 Ghz. Period.

    12" @ 1.0 Ghz

    15" @ 1.0 Ghz and 1.3 Ghz

    17" @ 1.3 Ghz
  • Reply 245 of 304
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    OK OK OK OK OK we are all waiting waiting waiting, but

    when the al15 comes out and it is what the rumors say....

    riddle me this----what specs on the superdrive

    and then how much time do we wait for update to this new al

    WHY???? 1. it helps to understand their update cycle and

    for total self serving reasons

    2. when do the updates include an ibm processor namely a g5 variant.

    3. will a moto chip late replaced with ibm lower it's resale value (nothing like stiring the pot heh heh)

    so if they update by september, then maybe dec? Jan 04?

    Feb 04 or june 04

    what are realistic cycles or is too much in the air with moto and ibm. do you think apple continue to have 2 sources for chips????

    PART B: will moto be soon dropped? and is total relationship with ibm like windows and intel?????

    here is my quandry since iDvd works only with superdrive then you want a fast one, so if it is 2x and you do a 2 hour movie does it take 60m to cut???? this times things get me... is the specs for a dvd writer the same concept as cdrw and do we hope for a superdrive that does + and - type dvdrw. e.g. i have a 32x cdrw and if i used the dvd to make data back ups waiting long times would be tiresome and frustrating specially if there was an error and you had to start over again.
  • Reply 246 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by Rolo

    Latest MOSR update last night sez the 7457 is sampling now. Sheesh! I thought they'd be in volume production by now. They tease us with the notion that Apple has some PB models running at up to 1.5 GHz with 200 MHz system buses. It's torture, I tell ya!

    There is some ancient proverb from central Asia - from the 16th century if I remember correctly - that says something like "he who looks to MacOS for legit info or insight is going to be sorely disappointed".

    Or something along those lines. I saw it on Discovery Channel one night.

    Personally, I was kinda shocked to see MOSR referenced in a 16th century writing, but who am I to question?

    [Addendum: I just went to MOSR to read what they wrote. HOW do they know - or claim to know - this stuff? Here they are talking about 1" thick 12" PowerBooks with DVI, prices remaining the same, etc. Honestly ask yourself: HOW would they ever even know?

    They do that all the time, write their articles in such a self-important, "we got the scoop" style...meanwhile, they've never been right about ANYTHING! ]
  • Reply 247 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    The numnuts over at MacOSRumors are creative writers. They're not journalistic in any way, shape, or form. I'm a creative writer. I could write that claptrap (maybe even better than they do). Sad part is, some people believe what they read on MacOSRumors as solid detective work. When was the last time they were right? I cannot recall a specific instance.

    P.S.: Diana says "hi."
  • Reply 248 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I could probably start a little anonymous rumor site and - without trying - probably be more accurate than MOSR. And I have NO sources or special insight to goings on at Apple (well, not that they do either...)!

    THAT'S how much you should look at MOSR with a skeptical, "yeah, right..." eye. Yes, read them. By all means. Just know, going in, what the deal is.

    I've got them bookmarked and check them daily. It's fun. But I certainly don't - and wouldn't - base any plans or purchasing decisions on ANYTHING they write.

    It's more for the fun of reading. Kinda like The Onion, just minus the intentional humor.

  • Reply 249 of 304
    shawkshawk Posts: 116member
    The Register has a article noting that the 7457 evaluation board is available for $5,047 from Arrow, among others.
  • Reply 250 of 304

    Originally posted by pscates

    There is some ancient proverb from central Asia - from the 16th century if I remember correctly - that says something like "he who looks to MacOS for legit info or insight is going to be sorely disappointed".

    Addendum: I just went to MOSR to read what they wrote. HOW do they know - or claim to know - this stuff? Here they are talking about 1" thick 12" PowerBooks with DVI, prices remaining the same, etc. Honestly ask yourself: HOW would they ever even know?

    Oh, pscates. The wait for the Rev.B 12-inch PowerBook would be so much more painful without your witty comments.

    The full MOSR update from July 28 reads as follows:


    Although the grapevine appears split almost 50-50 on whether this will make the cut for the upcoming revision, we have confirmed that a thinner (about one inch), and more feature-current (PC Card slot, DVI port, Gigabit Ethernet, 2GB+ RAM support with two SODIMM slots) 12-inch Powerbook G4 has exited the prototyping stage and is ready to manufacture, if that fits Apple's marketing and manufacturing timetables.

    A 1-inch thick 12-inch PowerBook with DVI-out, 2GB RAM, and PC Card slot is music to my ears. What a shame that the prediction comes from MOSR. \

    Cold Turkey
  • Reply 251 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I do what I can, man. It's all in the delivery.


    Hey, I'd love the Rev. B 12" to have those specs too, don't get me wrong. But I've yet to have much reason to put a lot of faith into anything coming from MOSR.

  • Reply 252 of 304
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I do what I can, man. It's all in the delivery.


    Hey, I'd love the Rev. B 12" to have those specs too, don't get me wrong. But I've yet to have much reason to put a lot of faith into anything coming from MOSR.

    I have yet to put much into any rumor site for a very long time, despite track record. The correctness seems to float from site to site.
  • Reply 253 of 304

    Originally posted by pscates

    I do what I can, man. It's all in the delivery.

    That's right, Paul. Apple better DELIVER that that Rev.B 12-inch PowerBook soon! I won't even complain about the 9-months overdue 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook anymore.

    On the positive side, the more time passes, the more money will be in my bank, and the better a PowerBook I will be able to afford on intro. It's all good, I guess. \

    Cold Turkey
  • Reply 254 of 304
    maskermasker Posts: 451member

    I AM sick of waiting...

  • Reply 255 of 304
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member
    Does anyone think the updated powerbooks would be significant enough for SJ to want to announce them in Paris (Sep 16).

    Just my opinion along with hostorical reference, but such speed bumps tend to be apple events or simply posted on their web site.

    Which leads me to speculate on what SJ might keynote in Paris?. OK, definitely Panther, PM G5's any ideas? Maybe G5 xServers?
  • Reply 256 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    Well, there's only a little more than a month now until AEParis.

    I can hold out, I can do it, I can do it... <twitch> <twitch>

    But what if he DOESN'T announce new stuff at Paris?

    It's like, if it's going to be until Feb, I'll just get the stupid 12" and have a useful laptop for 6 months.

    Steve Jobs is a major c**ktease. (Or I suppose c**ttease, if you're a lady like me)
  • Reply 257 of 304
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member

    Originally posted by halode

    Well, there's only a little more than a month now until AEParis.

    Steve Jobs is a major c**ktease. (Or I suppose c**ttease, if you're a lady like me)

    Um, SJ a "xxxtease", to each his/her own!

    My point was that id expect an update as soon as 7457's are in quantities to ship the updates, and this could well be before Sep 16.

    No scrap that, ALL of Apple's range are overdue for an update, so its more like SJ could well announce (song and dance) the new updates in Paris. This does mean that Moto will need to supply absolute huge quanitities of 7457's to satisfy demand on 3 PB models, 2 iMac models and 3 eMac models - thats a shit load of 7457's.

    Stay Cool
  • Reply 258 of 304

    Originally posted by hasapi

    Stay Cool

    Well, I certainly hope the next PB revision ships exclusively with PPC 7457 processors, which will help it "stay cool."

    I agree that SJ is a c**ktease, but against his will. SJ cannot announce PPC 7457 PowerBooks without the certainty that Moto will be able to supply the chips, within weeks and in large quantities. Apple cannot afford a repeat of the post-announcement G4 downgrade. The PowerMac G5 delay is already borderline. (Just imagine how "happy" people will be when they get their 2Ghz MP G5 systems in late September or early October, 3 months after ordering them at the WWDC keynote.)

    As for the iMac and eMac, my hunch is that they'll have to make do with higher clocked 7455 processors, at least initially. That way all 7457 production will be available for the PowerBooks.

    My last hunch is that Apple will not have a silent rollout of the new PBs if it cannot ship them immediately. Therefore a Paris announcement, which would permit a shipping delay into October, is more likely.

    Cold Turkey
  • Reply 259 of 304
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    What G5 delay?
  • Reply 260 of 304
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    Macbidouille sez new PBs could arrive by 8/19. Also said, a bit further down the page, that G5 PBs could arrive by Feb. We can't count on rumors like these but they do offer glimmers of hope.
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