Apple Has Lost the NYC Dept. of Ed :-(



  • Reply 61 of 66
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Let's say this though: I think it's a bit melodramatic to say that Apple has abandoned education, but they could certainly do a better job. Whether that's their fault or not I don't know, it probably involves factors that are in their control (that they should do something about) and out of their control (some of my early posts about these departents just tuning out Apple). Apple's been somewhat half-asses about some of their education investments -- I think their VP in charge of this sector moved elsewhere, and they haven't replaced her, plus their PowerSchool product can be very good, but it's suffered from some indecision and personnel problems it seems. Hopefully this loss wil kick them into gear big time.
  • Reply 62 of 66

    Originally posted by Stagflation Steve

    IDC numbers don't calculate whitebox PC's properly,

    What you shameless Mac OS X boosters

    so, if someone disagrees with you, they are a shameless mac os x booster eh? i dont always recommend macs, depends on what people do.. get your head out of your a$$

  • Reply 63 of 66
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member


    or more IT staff.

    That's a load of crap.
  • Reply 64 of 66
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    I don't even think its cost. Schools have money to spend. OF course there are budget cuts but budgets are already insanely high. Hell, my mom is FORCED to order a set amount of dollars of hardware and software at certain parts of the year. Most of the time she doesn't need anything but because she must place orders she does.

    And as evident with the huge iBook deals, money can be spent on Macs and Apple will provide very good pricing and support deals.

    The problem is schools and districts not evn giving Apple a chance. For some reason they think switching to Dell is going to make their lives easier. I don't understand the logic.

    To be honest, I don't think NYC should be buying ANY more computers. Over the last 5-10 years spending on technology in NYC has been ridiculous and there is no clear integration with the curriculum. Put the money where its important. Dell computers aren't going to raise math and reading scores.
  • Reply 65 of 66
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by applenut

    For some reason they think switching to Dell is going to make their lives easier. I don't understand the logic.

    ...Put the money where its important. Dell computers aren't going to raise math and reading scores.

    Well said. The logic, according to my Dad who teaches in another school system, is that, as others have mentioned, they use Dells in the "real world." The idea of actually teaching what's coming as opposed to what's here, is lost on them. That's not a justification for Macs, it's just how they think. The thing they teach in computer science courses are even stranger than the curriculum in votech Office courses, again, no matter if it's Mac or PC.

    My Dad sees computers used as an escape or reward most often. That is, the teacher puts their students on computers to get them out of his or her hair, or else they let students use the computers in the corner when they've done their in-class work. There's little actual pedagogy going into those investments, save of course the CS and votech courses I mentioned before. Even science classes use them sparingly for real study.
  • Reply 66 of 66
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    I am so sick and tired of hearing about Apple's marketshare (whether US, World, Consumer, Pro, Business, whatever).

    All of these companies that state marketshare numbers are full of shit. Period. There is no way to accurately determine Apple's marketshare.

    I own six Apple computers (Apple II GS, Performa 637CD, Powerbook 1400, iBook, Beige G3, and a QuickSilver).

    Question: Are my six computers counted towards Apple's marketshare? They should be right? Whom do I call when I no longer use one of my Apple computers?

    I also have one PC. It's a Althon 700 MHz. I also have a old mother board (Pentium 133). Do I have one or two PC's?

    What about all of the PC gamers that buy new mobo's every six months. How many PC's do they have?

    Counting the number of Mac's sold versus the number of PC's sold is just as ridiculous.

    If Apple's marketshare was around 2%. You wouldn't see games being ported to Mac's, Quicken would have left the platform for good, Quark would not have migrated to Mac OS X, etc.
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