Bush Declares Homosexual Marraige Wrong!



  • Reply 101 of 174
    liquidrliquidr Posts: 884member
    Eh, now I'm damned confused. Yes, I'm of conflicting ideologies, my conflict, just wanted to be clear on where I'm coming from.

    As for your humble requests. I'd like to start using my refridgerator (haven't the time to shop), tv? no time for that either,SCUBA (snorkel yes, never trained in SCUBA) Campaigning agains the other stuff, show me the petition, I'll sign it. And don't worry I'll never offer you a blow job.

    Seriously though, until recently only Hawaii offered same-sex civil marriages, I believe they've overturned that however.
  • Reply 102 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Kirkland

    I think instead I'll move to Canada. This country is going down the fundamentalist toilet anyway.


    Better get a move on Kirk. Progressives are so endangered in Texas that they might come and get in you an attempt to establish a quorom in their Senate. You had better run to New Mexico at a minimum.

  • Reply 103 of 174
    Firstly, if marrige is such a sacred and important institution, someone tell me why OVER 50% of marriges end in divorce. I don't really believe in marrage, its an archaic religious system, which goes against natural human instinct.

    We're breeding children who want to slice their testicles, and girls who think they are too fat, when they weigh less than 40kg. 13 year old girls who dress like sluts, and want breast implants.

    Bush is an evil evil man, i seem to be one of a very few group that are seeing bush in complete perspective,

    He got into presidency on dodgy circumstances (and most likely it was rigged), he failed to capture Osama Bin Laden, on what was the worst terrorist attack in American History, who the CIA trained. He went too war using false documents and under false circumstances, and failed to complete that mission which was to assasinate Saddam.

    The CIA/Government is using the media as a means of brainwashing the public, i mean, if its on the news it must be true.

    John Howard is so keen to keep his head up Mr Bush's arsehole, so he can try and negociate possible trade deals, is pathetic. John Howard is Georges play-thing.

    This recent scare that an attack would happen due to source code being published on the internet, which would expolit a windows (who else) bug, I think is most likely another CIA scam, to further reduce the rights of its residents.

    Add to that, America is so called the land of free speech, however a man who advocated the overthrow of the American Government, on an internet site, was jailed for 1 year, he would've been jailed for 18 under anti-terrorist laws.

    Terrorists are the new Jews, the new Communists, and Bush is nothing more than a 21st Century McCarthy.

    Did you know that next years election will be rigged too? How do I know this, well if you've read about online voting, you'll know that its WINDOWS ONLY. Do I smell fraud?

    The DMCA was the first step in taking away rights of the american people.

    I am very concerned about America, in fact the world, America wants to alienate anyone who doenst agree with them by calling them terrorists.

    It comforts me greatly, that this apple community are open-minded, intelligent and well spoken.

    I guess that's why we're using Apple,
  • Reply 104 of 174
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    Hi Lotus!

    You're about to find out just how open-minded this community is I fear
  • Reply 105 of 174
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member
    Open minded like a fox!

    Jimzip \ (Slowly regaining composure...)
  • Reply 106 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by dark_lotus

    Firstly, if marrige is such a sacred and important institution, someone tell me why OVER 50% of marriges end in divorce. I don't really believe in marrage, its an archaic religious system, which goes against natural human instinct.

    I guess that is why you would support the civil unions I proposed for not only homosexual couples but also for heterosexual couples who find marriage an archaic institution.

    On to the second matter though, the divorce rate being over 50% proves nothing other than allowing no fault divorce quickly ruins a good institution. If you want to know why over 50% of marriages end in divorce you have to ask women since they file between 66%-90% of all divorces depending upon which studies you believe.


    We're breeding children who want to slice their testicles, and girls who think they are too fat, when they weigh less than 40kg. 13 year old girls who dress like sluts, and want breast implants.

    Bush is an evil evil man, i seem to be one of a very few group that are seeing bush in complete perspective,

    I too was rallying against The Bush testicle slicing plan. Too bad the Senate filibuster didn't work against it.

    In actuality are you just ranting? Self mutilation of the nature you are describing is most closely associated with tribalism and beliefs in natural/savage/primative instincts best. Which is why you dismissed marriage in the first paragraph. Do you think if evil Bush had his way and converted us all to Jesus that boys would be slicing their testicles and girls would be wanting implants?!?

    As for your select ability to see Bush as he is, take the tin foil hat off.


    He got into presidency on dodgy circumstances (and most likely it was rigged), he failed to capture Osama Bin Laden, on what was the worst terrorist attack in American History, who the CIA trained. He went too war using false documents and under false circumstances, and failed to complete that mission which was to assasinate Saddam.

    The CIA/Government is using the media as a means of brainwashing the public, i mean, if its on the news it must be true.

    2000 election, will these folks ever stop whining. Gore would have won no matter what if he just could have taken Tennessee. I like how the CIA can train Bin Laden, but then can't control him, but they then can brainwash the entire American Public, except for those wearing the tin foil hats of course. All this of course relates perfectly with gay marriage too. The CIA is all powerful and totally incompetent in two sentences. Wow.

    As for the rest, I hope your speen is okay after all that venting. Perhaps now you can discuss the thread topic.

  • Reply 107 of 174
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Lotus, do the letters "O" and "T" mean anything to you?

    By the way I slightly modified my original post ^ . I hope you all like it. Actually, I don't care if you like it, but it occurs to me the problem is much simpler than I originally interpretted it.
  • Reply 108 of 174
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    ... right on cue, welcome trumptman.

    To every bunch of shite, there is an equal and opposite bunch of shite.

    Scott's Second Law.
  • Reply 109 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Harald

    ... right on cue, welcome trumptman.

    To every bunch of shite, there is an equal and opposite bunch of shite.

    Scott's Second Law.

    How extreme can you go?

    I posted that I support civil unions with every legal benfit given marriage.

    I'm sorry to see that you think that "shite."

  • Reply 110 of 174
    Harald, Jimzip: Well some of the community at least.


    If you want to know why over 50% of marriages end in divorce you have to ask women since they file between 66%-90% of all divorces depending upon which studies you believe.

    Well my step-father is a divorce lawyer and whilst i know that this is an insignificant cross-section of the entire divorce cases, he has made the observation that more and more frequently people who are getting divorced, have children with serious psycological conditions. Such as self-mutilation.


    In actuality are you just ranting?

    Quite Possibly, however it was my intent to shed a little bit more perspective on the issue, Everything needs a context, mine was that what Bush is doing, I believe is morally wrong because it discrimates, and at the same time, outlining gigantic flaws, that people seem to have overlooked in blind patriotism.


    Self mutilation of the nature you are describing is most closely associated with tribalism and beliefs in natural/savage/primative instincts best. Which is why you dismissed marriage in the first paragraph.

    I'm not aware of tribal behaivour such as this, there's a good possiblity that we're thinking of different examples.


    Do you think if evil Bush had his way and converted us all to Jesus that boys would be slicing their testicles and girls would be wanting implants?!?

    I don't know, but there would still be homosexuals, wanting to get married!


    As for your select ability to see Bush as he is, take the tin foil hat off.

    I see the light! Praise the Lord!


    As for the rest, I hope your speen is okay after all that venting. Perhaps now you can discuss the thread topic.

    Oh yes, my speen is fine! As I said before, my intention was to put a little bit more perspective on it. The idea being that, if Bush declaires gay marrages long, its just another event to put on his resume of evil.


    Lotus, do the letters "O" and "T" mean anything to you?

    Well O is the letter that comes after N and before P, it can be used as a connective to join word elements, for example: acidophilic.

    T on the other hand is a pyrimidine base, C(5)H(6)N(2)O(2), that is an essential constituent of DNA, also the letter comes before the letter U and after S.

    If I was talking about Judy's Cabbage growing tips, in this thread, i could understand the violent chanting of "OT" protuding from the lips on anonymity, however I was, as I said before, wanting to explore the idea that bush is evil anyway, so why should this be any different. Its all about seeing the forest for the trees.

    Everything has been said before, so there's nothing left to say anymore. (ooh that rhymes)


    I posted that I support civil unions with every legal benfit given marriage.

    Good for you!

    I fall into this ideology: Gay is the new black.
  • Reply 111 of 174
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I posted that I support civil unions with every legal benfit given marriage.

    But you also advocated state control of religion.

    Let's look at the 1st three points of the 1st ammendment


    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...

    What you advocate (not allowing religions to 'marry' same-sex couples) is in direct violation of the first three major elements of american democracy.
  • Reply 112 of 174
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Gore would have won no matter what if he just could have taken Tennessee.

    And Bush could have won if he just took Florida. What's your point?
  • Reply 113 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    But you also advocated state control of religion.

    Let's look at the 1st three points of the 1st ammendment

    What you advocate (not allowing religions to 'marry' same-sex couples) is in direct violation of the first three major elements of american democracy.

    I suppose when we don't allow human sacrifice, polygamy, and pedophilia when religions desire it then we are stomping on the first amendment as well.

  • Reply 114 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    And Bush could have won if he just took Florida. What's your point?

    Florida was the home state of Bush? My point is Gore couldn't win the state of those who knew him best. I don't want to drag the thread off but I just had to bug him a bit.

  • Reply 115 of 174
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I suppose when we don't allow human sacrifice, polygamy, and pedophilia when religions desire it then we are stomping on the first amendment as well.

    Look everybody! Trumptman equates free speech with murder and pedophilia.

    You are such a joke, trumptman.
  • Reply 116 of 174
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    I fall into this ideology: Gay is the new black.

    Only if you also submit that being Gay is never a choice.

  • Reply 117 of 174
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    My point is Gore couldn't win the state of those who knew him best.

    He had been living in D.C. for 24 years and he took D.C. 10 to 1. Did G.W. take his birth state?
  • Reply 118 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    Look everybody! Trumptman equates free speech with murder and pedophilia.

    You are such a joke, trumptman.

    Look everyone giant knows the first amendment discusses speech and religion. He quotes the passage related to religion, I mention religion, and the he takes what I mention and equates it to speech.


    What you advocate (not allowing religions to 'marry' same-sex couples) is in direct violation of the first three major elements of american democracy.

    Care to explain how that is a violation of free speech?

    Seems like the joke is on you, or rather is you.

  • Reply 119 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    He had been living in D.C. for 24 years and he took D.C. 10 to 1. Did G.W. take his birth state?

    D.C. isn't a state.

    I don't happen to know Bushes' birth state, but he did take the state he was living in for the last I don't know how many years.

    And when they legalize polygamy and gay marriage, I'll marry Bungie.

  • Reply 120 of 174
    I read the title of this thread, and I though, perhaps it never occured to you people that Bush simply called it like it is. It's immoral and it's a sin.

    Maybe that offends you, and maybe it's not politcally correct, but sometimes the truth can be painful.

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