Bush Declares Homosexual Marraige Wrong!



  • Reply 161 of 174
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    wait... let me get this straight...(no pun intended)

    You find that Polygamy harms no one yet you think my lack of making my relationship "legal" damaging to my "partner" and my future children? That's twisted.

    So maybe I should get married... TWICE.

    Or married once and have a live in mistress.
  • Reply 162 of 174
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    So I have to get up in front of a representative of the church or government and make it moral or legal to be committed or supportive to someone? You have a narrow view of what being committed is. I have made a commitment... to her and noone else.

    I live in NYC... landlord is a dirty word here. There is no "affordable" housing.
  • Reply 163 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    Is there someone out there that could please help trumptman understand the difference between raping a child and using the word 'marriage?'

    Boy I ought to get paid for predicting this accurately.

  • Reply 164 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    So I have to get up in front of a representative of the church or government and make it moral or legal to be committed or supportive to someone? You have a narrow view of what being committed is. I have made a commitment... to her and noone else.

    I live in NYC... landlord is a dirty word here. There is no "affordable" housing.

    So to many people in to small a place is the landlord's fault? I have been to New York and the property outside the city areas is dirt cheap. People are trading security (lots of jobs all close by) for price. The landlord has nothing to do with that.

  • Reply 165 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    So I have to get up in front of a representative of the church or government and make it moral or legal to be committed or supportive to someone? You have a narrow view of what being committed is. I have made a commitment... to her and noone else.

    I live in NYC... landlord is a dirty word here. There is no "affordable" housing.

    Remember you aren't committed or supportive. The assumption of your partner desiring that is "insulting." Remember?

    Words are just that words. You can declare that you are committed to her but how is it shown besides words?

    Talk is cheap.

  • Reply 166 of 174
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Where is it cheap? I'd love to know. Within a 45 minute commute?

    Landlords get a bad name in NYC for dirty tricks and trying to screw their tenants... not for the high prices of rent.
  • Reply 167 of 174
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    If we were married it wouldn' t change a single thing between us. How can it be just talk when we've been together for 14 years? We don't need anyone's applause or approval. Especially a church or governement's.

    Oh that's right... Polygamy is ok though.
  • Reply 168 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    Where is it cheap? I'd love to know. Within a 45 minute commute?

    Landlords get a bad name in NYC for dirty tricks and trying to screw their tenants... not for the high prices of rent.

    You still assume working within the city. If you don't like the rules, change them. How can you advocate this for relationships but not for work?


    If we were married it wouldn' t change a single thing between us. How can it be just talk when we've been together for 14 years? We don't need anyone's applause or approval. Especially a church or governement's.

    Oh that's right... Polygamy is ok though.

    If it wouldn't change anything then why not give her the honor of doing it? Solves a bunch of legal problems and as you said it doesn't change anything. Someone there must have a fear of commitment.

    As for whether polygamy is okay, I believe you made a logical leap there. I said specifically that I didn't think the burden of proof for legislating against a church for polygamy would be any higher then legislating against a church for homosexual marriage.

    However if push came to shove Mr. Permissive and Tolerant, what is wrong with polygamy? If it is among consenting adults and they get all their legal affairs in order then what is wrong with it?

    You call marriage archaic and then in the same thread only condone relationships involving two people. Can't you love more than one person in 2003? How archaic and intolerant of you. What is divorce and remarriage but serial polygamy?

  • Reply 169 of 174
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Your main and false assumption is that me and my "partner" somehow exist together... but share nothing...

    and your second assumption is that she needs government programs because I don't give her any money... all your assumptions are wrong.

    and... a married man can walk out anytime he wants too. as well as a married woman. and half do.

    Your mindset predates the 70's.
  • Reply 170 of 174
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    What's he obsession with legality and church approval.

    Three... hell... 12 people can do whatever they want... don't know why they would need to get married.

    And your buddy George said it was between A man and A woman. not A man and TWO women... or A woman and TWO men.

    My commitment is just as valid and good as any marriage. You just can't see it.
  • Reply 171 of 174
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    So to many people in to small a place is the landlord's fault? I have been to New York and the property outside the city areas is dirt cheap. People are trading security (lots of jobs all close by) for price. The landlord has nothing to do with that.


    I live in NYC, there's no property around the city that is anywhere near dirt cheap unfortunately
  • Reply 172 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    What's he obsession with legality and church approval.

    Three... hell... 12 people can do whatever they want... don't know why they would need to get married.

    And your buddy George said it was between A man and A woman. not A man and TWO women... or A woman and TWO men.

    My commitment is just as valid and good as any marriage. You just can't see it.

    Of course I can't see it. What is there to see? A marriage has a license. What do you have for me to see? Maybe a joint checking account with two names on it?

    My buddy George? Did he endorse civil unions as I have in this thread? Oh I forgot anyone disagrees must automatically be with "them." The evil ones. Nice try. You are just upset because I would respect someone who commits himself legally to two or three people, be they men or women, more than I will respect someone who claims they are committed to one with nothing to prove that point.

  • Reply 173 of 174
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by applenut

    I live in NYC, there's no property around the city that is anywhere near dirt cheap unfortunately

    Sorry you have to consider where I am from. California so 45 minutes isn't considered outside the city. It would just be part of the sprawl.

    The town I went to was called Binghamton. It is well outside of New York City. There are plenty of houses going for prices there that are less than it would cost to garage a car in New York City. I'm talking $50-100k which is beyond cheap.

    Likewise Kingston is pretty cheap and 2 hours out. Did I say work in the city. No. I talking about a different approach. Complaining about the cost of living in a place where you make tons more money is stupid. If you go out to where the housing is cheaper, even if you make 20% less it costs 50% less to get by.

    Either way landlords charging what the market will tolerate is just good sense. Likewise when evicting someone I'm sure you know the landlord will likely lose two to three months rent, the full security deposit and likely the cost or repair and clean up will sometimes be in the thousands.

  • Reply 174 of 174
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    yea, i suppose if you choose the boondocks of the state you'll find cheap housing. but you won't find much else
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