Fox Sues Al Franken!



  • Reply 241 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    I think anyone who says Al Franken isn't funny... is a liar.

    He was funny last night on Letterman. His story about calling a reporter... that said "Democrats had sissified politics" ... and asking if he wanted to fight was hysterical.

    I"m almost done with the book... it's great... eyeopening too. Very partisan of course... and it should be.
  • Reply 242 of 281
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    wow. this thread JUST WON'T DIE.

    p.s. just to stay somewhat on topic, i saw a bit of the bookshow catfight between franken and o-reilly rebroadcast on c-span while i was flipping through the channels. whoo, i bet NO ONE thought they'd be seeing that by attending a bookshow.

  • Reply 243 of 281
    I think it's funny how O'Reilly yells that he's been speaking for 35 minutes when it had been about 21.

    I'm sure it SEEMED like he was talking for that long ... when someone is calling you out on your innacurracies it's hard to not to want to yell SHUT UP! Just call him BULLY O'Reilly.
  • Reply 244 of 281

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    I think it's funny how O'Reilly yells that he's been speaking for 35 minutes when it had been about 21.

    Then later on he upped his estimate to 45 minutes. O'Reilly sure lost his composure. I still would have liked to see someone call him on his later denials of ever having said that it was a Peabody (two nonetheless). I can forgive a mistake, even a white lie, but when people lie about their mistakes it pisses me off.

    P.S. Let's see if any of the conservatives take the bait and come storming back into the thread to talk about Clinton's "lies." They love to bash Clinton.
  • Reply 245 of 281
    Or that Al Gore is a big liar. What exactly did Al Gore lie about?

    Here's a lie... "By far the vast majority of my tax cuts go to those at the bottom end of the spectrum"... know who said that... anyone?
  • Reply 246 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    Or that Al Gore is a big liar. What exactly did Al Gore lie about?

    Here's a lie... "By far the vast majority of my tax cuts go to those at the bottom end of the spectrum"... know who said that... anyone?

    You've been reading the book?

    I've also picked up a copy. He does a really good job demonstrating how Coulter just completely pulls the content of her book out of her ass, completely fabricating a whole range of 'facts.'
  • Reply 247 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Yup. Read it all weekend. I'm up to "The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus."

    It's really starts to wear on you when you realize how many half-truths and lies have made it into the mainstreeam consciousness as fact. And how often something is taken out of context and just spun into something that no longer has any reflection of reality.

    The mainstream media isn't liberal... it's just lazy.
  • Reply 248 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    One of you can sell me the book used and I'll read it. I can't bare the thought of directly giving Franken my money.

  • Reply 249 of 281
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    One of you can sell me the book used and I'll read it. I can't bare the thought of directly giving Franken my money.


    That's what libraries are for. And you'll find his stuff in the FICTION section, with the KIDDIE books.
  • Reply 250 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by JRC

    That's what libraries are for. And you'll find his stuff in the FICTION section, with the KIDDIE books.

    I thought it would be in the fantasy section.

  • Reply 251 of 281
    i declare trumptman and jrc "kings of witty jabs"

    who says conservatives aren't funny?

    hahahahahahaha ooh! my sides hurt from the witty jabs.........
  • Reply 252 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    i declare trumptman and jrc "kings of witty jabs"

    who says conservatives aren't funny?

    hahahahahahaha ooh! my sides hurt from the witty jabs.........

    It's really all they have left. Hell, it's not like either of them have read it.

    I tell you, the ann coulter parts are really funny. I especially like the one where she goes on a long and detailed rant about how the NYT is liberal specifically because it (according to her lie) didn't report Earnhardt's death for two days. Imagine how elitist they would be if it was true! Franken straight up prints the front page of the NYT from the day after his death and, sure enough, there's the story.

    And there are so many like this.

    The section on O'Reilly is wild, too. You always knew the guy was a liar. Thanks to franken to bringing out transcript upon transcript.

    It's particularly funny how he shows that these two, and hannity, cite sources pretending they say the exact opposite of what they say.

    He shows how all three of them also just completely make up statistics and numbers. Coulter sites a source for a number on Bush's approval rating, but goiung to the source shows she completely made up the number. Hannity rests a big argument on a chart of budgets during the reagan admin that uses completely made-up figures.

    Anyway, this is just a little of what is in the first half of the book. Happy reading!
  • Reply 253 of 281
    I finished the book. It's great. His chapter about Barbara Bush is kinda twisted... I liked it. She's as mean as her son. hehe.

    I'm through with you.

    When you write a book called "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" you have to have a truthful telling of the facts... conservatives will say it's fiction because it doesn't fall in line with what they've been told for 15-20 years.

    The chapter where he picks a fight with Lowry is a kicker too.
  • Reply 254 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    It's really all they have left. Hell, it's not like either of them have read it.

    I tell you, the ann coulter parts are really funny. I especially like the one where she goes on a long and detailed rant about how the NYT is liberal specifically because it (according to her lie) didn't report Earnhardt's death for two days. Imagine how elitist they would be if it was true! Franken straight up prints the front page of the NYT from the day after his death and, sure enough, there's the story.

    And there are so many like this.

    The section on O'Reilly is wild, too. You always knew the guy was a liar. Thanks to franken to bringing out transcript upon transcript.

    It's particularly funny how he shows that these two, and hannity, cite sources pretending they say the exact opposite of what they say.

    He shows how all three of them also just completely make up statistics and numbers. Coulter sites a source for a number on Bush's approval rating, but goiung to the source shows she completely made up the number. Hannity rests a big argument on a chart of budgets during the reagan admin that uses completely made-up figures.

    Anyway, this is just a little of what is in the first half of the book. Happy reading!

    Hey I think you are being disingenuous. I flat out said I would read the book. I even said I would purchase it used from someone in these forums.

    You know giant even when someone shows a willingness, you just slap it down. Someone made a joke to me and I gave a joke back. Big deal. You are so sour and partisan on everything. You are as bad as the O'Reily's and others you claim to distain. You shout past people and don't even listen to them.

  • Reply 255 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Hey I think you are being disingenuous. I flat out said I would read the book.

    Where did I say anything about this other than "Hell, it's not like either of them have read it"?

    That's right. I didn't. So you think wrong, buddy.


    You are so sour and partisan on everything.

    Looks like you've found your sense of humor.

    But, hey, if you want to consider a focus on truth to be a quality that makes me a 'liberal,' then that just shows where a self-professed right-wing conservative like yourself stands.
  • Reply 256 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Here's an excerpt from Joe Conason's book.

    I'll start a topic on it once I've read most of it.

    CONASON (page 10): This book confronts the biggest lies deployed by conservatives against liberalsÉIt doesnÕt suggest a conspiracy against liberals, or argue that Democrats havenÕt brought any of their problems on themselves. And it shouldnÕt be taken as a blanket indictment of Republicans or conservatives.

    That last point is of special importance to meÉAlthough as a matter of literary convenience I frequently refer to conservatives and Republicans, I certainly donÕt believe that every conservative or every Republican is responsible for the offenses discussed in these pages.

    Unlike Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter, I donÕt believe that my political adversaries are uniformly Òno good,Ó or un-American, or greedy, or bigoted, or stupid. I shouldnÕt have to say this, but I know from personal experience that generosity, compassion and wisdom cross all partisan and ideological boundariesÉ
  • Reply 257 of 281

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Hey I think you are being disingenuous. I flat out said I would read the book. I even said I would purchase it used from someone in these forums.

    You know giant even when someone shows a willingness, you just slap it down. Someone made a joke to me and I gave a joke back. Big deal. You are so sour and partisan on everything. You are as bad as the O'Reily's and others you claim to distain. You shout past people and don't even listen to them.


    but they weren't funny......i was being sarcastic........or was it satire?
  • Reply 258 of 281
    Pretty good interview with Franken on Fresh Air.
  • Reply 259 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    but they weren't funny......i was being sarcastic........or was it satire?

    I don't really care if you thought they were funny. The reply wasn't even directed at you.

    The point is a willingness to read the book is not the same as choosing to remain blindly ignorant of it. I said the first, giant implied the latter.

    I know there are just as many folks here who have never even read the Ann Coulter books Franken is discussing/disecting. I haven't read them either. However I don't sit there and declare her so bad I never would read her book nor did I do that with Franken. I wonder who here would be willing to read a conservative book with a satirish bent?

  • Reply 260 of 281
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Well I wouldn't read Ann Coulter... or Sean Hannity... or O'Reilly... I'm a democrat... and a liberal... so...

    But I would read a book by a conservative. Someone equal to Joe Conason.
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