Fox Sues Al Franken!



  • Reply 261 of 281

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I don't really care if you thought they were funny. The reply wasn't even directed at you.


    then you should try p/m'ing your drivel
  • Reply 262 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I said the first, giant implied the latter.

    I only said it because you implied that Bush was like Jesus.

    Gosh! It really is easy to just make shit up!
  • Reply 263 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    Well I wouldn't read Ann Coulter... or Sean Hannity... or O'Reilly... I'm a democrat... and a liberal... so...

    But I would read a book by a conservative. Someone equal to Joe Conason.

    I am not familiar with the tone of his books. Is he a satirist or would you consider him a real research oriented writer?

    If you consider him the latter, I would recommend one of Thomas Sowell's books.

  • Reply 264 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    then you should try p/m'ing your drivel

    Then you should try pm'ing your grievences as well. You should also try some meds to stop your pms'ings about pm'ing or just posting with regard to on topic jokes.


    Oh, I forgot liberals don't think that's funny.

    Oh crap they don't like angry white males as well.

  • Reply 265 of 281
    "pms'ing about pm'ing" that was clever.

    seriously. kudos.
  • Reply 266 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I am not familiar with the tone of his books. Is he a satirist or would you consider him a real research oriented writer?

    If you consider him the latter, I would recommend one of Thomas Sowell's books.


    Trumptman, you are implying that Sowell went to the moon on the first Apollo missions!

    At least, according to you definition of imply; which apparently means to accuse someone of saying something you just completely make up.
  • Reply 267 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I know there are just as many folks here who have never even read the Ann Coulter books Franken is discussing/disecting. I haven't read them either. However I don't sit there and declare her so bad I never would read her book nor did I do that with Franken. I wonder who here would be willing to read a conservative book with a satirish bent?

    You know why we don't have to read a book of her's? Because she is completely full of shit. And lots of it. No sane person can even get through a paragraph without getting sick from the smell. Franken, on the other hand, apparently has gone to great lengths to make sure the facts are correct. While I may disagree with some of his politics, what I have read so far in his book about Coulter, O'Reilly and Hannity appears completely bulletproof. Please, correct me if I am wrong.

    And that's just the first little bit. Wait until you get to the parts about Rove. Not that it is anything new. It's just nice to see it all in one place. Like the fabricated Clinton trashing of the White House. Or his planting of a bug in his own office to make it appear a political opponent was spying. And on, and on...

    Not that you are any different, trumptman. Even in this thread you are completely making shit up, just like your higher-profile brethren
  • Reply 268 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    Trumptman, you are implying that Sowell went to the moon on the first Apollo missions!

    At least, according to you definition of imply; which apparently means to accuse someone of saying something you just completely make up.

    I have no idea to what you are referring.

    He asked for a conservative author who was not Coulter, Hannity, or O'Reilly (I assume he also means Limbaugh and the like.) In otherwords no loud talking t.v. personalities.

    Thomas Sowell is definately worth reading. Regardless of what strangeness you wish to suggest.

    A bit about Thomas Sowell...


    Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago, 1968

    A.M. in Economics, Columbia University, 1959

    A.B. in Economics, magna cum laude, Harvard College, 1958


    Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, September 1980 - present

    Professor of Economics, U.C.L.A., July 1974 - June 1980

    Visiting Professor of Economics, Amherst College, September- December 1977

    Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, April- August 1977

    Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, July 1976 - March 1977

    Project Director, The Urban Institute, August 1972 - July 1974

    Associate Professor of Economics, U.C.L.A., September 1970 - June 1972

    Associate Professor of Economics, Brandeis University, September 1969 - June 1970

    Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University, September 1965 - June 1969

    Economic Analyst, American Telephone & TelegraphCo., June 1964 - August 1965

    Lecturer in Economics, Howard University, September 1963 - June 1964

    Instructor in Economics, Douglass College, September 1962 - June 1963

    Labor Economist, U.S. Department of Labor, June 1961 - August 1962


    The Quest for Cosmic Justice (Free Press,1999)

    Conquests and Cultures (Basic Books, 1998)

    Migrations and Cultures (Basic Books, 1996)

    The Vision of the Anointed (Basic Books, 1995)

    Race and Culture: A World View ( Basic Books,1994 )

    A Conflict of Visions (William Morrow, 1987)

    Ethnic America (Basic Books, 1981)

    Knowedge and Decisions (Basic Books, 1980)

    Say's Law: An Historical Analysis (Princeton Univ.Press, 1972)

    More available at

  • Reply 269 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    Not that you are any different, trumptman. Even in this thread you are completely making shit up, just like your higher-profile brethren

    Oh yes that is why I post links and you post name calling. I make "shit" up all the time. I do it on purpose to keep you posting on these boards instead of going out and working at shelters, being a big brother to fatherless kids and things of that nature.

    Keep falling for my master plan. Keep repeating your truth made of lies, accusations, and name calling so that you can claim your compassion instead of actually demonstrating it through actions. Because I assure you that if you and everyone on here actual got the hell off the computer and walked your talk, we wouldn't need a single government program.


  • Reply 270 of 281
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by giant

    Not that you are any different, trumptman. Even in this thread you are completely making shit up, just like your higher-profile brethren

    He's a serial liar.
  • Reply 271 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    He's a serial liar.

    Yes Shawn, and you are so effective at proving this by... repeating it until it is true since you refuse to

    1) post ideas

    2) post research

    3) link to something

    Just keep repeating it over and over, and also keep telling yourself that by doing this others will believe you. However they might, a sucker is born every minute. There must be one around waiting to listen to your next repetition.

  • Reply 272 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    On a humorous note...

    Most Likely Top Ten Titles Of Al Franken's Next Book To Get Him Sued

    By Daily Hog Staff

    10 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "Built Ford Tough"

    9 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "It's A Good Thing"

    8 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "Betcha can't eat just one"

    7 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "Have it your way"

    6 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "Where do you want to go today?"

    5 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "It's everywhere you want to be"

    4 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "I liked it so much I bought the company"

    3 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "Finger lickin' good"

    2 - Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight"

    And the Number One Title Of Al Franken's Next Book To Get Him Sued,

    Lies, And the Liars Who Tell Them

    "All the news that's fit to print"
  • Reply 273 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I have no idea to what you are referring.

    He asked for a conservative author who was not Coulter, Hannity, or O'Reilly (I assume he also means Limbaugh and the like.) In otherwords no loud talking t.v. personalities.

    Thomas Sowell is definately worth reading. Regardless of what strangeness you wish to suggest.

    A bit about Thomas Sowell...

    I guess I should have left in what I edited out of that post: "get ready for a completely oblivious response from trumptman"
  • Reply 274 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Oh yes that is why I post links and you post name calling. I make "shit" up all the time. I do it on purpose to keep you posting on these boards instead of going out and working at shelters, being a big brother to fatherless kids and things of that nature.

    Keep falling for my master plan. Keep repeating your truth made of lies, accusations, and name calling so that you can claim your compassion instead of actually demonstrating it through actions. Because I assure you that if you and everyone on here actual got the hell off the computer and walked your talk, we wouldn't need a single government program.



    Yeah, you do make "shit" up, and all someone needs to do is look a couple of posts up to see it.

    BTW: putting "shit" in quotes doesn't solve the whole lying problem you seem to have. Neither does trying to avoid accountability by talking about a 'master plan.' But you know what might help? Medication.

    And sorry, but accusing people of saying things you completely make up doesn't make you a victim, it makes you a liar.
  • Reply 275 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    I guess I should have left in what I edited out of that post: "get ready for a completely oblivious response from trumptman"

    Yes and I should have added, get ready for more name calling, unsupported accusations and other pointless sarcasm posing as intelligent discussion from giant.

  • Reply 276 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Yes and I should have added, get ready for more name calling, unsupported accusations and other pointless sarcasm posing as intelligent discussion from giant.


    You know what, how about I just respond to every one of your posts with the following until you accept accountability for lying:

    And sorry, but attacking people by accusing them of saying things you completely make up doesn't make you a victim, it makes you a liar.

    And it's not unsupported. It's right here on this page. Just like it is in every thread you post.
  • Reply 277 of 281
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Just keep repeating it over and over, and also keep telling yourself that by doing this others will believe you. However they might, a sucker is born every minute. There must be one around waiting to listen to your next repetition.

    Listen man, I don't care. Most of us just want to have a discussion without having to wade through the lies you bring to every thread.

    Keep lying, and we'll keep pointing them out.
  • Reply 278 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    I think we should actually thank trumptman. Who knew that were in on this very board we would have a living example of what is described in the book. It's a typical lie like the ones in the book. It's a totally obvious lie used to attack someone. He even went so far as to add the classic technique of lying and using that lie to call me "disingenuous." Beautiful.

    BTW: I was unaware that there was actually a GAO report that said the supposed damage done to the white house by clinton staffers wasn't any worse than previous admins.
  • Reply 279 of 281
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Yes and better yet, while Franken had footnotes, 14 researchers and Lexis/Nexis, you two have the ability to refute nothing while repeating yourselves over and over, crying liar, liar like 4 year olds.

    I mean yes Shawn you did such a good job of "pointing out" how CNN would never endanger the first amendment by threatening to sue over a satire. Oh wait, they did.

    Likewise neither of you liked how I showed Franken himself LIED and used Havard letterhead in an unauthorized manner. Nothing like starting off with lies to write a book about lies. Who better to write a book about "Lies" than a man who starts by telling them himself.

    And giant, well you would have actually post something substative to refute. Since you don't do anything but repeatitively name call, there really isn't anything to refute.

    Repetition... guys are like Nazis. Keep repeating it until it must be true.

  • Reply 280 of 281
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    And giant, well you would have actually post something substative to refute. Since you don't do anything but repeatitively name call, there really isn't anything to refute.

    Repetition... repetition...repetition...

    well, hell, trumptman. We wouldn't have to keep pointing it out if you a) didn't keep on lying about what people say and b) actually dealt with the fact that you lie to substantiate arguments


    you guys are like Nazis. Keep repeating it until it must be true.

    there you go, boy. Just call me a nazi. What a grown up way of dealing with someone calling you out on your lies. Too bad I have yet to start using avoidance tactics like that, me being 4 and all.
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