Paris Expo 2003



  • Reply 121 of 278
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by Pandoering

    It has been 4 days since someone posted in this thread!!

    Is there perhaps a technical problem?

    No one wanted to be at the top of a new page...
  • Reply 122 of 278
  • Reply 123 of 278

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Heh. Brilliant.
  • Reply 124 of 278
    I blame Apple for pre-announcing the iMacs and iPods. Until that moment, I was blissfully rational and focussed on real day-to-day concerns. No longer.

    <bad al pacino impersonation>

    Just when I try to leave ... they drag me back!


    Given that Steve has to get up on stage at Paris and offer some surprises, the thought that new iMacs and iPods didn't make the cut has got me convinced that something REAL BIG is going to happen.

    But what? I've entertained ideas about low-power 970 variants for powerbooks, as well as the As the Apple Turns hypothesis that IBM's new G3s are actually faster than Moto's G4s. Both of these ideas would seem to rely on the supposition that IBM is willing to work in total secrecy on new CPUs, but this does not seem to be the way that IBM does things.

    So what's left? A simple speedbump on PBs and iBooks does not seem to be enough. Perhaps G5 XServes really are a BIG THING, but we simply underestimate their potential impact because we're not Fortune 500 MIS geeks. What's the most plausible hypothesis about what big surprise is in store this Tuesday?
  • Reply 125 of 278
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by boy_analog

    So what's left? A simple speedbump on PBs and iBooks does not seem to be enough. Perhaps G5 XServes really are a BIG THING, but we simply underestimate their potential impact because we're not Fortune 500 MIS geeks. What's the most plausible hypothesis about what big surprise is in store this Tuesday?

    I'm guessing there will be a new digital device, improved PowerBooks and new displays; not that I know anything. I'm also guessing much of the keynote will be about Panther and its release date of 10/3.
  • Reply 126 of 278
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Here's what I think I'd like to see (and buy):

    - 1.25GHz G4 12" PowerBook...WITH L3 cache, FireWire 800, USB 2, lighted keyboard AND DVI.

    - New, updated aluminum-looking displays with the 17" model replaced with a new 1440x900 widescreen model (like the PowerBook and iMac).

    If I could have a full-featured 12" PowerBook (nothing crippled and no compromises) hooked to a cool-ass 17" or 20" widescreen Cinema Display...THAT'S my new set-up, hands down. I'd put my e-mail and iTunes windows down on the 12" screen and just have 17" or 20" of Photoshop and Illustrator pallete overkill going on above.

    Then, when I need to go somewhere, just disconnect it, put it into my pocket (okay, a slight exaggeration) and head out the door...

    Best of all worlds: good price, TONS of screen space while doing "serious work" at home AND the lightest, smallest full-featured, kick-ass laptop going.

    But I might be dreaming just a tad...I realize that.
  • Reply 127 of 278
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member

    Originally posted by iDave

    I'm guessing there will be a new digital device, improved PowerBooks and new displays; not that I know anything. I'm also guessing much of the keynote will be about Panther and its release date of 10/3.

    Every single keynote has had at least one rumor about a new digital lifestyle device since I really started following them (just after MWSF 2002). It won't happen. No point in saying it will. If it does happen, we'll all be pleasantly surprised. But I think Apple is happy where it is as far as digital gadgets are concerned.
  • Reply 128 of 278
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    Originally posted by pscates

    If I could have a full-featured 12" PowerBook (nothing crippled and no compromises)...

    Not really necessary but it would be nicer still if it was a tad thinner...maybe 1.1" thick!
  • Reply 129 of 278
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    Every single keynote has had at least one rumor about a new digital lifestyle device since I really started following them (just after MWSF 2002). It won't happen. No point in saying it will. If it does happen, we'll all be pleasantly surprised. But I think Apple is happy where it is as far as digital gadgets are concerned.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong but wasn't there an implication by Apple that the iPod was the first of many?
  • Reply 130 of 278
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Here's what I think I'd like to see (and buy):

    - 1.25GHz G4 12" PowerBook...WITH L3 cache, FireWire 800, USB 2, lighted keyboard AND DVI.

    - New, updated aluminum-looking displays with the 17" model replaced with a new 1440x900 widescreen model (like the PowerBook and iMac).

    Is the 7457 supposed to be cooler at 1.25 GHz than the current model at 867 GHz? If so, I think there's a reasonable expectation that this could happen. If not, I'd expect a new 12" PowerBook to sport something slower due to heat issues. I think your other expectations are reasonable, although I'd guess Apple will leave out the FW 800 and lighted keyboard on that model.

    New adjustable displays (all widescreen) would be cool. Since seeing the fully adjustable iMac display, I've thought the current desktop displays were kind of crippled in comparison.
  • Reply 131 of 278
    I think the reasons Apple has been holding off announcement of new PowerBooks until the Paris Expo are legitimate--whether we realize this now, or after they are announced on Tuesday.

    I think the transition of the 15-inch to the aluminum design is significant enough to warrant a special introduction, like at an Expo, but I would like to see more than this, if that is indeed the case (no punn intended).

    The fully-featuring of the 12-inch PowerBook to match it's bigger brothers must be another reason for the "wait until the Expo" approach.

    Since it's likely they'll be using the 7457, fast new graphics cards, and improved battery technology, they will probably tout these speed improvements to inflect just how much better these models are compared to the ones they replace. Perhaps the thinking was that these improvements are too great just for a non-fanfare web update; a route which would dimish the importance these changes represent for the PB line.

    We'll see. And I just can't wait!
  • Reply 132 of 278
    I don't believe Paris Expo has ever introduced anything earth shattering in the past. Powerbook updates seem to be a certainty. Appleinsider (whoever they are) says all the G5 Desktops will be loaded with the latest build of Panther for attendees to play with. Powerbooks will have upgraded Jaguar.
  • Reply 133 of 278

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    I think the transition of the 15-inch to the aluminum design is significant enough to warrant a special introduction, like at an Expo, but I would like to see more than this, if that is indeed the case (no punn intended).

    In the light of the G5's introduction at WWDC, a simple transition to another case material is just not significant enough to justify an Expo-introduction. The scenario most rumours are painting (simple bumps and the 15" going Al) should have been handeld the "silent update" way along side the iMac and iPod updates. Not worth the wait, IMHO.

    The rumor front has never been so vague: there is no "hard" evidence like the G5 sneek peek or business magazine reports on large manufacturing contracts. But on the other hand, it's not a simple marketing manager giving the keynote but the iCEO himself.

    Again, how much power do the 1,2 GHz G5s consume compared to the current G4s, and how power-efficient are they in comparison?

    I guess we'll know by Tuesday. Got my "K"-bagde, will be there an hour early (hope that is sufficient).

    Oh, one more thing: What about the update-awaiting Xserves, Xserve RAIDs, eMac and iBooks, and Apple's newly formed edu and enterprise sales groups?

    And the European (or rest-of-the-world for that matter) counterparts of all the nifty Apple services?
  • Reply 134 of 278
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    iDave: I have been a Mac user since I was a small child playing with my mom's IIcx, but I didn't get really "into" Macs until after the iPod was released so I don't know anything about their plans. Needless to say, they haven't really gone anywhere with digital lifestyle devices after the iPod, so even if they were originally planning on making more, it seems as if those plans have been changed.
  • Reply 135 of 278

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    I don't believe Paris Expo has ever introduced anything earth shattering in the past.

    Yes, I agree, but history is not necessarily a predictor of the future. The same could be said of WWDC developer conferences, yet this year's announcement of the Power Mac G5, at a techie venue containing a choir of geeks rather than a reporter packed expo, was one of the most earth shattering announcements Apple has made in the past few years.

    The historical reason is that foreign expos get much less press coverage than local ones. But with Apple now being a computer company that gets almost as much coverage as M$, and CNet eagerly snapping up every last snippet of news about it (eg, Beatles' Apple Corps trademark infringement), I think Jobs could announce from the North Pole and still make the headlines.

    However, as you say, going by history, there is every reason to expect PowerBook upgrades: Apple has used foreign expos in the past to introduce laptop updates. MacWorld Tokyo 2000 saw the introduction of the Pismo - one of Apple most popular ever laptops.
  • Reply 136 of 278

    Originally posted by pscates

    - 1.25GHz G4 12" PowerBook...WITH L3 cache, FireWire 800, USB 2, lighted keyboard AND DVI....

    Just to cool your fervor a bit, remember that when the Ti gained an L3 cache and DVI, the price of the entry model went up $300... \
  • Reply 137 of 278
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Apple also unveiled the graphite iBook in Tokyo 2000. And the re-done graphite, Indigo and Key Lime iBooks in Paris 2000, if I remember correctly.

    And, as stated above, what "used to be" doesn't necessarily mean much anymore. The G5 was indeed unveiled at a show that, traditionally, had not been a typical site for the announcing of major, important new hardware. That was always in Frisco or NYC, it seemed.

    It's different now, I guess. Jobs could call a standalone press event at the Cupertino campus (as he did with the iPod and the Chiclet iBook) and the press would show up in droves, especially with the G5, Panther and the online music store/iPod really making non-Mac people in the world sit up and take notice.

    With the exception of the 15" PowerBook (and some would argue the iBook), Apple is really firing on all cylinders these days.

    I think so anyway.
  • Reply 138 of 278
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    I don't believe Paris Expo has ever introduced anything earth shattering in the past.

    If Apple has cool new stuff to introduce, they'll use the Paris Expo to do it. If they don't have much, there won't be much.

    My guess is that there's plenty of subject matter to fill the keynote address, and the iPod and iMac upgrades were released this past week so as not to add additional clutter to the keynote.

    Either that, or Apple just said "they're ready to sell so let's start selling them; why wait."
  • Reply 139 of 278
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    Just to cool your fervor a bit, remember that when the Ti gained an L3 cache and DVI, the price of the entry model went up $300... \

    a) So? Those are desired, worthy features and b) perhaps it doesn't have to automatically signal a price increase. Doesn't cool anything...I'd pay the extra to have something that small, full-featured and powerful!

    But, ideally, it shouldn't cost us THAT much more.

    Apple has gotten better about skootching their prices down a bit in some areas, so I'd be curious to see how that would pan out. Hmm...

    Don't cool my fervor. Instead, join me in it and wish for a 12" PowerBook that truly lived up to its name and was simply a smaller, lighter version of its two big brothers.

    Besides, if Apple got the iBooks a bit more up to snuff with chips a bit more X and iApp-friendly, there wouldn't be this perception of "oh, get a PowerBook if you want to do REAL work...".

    Believe me...if I could get an iBook that was at least as snappy and responsive and powerful as my G4 iMac, I'd not even LOOK at the PowerBook line!

    I'd MUCH rather spend $1299 than $1799 (or more). But as things stand, I believe I might come to regret a G3-based least in its current form.

    But who knows. If Tuesday is a bust and a complete flop, then I may very well give that 12" iBook a closer look...if only for a 6-12 month "stopgap" buy until they figure out how to make a G5-based PowerBook.

  • Reply 140 of 278

    Originally posted by pscates

    Don't cool my fervor. Instead, join me in it and wish for a 12" PowerBook that truly lived up to its name and was simply a smaller, lighter version of its two big brothers.

    I'm sorry, I am exhausted by the wait for a new 15-inch PowerBook and have no fervor left to give. I'm trying to keep my expections low because I'm afraid that no matter WHAT gets released on Tuesday, I'll be disappointed. Or worse, we'll get no new hardware at all and I'll buy a 1.25GHz iMac out of sheer despair.
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