Paris Expo 2003



  • Reply 61 of 278
    philbyphilby Posts: 124member

    Originally posted by Rumor_Addict

    Okay so I wont get anything free except for some good Steve karma!

    Don't forget the will to $pend! $pend! $pend!

    We'll all walk out of the Keynote with this buzzing in our RDF-inebriated brains, and Steve will give it to us for free!
  • Reply 62 of 278
    For all the daydreamer let´s recap the Paris news:

    * New PowerBooks

    They will show (12/17 speed bumped G4, new Alu-15 G4). Even when in january or february the PW G5 will appear, that does not mean that from then on all PB will be G5. Rather the Paris PB will remain for longer time and the G5-PB will just be the new flagship model.

    * iTunes Music Store

    Don't expect iTMS/Win, because this does not interest Mac users at all. iTMS/Win will be introduced on a more general interest show (e.g. NAMM, 15-18th January 2004).

    Don't expect iTMS/Europe, because the laws in the different countries are just too complicated. But maybe we will see a iTMS/France or even an iTMS/half-europe. If Apple covers France, Germany, UK and Italy, it has about 80% of the european market. That would be a start...
  • Reply 63 of 278
    philbyphilby Posts: 124member

    Originally posted by swizzmac

    But maybe we will see a iTMS/France or even an iTMS/half-europe. If Apple covers France, Germany, UK and Italy, it has about 80% of the european market. That would be a start...


    You forgot one market I'd sort of be interested in, and where Apple historically is quite prominent: iTMS/Switzerland 8)

    OTOH, I doubt there will be G4 PowerBooks after the G5 PB is introduced; G4 iBooks however might sell quite well.
  • Reply 64 of 278

    Originally posted by philby

    You forgot one market I'd sort of be interested in, and where Apple historically is quite prominent: iTMS/Switzerland 8)

    True! If Apple's world-wide market share would be as big as Apple CH, we all would be glad. Yeah, and I'm quite sure that iTMS/CH would sell well over 5 songs a day...

    Concerning G5 only PB in Jan./G4-iBook: I don't think Apple will immediately switch to G4-iBooks, cause if G5-books are not available for some weeks (sounds familiar, does it? ) the G4-iBooks would cannibalize the market for G4-PBs...
  • Reply 65 of 278
    There was a wee article in the Toronto Star's @Biz section today regarding Universal Music's price drop for CDs. What was interesting was a quote from Canadian CEO Randy Lennox that was something like, "We will be offering our entire catalogue for download, priced a $0.99 a song (CDN)"

    Lennox did not specify how the songs would be made available but I'm going to be optimistic and assume it is in reference to iTunes.

    Sounds like iTMS will start going international this fall so maybe SJ will be announcing this during his fabled Stevenote. And he'll announce iTunes for Windows.
  • Reply 66 of 278
    philbyphilby Posts: 124member

    Originally posted by InactionMan

    And he'll announce iTunes for Windows.

    As if we could care less.
  • Reply 67 of 278
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member

    Originally posted by philby

    As if we could care less.

    We may never use it, but we should care becouse this could add a lot of revenue to Apples bottom line.
  • Reply 68 of 278
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member

    Originally posted by InactionMan

    [B]There was a wee article in the Toronto Star's @Biz section today regarding Universal Music's price drop for CDs. What was interesting was a quote from Canadian CEO Randy Lennox that was something like, "We will be offering our entire catalogue for download, priced a $0.99 a song (CDN)"

    Lennox did not specify how the songs would be made available but I'm going to be optimistic and assume it is in reference to iTunes.

    thats not going to be good for business...i can just eee my creit card bill going through the room

    "its only $0.99, i can afford it" 100 downloads later and it will add up

    oh well here's hoping for Canadian and European iTMS support.
  • Reply 69 of 278

    Originally posted by swizzmac

    * iTunes Music Store

    Don't expect iTMS/Win, because this does not interest Mac users at all. iTMS/Win will be introduced on a more general interest show (e.g. NAMM, 15-18th January 2004).

    Don't expect iTMS/Europe, because the laws in the different countries are just too complicated. But maybe we will see a iTMS/France or even an iTMS/half-europe. If Apple covers France, Germany, UK and Italy, it has about 80% of the european market. That would be a start...

    If they release it for Europe they must include all the countries. Or else...
  • Reply 70 of 278

    Originally posted by Joecool

    Just to add fuel to the fire guys......

    Apple Australia have the 1GHz TiBook next available week 2/3 September.

    I think it's safe to say people, that new PowerBooks are on their way. I would think Paris is the scene and shipping immediately on announcement.

    I suspect that SJ knows that we are all waiting for new laptops and by making us wait gets us more and more edgy for the announcement to be made. I think he'll be thinking that all will be redeemed by having them readily available in stores!!!!

    That's what I think. But hey.....what do I know??

    Well, I ordered my 15" custom Ti book last thursday and it still says it will ship tomorrow the 5th. I would think if this happens, that they're still making the Ti's and there's not going to be a huge upgrade... or any at Paris. Just my opinion though. Dang I can't wait to get my first mac.

  • Reply 71 of 278
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Stevenote: T minus 11 days : 15 hours : 13 minutes

  • Reply 72 of 278
    A local Apple supplier has updated his catalogue and specifically referred to Paris Expo for following updates:

    - Powerbook

    - iMac

    - iPod !! next generation knocking on the door

    As Pscates said, you can't hope for more than 3 major hardware announcements. Seems he's right (again).

  • Reply 73 of 278
    So, is anybody going to Paris?

    I will, and I will hopefully see the keynote, too. Who else is coming?
  • Reply 74 of 278
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    iPod update!? The 3Gs just came out in April.


    Maybe the rumored peripherals??

    Screed ...Come on TiVo iPod
  • Reply 75 of 278
    ....and more at hand boys and girls.....

    Apple Australia states that ALL three PowerBook models are to be fulfilled by week3/week4 of September!!

    Forget just 15"ers getting updated!! Yes Paul, you may just get your wish for a Rev B 12".....or is that a 15"er you were after??

    Anyways.....Christmas is coming early people!!!!...........yeeeeee haaaaaaaarrrr!!

  • Reply 76 of 278
    Apple already has a prototype PowerBook G5 running, even showing it to a select crowd.

    That being said, there is no way it will ship before January I don't think. Though, thanks to Motorola, Apple will likely be forced to announce it in October, and ship it in January, Just to make sure that people know that there is progress happening.

    So much for the year of the PowerBook being 2003.
  • Reply 77 of 278

    Originally posted by RolandG

    I will, and I will hopefully see the keynote, too. Who else is coming?


    Received the K badge today for my 4th Stevenote. Let's hope it will be as breathtaking as when the G4 and the Cinema Display were introduced @ Seybold! We really went crazy that day...
  • Reply 78 of 278
    Time conversion of Paris keynote? What will be the time EST? The big question is will it be available on satelite and stream?
  • Reply 79 of 278
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Central Europe Time. -6 hours

    4:00am EST

    Stevenote: T minus 10 days : 11 hours : 48 minutes

    Screed (Chronomaster!!!)
  • Reply 80 of 278

    Originally posted by philby


    Received the K badge today for my 4th Stevenote. Let's hope it will be as breathtaking as when the G4 and the Cinema Display were introduced @ Seybold! We really went crazy that day...

    May I ask where you are from? Last time I checked my mail at the dorm - we are on holidays (well, they call it "lecture free time") until October and I drop in there once every other week - there was no badge

    But they sent me a mail explaining when and where to get it re-endorsed in Paris - so it no big deal.

    Have you been to a keynote yet? If so, by how much time in advance should one arrive to get admitted a seat?
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