Howard Dean - nominee?



  • Reply 161 of 221
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Some interesting links to add to the discussion.

    First Dean is still having trouble getting anybody who isn't white or driving a Volvo to support his campaign.

    Dean = few minorities

    Next we have Dick Morris who says Bush would kill Dean, but that his own weak poll numbers could entice Gore or Clinton into the race.

    Morris on Bush, Dean, etc.

    Lastly we have the N.Y. Times assuring us in their best feminist tone, that no means maybe.

    No Means Maybe


    These things can change over the course of the campaign. Bush isn't popular with the minorities or women either.

    The thing is there is a fool at the wheel right now. People know it and will want him any cost.
  • Reply 162 of 221
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Next we have Dick Morris who says Bush would kill Dean, but that his own weak poll numbers could entice Gore or Clinton into the race.

    Morris on Bush, Dean, etc.

    Ugh. This guy has got to be one of the despicable people on the planet.


    Why is Bush falling so badly? The superficial reasons are the Iraq casualties, the failure to find WMDs and the continuing inability to round up Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. But the real reason is that terror is receding as an issue, largely due to Bush's success.

    The solution for Bush is to put terrorism back on the front burner by high profile and aggressive action against Iran and/or North Korea.

    I heard him say on O'Reilly last night that when Afghanistan faded, Bush needed to invade Iraq for political reasons, to keep terrorism on the front burner. Now he needs to get on Iran or North Korea for the same reason.

    Although I admit it would be a dream come true if Hillary decided to run in 2004. What a race that would be. A political junkie's dream come true.
  • Reply 163 of 221
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Throughout the campaign, much of Dean's support has come from the Internet, either through his own Web site or, a point of contact for those looking for Dean gatherings. Extensive computer use, according to recent surveys, is more common among whites than minorities.

    It's called a grassroots movement. It's starting at the cheapest level of communication, which happens to be dominated by whitey.
  • Reply 164 of 221
    Well the first article basically backs up what I've been saying... that an internet based grassroots start to a campaign is bound to be very white just because of the demographics of computer users...

    Also Dean has said that they'll now start appealing to the leaders of blacks communities to be introduced to their constituents.

    here's some quotes from a couple of minorities at a Dean meet up.

    "About a hundred Howard Dean supporters packed a coffee shop in downtown Baltimore last Wednesday night. Most of the faces were white, but there were a handful - maybe a dozen - of minorities scattered about.

    Bill Mangana, 61, a black caterer from Baltimore, says he likes Dean's stance on gay rights, health care and the economy.

    "He has a broad economic plan. He speaks directly. He talks straight," Mangana said. "If he sends some envoys to the churches where black folks congregate, to get his message out, he'll start capturing people's imagination."

    Linh Tran, 27, a graduate student in English at Johns Hopkins University, whose parents are Vietnamese immigrants, said Dean has been unfairly painted as a candidate only of white, anti-war New Englanders.

    Tran said she has been to several Dean rallies. "They're grossly misrepresented as being all white," Tran said. "I never feel that I'm at the Republican National Convention, and the camera is going to pan to me whenever they say the word 'minority.'"


    An op-ed piece by Dick Morris in the NY POST?

    He trashes the democrats whenever he can... he's a columnist now because he can't get work as a campaign consultant.


    The New York Times peice says an awful lot about not much. Hillary fundraising and chit chatting at a cocktail party. She may one day run for president... but not this time around. She could also run for New York State Governor. It is interesting that they were talking about Clarke running.
  • Reply 165 of 221
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Some interesting links to add to the discussion.

    First Dean is still having trouble getting anybody who isn't white or driving a Volvo to support his campaign.

    Dean = few minorities

    Next we have Dick Morris who says Bush would kill Dean, but that his own weak poll numbers could entice Gore or Clinton into the race.

    Morris on Bush, Dean, etc.

    Lastly we have the N.Y. Times assuring us in their best feminist tone, that no means maybe.

    No Means Maybe


    Well, trumptman beat me to it. I was going to put up a link to the Dick Morris column. Although I find him rude and crass at times, I do put some stock in his statements because, after all, he did successfully get Clinton re-elected (and then stabbed him in the back-but that's a different argument altogether).

    What do you guys think the odds are for Gore or Hillary? I don't think Hillary can win...ever. The other reason I don't want to see Hillary run is because the Republican rhetoric machine will go into hyper-drive and that will just make me lose faith in American politics altogether (it will be the most disgusting, bigotted, negative-campaign EVER).

    Also, I'm not sure Gore can win. I do, however, see an opportunity for a re-match which could be amusing at best. And it would be interesting to see "the new Gore", if there even is one. I voted for Gore the last time, but was a Bradley man.

    But, the biggest issue I have with Morris' statements about Dean is that he is an "ultra liberal". Is he serious? Just because whitey likes him and he's from Vermont? Makes me want to vomit just to assume that because white people like a candidate he must be "evil" or something. Personally, it's like calling a presidential candidate from Mississippi a N****r lover. Unacceptable and disgusting!
  • Reply 166 of 221
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Northgate

    But, the biggest issue I have with Morris' statements about Dean is that he is an "ultra liberal". Is he serious?

    At that point in the article I he lost credibility with me and I only skimmed the end of it. The Republicans have been using liberal as a dirty word for so long it's bound to come back and bite them on the arse.
  • Reply 167 of 221
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by bunge

    At that point in the article I he lost credibility with me and I only skimmed the end of it. The Republicans have been using liberal as a dirty word for so long it's bound to come back and bite them on the arse.

    I couldn't agree with you more. I've been fighting the label for some time now. I'm an ex-Republican switcher who grew up during the Reagan/Bush Sr. era. It was Bush Sr. who really turned it into a dirty word during the first campaign. As far as I could tell it was Bush Sr. is the true architect to today's modern "negative campaign". That's when I started straying from the party.

    I also find it funny that some Republicans are starting to complain that the Democratic nominees are resorting to "low blow" tactics by calling Bush a liar, etc. Wasn't it Bush Sr. who relegated Clinton to a "chicken farmer"? Since when is being a farmer a negative thing?
  • Reply 168 of 221
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Some interesting links to add to the discussion.

    First Dean is still having trouble getting anybody who isn't white or driving a Volvo to support his campaign.

    Dean = few minorities

    And here's why it doesn't matter:

    for example:


    The highest ranking African-American in the California Republican Party on Tuesday condemned the racism he has endured working for the GOP...

    "As a Bush delegate at the 2000 convention in Philadelphia, I proudly wore my delegate's badge and (Republican National Committee) lapel pin as I worked the convention. Regardless of the fact that I was obviously a delegate prominently displaying my credentials, no less than six times did white delegates dismissively tell me (to) fetch them a taxi or carry their luggage."

    Anyway, Bush only got 8% of the Black vote in 2000 and CNN recently reported that Black support for him is ~7%
  • Reply 169 of 221
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    And here's why it doesn't matter:

    for example:

    Anyway, Bush only got 8% of the Black vote in 2000 and CNN recently reported that Black support for him is ~7%

    Selective quoting again are we?


    Reeves praised President Bush for bringing diversity to his administration.

    He "has set the example," Reeves wrote. "It is up to the California Republican Party to follow."

    We also note that Reeves is in a squabble over who will get a key leadership position within the party.

    However one good turn deserves another..

    Sharpton: Blacks will not be Demo Mistress

  • Reply 170 of 221
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Sounds like a black candidate trying to get the black vote to me. And he's right... I'm sure the black vote has been taken for granted. But he's also a democrat for a reason.
  • Reply 171 of 221
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Clark is going to run and that means Dean is probably out. At a bar tonight and talked to someone 'in the know.' BS? Maybe, but it seemed legit.
  • Reply 172 of 221
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Clark is going to run and that means Dean is probably out. At a bar tonight and talked to someone 'in the know.' BS? Maybe, but it seemed legit.

    You darn white males, plotting the future of the country and the outcomes of all others besides yourselves...over drinks...with umbrellas in them....

  • Reply 173 of 221
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    You darn white males, plotting the future of the country and the outcomes of all others besides yourselves...over drinks...with umbrellas in them....


    What an as*hole! Playing the f*cking race card again.
  • Reply 174 of 221
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    I assure you, bunge gets the joke, even if you can't stop hyperventalating long enough to do so.

    Another Dean link from of all places, The Weekly Standard.

    Dean Record

  • Reply 175 of 221
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Selective quoting again are we?

    Nope. Selective quoting would be what you are doing, and yours borders on lying. Lets look at the quotes:


    "Black Republicans are expected to provide window dressing and cover to prove that this is not a racist party, yet our own leadership continues to act otherwise," party Secretary Shannon Reeves wrote in an e-mail to party board members...

    His comments Tuesday went beyond the election to the racism he perceives in the party.

    He said "the time has come" for Republican leaders to understand what he has had to endure....

    When I travel to speak at Republican conferences and events around the country, wandering through hotels, convention centers and social clubs, as I approach the rooms where I'm scheduled to speak, I am often told by Republicans that I must be in the wrong place," he wrote.

    "As a Bush delegate at the 2000 convention in Philadelphia, I proudly wore my delegate's badge and (Republican National Committee) lapel pin as I worked the convention. Regardless of the fact that I was obviously a delegate prominently displaying my credentials, no less than six times did white delegates dismissively tell me (to) fetch them a taxi or carry their luggage."

    And let's see, what is the cardinal rule of the republican party? Support Bush.

    You are also ignoring exactly why black politicians feel the need to align themselves with republicans, something that is not only wholly contrary to the views of the black community, but also contrary to the climate of racial climate of the republican party, as is demonstrated by the statements above.

    But lets not pretend someone so clueless to say something like "they have convinced them to use white definitions of respect and being rich to abort their future generations out of existence" would ever have a clue about america's black community.

    I guess it's not at all surprising that you are an apologist for the dramatic and overt racism in the republican party.
  • Reply 176 of 221
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by giant

    Nope. Selective quoting would be what you are doing, and yours borders on lying. Lets look at the quotes:

    And let's see, what is the cardinal rule of the republican party? Support Bush.

    You are also ignoring exactly why black politicians feel the need to align themselves with republicans, something that is not only wholly contrary to the views of the black community, but also contrary to the climate of racial climate of the republican party, as is demonstrated by the statements above.

    But lets not pretend someone so clueless to say something like "they have convinced them to use white definitions of respect and being rich to abort their future generations out of existence" would ever have a clue about america's black community.

    I guess it's not at all surprising that you are an apologist for the dramatic and overt racism in the republican party.

    Ah I see how it is now...

    Reeves is trying to influence an election within his party and calls the blacks within the party "window dressing." This is proof of Republican racism.

    Sharpton is trying to win an election within his party and is calls blacks within the party "the party mistresses who had better get hitched." This is proof of non-racism.

    As for my quote, it relates to the founder of planned parenthood hiring black preachers to convince black women to get abortions. If you don't like my conclusions, draw your own or post some links that prove she wasn't a known eugenicist.

  • Reply 177 of 221
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I assure you, bunge gets the joke, even if you can't stop hyperventalating long enough to do so.

    How did I get dragged into this?
  • Reply 178 of 221

    Originally posted by bunge

    How did I get dragged into this?

    Because I posted this after your last post and added a smilie.


    You darn white males, plotting the future of the country and the outcomes of all others besides yourselves...over drinks...with umbrellas in them....

    He couldn't take a joke, even with a smilie on it.

  • Reply 179 of 221

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I assure you, bunge gets the joke, even if you can't stop hyperventalating long enough to do so.


    Oh, I usually laugh too...when it's funny.
  • Reply 180 of 221
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Northgate

    Oh, I usually laugh too...when it's funny.

    Well maybe that is why it wasn't directed at you. Look at how you go off everytime someone mentions racial issues affecting whites, even in a joking manner. I think you have a bit of a sensitive spot there.

    Better be careful when drinking cold drinks and eating ice cream, that might set it off as well.

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