"15.4" PowerBook and 40 GB iPod likely this week"



  • Reply 81 of 104
    That sucks. So much for the Aluminum 15 inch Powerbook. There is still the ipod, though. What store did you see it in, 709? Or are you just making that up to step on our hopes and longings for a new Pbook?
  • Reply 82 of 104
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    AMS/TSD, a small Mac reseller and Mac support company. And no, I don't make stuff up for the hell of it (except for a left-handed screwdriver every now and then ).
  • Reply 83 of 104
    I mentioned this on the " something fishy-iPod thread"... according to an anonymous source, we will have full color video pods with Firewire 800 by tuesday. Of course we will, why doubt that statement of truth! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    See the "full" story <a href="http://www.applerumors.com/page2"; target="_blank">here</a>.
  • Reply 84 of 104
    [quote]Originally posted by os10geek:

    <strong>That sucks. So much for the Aluminum 15 inch Powerbook. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Still, it doesn't make sense not to update the 15". Now you have a whole line of PB's with (more or less) the same specs, but just one in the middle is different. Even looks different (TI vs. AL).

    No, I think the updated 15" PB will arrive within 4 weeks, when the old stock is gone. Here's hoping ... ('cause I really, really want one !! )

  • Reply 85 of 104
    gargar Posts: 1,201member
    [quote]Originally posted by 709:


    Nope. Saw one just yesterday hanging in my local Mac shop. It's legit.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ofcourse it's legit.

    but it doesn't say anything about a new 15" pb release. it's very well possible that these posters where sent to dealers when the 12" and 17" pb where released 40 days ago. 40 days is a long time for a instore banner and you also have to sell those titanium powerbooks in those 40 days to clear out inventory, no? so don't panic:
  • Reply 86 of 104
    Thats good. I really want to replace my Beige G3/300. But you know what? It runs OS X just fine, except for minimizing windows, but I can live with that. But what I can't live with is how long every kind of processor intensive task takes. AND I want that mad cool glowing, backlit, aluminum keyboard.
  • Reply 87 of 104
    os10geek, I have to agree with you, I think most of us want that new glowing keyboard. One question to all of you though, if Apple decides to make the 15 inch Power Book with Aluminum with a 15.4 screen, the numbers show a reduced resolution from the previous model. How does this advance the 15.4 Power Book? As much as I want a new Aluminum Power Book, I have to hold on to my 600 MHz white iBook until I see a 970 in the Power Book. To me, that's the future of Apple, and I have the mentality that my iBook has an IBM G3 in it, why not get a Power Book with an IBM 970? But it seems that very few people actually believe that the Power Book will have the 970 in it this year. That's completely depressing. Oh well, I guess I'll be like os10geek and hold on to what I have until the 970 appears in the Power Book, afterall, I've got enough cash on hand to buy two 17" Power Books now if I wanted to settle for a G4. Nope! I want a 970!
  • Reply 88 of 104
    Hmmm... I still think that a Powerbook with dual processors is a completely possible and feasable option. Think: Most professional-level PC portables are about 2 inches thick , and the Powerbook, with one processor, is 1 inch thick. Add another processor, the fans it requires, and an extra battery, and that is still less than 2 inches. And think of the marketing value: "Introducing an innovation in mobile computing- the first laptop with dual processors." There would be a tile in System Preferences that has options for the Dual Processors: Always Both, Never Both, and As Needed. It would be even easier to do this in the 17" model, because you have more inside space to boot. DP Powerbook? That would be nice.
  • Reply 89 of 104
    os10geek thats ALL we need...something else to lust after! lol I do have to be honest though and say that the G4 is not the chip to use for dual processors. The footprint is huge when compared to the 970, and the 970 more than doubles the Dhrystone test results of the G4. It's just the obvious route to take. Now I can already hear everyone whining about the 970 going into a Power Book before the Power Mac's. Truth is, why not both at the same time? The Power Book offers portability (and a lot less thick than a dual G4 laptop) while the tower offers expandability that the serious prosumers all want. As for the tile option you mentioned in System Preferrences, I think you're on to something there, but when we're around plug ins, you have to admit, why not use both? Afterall, a Boeing 747 doesn't really need to fly with 4 engines running. In fact, 2 engines will safely get them where they are going. But they always use 4 don't they? The things we'll need to see in 10.3 are Altivec support for all Apple applications with dual processor optimization. This'll make putting together an iMovie a snap, much less using Final Cut Express. The G4 is not the chipset to use for dual CPU Power Books, but 970's can easily pull it off - though to be honest, a single 970 does the work of two G4's.
  • Reply 90 of 104
    [quote] But it seems that very few people actually believe that the Power Book will have the 970 in it this year. That's completely depressing. Oh well, I guess I'll be like os10geek and hold on to what I have until the 970 appears in the Power Book, afterall, I've got enough cash on hand to buy two 17" Power Books now if I wanted to settle for a G4. Nope! I want a 970! <hr></blockquote>

    And don't settle for less, Brian..!

    Me neither. I've been waiting years for a G5 like processor. How can anyone buy a G4 based desktop? Sloowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sand well and truly kicked in its faced on any Lightwave or Premiere benchmark. Even two G4s can barely keep up the pace.

    It's like watching Woody Allen take on a Bouncer by hitting his nose on the Bouncer's knee...

    Painful and embarrassing to watch.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    Waiting for the 970.
  • Reply 91 of 104
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Well I suppose people could buy an affordable G4 based consumer desktop with up-to-date RAM, GPU, and expansion options, oh wait, Apple doesn't make one of those, on any count.
  • Reply 92 of 104
    Matsu, I'm curious what you do with a Mac that requires that you need expansion options? In fact, this is open to all. Why? I happen to like the idea of a Power Book with everything already in it. I can fully understand the G4 / 970 argument (though you only asked for a cheap G4), but everyone I've heard speak about RAM in OS X says that the amount they have doesn't affect performance. So why bother with it? Sounds like a waste of cash to me. I realize that the faster bus speeds are lusted after by all. We all want them. But what's funny is this. After they get those stats up to what we all want them to be, what will we complain about then? Will it be hard drives not performing to our expectations? Want more colors? I think if you want a cheaper G4 with all the latest stuff you'll be building it yourself. Go scope out Other World Computing, and they'll hook you up with a CPU, MOBO, and all the rest. As for me, I'm just looking for a sweet 970 in a 15.4 Good luck with your cheaper G4. If you do build one, be sure to let us know how you did.
  • Reply 93 of 104
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I was talking desktops. The 'books are fine. A cardbus slot is nice but not essential. When you buy a notebook you accept that certain elements are sacrificed to gain that measure of portability you crave. But there's just no reason to hobble desktops in the same way. I've added a second internal HDD and CDrw to my old PC, as well as changed the monitor when the original went bad. My machine is still in service today specifically because of it's modular nature. If I had an iMac and the display went south for the winter, I'd have been screwed.

    The G4 is still suitable for laptops, acquits islef quite well in that arena (even the G3 does) but it doesn't belong in a pro desktop. IF we can get faster 1.4-1.8Ghz .13u G4's they'll be quite alright for the consumer desktops too. Right now Apple doesn't make competitive desktops. Wait for 970 and 7457.
  • Reply 94 of 104
    I can understand wanting to open up a Power Mac and replace a component over the years. That makes sense. As for thinking that the G4 is acceptible in the Power Book, I think it's an under achiever given the stats of the 970. I see this transition as a major sweep away from Motorola and the older PPC designs right into the newer revamped version that IBM is giving us. I think this will take Apple into a new higher power direction and I also have a gut feeling that regardless of what people want to believe, Apple will cut ties to legacy systems and older components in newer versions of OS X simply because the throttle down of the OS to the older components (older G3's and such) will eventually get rediculous. That's why it's critical to me to get a Power Book with this new 970 from IBM. This is the path I think most of us agree that Apple is taking, and I'd like to be a part of that. In regard to the whole Power Mac v.s. Power Book arguement, I'd like to believe that Apple can make a prosumer laptop just as powerful as the prosumer desktop. I wish I could come home to a Power Mac all the time, but truth is, I'm away from my house more than I'm here. So I need portability, and the iBook is great but lets face it, iMovie and Final Cut Extreme just plain suck on the G3 (most of you will say, "duh! It's supposed to be used on a G4") I'd like to get some serious CPU power slid into the Power Book and that's why I want a 970 in the 15.4 aluminum Power Book. That would also help with the snail speed Virtual PC that I have to run for an app I need to use for work that is PC only (believe me, I hate that fact). With all the reasons to migrate the Power Book and Power Mac to the 970, I just can't find anything that makes it a bad move. Power Book users are just as important as Power Mac users. We just have to be more mobile than the rest.
  • Reply 95 of 104
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    You line up a G4 against a P4 and things don't look so good. You line up a g4 against a P4M and things don't look so bad. Translation, it's good enough for the laptops lines, for now. Of course the sooner the 970 gets into as many different mac lines as possible the better, but it will be a while before supply makes that possible.
  • Reply 96 of 104

    Some users need expansion in a Mac to install a DigiDesign Digi 001 ($800.) PCI card. It offers a lot more inputs than their USB-based MBox ($500.) product and is significantly cheaper than their Digi 002 firewire-based solution ($2500.)

    Eric B.
  • Reply 97 of 104
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    So what was the fab forth? Did I miss that part of the thread?

    Also: Sideways photos? Spymac has reached a new low
  • Reply 98 of 104
    sorry to diasgree with a few posters here but if apple stuck 2 processors in a PB, they WOULD not be the first company to produce a dual processor laptop, I can't remember or find the link, sorry but there is a dual processor laptop running linux out there, I might be really messed up but i think it's a SGI or a Sparc job not Intel though.

    I'm sure i actually saw the link somewhere here a month or two back.
  • Reply 99 of 104
    [quote]Originally posted by Brian Green:


    Gotta agree with you there, I'm getting the 12' PB and will use it till the 2nd gen of 970 portables come out. It's thew last G4 i'm prepared to buy, and I'm sticking with my Rev. A iMac at home till Apple give me a good reason to buy one of there desktops again.

    I'm not bitter i understand there position and difficulties, I just have my needs too and i feel it is pointless to buy a slower box just because it's apple. I will NEVER use windows again but I would consider Linux on a PC box...
  • Reply 100 of 104
    If Apple, just tomorrow, released a Powerbook 970, would it be the first 64-bit laptop? Hell, that would be a selling point equal or greater than the DP Powerbook selling point. And if they did...tomorrow is my birthday, by the way... <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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