New Displays Maybe Note



  • Reply 21 of 73

    Originally posted by Elderloc

    I noticed when I was ordering my two 23" LCD's and dual G5...


  • Reply 22 of 73

    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus


    i know!!! its especially hard for you brits with 17% VAT and added could fly over to NYC...pick it up in the US and it would pay for your ticket!!

    yeah, not many are able to afford one, let alone 2 23" cinema displays.
  • Reply 23 of 73
    I was going to buy 3 but I'm waiting to see if the 30" comes to light then I will buy it.Serious
  • Reply 24 of 73
    I wonder if the 30" will have a tilt & swivel arm? Clamped or screwed to the desk maybe.
  • Reply 25 of 73

    Originally posted by eat@me

    i know!!! its especially hard for you brits with 17% VAT and added could fly over to NYC...pick it up in the US and it would pay for your ticket!!

    too true, but the law requires UK residents to declare US purchases over about $200-ish on arrival at the uk airport. The customs man will then, with a smile, demand payment of the 17% VAT on the spot.

    my brother owns a graphics company and buys a lot of stuff from the US, he regularly gets calls from FedEx in the UK saying 'your package has arrived from the US, once you have paid us $xxx tax, we will happily sent it on to you'.
  • Reply 26 of 73

    Originally posted by BJNY

    Samsung just announced their new 24" LCD

    It has the thin bezel, DVI, swivel to portrait features that I want.

    I wonder if the power supply is built-in?

    That's a very nice monitor. A bit expensive perhaps. $3K, 1900x1200 pixels.
  • Reply 27 of 73

    Originally posted by åsen

    too true, but the law requires UK residents to declare US purchases over about $200-ish on arrival at the uk airport. The customs man will then, with a smile, demand payment of the 17% VAT on the spot.

    my brother owns a graphics company and buys a lot of stuff from the US, he regularly gets calls from FedEx in the UK saying 'your package has arrived from the US, once you have paid us $xxx tax, we will happily sent it on to you'.

    i lived there also but back here. if you were buying a PB, no problem bring it back into UK and just not declare it. said you got in UK and travel with it. best
  • Reply 28 of 73

    Originally posted by Elderloc

    I was going to buy 3 but I'm waiting to see if the 30" comes to light then I will buy it.

    Bastard. With extra bastard topping.

  • Reply 29 of 73

    Originally posted by cubist

    Please, no ADC2! We have wasted enough time and money on proprietary connectors. Who ever really used the connector on the first PowerMacs? An adapter was the first and only related expense.

    Besides we don't need a USB hub in the monitor. The original idea was to save cabling when the computer was under the desk - and to reduce the wiring clutter which always surrounded the Cube. But Apple has just introduced a wireless keyboard and mouse, so there's no need for USB in the monitor.

    Someone probably figured ADC would make Apple users more likely to buy Apple monitors, too. That kind of effect can be positive or negative, though, and these days ADC is probably hurting monitor sales. Apple needs to integrate well in the corporate world, and using standard monitor connectors (DVI these days) is almost essential. Note that all of Apple's new computers (except iMac and eMac) have DVI.

    In the long, long run, Apple will have to streamline their operations. Just as they eliminated printers, they will eliminate keyboards, mice and monitors from their line-up. Their prices have always left plenty of room for third-party vendors.

    I don't think there is one sentence in this post I could agree with.
  • Reply 30 of 73

    Originally posted by the cool gut

    I don't think there is one sentence in this post I could agree with.

    I agree with your disagreement

    I think ADC is cool, but i think what apple should do in there store is list an ADC version and a DVI version, like how formac does it. Sure the DVI version would just be ADC with the adapter but it would be less confusing for the average customer, vs. having to buy the DVI adapter separately.
  • Reply 31 of 73

    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus

    Bastard. With extra bastard topping.

    with chocolate sprinkles to boot!
  • Reply 32 of 73

    Originally posted by Ti Fighter

    he he I just got my 20" at work and it's sitting on my desk and it's gorgeous. I really coulnd't give a crap about new displays after getting it

    I found the 20" by far the most colour accurate out of the entire Apple lineup. I originally bought the 23" monitor, but found the color inconsistant across the screen, particularly around the edges. I tried 2 others before taking the 20 inch. I don't know how much things have improved, but 6 months ago, there simply was no comparison. I wonder if the new larger screens will go through the same growing pains.
  • Reply 33 of 73

    Originally posted by the cool gut

    I found the 20" by far....

    wow, good to know.
  • Reply 34 of 73
    I use a 23" at work and find it prone to ghosting. Images remain for around 10 seconds after they're moved. Don't know if this is inherrant across the line, or peculiar to my monitor.
  • Reply 35 of 73
    I had a 23" lcd with my last PM a 1.25 first gen. It did not do this at all are you using an extension, or converter?
  • Reply 36 of 73
    nope, it's straight into the back of the computer
  • Reply 37 of 73
    My first 23" I had did not do this but the two news one I just got did when I first turned them on. I now have no issues. On a side note my first 23" I had would show lots of pixels that were red or blue when I ran the Pixel tester neither of these two new display have any dead, stuck or flashing pixels. W00t!
  • Reply 38 of 73

    Originally posted by the cool gut

    I don't think there is one sentence in this post I could agree with.

    Ah, so you feel you have not wasted enough money yet on proprietary connectors. You're certainly free to go ahead and waste your money.
  • Reply 39 of 73

    ADC != Proprietary...

    When your G4 is underneath your desk i have found it useful to use the USB port on the back of my 20".

    I purchased 2 apple 20" with OPEN standard connectors. Everything from the plug and playness to the style, design and JAWDROPPING quality of the apple LCDs make me all wam inside because IMO these are the best LCD (price/performance ratio) I could have bought...

    But hey. Its a free world (mostly) so go ahead and buy a "on sale with rebate" best buy off brand and save some money at the cost of quality.
  • Reply 40 of 73
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