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  • Reply 21 of 163
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    looks like someone read one of my posts
  • Reply 22 of 163
    Apple is leaving out the dual processor option for now because of the price of the G5 chip itself.

    There will be an updated version of iDVD 2 available after Macworld, complete with more motion menus etc.

    Phil Schiller is not my source but the source is on his level.

    I guess you guys must get yanked around a lot considering the nature of the message board? I would place bets on my specs being the closest to the real ones, if I were a betting man. I am very, very accurate.
  • Reply 23 of 163
    From what I could find out. DDR is no question

    It is in the next G4s, as well as USB2.

    What I am not sure of is the hyper transport

    or the gigawire. I have no idea who would need that kind of bandwidth, but hey the faster the better!
  • Reply 24 of 163
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by DanPCamera:

    <strong>Now Hear This "Master Bates," "Ben Dover," or whom ever you are.

    1. For your information, the G5 will not make January. If you have not heard about the cache problems, I am sorry.

    2. It seems a little creepy that you would speak or even over hear Phil, enough to put your findings on a threaded post. ( Although Phil is capable of that level of stupidity I think." sorry phil...

    3. The next thing you hear about when you hear about the G5, will be the quad processor. As you may have read the G5 is in production, but how about the functionality inside Apple hardware. Here is where the problem is.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Do you have proof it won't make Jan? If not, then he has as much a reason to voice his thoughts/opinions/specualtion as everyone else, including you.

    People, if you lack the proof, don't go throwing stones at people who post because no one knows who is right or wrong. That's the whole concpet of rumors.
  • Reply 25 of 163
    [quote]Originally posted by DanPCamera:

    <strong>Now Hear This "Master Bates," "Ben Dover," or whom ever you are.

    1. For your information, the G5 will not make January. If you have not heard about the cache problems, I am sorry.


    This is not common knowledge. Do you know this first hand? Or do you have a link to the source?
  • Reply 26 of 163
    Otaku. I noticed the same thing. Made me wonder if he meant to post as person #2, then answer the question.

    Anyway, the specs and prices seem as plausible as any on this board.

    My guess is that this is a load of crap, but that's just my opinion
  • Reply 27 of 163

    Hey sweetheart, it would be awful good of you to stop slinging your half-_ _sed ideas around. I realize that you sit on uncle Phil's lap while he violates company policy and possible prision time, BUT...

    The G5 has come down in price significantly. With the latest dies Moto. has been using, and the pseudo-new techniques of manufacture, they are getting way more working chips than anticipated a couple of months ago <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 28 of 163
    [quote]Originally posted by jwdawso:


    This is not common knowledge. Do you know this first hand? Or do you have a link to the source?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It may take me a few minutes to find you accuarte data, lemme see what I can find. I did read it about 2 weeks ago, if that helps at all (time frame wise)
  • Reply 29 of 163
    "but a cache flaw was discovered when the chips ran above 900Mhz. Motorola has steadfastly refused to rectify the problem, claiming that the release of it's 7460 was too near to justify the cost of fixing it. In the last few weeks, there has been talk of Apple filing a lawsuit against Motorola for having misrepresented its ability to produce microprocessors for Apple on a timely basis. This is essentially a repeat of the G4 fiasco that occurred in 1999, differing only in that Apple had not opened its mouth to the public too quickly. Steve Jobs was forced at the last minute before Macworld to change his product announcement, as the G4 lineup was supposed to have been 733 Mhz, 867Mhz, and dual 800Mhz and 1Ghz to ship in late august."

    - This is just an example of what I am talking about.
  • Reply 30 of 163
    [quote]Originally posted by DanPCamera:

    <strong> Although Phil is capable of that level of stupidity I think</strong><hr></blockquote>

    OK, I'm Just Gonna Ask ... I keep hearing lot's of antipathy towards dear Mr. Schiller from all and sundry Apple folks ... so by the hand of Zeus, what manner of deviltry is this?

    I mean, what gives?
  • Reply 31 of 163
    [quote]Originally posted by DanPCamera:

    <strong>"but a cache flaw was discovered when the chips ran above 900Mhz. Motorola has steadfastly refused to rectify the problem, claiming that the release of it's 7460 was too near to justify the cost of fixing it. In the last few weeks, there has been talk of Apple filing a lawsuit against Motorola for having misrepresented its ability to produce microprocessors for Apple on a timely basis. This is essentially a repeat of the G4 fiasco that occurred in 1999, differing only in that Apple had not opened its mouth to the public too quickly. Steve Jobs was forced at the last minute before Macworld to change his product announcement, as the G4 lineup was supposed to have been 733 Mhz, 867Mhz, and dual 800Mhz and 1Ghz to ship in late august."

    - This is just an example of what I am talking about.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I remember that quote, I think it came off one of MOSR's deep-throat's open letters back in November or something, and if I remember correctly - it was in reference to the G4 7450 ... not the G5.

    Not that I'm an expert in these things, heck I'm not even a triple A mastergator for that matter ...
  • Reply 32 of 163
    Mr. Toast. I do not know the man. I will publicly retract my inappropriate remarks about Phil.

    Thank you for changing my weary ways,

    My your toast always go buttered, and may your edges never get burned
  • Reply 33 of 163
    Part of the G5 talk that Steve does will be about the Apple chip dorection of the future. I have been told numerous things.

    1. Apple has a buyout plan for Motorola's semi con. division.

    2 Motorola will comply with Apple's demand to have Motorola sell Alti Vec technology to IBM. Apple pays Motorola do do so but this agreement extends to IBM. IBM agrees to supply Apple for the long term.
  • Reply 33 of 163

  • Reply 35 of 163

    [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</p>
  • Reply 36 of 163
    I actually read that one too. I heard a little different things, but it was at The Register:

    <a href=""; target="_blank">The Register</a>

    and another good one:

    <a href=""; target="_blank">article</a>
  • Reply 37 of 163
    From the above article.

    Apple and Motorola insiders are correct, a desktop processor designed primarily by Apple but fabbed by IBM and/or Motorola. Both would likely be based on the same core, but offer very different functionality for their target markets.

    This seems to be the most likely scenario.
  • Reply 38 of 163
    the G5 is tentatively being produced in three versions: 1.2GHz, 1.4GHz and 1.6GHz. We say 'tentatively' because there still appears to be some concern that there will be insufficient 1.6GHz parts for a commercial release. Says our source: "The chips that are testing at 1GHz are being set aside in case there are not enough 1.6GHz chips to release that machine."

    In short, if Apple can't do 1.2GHz, 1.4GHz and 1.6GHz Power Mac G5s, it will release 1.0GHz, 1.2GHz and 1.4GHz-clocked machines. Presumably depending on the yields demonstrated over the coming weeks, the low-end box will go into production on 14 December, followed by the mid-range machine in 20 December. The fastest Power Mac G5 will start rolling off the production line on 3 January 2002, our correspondent claims.

    The machines will all ship with DDR SDRAM memory, a "much faster" frontside bus

    Here is some more rumor, establishing my beliefs quite well.
  • Reply 39 of 163
    I must say brother of Rosie Palmer and her 5 sisters. This is exactly what I was getting at. The register is a good resource. I like it anyway. :cool:
  • Reply 40 of 163
    Show me some pictures and I might believe you.
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