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  • Reply 81 of 163
    hoping he is right cuz i wants that iMac with superdrive--if it's G4/lcd/widescreen--heck, i'd pony up more than $1599---the way i see it, i don't upgrade my videocard (the girls only play games like The Sims and such---almost any old video card will do), so a machine that has a good amount of HD size (60-80 gigs) and is easy to add ram is all i need (since HD size and ram are the only two things i've up-dated on our 2 yr old iMac DV). so it's either $2000 plus for an Apple tower with Apple Display Studio monitor, or an iMac....since we really love our current iMac and the only reason i want to upgrade is so the kids can edit and make movies with their mini-dv camcorder, i really would like my next computer to have a Superdrive and a G4 (heck, if a G3 at 933 or 1 ghz can drive the superdrvie and iDVD...then a G3 iMac is fine with me) if i can get a LCD iMac with superdrive and a 60-80 gig hd, shoot, call it a S.E. and charge me more...i'll buy it....if the new iMac doesn't get superdrive, i'll be forced to get a tower and spend over $2000, which i really don't want to do as i don't need a tower for anything else....probably lots of people out there like me who want to do more digital imaging and editing and making music and such, but don't want nor need (or really should even have) a pro machine.....leave the pro machines for the pros and for people that constantly need that latest and greatest video cards and such to get 5 more fps on quake.....g

    [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 82 of 163
    1.Does the new Power Mac/iMac have built in airport?

    2.Gigawire (perhaps already asked?).

    3.Does the PM have a second 5.25" drive bay?

    4.Is the AGP port still 4x or is it 8x in the PM

    5.What video card is in the new PM/iMac? Nvida 2mx? Geforce 3 Ti? ATI card?

    1. The top two models of the Powermac have Airport built in.

    2. Gigawire is in all three Powermac configurations.

    3. The new Powermac enclosure will have two 5.25" drive bays.

    4. I do not know about the AGP port.

    5. Geforce 3 in the top model Powermac. The iMac will have a Geforce 2MX on top two models.

    [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Mastergateing ]</p>
  • Reply 83 of 163
    [quote]Originally posted by Mastergateing:


    2. Gigawire is in all three Powermac configurations.


    And what is Gigawire...?
  • Reply 84 of 163
    Gigawire is a faster version of Firewire ,IEEE 1394b, which is Gigabit 1394.
  • Reply 85 of 163
    Will there be some sort of digital device released at MWSF, and if so, what is it?
  • Reply 86 of 163
    I have no idea of what kind of digital device there may be. If there is a new device the usual talking lips have been sealed or have been out of the know.
  • Reply 87 of 163
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    So you know the G5 is coming out... Fine, but what do you know specifically about the G5? Have you been told anything regarding performance? Is it the 32bit version or the 64bit? Is there something new planned for OSX?
  • Reply 88 of 163
    [quote]Originally posted by Mastergateing:

    <strong>I have no idea of what kind of digital device there may be. If there is a new device the usual talking lips have been sealed or have been out of the know.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, if you see anything looking like this laying around, let us know:

  • Reply 88 of 163
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mastergateing:

    <strong>In a few more days we will see. I will gain quite a following here, I suppose. Because I AM VER,VERY CORRECT.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    *lol* Please, don't stop. This is some funny shit. Oh man....

    By the way, if you indeed turn out to be very, very correct and I can buy a 1.2 Ghz G5 with a new mobo and all that January 2002...for $1799 + tax...not only will I buy one immediately, I will buy you a case of the beer of your choice and send it to you 2nd day air...with dry ice included.

    You have my word.

    "I will gain quite a following...." *lol* What cahunas you have. Of course, if you turn out to be full of shit and then come back in January, you won't have any cahunas after these people get through with you....

    <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 90 of 163
    The 64 bit version.
  • Reply 91 of 163
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    And OSX will be 64bit on that machine....

    This could explain why software such as VueScan might not work on the machines, and why Amiga wanted to wait for the release of the machines...

    Can anyone here confirm you can have a 400MHz FSB with 266MHz DDR?
  • Reply 92 of 163
    It seems that the mpc8540 also uses a 400 mb fsb and 333 mhz ddr ram at the same time. as far as i know this is possible because memory is not connected via the fsb (which is rapidio) but via a dedicated memory bus (on-chip memory controller). the 8500 should then have 400 mhz rapidio plus 233 mhz memory bus.

    hope this helps
  • Reply 93 of 163
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    Good to know.

    Using 266MHz DDR seems like a logical move.

    What I want to know is how the hell Apple is supposed to become overnight the largest vendor of 64bit systems without anyone knowing.

    And wouldn't it be kind of ridiculous to be running a 64bit OSX on top of the ole' HFS+?
  • Reply 94 of 163
    jutusjutus Posts: 272member
    This guy has more balls than a slaughterhouse.

    He's also full of sheete.

    So far he's predicted an early release of the G5, immediate release across all PowerMacs, along with installation of the most expensive drive you can OEM. A revamped widescreen iMac line, a speed bumped iBook line, a new keyboard and mouse. A color "twinged" powerbook, now with less titanium in the case. (Never mind there is already VERY little titanium, mostly for aesthetic purposes). Oh yeah, don't forget 64 bit ready OS X.

    [quote]though I do not know what it will look like. I do know it will be new and of course beautiful.<hr></blockquote>

    No self respecting engineer talks like that.

    Some of his predictions may turn out, due to the shotgun effect, but if more than half his predictions come true, I'll eat my own ass.
  • Reply 95 of 163
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by jutus:

    <strong>This guy has more balls than a slaughterhouse.

    He's also full of sheete.

    So far he's predicted an early release of the G5, immediate release across all PowerMacs, along with installation of the most expensive drive you can OEM. A revamped widescreen iMac line, a speed bumped iBook line, a new keyboard and mouse. A color "twinged" powerbook, now with less titanium in the case. (Never mind there is already VERY little titanium, mostly for aesthetic purposes). Oh yeah, don't forget 64 bit ready OS X.


    Well, not to defend anyone, but AppleInsider reported about th widescreen iMac last summer and someone else reported about the new mouse and keyborad (can't remember who) Steve Jobs mentioned something about the superdrive in the iMac so that would be easy to assume it who be in all PMs. And given the iPod, it seems a safe bet to say that Apple may be on a white/metal design case groove right now with their revisions.
  • Reply 96 of 163
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    Some of his predictions may turn out, due to the shotgun effect, but if more than half his predictions come true, I'll eat my own ass

    you will remember to make an iMovie out of it won't you ?
  • Reply 97 of 163
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Just serve up the footage on your web site, we'll do the rest.

    By the way, I'll send you a case of beer too...just for eating your own ass on camera. I figure you need some added incentive.
  • Reply 98 of 163
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    I think no predictions are concrete, things can change minutes before showtime. Remember the last PowerMac revision?

    And BTW who is eating his own ass again?
  • Reply 99 of 163
    Can Moderator bring back old KORMAC76 post ?

    It will give you some idea.

    The gigawire is 1394b spec.

    The differnce is that it is plastic FibraOptic port which will be core of Home network.

    Current Firewire is limited in 5M. The plastic Fibraoptic is cheap & very reliable. Also it can reach over 100 M.


    Guess who I was.
  • Reply 100 of 163
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Oh dear god.

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