Tabs in Finder

in macOS edited January 2014
Whouldn't it be cool to have um... tabs in the finder? How about mac2phone built-in and um.. let's see... um....... like move the dock to the bottom of the finder window!

did this in photoshop (of course): 8)


  • Reply 1 of 83

    Originally posted by Agent Macintosh

    Whouldn't it be cool to have um... tabs in the finder? How about mac2phone built-in and um.. let's see... um....... like move the dock to the bottom of the finder window!

    did this in photoshop (of course): [IMG]file:///Users/Shared/dock.psd[/IMG]

    Something's not quite right here.
  • Reply 2 of 83

    umm... right. nice pic... i guess.

    (pssst no one is able to see it...)

  • Reply 3 of 83
    well now you can.
  • Reply 4 of 83


    first save it in another format, then put it online.
  • Reply 5 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I can see the tabs lovefest reach spreading.

    /me cries.
  • Reply 6 of 83
    Listen up buoyz and gurlz. Now that Expose is here, tabs are near useless.

    Tabs hinder drag-n-drop and the multitasking aspect of working with multiple windows open. In a browser it's borderline fine. In the Finder, use column view and shut up.
  • Reply 7 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Kim Kap Sol, Safari is a web browser...

    Finder is a file browser.

    You can drag and drop to both.

    I don't see why people who loves tabs in Safari wouldn't want tabs in any other document/file browser.
  • Reply 8 of 83
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    Please Eugene, stop those children and start rambling against tabs again. They need it.
  • Reply 9 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    No, I'm the new tabvocate.

    Imagine how cool it would be if you could actually dock windows from different apps to each other. You could, for example, dock one Safari window, a Dreamweaver MX window and a Photoshop window...because those particular windows would be part of one project. You could have several different working tabsets at once for each separate chore that requires work in more than one app.

    How great that would be...

  • Reply 10 of 83
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member
    That would be great..but that would take a LOT of wiring and collaboration (look, big words for a 15 year old ) to do I would think, since they're from three different apps.

    Finder tabs would be cool though..
  • Reply 11 of 83

    Originally posted by jwill

    That would be great..but that would take a LOT of wiring and collaboration (look, big words for a 15 year old ) to do I would think, since they're from three different apps.

    Finder tabs would be cool though..

    He was kidding. Tabs are not good.
  • Reply 12 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by jwill

    (look, big words for a 15 year old )

  • Reply 13 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by pensieve

    He was kidding. Tabs are not good.


    This is actually pretty much the direction Microsoft is headed with Longhorn. Windows apps are basically being absorbed into the Explorer interface. Microsoft probably wants to completely erase the division between document and app. Stuff like Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. basically become advanced web applications within Explorer. All you need to do is add tabs to complete the "task" based interface.

    The consequence of this is a complete depth in the interface. When I see longhorn screenshots, I can feel the flatness of the interface.
  • Reply 14 of 83
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Kim Kap Sol, Safari is a web browser...

    Finder is a file browser.

    You can drag and drop to both.

    I don't see why people who loves tabs in Safari wouldn't want tabs in any other document/file browser.

    Um, the obvious reason?

    You don't want to be dragging files from one web site to another.

    There are very limited senarios where tabs (or tab-like controls) are a good thing. I can think of PDF viewers, Web Browsing and preference panes. Guess what, all three have tabs in Panther.

    I see the tabbed-browsing cold war going hot...

  • Reply 15 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Barto

    Um, the obvious reason?

    You don't want to be dragging files from one web site to another.


    This is precisely what I do A LOT of.

    I drag images to Safari because it's a much better image browser than Preview.

    I drag links from one Safari window to another too.

    I'm also quite sure I'm not the only person that browses this way.
  • Reply 16 of 83
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    I drag images to Safari because it's a much better image browser than Preview.

    You're using Safari as an image browser, when it is a web browser. Complain about Preview then, NOT that Safari (with tabs) isn't good at doing a job it wasn't intended to.

    As far as dragging links goes, that's fairly uncommon, except for forum users with 1000+ post counts. And face it, we're a fairly small demographic.

  • Reply 17 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Barto

    You're using Safari as an image browser, when it is a web browser. Complain about Preview then, NOT that Safari (with tabs) isn't good at doing a job it wasn't intended to.

    As far as dragging links goes, that's fairly uncommon, except for forum users with 1000+ post counts. And face it, we're a fairly small demographic.


    So it's not an image browser even though I browse images with it?

    And No again, I drag links from all sources, e-commerce sites, photo galleries, etc. Any web document that has draggable objects is subject to dragging and dropping.

    Besides, in the Finder it would be an option, just like Safari. Any window should be able to have tabs.
  • Reply 18 of 83
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member

    Originally posted by pensieve

    He was kidding. Tabs are not good.

    oh well..I'm not kidding, that's for sure. Like everything else, it's an open dispute. It would be best if it was there as a preference, ya kno?
  • Reply 19 of 83
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
  • Reply 20 of 83
    Tell us what you really think, Kickaha.

    The debate seems to be tabs vs. direct manipulation. Tabs clean up window clutter. They make drag and drop much harder. Tabs are seen as a useful sort of "simple" UI for less sophisticated users. But they conflict with the concept of direct manipulation which is supposed to be for beginners and more rudimentary users. Tabs reduce visual clutter but make window management far less flexible than even parent-child windows nevermind the window = document rule of thumb on Macs. It's a question of how much you're sacrificing to keep applications looking neat and self-contained.

    I like to put hard copies of papers into tabbed folders and leave them in a small rack on my desk. I can put them away easily and retrieve them easily later. sure, I have to rummage through some thick folders of stuff i no apparent order, but it's keeps my workspace fairly neat. But when I pull out that folder of stuff, I will spread it out all over open work area. The whole reason I put stuff into folders is to make room for the stuff I want to get messy with. It doesn't make sense to me to try to keep my stuff in those tabbed folders all the time. It makes my work more difficult. The whole point of having a desk and work area is so I can spread out and pile stuff up. The whole point of keeping folders is to keep the piles of stuff under control. The two work together. Having tabs in the Finder windows or in other apps the way we're talking about them is probably misguided, trying to be neat where you want to be sloppy. If all the stuff I'm not working on went into little tabbed areas, it would make a lot more sense to me. I can see why a tab concept would sound tempting with the Finder, but it seems then that we're either talking about folders and sidebars, etc., or we're talking about something like a Dock to store stuff away but ready for quick retrieval.
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