Tabs in Finder



  • Reply 81 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Barto

    Because one is a folder full of images and the other is a folder full of web pages.

    There is no way in hell a JPEG file could be considered a web page by itself.

    I just illustrated exactly how to do it...

    Edit your Apache httpd httpd.conf to include file.jpg as a searchable index file. Place file.jpg in your httpd doc root. There you go. Your website is a .jpg file.

    Even better, what about .php files. What should a browser do with those? They worked the server side...but they don't work on the client-side. Are they also not webpages?
  • Reply 82 of 83
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    damnit Eugene, it doesn't matter if an image can be set to the default file on a web site.

    It doesn't make it a web page

    Image = open in an image viewer or editor. DUH!

    Web Page = open in a web browser or editor. DUH!
  • Reply 83 of 83
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Barto

    damnit Eugene, it doesn't matter if an image can be set to the default file on a web site.

    It doesn't make it a web page

    Image = open in an image viewer or editor. DUH!

    Web Page = open in a web browser or editor. DUH!

    Gee, isn't it cool that you can open most images in a web-page authoring apps?

    Are my PHP based webpages not webpages because they are garbage in Dreamweaver?

    An object such as an image is a perfectly viable website/webpage. It doesn't have to be an HTML file or any mark-up language file to be a webpage.

    If my website was all Marcomedia Flash and just the bare .swf file, would it still be a webpage or would it be a Flash app? It'd be both. It just woudn't be an HTML based webpage.
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