HP to Make branded iPods!



  • Reply 61 of 173

    Originally posted by Dylsexic Manupilator

    Not trying to be a nitpicker here, but the Nokia N-Gage Game deck/mobile phone also plays AAC. It even comes with AAC-encoding possibilities!

    I forgot to mention the Nokia 3300, which is specifically promoted as the "Nokia 3300 Music Phone". Admittedly, is comes with a limited 64 MB MMC memory card...

    Apart from that, I wonder wether these HPpods will be PC only by means of some kind of firmware?

    If they were Mac compatible, I wouldn't mind walking around with the HP, provided it comes a lot cheaper ( at least ?100)
  • Reply 62 of 173
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by Dogcow

    What I haven't seen mentioned here yet is the fact that with iTunes, i assume comes Quicktime. So not only will all the HPs come with iTunes but will come with Quicktime pre-installed. Would I be correct in assuming this?

    I didn't see anyone else answer this. The answer is yes, iTunes needs QT frameworks, even on PCs. So with iTunes comes QT. Interesting observation?
  • Reply 63 of 173
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by mello

    Do you think that this will have a snowball effect with other pc manufacturers (IBM, Dell, Alienware, etc.)?

    Apple as an OEM for more than HP? Definitely not Dell. I could see Gateway getting desperate, maaaaybe. I don't know how well their own portable music players are doing. At some point there'd be too much of a good thing though.

    Might be interesting if "iPod" really did become as ubiquitous as "walkman" though...
  • Reply 64 of 173
    What are the chances that HP will now be the first company to license Fair-Play for a hardware device other than the iPod? If HP is going to have iTunes installed on every computer wouldn't they want iPaq owners to be able to listen to the songs they downloaded from iTunes on their iPaq's?

    Anyway, Apple is doing a bang-up job of fighting of WMA badness. AAC has Apple, AOL, HP, Pepsi and to a certain extent-Real. WMA has a slew of also-rans.

    Any one wanna bet that HP releases a Mac-compatible computer within the year?
  • Reply 65 of 173
    **** ... I hate this. I hate HP and their twit of a CEO. It's too bad Apple couldn't snag Dell as a partner.

    Oh well ... guess I'm going to have to cheer HP on now.
  • Reply 66 of 173
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Apple as an OEM for more than HP? Definitely not Dell. I could see Gateway getting desperate, maaaaybe.

    OMG! Holstein iPods!! ...booting with an Apple logo. Talk about "brand confusion."

  • Reply 67 of 173

    Originally posted by Dylsexic Manupilator

    Not trying to be a nitpicker here, but the Nokia N-Gage Game deck/mobile phone also plays AAC. It even comes with AAC-encoding possibilities!

    Other than that, I can only say WOW!

    This is the best news from Apple since like....


    Not with DRM used by real...
  • Reply 68 of 173

    Originally posted by InactionMan

    Any one wanna bet that HP releases a Mac-compatible computer within the year?

    The iPod deal is a conceptual roadmap of how Apple could do OS X for Intel and not cannabilize itself. Apple would have to tie the OS to specific machines (like the iPod OS) and make sure that the machines are priced comparably to Apple's own offerings.

    The difference, though, is that the HP did this deal because it had to, in order to compete in the consumer space. However, it's not clear to me that OS X solves a compelling problem for HP in a similar manner.

    This does signal, I think, that Apple might be more willing to do cross-platform stuff than it has in the past -- where such deals make sense and can lock up a leader position in a given market. Once Apple has its enterprise sea legs, I could see licensing OS X Server to IBM or HP (only on the assumption, though, that doing so changes the market and that it wouldn't be just another "me, too" product).

    Also I second a previous post - the HP deal makes me feel much better about the pricing of the mini-iPod.
  • Reply 69 of 173
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Oh she is a slut alright. I saw her on CNBC at 4 ET and well, it's people like her, and most other CEOs that really make you appreciate how smooth and charismatic SJ really is!

    I'm not saying I could do THAT much better but she oddly kept like having her eyes closed when she was talking and I didn't know if someone was shining a light in her eyes or she was having a seizure.
  • Reply 70 of 173
    The last part of my post was mostly joking but this a good way for Apple to test the cross-platform waters. iPod/iTunes for Windows has worked out well. The initial response to the HP deal is quite good. So who knows, maybe a year or two down the road Apple will allow a select group of PC makers to sell Mac compatible PCs.

    My Apple has realized the the Apple brand/logo is pure poison to some people dress up a Mac like something else and it's alright.

    Besides an HP branded computer may not be a bad idea if they really want to boost their market share. HP products are sold in 110, 000 retail outlets.

    Well, I'm getting ahead of myself. We shall see how this odd little alliance does first.
  • Reply 71 of 173
    homhom Posts: 1,098member
    This really could be the first stepping stone. Nokia which has shown good support for AAC with their Series 60 phones could now add "iPod Support" or Palm which has been pushing MP3 support on their PDOs could also add "iPod Support". Really, looking at this phone it's almost screaming out of a scroll pad.

    Or this Palm

  • Reply 72 of 173
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Guaranteed sales without needing to offer tech support = good.
  • Reply 73 of 173

    Originally posted by tonton

    I take serious offense to that remark and believe you are simply misogynist. Compared to other (male) CEO's, she seems to be an extremely good businessperson.

    I'm sorry for the remarks and have edited them. I was just trying to express my thoughts about her and perhaps drop a hint on how she was able reach her position.

    A good business person ... really?

    Lets see, she takes the number 1 Printer company in the world, and merges it with the worst computer maker in the world (after gateway) which was practically bleeding to death.

    What. Was. She. Thinking?

    So now, HP is making less than it could be if it hadn't purchased Compaq in the first place. Analysts make fun of HP now for being stuck inbetween IBM and Dell.

    To embarass herself even more, she comes out with her infamous "Facts don't support the thesis" speech when in fact they truly do.

    The shame of it is that there are truly brilliant women in the industry which will have a harder time to get there shot at the top, because "the boys club" will say ... well look what Carlie did.
  • Reply 74 of 173
    I think HP will sell a subsidised media player as a bundle with their home PCs. The home (mediacenter) PCs will come with iTunes and iTMS. The player will be priced like the iPod if it ever gets sold seperately. I think HP is on the verge of making a iMac wannabe in the PC segment.
  • Reply 75 of 173
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by tonton

    Where have you been? There hasn't been a "Windows version" of the iPod for a long time now. All current iPods are the same, and are advertised as "Mac and Windows compatible".

    Wow, I honestly had never noticed the change. Last time I bought an iPod was a 2nd Gen. 10GB unit. Since then I haven't paid much attention to them.

  • Reply 76 of 173
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Keep moving. Nothing to see here.
  • Reply 77 of 173
    m.o.s.tm.o.s.t Posts: 255member
    Are we sure this deal is with both Compaq-in-trash and HP? or JUST HP?

    I think the next big thing would be if Apple found a way to make the MP3-Hard Drive - If you all the parts yourself = EVEN MORE PROFIT
  • Reply 78 of 173
    There's just something about this announcement that I dont get, I just dont like it. It feels like Apple has given up trying to do it all themsevles, I dont see how this helps sell more Macs, it just ends up being a sales point for PC's...OS X is what needs to get out there to draw people to Apple, the iPod is a music player, it is and always shall be.

    I understand this spreads the iPod name and helps establish Apple even more so as the #1 in digital music, but it doesnt help grow Apple's market share in terms of PC's....which dissapoints me...iPod mania has taken Apple's overall company strategy and maybe slightly twisted it. It just seems like the easy way out of trying to convince people the Mac is better.
  • Reply 79 of 173
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    iTunes... leads to...


  • Reply 80 of 173
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by M.O.S.T

    Are we sure this deal is with both Compaq-in-trash and HP? or JUST HP?

    I think the next big thing would be if Apple found a way to make the MP3-Hard Drive - If you all the parts yourself = EVEN MORE PROFIT

    HP owns Compaq. They are one and the same, but the Compaq brand name still exists. Don't diss Compaq completely -- the iPaq is pretty slick, and Linux hackable!
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