Have you ever played a prank or trick on anyone?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I loved this story out of Spokane, Washington, about three guys who went streaking through a Denny's restaurant before daybreak Wednesday, wearing only shoes and hats. They left their car running out front to make a quick getaway; but some guy that had been eating in the restaurant stole their car while they were inside. They actually watched him drive off, no doubt with their mouths open.

They huddled naked behind cars in the parking lot in 20 degree weather, waiting for the police to arrive. Kinda weird waiting for the police when you qualify as BOTH an offender AND a victim at the very same time for two different crimes!!! Hehehe. Poor guys. I bet they were college students. What a way to make the national news.

Have any of you ever pulled a prank or a trick on someone that you would be willing to share?

I have two. The first was when I was ten years old. I had a friend named Gary, and for some reason one day, I told someone that Gary's mom was going to have a baby. I was just kidding, and have no idea what possessed me to say such a thing.

Well, I lived in a community of ex-pat Americans in a foreign country at the time, and my stupid remark became a huge rumor and flew around the adult circles like fire.

As a kid, I never could imagine how that rumor could have taken off like that. But thinking about it now, I bet her husband had been travelling out of town for months, and if she turned up pregnant, he couldn't have been the father. Oh dear. Only today did this occur to me. What a naughty little girl I was. Much naughtier than I ever even knew!

The other occurred when my brother and I 'ran away' from home to go scuba diving in North Carolina (Nag's Head). Somehow I managed to talk our mom into letting us go on this trip (from Tennessee), since he and I both loved to dive in the ocean, and it's a little hard to do that in our landlocked area of the state. Well, once we "got away", there was no holding us back. After the diving portion of our trip, I called her from Philadelphia and said, "Hi, Mom. Guess where we are?"

Anyway, we travelled for weeks, up to Buffalo, NY, and then back down south. In Washington, D.C., I had parked the car in an easy-to-find spot, and he and I walked around separately, having just had a small spat. I decided to go take a few pictures, so I left in the car, without his knowing, took the pictures, came back to the same spot, and when I found him, acted as if nothing had happened. He had been looking for me, and was rather panicked when he couldn't find the car. I have never told him to this day what I did, and I feel bad about it, though his panic only lasted about 15 minutes. We were both teenagers.

Thanks for any replies.



  • Reply 1 of 72
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Me? Prank? Never.


    An ex-coworker of mine and I would get into prank battles that were just loads of fun... I came in one day and found my Z19 terminal (yes, it was a while ago) covered in Post-It notes. Hundreds of Post-It notes. We switched each other's keyboard keys on a regular basis. We finally escalated to the point where we had to call a truce, or it was going to get ugly... he wrapped my terminal in rubber bands. *THOUSANDS* of rubber bands. I probably had 1/4" of solid rubber encasing the entire terminal. (He did think to turn it off so it wouldn't cook in there...) There was no way to peel them off, I had to *cut* them off. Which, of course, meant that went *SPROING* all over the freakin' place. :P

    So the next day he came in, turned on his Z19... and the screen was upside down. The cursor that would have been top left was in bottom right, and all the text was inverted.

    He was baffled.

    The rule was that you had to figure out how to undo whatever the other person did.

    He attempted, for a full day, to diagnose what I'd done. He checked his termcap files, his prefs, everything. He did all this by craning his neck so his head was almost upside down so he could read the text, while attempting to type on the keyboard that was attached to the monitor. I don't know how he didn't end up in incredible pain... oh, that's right, he did.

    Finally, at the end of the day, he gave up. He was *PISSED*, but gave up. He humbly asked me to fix it, gritting his teeth the entire time.

    I opened the terminal case, and rotated the CRT magnets back 180deg into the proper position.

    The look on his face was priceless.

    He never forgave me.

    Never mess with a physicist.
  • Reply 3 of 72
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    When i was a resident in a surgery, we used to share a house. One of the other resident was eating all the Chocolate yogurt from Danone (danette), and we where very angry about that.

    One day we decided to retaliate

    We open just a small part of the Danette, and we poured a drop of Ipeka. As usual he started to eat all the danette, and ten minutes later, he was ill. He went to the toilet quickly. I don't know if he ever understand what arrived this day

    Ah i forget, Ipeka is a substance who made you vomit.
  • Reply 4 of 72
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    I have never played a trick on anyone ever.
  • Reply 5 of 72
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Wow, Drew, that's a great story. I loved the baby powder. Quite the legendary coup.
  • Reply 6 of 72
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    A friend and I once covered the tile floored hallway of my high school with baby oil just as lunch was ending and the masses were filing out of the cafeteria. It was quite a site to watch all those people fall at once, dragging their friends down with them.
  • Reply 7 of 72
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by rageous

    A friend and I once covered the tile floored hallway of my high school with baby oil just as lunch was ending and the masses were filing out of the cafeteria. It was quite a site to watch all those people fall at once, dragging their friends down with them.

    Did you ever get caught?
  • Reply 8 of 72
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    No I did not. In fact, I pulled many pretty outrageous pranks in school and was never once caught. Better to be lucky than good...
  • Reply 9 of 72
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member
    When my ex was 13, he rode his motorcycle through the hallway of his junior high.

    He got expelled!
  • Reply 10 of 72
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    I was also the butt end of quite possibly the longest grudge prank I've ever heard of.

    When I was 8, and my brother was 5, I came to him one chilly spring morning, and said "I tell you what, if I break three eggs over your head, I'll give you $20." He was incredulous. $20 was a *huge* amount of money, and he knew, or thought he knew, that I didn't have it. So he was clever and had Mom and Dad verify the deal. I repeated what my offer was. Mom and Dad looked at each other, they *knew* I didn't have $20, but both decided to see how this was going to unfold, so they asked my brother "Are you okay with this?" "Yeah!" He had dollar signs in his eyes, I swear.

    So we go out in the driveway, him stripped down to his skivvies so he won't get his clothes dirty, me with three eggs in my hand.

    *SMASH* goes the first one. He's got eggshell and egg goo running down his grinning face, because he *knows* he's getting $20.

    *SMASH* goes the second one. The goo just drips off his head, but he's still grinning like mad.

    And I walk away with the third one.

    "Hey! Where are you going?!"

    "If I break this one, I have to give you $20."

    He stood there positively slackjawed, knowing he'd been had.

    See, I hadn't said I'd give him the $20 if he *agreed to let me* break the eggs, but only if I *BROKE* the eggs. I was very precise in my language.

    It became quite the family story.

    Ten years later, I'm graduating from high school. My folks generously buy me an old '72 BMW 2002 as a graduation present for going off to college. But, being the rather impish person my mother is, she decides I have to go on a scavenger hunt... all over town. I went to family, friends, all over the valley, and each person had another clue and a hint to what the final present was.

    Finally, I get to the last prize: a key, tied to a milk jug full of sand at the bottom of our neighbor's pool. I head inside, change into my swim trunks, and dive into the 60 deg pool. It's about 55 in the air, by the way, with a stiff wind. Ie, cold. I'm not thrilled with this part of the hunt, but it's the last stage, so I dive in, grab the jug, and start back up, when I look up and see my brother standing on the edge of the pool.

    Holding something in each hand, grinning from ear to ear.

    In his left, the *real* key.

    In his right... two eggs.
  • Reply 11 of 72
    Once I put a bomb in my friend's car and blew him up.
  • Reply 12 of 72
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    I was also the butt end of quite possibly the longest grudge prank I've ever heard of.

    Wow, Kickaha, that is a great story. Seriously. You could write it up for some kind of magazine and get it published. Some boys' magazine, maybe?

    Or, in my classroom, we used to get Scope Magazine, published by Scholastic, Inc. It's for grades 7-10, or maybe 7-12 (I can't remember). They might be a buyer.

    Go to the library and check Writer's Market 2004 for magazines that might publish such a story for you.

    Your tale has great structure. It's a wonderful story. In fact, would you mind if I use it as a reading assignment for my 135 seventh graders? If you'd rather not, I completely understand. Writers have to be REALLY careful about protecting their intellectual property.

    According to a video-production writing instructor I once had, you have a two-year copyright automatically. At least, that's what he told our class.

    And once you get it published in one magazine, Reader's Digest might buy it too. And then maybe textbook publishers! If you were to read some of the lackluster, tedious stories that get published in current Reading textbooks, you'd know how delighted teachers and students would be to encounter your tale! ( See.....the perpetual optimist )

    Thanks a lot for sharing. It was fun to read.

    PS Your brother sounds pretty cool. hehehe. Are you two good friends now, I hope?
  • Reply 13 of 72
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    In his right... two eggs.

    that was a really good story.


    i haven't done anything too big (well, nothing i can admit to without legal troubles). so here's a relatively benign story.

    back in high school, well the bus rides to and from h.s., i would make a regular habit of hiding people's items (bookbags, hats, notebooks, ..). i thought it was hilarious, but of course, everyone else thought i was an asshole. i would always flatly deny possessing any of the objects i did have, and quite convincingly because they'd always search everyone else and not me. but one day, after a few rounds of the rigamarole, this kid pisses me off. i was called up to the front of the bus by the driver, for being a wiseass or whatever. while he's yelling at me, i'm staring back at my stuff (knowing that there would be retaliation thieveries). so finally i say to the driver "i can't talk right now, [person's name] is taking my stuff." driver says "[person's name] come up to the front of the bus." i go back, and check to see what's missing. nothing immediately obvious, but he had opened and gone through my bag. being annoyed, i decide to take his hat (which he had conveniently left at his seat). thiis grift being old hat to me, i could execute it covertly without the others noticing. a simple matter of visual distraction and diversion, and the hat is quickly mine. so, he returns, pissed off that i had told the bus driver basically to call him forward, and now pissed that his hat is missing, and i was the prime suspect. but no one can find it. "i don't have it. did anyone see me take it?" a third person chimes in with, "no. he's been sitting there. i was watching your stuff." this third wasn't even a confederate, and was genuinely attempting to watch [person's name]'s items. apparently not very well, since i had actually gotten the hat, but [person's name] trusted his friend and was now searching for the hat. several others confirmed number 3's account, that no one had touched [person's name]'s hat. by the time i got to my stop, i had forgotten about it, and noticed only when i got home. i didn't think it would work to bring it back the next day (without giving up my cover), and to this day he hasn't gotten his hat back.

    he did make up for it though, but without the covertness i had. he just walked up to me, irately, and snatched my hat from my head. well i didn't have his anymore (had lost it after some time passed), so he refused to return mine. we were both pretty annoyed at each other. after a few more back and forth scuffles, we dropped the whole thing. we're cool now.
  • Reply 14 of 72
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by Ganondorf

    Once I put a bomb in my friend's car and blew him up.

    if only that were funny...
  • Reply 15 of 72
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    I have a few.

    About two years ago I was hanging around with a few buddies of mine and we were bored so we decided to go downtown and throw rice at Japanese cars. So we went to the store and bought about 20 pounds of rice and went and started throwing handfuls of it at passing cars, parked cars, people...anything we could find. So we saw a convertible with the top down, and it was none other than a Japanese car! So we proceeded to dump somewhere in the area of 12 pounds of rice into this car. As we were doing this the owner of the car came out of the store she was in and started yelling at us. She hopped in her rice filled car and followed us and called the police at the same time. So we got pulled over and the lady was screaming like we had just destroyed her car, not just put rice in it. And the cop asked us for our side of the story and we told him the truth. He stood stone faced through the whole thing and than at the end of the story burst out laughing. He was laughing so hard he was crying. He said the lady wanted us arrested, wanted to press charges...the works. He said that he should have arrested us, but wasn't going to because it was one of the funniest things he had ever seen.

    Another one...I worked at a bakery in town with a friend of mine, we were both seniors in high school at the time and so we decided to pull a senior prank (the pranks at my school had all sucked in previous years, and the school was only about 7 years old, we had to start a tradition.) We asked our boss to order extra flower for us and we would pay him for it, so we got 50 bags of flour (50 pounds each) and loaded them into the back of his truck. Than in the middle of the night, we drove around the parking lot of our school and covered the entire thing in flower. The whole school was talking about it for weeks, but the administration never found out who did it. 8)
  • Reply 16 of 72

    Originally posted by PS5533

    if only that were funny...

    I laughed.
  • Reply 17 of 72
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Me? Prank? Never.


    I opened the terminal case, and rotated the CRT magnets back 180deg into the proper position.

    The look on his face was priceless.

    He never forgave me.

    Never mess with a physicist.

    Kickaha - did he 'really' never forgive you? I mean, seriously?

    I think you should have gotten a video of him viewing things that were upside down. And for a whole day. Wow.

    Really, your prank was amazingly ingenious. His being a physicist made it all the worse that he didn't figure it out. No wonder he was unforgiving. hehe.
  • Reply 18 of 72
    imagine a hallway in an apartment building where doors are facing each-other, on opposite sides, we used to tie a string to the handles on both doors, then ring two bells at once. U can imagine the reactions of those poor bastards trying to open their doors....

    Or, ...but i have to worn you, this is a bit gross, but hey that was long time ago in Europe, when kids used to run around unwatched always getting into some kind of troubles...

    One of our neighbors was a total a$$hole, he used to scream at us to keep quiet, don't climb the trees, play ball somewhere else, etc...

    One day my friend pooped in a paper bag, then he placed it on that guy's doormat and set it on fire. We rang a bell, and hide. Guess what most people do when they see something burning on the ground.... yes they repeatedly step on it trying to extinguish it.

    How about this, my russian language teacher (good how much i hated that class...) in HS was driving one of these:

    8 people could carry it without any probs, so we would always take it and carry it to a middle of a soccer field, or across the street, or just move it sideways in between trees. :-)
  • Reply 19 of 72
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member
    Hi Piwozniak - I liked the string prank. haha. And I know people who've done the burning sack thing. But my favorite was the car story. Was it the teacher you hated, or the subject?

    (I took four years of Russian at university - it was my minor. Never learned conversational Russian, though. Maybe someday.)
  • Reply 20 of 72
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by piwozniak

    8 people could carry it without any probs, so we would always take it and carry it to a middle of a soccer field, or across the street, or just move it sideways in between trees. :-)

    That made my night. Great story. I would have loved to see this. Did your teacher ever figure out who did it?
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