Have you ever played a prank or trick on anyone?



  • Reply 61 of 72
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Bored geeks are the most dangerous species on the planet.

    No WAY could you possibly be a geek!
  • Reply 62 of 72
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    I moderate a Mac forum! How much geekier do you want!?

    How about:

    BS Mathematics

    BS Physics

    MS CompSci

    ^------ geek trilogy

    Working on PhD CompSci no less.

    How about the 16 longboxes of comics I laughingly call 'my little stash'?

    The Aliens and Transformers toys on my office bookshelf?

    Dear god woman! What more proof do you need?
  • Reply 63 of 72
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    Speaking of bored geeks and computer pranks... this little applescript looks like a gem. It was just posted at MacOSXHints.


    tell application "System Events"

    set ap to 109

    set desk to 103

    set win to 101

    repeat with a in ¬

    {ap, desk, win, win, desk, ap, desk, ap, ap, ¬

    ap, desk, win, ap, desk, desk, win, ap, desk, desk}

    key code a

    end repeat

    end tell

    Now, how can we get this onto thegelding's computer?
  • Reply 64 of 72
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    More proof: I knew what that did by glancing at it.


    Cool. I like.
  • Reply 65 of 72
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    I moderate a Mac forum! How much geekier do you want!?

    How about:

    BS Mathematics

    BS Physics

    MS CompSci

    ^------ geek trilogy

    Working on PhD CompSci no less.

    How about the 16 longboxes of comics I laughingly call 'my little stash'?

    The Aliens and Transformers toys on my office bookshelf?

    Dear god woman! What more proof do you need?

    Well, I actually forgot you were a moderator. (Hmmm) How I managed to do that, I have no idea.

    And I used to save all my comics too. Had closets full. ('Course I was a kid. ) Then my mom threw them all away when we moved. OMG!

    Geeks don't normally have long hair, do they? I'm afraid I don't actually know any geeks. My ex was an electrical engineer. But no WAY was he a geek. More like a Greek god. However, now that I think of it, he had a friend who would have to be considered a classic geek - but one with absolutely NO redeeming qualities whatsoever. Shiver.

    Eg: he would sit on the first row at college basketball games, and when the pom girls jumped in the air, he would take pictures. I leave it to your imagination to determine what 'kind' of pictures. Then he would blow the pictures up into posters and sell them to guys at the dorms. I thought that was truly sick and disgusting. I hated him for that. He made my flesh crawl.

    No one on this board could possibly be like that guy. Eeeech!

    Wow. Lotsa degrees. Do you plan to teach at university level or go into the 'real' world? None of my business, I know, but anyway.....just wondering. Companies will be beating a path to your door eventually, I would imagine. Yes? Think of the wine rack you'll be able to have then. hehe.
  • Reply 66 of 72
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Well, I actually forgot you were a moderator. (Hmmm) How I managed to do that, I have no idea.

    Because no one posts in MacOS X anymore?


    And I used to save all my comics too. Had closets full. ('Course I was a kid. ) Then my mom threw them all away when we moved. OMG!

    Geeks don't normally have long hair, do they? I'm afraid I don't actually know any geeks.

    (looks left)

    (looks right)

    Um, I think you're surrounded by them.


    My ex was an electrical engineer. But no WAY was he a geek. More like a Greek god. However, now that I think of it, he had a friend who would have to be considered a classic geek - but one with absolutely NO redeeming qualities whatsoever. Shiver.

    Eg: he would sit on the first row at college basketball games, and when the pom girls jumped in the air, he would take pictures. I leave it to your imagination to determine what 'kind' of pictures. Then he would blow the pictures up into posters and sell them to guys at the dorms. I thought that was truly sick and disgusting. I hated him for that. He made my flesh crawl.

    Naw, that's a nerd. Geeks have social skills.


    No one on this board could possibly be like that guy. Eeeech!

    Sez you.


    Wow. Lotsa degrees. Do you plan to teach at university level or go into the 'real' world? None of my business, I know, but anyway.....just wondering. Companies will be beating a path to your door eventually, I would imagine. Yes? Think of the wine rack you'll be able to have then. hehe.

    Whoohoo! No idea post-graduation, probably university. I love teaching, and seem to have a knack for it.

    ObGetARoom: Oh, nevermind.
  • Reply 67 of 72
    Pranks? Well... I never was one for devising or pulling them off, but my sister had a pretty good one once. For her senior prank, she decided that her weapon of choice would be Wonder Bread. She found out that it sticks if you squish it onto a window. During the night, she and her friends went around their school and Wonder Breaded all the windows.

    Another prank that I have seen is putting dish soap in fountains. We have a fountain on campus that people do this to anually. The suds are incredible! They completely overflow from the fountain and cascade into the nearby parking lots.

    Ah devious behavior


    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    ... windows messaging system so you could, by going into the MSDOS prompt, send messages to a single or all the computers at once ...

    Great pranks everyone! This is a rather off topic question, but is there anything like this MSDOS messaging system on Macs? I've been dying to do something like that to my friends.
  • Reply 68 of 72
    i must have been about twelve or so.....my neighbor and i were playing on this hill in front of our house, it had cliffs and rocks, ect. we had a tube of vampire blood and we decided to give my mom a scare. i took the tube and poured it onto my forehead so it looked like blood was coming from above my hairline. i came running down the hill when i saw my mom come outside. she looked at me and freaked! she went into a panic and ran inside to call 911. i realized how serious she was so i tried to make her realize it was a joke, but my calls seemed to make her panic more. as she was fumbling with the phone - pleading to god - not even being able to hold it, i had to shout out 'i'm joking' several times before she finally came out of her hysteria. was she mad when she realized she had been tricked!

    i had to make evasive manuvers in order to keep from being hit.
  • Reply 69 of 72

    Originally posted by bauman

    Speaking of bored geeks and computer pranks... this little applescript looks like a gem. It was just posted at MacOSXHints.


    tell application "System Events"

    set ap to 109

    set desk to 103

    set win to 101

    repeat with a in ¬

    {ap, desk, win, win, desk, ap, desk, ap, ap, ¬

    ap, desk, win, ap, desk, desk, win, ap, desk, desk}

    key code a

    end repeat

    end tell

    Now, how can we get this onto thegelding's computer?

    im sorry, but what does this do?
  • Reply 70 of 72
    amoryaamorya Posts: 1,103member

    Originally posted by ThunderPoit

    im sorry, but what does this do?


    Many times.
  • Reply 71 of 72
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    These are some gems!

    Did anybody have the nerve to ask Ganondorf if his friend lived?
  • Reply 72 of 72
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    You can try this one:

    Wait till your phone rings, pick it up, before the person at the other end says anything, go "Sorry, wrong number".

    I've gotten the "expected" result more than once: the other person's reflexes kick in, he forgets that he was the one who dialed the number, says "oh, alright" and disconnects. It doesn't work on friends, because they recognize your voice too well.

    Then, there was this time I picked an unknown person's phone number from the phonebook (he had a very common name, equivalent to Joe Smith), called him up and posing as an official, convinced him that the state was going to change his name overnight since there was a new EU directive that too many people cannot have the same name. His name was going to change everywhere automatically, tax records, post office, etc.

    The guy was totally furious because he didn't feel like the state has a right to do this. And he didn't like the new name that was "automatically generated" by the state computer to replace his old one...

    So we discussed this for about half an hour. A couple times I "switched the call to my supervisor" (produced a beeping sound on the line and gave the phone to a friend).

    In the very end, the guy was still thinking this was for real, even though we tried hard to make the whole story even more fantastic by adding stupid details. In the end, my friend told the guy "This must be a joke! We've dealt with hundreds of these name changes on this week already, and haven't gotten a single complaint." From there, the exchange went like this:

    "No, this isn't a joke". (the mark)

    "It has to be a joke." (my friend)

    "No goddamnit, this isn't a joke."

    "Course it is."

    "Listen to me, this is no **** joke!"

    "Yes it is, this is a prank call." (at this point, we slam the phone down and laugh our asses off)

    This was when I was about 16, the guy at the other end sounded about 30yr old. I still don't know how he fell for it.
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