depends on the chick. like, on this side of the pond, most chicks have encountered mostly (or solely) cut penii. so i imagine when they do encounter a natural, they are surprised/confused, possibly disgusted, and less willing.
This might also explain why Pig-in-a-Blankets never really caught on.
Carol A. So far there has been no change in sensitivity. The operation was carried out under a general anesthetic in an NHS hospital. I could not work for 1 week and for about 1 month was walking like John Wayne!! I still get twinges of discomfort a couple of months down the line, but it's fine.
I would never advocate this operation, UNLESS[U], for medical reasons. Like religion, I believe children have the right to decide when they're old enough on such decisions and that parents force on this matter is pure selfishness and is mutilation.
btw: the name crustibooga came about when every combination of my name had been used for an IM account I was setting up, so I just thought of the most rediculous, easy to remember name that no one else could possibly have thought of.
Howard Stern, a coupla years ago, had a guy on who had the operation and said that his sex life sucked afterwards. He sounded pretty depressed.
Before my son was born, I read an article on lab mice. (That's nice; what of it?) Half of the lab mice had had their WHISKERS surgically removed down to the nerve endings. The other half did not. As seems to happen to many lab mice, the mice were killed and their brains examined. There were differences in the brains of the 'circumcised' mice vs. the uncircumcised mice. Now extrapolate that experiment to human men. Shouldn't need to kill anyone, either, just use ultrasound....
Howard Stern, a coupla years ago, had a guy on who had the operation and said that his sex life sucked afterwards. He sounded pretty depressed.
Before my son was born, I read an article on lab mice. (That's nice; what of it?) Half of the lab mice had had their WHISKERS surgically removed down to the nerve endings. The other half did not. As seems to happen to many lab mice, the mice were killed and their brains examined. There were differences in the brains of the 'circumcised' mice vs. the uncircumcised mice. Now extrapolate that experiment to human men. Shouldn't need to kill anyone, either, just use ultrasound....
Aries 1B
Well, a mouse's whiskers function as a major sensory device in dark wall crevices, etc. Losing his whiskers would leave him feeling disoriented, uncertain, bumping into things in the dark with his little pink nose. He would start to get freaked out about moving around in his glass lab enclosure in the dark, constantly running into glass walls and painful metal exercise wheels. I'm sure his stress level would be sky high. Don't know how that would translate into brain differences. He would lose his sense of well-being and security in life, and would suffers mouse terrors. It would be like one of us going blind suddenly.
I think a mouse whose whiskers were removed at birth wouldn't suffer in this way. He would never know what it was like to have whiskers, and would consequently develop other sensory mechanisms to get through life. He would be perfectly happy in his ignorance of his loss. Would you agree?
Well, a [ . . . ] function[s] as a major sensory device in dark wall crevices, etc. Losing his [ . . . ] would leave him feeling disoriented, uncertain, bumping into things in the dark with his little [purple] nose. He would start to get freaked out about moving around in [ . . . ] in the dark, [ . . . ]
I'm sure his stress level would be sky high. [ . . . ] He would lose his sense of well-being and security in life, and would suffer [ . . . ] terrors.
[ . . . ]
He would be perfectly happy in his ignorance of his loss. Would you agree?
Well, when I read between the lines in the editted version above, I wonder if you are maybe describing people you have known . . . that is, with regards to this thread topic and your professed inexperience with the uncut others amongst us.
I think one of the articles cited above mentioned the HIV rate in Africa: that those African males who were circumcised showed lower incidence of HIV infection. It makes sense. The foreskin provides the perfect place for harboring STD's - a dark, moist, snug place - in an area of the world where modern conveniences like showers might not be readily available to many.
Just think if circumcision could have cut the AIDS rate in half in Africa. A loss of some sensitivity would be a small price to pay to save one's own life and prevent an agonizing death of untold misery and suffering.
Not that I'm advocating circumcision. It's not my place to do so. But I think it might be a good idea in the third world if it could help wrt HIV infection.
Well, when I read between the lines in the editted version above, I wonder if you are maybe describing people you have known . . . that is, with regards to this thread topic and your professed inexperience with the uncut others amongst us.
Hey pfflam! You can't edit my post that way and turn it into something I didn't say!!!
I liked my mouse with his little pink nose. I was speaking about a MOUSE!!!.....not anything else!!!!!
Skin is able to stretch. It involves tiny amounts of tension over a long period of time. There are a bunch of web sites about this. Basically circumcision leads to desensitization, dry skin, and sometimes getting off too quickly because of the direct stimulation. It also cuts off a whole bunch of nerve endings that also allegedly make sex more pleasurable.
So, do you think you might do this then?
Might be easier to try that Manhood thing. You could always do restoration later, if the 'hood' didn't work to your satisfaction.
Might be easier to try that Manhood thing. You could always do restoration later, if the 'hood' didn't work to your satisfaction.
If I do decide to do anything it will not be halfassed. I don't have time to collect the necessary materials and build the aparatus now so no decision will be made in the next month or two. I'm also going to do more research before I attempt anything. The notion of regaining most of the functionality that my parents robbed me of is enticing though.
as a jewish ex once said when I told her that some women didn't like uncut
"they don't know what they're missing"
To answer your question the skin glides over the 'Glans' and retracts to reveal its purple-majesty that happens to also be extremely sensitive and prone to exstatic pleasure due to its usual seclusion . . .
With that said
I am neutral though that is simply because I have experience teasing as a young boy since I moved here from Europe, and my mother, growing up under Nazi's in France, wanted us untouched
so I know that there can be some social stigma attached to difference
About the social stigma: I read recently about an American teenager who wasn't circumcised at birth because of other medical issues. Now in high school, he wants to get circumcised because he feels weird in the locker room, and feels that (American) girls are put off by the difference in his appearance compared to what they are used to. If he were in his twenties, he might not be feeling so insecure. It's tough being a teenager and dealing with such a decision.
I think it's all what people are used to seeing. In my opinion, the circumcised penis IS more 'attractive-looking'; but that's because I'm not used to the natural look. If 90% of the world is 'natural', then it's just something one must get used to, and sooner rather than later.
After reading the information here, I don't think anyone should get circumcised for aesthetic reasons. Though, for those who are, that Manhood thing might really be helpful. I don't think they should make it in white, however. They should manufacture it in flesh tones. White looks silly.
Well, a mouse's whiskers function as a major sensory device in dark wall crevices, etc. Losing his whiskers would leave him feeling disoriented, uncertain, bumping into things in the dark with his little pink nose. He would start to get freaked out about moving around in his glass lab enclosure in the dark, constantly running into glass walls and painful metal exercise wheels. I'm sure his stress level would be sky high. Don't know how that would translate into brain differences. He would lose his sense of well-being and security in life, and would suffers mouse terrors. It would be like one of us going blind suddenly.
I think a mouse whose whiskers were removed at birth wouldn't suffer in this way. He would never know what it was like to have whiskers, and would consequently develop other sensory mechanisms to get through life. He would be perfectly happy in his ignorance of his loss. Would you agree?
Of course, I threw the article out (I think) during my last Great Clean My Home Office Spasm.
I *think* that the brain difference was that the brain convolutions in the uncircumcised mice were more 'organized' than in the circumcised ones?
Been at least four years. I'm breathing like damned racehorse trying to keep up with the guys in the "Dr. Kay Testimony"Thread that I started!
If I do decide to do anything it will not be halfassed. I don't have time to collect the necessary materials and build the aparatus now so no decision will be made in the next month or two. I'm also going to do more research before I attempt anything. The notion of regaining most of the functionality that my parents robbed me of is enticing though.
My birthmother wasn't omnipotent or anything, probably just went along with Medical Advice.
BR, I get the image of Whirring Gears, Clanking Metal, Silver Springs, and various and horrible Penaldontic Apparatus.
BR, I get the image of Whirring Gears, Clanking Metal, Silver Springs, and various and horrible Penaldontic Apparatus.
Aries 1B
Have you seen the torture scene in 'Princess Bride' recently?
Btw, thanks for your nice compliment in that other thread.
I tell my students that if they cheat, I will throw their papers in the trash, and put a '10' in my gradebook instead of a '5', which would be the equivalent of two "F's". I tell them, it would be better to get an honest 'F', than risk getting a double 'F', AND losing their teacher's trust for the rest of the school year!
But I watch them like a hawk during tests and quizzes anyway. Humanity is ever frail - especially at the age of 12-13.
I went to the Dr. Dean Edell site Aries mentioned.
Saw the 'uncircumcised' photos. Umm....YIKES! Freaked me out a bit, I'm afraid. It's all in what you're used to, I guess.
Also found this at his site, about African female genital mutilation:
"Infibulation/pharonic [mutilation] is where the clitoris is totally removed as well as the labia minora and the inner layers of the labia majora. The raw edges are then sewn together with a small piece of wood or straw inserted to prevent complete occlusion. There is barely enough room for urine or blood flow and in fact many women do not have menses that flow outward but the blood backs up into the internal pelvis area.
the procedures are crude and done in ways that have nothing to do with hygiene issues but to prevent the female from ever experiencing sexual pleasure of any kind. It is done to punish the female and to control her."
I read an article by a woman (a gorgeous model) in London who was mutilated when she was 12 in Africa. Her clitoris was completely gouged out with a sharpened stone by an old hag from the village. Then her labia were sewn shut, and kept shut until the male who owned her wanted sex. The threads keeping her shut were removed 'before' and replaced 'after' sex, so that at no time was she readily available to another, unentitled male.
The gouging out of her clitoris was done with no cleansing before or after, and with no anaesthetic.
"Infibulation/pharonic [mutilation] is where the clitoris is totally removed as well as the labia minora and the inner layers of the labia majora. The raw edges are then sewn together with a small piece of wood or straw inserted to prevent complete occlusion. There is barely enough room for urine or blood flow and in fact many women do not have menses that flow outward but the blood backs up into the internal pelvis area.
the procedures are crude and done in ways that have nothing to do with hygiene issues but to prevent the female from ever experiencing sexual pleasure of any kind. It is done to punish the female and to control her."
I read an article by a woman (a gorgeous model) in London who was mutilated when she was 12 in Africa. Her clitoris was completely gouged out with a sharpened stone by an old hag from the village. Then her labia were sewn shut, and kept shut until the male who owned her wanted sex. The threads keeping her shut were removed 'before' and replaced 'after' sex, so that at no time was she readily available to another, unentitled male.
The gouging out of her clitoris was done with no cleansing before or after, and with no anaesthetic.
I am not american but I study in the U.S. Someone once asked me about it and i was like "wtf? I am not jewish." Then they explained to me that many people here are. So weird.
Anyway, I just wanted to point something out. If you don't clean yourself properly does not mean that you are certainly going to get your penis infected. Sometimes when it's too cold I just don't wash it for a some time and although it ends up stinking really badly I haven't had any infections.
Then again I don't have anyone to please so I don't need to care that much to be clean.
Also, how the **** do you masturbate without foreskin? Do you rub the thing with your hand? (OH THE PAIN).
And the thought of having the thing out all the time is disgusting. It just doesn't look normal. It's silly, like someone with its tongue out permanently.
Originally posted by thuh Freak
depends on the chick. like, on this side of the pond, most chicks have encountered mostly (or solely) cut penii. so i imagine when they do encounter a natural, they are surprised/confused, possibly disgusted, and less willing.
This might also explain why Pig-in-a-Blankets never really caught on.
Originally posted by Crustibooga
Carol A. So far there has been no change in sensitivity. The operation was carried out under a general anesthetic in an NHS hospital. I could not work for 1 week and for about 1 month was walking like John Wayne!!
I would never advocate this operation, UNLESS[U], for medical reasons. Like religion, I believe children have the right to decide when they're old enough on such decisions and that parents force on this matter is pure selfishness and is mutilation.
btw: the name crustibooga came about when every combination of my name had been used for an IM account I was setting up, so I just thought of the most rediculous, easy to remember name that no one else could possibly have thought of.
Howard Stern, a coupla years ago, had a guy on who had the operation and said that his sex life sucked afterwards. He sounded pretty depressed.
Before my son was born, I read an article on lab mice. (That's nice; what of it?) Half of the lab mice had had their WHISKERS surgically removed down to the nerve endings. The other half did not. As seems to happen to many lab mice, the mice were killed and their brains examined. There were differences in the brains of the 'circumcised' mice vs. the uncircumcised mice. Now extrapolate that experiment to human men. Shouldn't need to kill anyone, either, just use ultrasound....
Aries 1B
Originally posted by Aries 1B
Howard Stern, a coupla years ago, had a guy on who had the operation and said that his sex life sucked afterwards. He sounded pretty depressed.
Before my son was born, I read an article on lab mice. (That's nice; what of it?) Half of the lab mice had had their WHISKERS surgically removed down to the nerve endings. The other half did not. As seems to happen to many lab mice, the mice were killed and their brains examined. There were differences in the brains of the 'circumcised' mice vs. the uncircumcised mice. Now extrapolate that experiment to human men. Shouldn't need to kill anyone, either, just use ultrasound....
Aries 1B
Well, a mouse's whiskers function as a major sensory device in dark wall crevices, etc. Losing his whiskers would leave him feeling disoriented, uncertain, bumping into things in the dark with his little pink nose. He would start to get freaked out about moving around in his glass lab enclosure in the dark, constantly running into glass walls and painful metal exercise wheels. I'm sure his stress level would be sky high. Don't know how that would translate into brain differences. He would lose his sense of well-being and security in life, and would suffers mouse terrors. It would be like one of us going blind suddenly.
I think a mouse whose whiskers were removed at birth wouldn't suffer in this way. He would never know what it was like to have whiskers, and would consequently develop other sensory mechanisms to get through life. He would be perfectly happy in his ignorance of his loss. Would you agree?
Originally posted by Carol A
Well, a [ . . . ] function[s] as a major sensory device in dark wall crevices, etc. Losing his [ . . . ] would leave him feeling disoriented, uncertain, bumping into things in the dark with his little [purple] nose. He would start to get freaked out about moving around in [ . . . ] in the dark, [ . . . ]
I'm sure his stress level would be sky high. [ . . . ] He would lose his sense of well-being and security in life, and would suffer [ . . . ] terrors.
[ . . . ]
He would be perfectly happy in his ignorance of his loss. Would you agree?
Well, when I read between the lines in the editted version above, I wonder if you are maybe describing people you have known . . . that is, with regards to this thread topic and your professed inexperience with the uncut others amongst us.
Just think if circumcision could have cut the AIDS rate in half in Africa. A loss of some sensitivity would be a small price to pay to save one's own life and prevent an agonizing death of untold misery and suffering.
Not that I'm advocating circumcision. It's not my place to do so. But I think it might be a good idea in the third world if it could help wrt HIV infection.
Originally posted by pfflam
Well, when I read between the lines in the editted version above, I wonder if you are maybe describing people you have known . . . that is, with regards to this thread topic and your professed inexperience with the uncut others amongst us.
I liked my mouse with his little pink nose. I was speaking about a MOUSE!!!.....not anything else!!!!!
Originally posted by 709
This might also explain why Pig-in-a-Blankets never really caught on.
Originally posted by BR
Skin is able to stretch. It involves tiny amounts of tension over a long period of time. There are a bunch of web sites about this. Basically circumcision leads to desensitization, dry skin, and sometimes getting off too quickly because of the direct stimulation. It also cuts off a whole bunch of nerve endings that also allegedly make sex more pleasurable.
So, do you think you might do this then?
Might be easier to try that Manhood thing. You could always do restoration later, if the 'hood' didn't work to your satisfaction.
Originally posted by Carol A
So, do you think you might do this then?
Might be easier to try that Manhood thing. You could always do restoration later, if the 'hood' didn't work to your satisfaction.
If I do decide to do anything it will not be halfassed. I don't have time to collect the necessary materials and build the aparatus now so no decision will be made in the next month or two. I'm also going to do more research before I attempt anything. The notion of regaining most of the functionality that my parents robbed me of is enticing though.
Originally posted by BR
...I don't have time to collect the necessary materials and build the aparatus now...
"Collect the materials?"..."Build the Aparatus?"
What in the holy hell are you planning to make? Some sort of reverse trebuchet?
Originally posted by pfflam
as a jewish ex once said when I told her that some women didn't like uncut
"they don't know what they're missing"
To answer your question the skin glides over the 'Glans' and retracts to reveal its purple-majesty that happens to also be extremely sensitive and prone to exstatic pleasure due to its usual seclusion . . .
With that said
I am neutral though that is simply because I have experience teasing as a young boy since I moved here from Europe, and my mother, growing up under Nazi's in France, wanted us untouched
so I know that there can be some social stigma attached to difference
About the social stigma: I read recently about an American teenager who wasn't circumcised at birth because of other medical issues. Now in high school, he wants to get circumcised because he feels weird in the locker room, and feels that (American) girls are put off by the difference in his appearance compared to what they are used to. If he were in his twenties, he might not be feeling so insecure. It's tough being a teenager and dealing with such a decision.
I think it's all what people are used to seeing. In my opinion, the circumcised penis IS more 'attractive-looking'; but that's because I'm not used to the natural look. If 90% of the world is 'natural', then it's just something one must get used to, and sooner rather than later.
After reading the information here, I don't think anyone should get circumcised for aesthetic reasons. Though, for those who are, that Manhood thing might really be helpful. I don't think they should make it in white, however. They should manufacture it in flesh tones. White looks silly.
Originally posted by 709
"Collect the materials?"..."Build the Aparatus?"
What in the holy hell are you planning to make? Some sort of reverse trebuchet?
The penile version of the rack. Sort of. Not really. Google nonsurgical foreskin restoration and you'll see.
Originally posted by murbot
My best friend just had to have his 4 year old circumcised too. Nasty.
Because of infections?
Originally posted by Carol A
Well, a mouse's whiskers function as a major sensory device in dark wall crevices, etc. Losing his whiskers would leave him feeling disoriented, uncertain, bumping into things in the dark with his little pink nose. He would start to get freaked out about moving around in his glass lab enclosure in the dark, constantly running into glass walls and painful metal exercise wheels. I'm sure his stress level would be sky high. Don't know how that would translate into brain differences. He would lose his sense of well-being and security in life, and would suffers mouse terrors. It would be like one of us going blind suddenly.
I think a mouse whose whiskers were removed at birth wouldn't suffer in this way. He would never know what it was like to have whiskers, and would consequently develop other sensory mechanisms to get through life. He would be perfectly happy in his ignorance of his loss. Would you agree?
Of course, I threw the article out (I think) during my last Great Clean My Home Office Spasm.
I *think* that the brain difference was that the brain convolutions in the uncircumcised mice were more 'organized' than in the circumcised ones?
Been at least four years. I'm breathing like damned racehorse trying to keep up with the guys in the "Dr. Kay Testimony"Thread that I started!
Aries 1B
Originally posted by BR
If I do decide to do anything it will not be halfassed. I don't have time to collect the necessary materials and build the aparatus now so no decision will be made in the next month or two. I'm also going to do more research before I attempt anything. The notion of regaining most of the functionality that my parents robbed me of is enticing though.
My birthmother wasn't omnipotent or anything, probably just went along with Medical Advice.
BR, I get the image of Whirring Gears, Clanking Metal, Silver Springs, and various and horrible Penaldontic Apparatus.
Nothing wrong with your courage!
Aries 1B
Originally posted by Aries 1B
BR, I get the image of Whirring Gears, Clanking Metal, Silver Springs, and various and horrible Penaldontic Apparatus.
Aries 1B
Have you seen the torture scene in 'Princess Bride' recently?
Btw, thanks for your nice compliment in that other thread.
I tell my students that if they cheat, I will throw their papers in the trash, and put a '10' in my gradebook instead of a '5', which would be the equivalent of two "F's". I tell them, it would be better to get an honest 'F', than risk getting a double 'F', AND losing their teacher's trust for the rest of the school year!
But I watch them like a hawk during tests and quizzes anyway. Humanity is ever frail - especially at the age of 12-13.
Originally posted by Carol A
Have you seen the torture scene in 'Princess Bride' recently?
Btw, thanks for your nice compliment in that other thread.
I think that my 'Blockbuster' Must See List got reduced.
The kids looked at me seriously when I read them your post. We'll see.
Aries 1B
Saw the 'uncircumcised' photos. Umm....YIKES! Freaked me out a bit, I'm afraid. It's all in what you're used to, I guess.
Also found this at his site, about African female genital mutilation:
"Infibulation/pharonic [mutilation] is where the clitoris is totally removed as well as the labia minora and the inner layers of the labia majora. The raw edges are then sewn together with a small piece of wood or straw inserted to prevent complete occlusion. There is barely enough room for urine or blood flow and in fact many women do not have menses that flow outward but the blood backs up into the internal pelvis area.
the procedures are crude and done in ways that have nothing to do with hygiene issues but to prevent the female from ever experiencing sexual pleasure of any kind. It is done to punish the female and to control her."
I read an article by a woman (a gorgeous model) in London who was mutilated when she was 12 in Africa. Her clitoris was completely gouged out with a sharpened stone by an old hag from the village. Then her labia were sewn shut, and kept shut until the male who owned her wanted sex. The threads keeping her shut were removed 'before' and replaced 'after' sex, so that at no time was she readily available to another, unentitled male.
The gouging out of her clitoris was done with no cleansing before or after, and with no anaesthetic.
Originally posted by Carol A
"Infibulation/pharonic [mutilation] is where the clitoris is totally removed as well as the labia minora and the inner layers of the labia majora. The raw edges are then sewn together with a small piece of wood or straw inserted to prevent complete occlusion. There is barely enough room for urine or blood flow and in fact many women do not have menses that flow outward but the blood backs up into the internal pelvis area.
the procedures are crude and done in ways that have nothing to do with hygiene issues but to prevent the female from ever experiencing sexual pleasure of any kind. It is done to punish the female and to control her."
I read an article by a woman (a gorgeous model) in London who was mutilated when she was 12 in Africa. Her clitoris was completely gouged out with a sharpened stone by an old hag from the village. Then her labia were sewn shut, and kept shut until the male who owned her wanted sex. The threads keeping her shut were removed 'before' and replaced 'after' sex, so that at no time was she readily available to another, unentitled male.
The gouging out of her clitoris was done with no cleansing before or after, and with no anaesthetic.
Now, that is ****en barbaric
Anyway, I just wanted to point something out. If you don't clean yourself properly does not mean that you are certainly going to get your penis infected. Sometimes when it's too cold I just don't wash it for a some time and although it ends up stinking really badly I haven't had any infections.
Then again I don't have anyone to please so I don't need to care that much to be clean.
Also, how the **** do you masturbate without foreskin? Do you rub the thing with your hand? (OH THE PAIN).
And the thought of having the thing out all the time is disgusting. It just doesn't look normal. It's silly, like someone with its tongue out permanently.